
At 鶹madou, we recognise ouremergingresearchers with awards and prizes. We also provide postgraduate researchers with the opportunity to apply for a wide range of prestigious scholarships.

Scholarship opportunities

Scholarships range from annual stipends, living allowances and tuition fee costs, to travel scholarships and supplements. They support current and new postgraduate research candidates at 鶹madou.

If you are interested in applying for a postgraduate scholarship, please visit the鶹madou.


Top-ranked holders of RTP(Research Training Program)and UIPA(University International Postgraduate Award),including both University Domestic and International Postgraduate Awards,willbe awarded the鶹madou Arts, Design & Architecturetop-up scholarship of $5,000 per annum for three years.

Students do not need to apply for the top-up scholarships and recipients will be notified by thefaculty after receiving notification of an RTP or UIPA award. Recipients of the top-up scholarships are required to maintain satisfactory progress throughout the duration of their research program.

*Please note that top-up scholarships are for three years only and will not be extended even if the RTP or UIPA is extended.

*Recipients of a University Research Excellence Award are not eligible for a 鶹madou ADA top-up scholarship.

  • Thefacultyrecogniseshigh-quality research outputs from ourpostgraduate research candidates, includingpublications inscopusindexed journals and non-traditionalresearch outputs ofhigh merit.

    • Bani Aadam - Listening in Mental Health Clinical Practice
    • Chibuikem Michael Adilieme - Client influence in property valuation: a scoping literature review
    • Abood Alamoudi - The Impact of Stakeholders’ Management Measures on Citizens’ Participation Level in Implementing Smart Sustainable Cities
    • Sima Alizadeh - 鶹madou Indoor Environmental Quality and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Ayusha Bajracharya - Reframing Gendered Disaster: Lessons from Nepal's Indigenous women
    • Priyanka Bose - Conceptualisation of family and language practice in family language policy research on migrants: a systematic review
    • Waldemar Brys - Extending Kindness: A Confucian Account
    • Rasaki Kolawole Fagbenro - Influence of Prefabricated Construction on the Mental Health of Workers: Systematic Review
    • Samuel Frimpong - A Conceptual Framework to Promote the Transition to Positive Mental Health among Young Construction Workers
    • Ziyao Guan - Social isolation and loneliness in family caregivers of people with severe mental illness: A scoping review
    • Hamed Reza Heshmat Mohajer - On the Thermal Environmental Quality of Typical Urban Settlement Configurations
    • Eunike Kristi Julistiono - Vertical Extensions: Stakeholder Perspectives on Development Decisions and Construction Strategies
    • Andrew Kingsford-Smith - Teacher wellbeing in rural, regional, and metropolitan schools: Examining resources and demands across locations
    • Michala Kowalski - Piloting a classification framework for the types of evidence used in alcohol policymaking
    • Shayan Naderi - Demand response via pre-cooling and solar pre-cooling: A review
    • Robin Nagy - Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity
    • Jose Rodolfo Ocampo Blanco - Using GPT-3 to Achieve Semantically Relevant Data Sonificiation for an Art Installation
    • Deepthie Perera - Modernism in Sri Lanka. A comparative study of outdoor transitional spaces in selected traditional and modernist houses in the early post-independence period (1948-1970).
    • Junjun Muhamad Ramdani - Exploratory practice as a professional development strategy for English-language teachers in Indonesia
    • Frederic Anthony Robinson - Crafting the Language of Robotic Agents: A vision for electroacoustic music in human–robot interaction
    • Henrique Sala Benites - A neighbourhood-scale conceptual model towards regenerative circularity for the built environment
    • Murni Sianturi - Using technology to facilitate partnerships between schools and Indigenous parents: A narrative review
    • Jasmin Stephens - Every Inch: the bureaucratic effect in colonisation (group exhibition)
    • Maine Suadik - Building Resilience in Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities in Times of Crisis
    • Shuting Sun - Student voice in assessment and feedback (2011–2022): a systematic review
    • Jiapei Xia - Parental involvement in Chinese preschool children’s mobile-assisted foreign language learning
    • Parisa Zare - Digital Bicycling Planning: A Systematic Literature Review of Data-Driven Approaches
    • Abood Alamoudi - Critical Review of Citizens’ Participation in Achieving Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Saudi Arabia
    • Ansh Anshuka - A systematic review of agent‑based model for flood risk management and assessment using the ODD protocol
    • Elijah Frimpong Boadu - Client-led promotion of health and safety through the procurement process on public construction projects in developing countries.
    • Waldemar Brys - Virtuous actions in the Mengzi
    • William Craft - Understanding Decision-Making for Regenerative Precinct Developments
    • Mariana De Oliveira Yonamine - Domestication and foreignization in interlingual subtitling: A systematic review of contemporary research
    • Samuel Frimpong - Domains of Psychosocial Risk Factors Affecting Young
    • Construction Workers: A Systematic Review"
    • Mahyar Habibi Rad - A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Lean Construction in Infrastructure Recovery Projects
    • Chen Han - Behavioural supports for students with autism spectrum disorders: practice, policy, and implications for special education reform in China
    • Matt Harkness - Bioplastic Futures: 3D Printing and the Maker Movement
    • Timothy Heffernan - Economic Anthropology in View of the Global Financial Crisis
    • Hamed Reza Heshmat Mohajer - Developing Heat Mitigation Strategies in the Urban Environment of Sydney, Australia
    • Saira Hossain - What constitutes student well-being: A scoping review of students’ perspectives.
    • Olivia Inwood - A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach to Analysing White Supremacist and Conspiratorial Discourse on YouTube
    • Defeng Jin - Hepatitis B virus related stigma among Chinese living in mainland China: a scoping review
    • Bhupesh Joshi - Building “foundational” linkages between development communication and public relations: A collaborative communication approach to development
    • Kamyar Kabirifar - Effective construction and demolition waste management assessment through waste management hierarchy; a case of Australian large construction companies
    • Hassan Khan - Spatiotemporal variation in urban overheating magnitude and its association with synoptic air- masses in a coastal city.
    • Adineh Khojastehpour - Cinema Joins Forces with Literature to Form Canon: The Cinematic Afterlife of Saʿedi’s “The Cow” as World Literature
    • Tanya Kwee - I Want to Teach Sustainable Development in My English Classroom: A Case Study of Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in English Teaching
    • Annabelle Lacroix - Freedom of Sleep
    • Jiao Li - Language teachers as materials developers
    • Xiaoyan Li - Critical review of research on teacher knowledge building: towards a conceptual framework
    • Ting Liu - Language learners’ enjoyment and emotion regulation in online collaborative learning
    • Nathan Macarthur - Bereavement affinities: A qualitative study of lived experiences of grief and loss
    • Piotr Maron - Living Well with a Healthy Weight: A Case of the Body Mass Index as a Governing Practice
    • Hafiz Suliman Munawar - An AI/ML-Based Strategy for Disaster Response and Evacuation of Victims in Aged Care Facilities in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley: A Perspective
    • Shayan Naderi - Consumer cost savings, improved thermal comfort, and reduced peak air conditioning demand through pre-cooling in Australian housing
    • Giselle Newton - More than Humor: Memes as Bonding Icons for Belonging in Donor-Conceived People
    • Sylvester Okeke - “I always prefer to withdraw than use a condom”: contextualising condomless sex among East Asian and sub-Saharan African international students in Sydney
    • Govinda Prasad Paudel - Community forestry in Nepal: a critical review
    • Suneeta Peres da Costa - ‘Aftermath’
    • Georgia Phillips - “New Balance” published in: Everything, All At Once: Fiction and Poetry from 30 of Australia's Best Writers Under 30
    • Cynthia Raffe - “We’re not data analysts”: Teachers’ perspectives on factors impacting their use of student assessment data
    • Junjun Ramdani - Exploring the Impact of Workshops and a Mini-Project in Student Teachers Becoming Qualitative Researchers
    • Frederic Robinson - Designing Sound for Social Robots: Candidate Design Principles
    • Murni Sianturi - A systematic review of Indigenous parents’ educational engagement
    • Anthony K J Smith - Clinician imaginaries of HIV PrEP users in and beyond the gay community in Australia
    • Benjamin Teisserenc - Project Data Categorization, Adoption Factors, and Non-Functional Requirements for blockchain Based Digital Twins in the Construction Industry 4.0
    • Cris Townley - Inclusion, belonging and intercultural spaces: A narrative policy analysis of playgroups in Australia.
    • Sixuan Wang - When the linguistic market meets the tea business: language attitudes, ideologies and linguistic entrepreneurship in the Blang community in China
    • Mudan Wang - Onsite Quality Check for Installation of Prefabricated Wall Panels Using Laser Scanning
    • Kaijun Yang - Identifying Leadership Competencies for Construction 4.0
    • CaitlinBiddolph- Queering temporalities of international criminal justice: Srebrenica remembrance and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
    • Jie Feng - The radiative cooling efficiency of silica sphere embeddedpolymethylpentene(TPX) systems
    • Kai Gao - On the cooling potential of irrigation to mitigate urban heat island
    • Josephine Gardner - Reclaiming the sacred: towards a holographic notion of power and peace
    • Olivia Inwood - "Ambient affiliation, misinformation and moral panic: Negotiating social bonds in a YouTube internet hoax"
    • DefengJin- Knowledge and beliefs about hepatitis B virus infection and associated factors among Chinese migrants in Australia: The result of a quantitative study
    • Sylvester Okeke - How perceived Australian sexual norms shape sexual practices of East Asian and sub-Saharan African international students in Sydney
    • Benjamin Rak - The Masks I Wear To pass
    • ShimaSaniei- Social license to operate in crowdfunding campaigns
    • JianingWang - Macro-Impacts of air quality on property values in China—A meta-regression analysis of the literature
    • KevinWitzenberger- Why EdTech is always right: students, data and machines in pre-emptive configurations
    • MarieMcGregor - Thesis titled: 'The Dimensionality of Self-Determined Motivations in Academically Gifted Students'. Supervised by ​​​​​​​Jae Jun, Paul Evans
    • Anneke Burhoven-Jaspers - Thesis titled: 'Beyond Possession: Rethinking collections in the contemporary art museum'. Supervised by Lizzie Muller and Edward Scheer
    • Costanza Bergo - Thesis titled: 'Atlas of Denial: Australian landscape and the settler-colonial structure of feeling'. Supervised by Astrid Lorange; Tim Gregory and Goldie Osuri
    • Inoka Samarasekara - Thesis titled: 'Remaking the cosmopolitan imaginary of traditional Sri Lankan jewellery impacted by colonisation and globalisation'. Supervised by Katherine Moline and Zoe Veness
    • Xiaoqin Wu - Thesis titled: 'Space and practice: A multifaceted understanding of the designs and uses of “Active Learning Classrooms”'. Supervised by Louise Ravelli and Peter White
    • Awni Etaywe - Thesis titled: 'Language as Evidence: A Discourse Semantic and Corpus Linguistic Approach to Examining Written Terrorist Threatening Communication'. Supervised by Michele Zappavingna and Peter White
    • Kamyar Kabirifar - Thesis titled: 'Effective Construction and Demolition Waste Management Assessment; A case of Australian Large Construction Companies'. Supervised by Mohammad Mojtahedi and Cynthia Changxin Wang
    • Xintian Wang - Thesis titled: 'Developing Place Attachment in Residential Outdoor Environments: Comparing Two Residential Models in Qingdao, China'. Supervised by Kate Bishop; Nancy Marshall and Linda Corkey
    • Sugandha Sugandha - Thesis titled: 'Smart Cities and Social Sustainability: A critical analysis of the Indian Smart Cities Mission'. Supervised by Paola Favaro and Robert Freestone
    • Behnaz Avazpour - Thesis titled: 'From water sensitive urban design to water sensitive cities: Challenges and enablers'. Supervised by Paul Osmond and Linda Corkery
    • Giselle Newton - Thesis titled: 'Everyday belongings: Exploring Australian donor-conceived adults’ social, linguistic and digital practices across private and public domains'. Supervised by Kerryn Drysdale, Christy Newman and Michele Zappavigna
    • Jiao Li - Thesis titled: 'Language teachers as materials developers in China'. Supervised by Andy Gao and Sue Starfield
    • Chen Han - Thesis titled: 'Behavioural Supports for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Receiving Special Education Services in Western China: An Analysis of Teacher Characteristics, Beliefs, and Implementation of Evidence-based Practices'. Supervised by Terry Cumming and Geraldine Townsend.
    • Debra Keenahan - Thesis titled: 'Critical Disability Aesthetics - Relational Dynamics and the Embodied Experience of a Female Dwarf'. Supervised by Jill Bennett and Lindsay Kelley
    • Hao Wang - Thesis titled: 'The density of Chinese collective housing (1949-2016): a study on historical development under the perspective of architectural ethics'. Supervised by Paola Favaro, Xing Ruan and Harry Margalit
  • This scholarship is available to assist female artists under the age of 35 years to undertake postgraduate research studies in art.

    ٱ𲹻Ա:30 November
    Tenure:1 year


    Female students who are under 35 years old completing the Master of Fine Arts by research.

    Residency requirement

    Australian citizens or permanent residents.

    Selection criteria

    Selection will be based on academic merit, reasons for undertaking the current and/or proposed study, and consideration of financial need. Applicants need to provide at least six images of their work, including information on the dimensions and materials of each work. These images can be supplied either electronically onDVD/CDor as attached printed images (no larger than A4).

    Applicants must include a personal statement addressing the selection criteria as part of their application.

    How toapply

    Application forms are available toor pick up from theStudent Centre.

    Please mail completed applications to:

    Scholarships Officer
    鶹madou Art & Design
    PO Box 259
    Paddington NSW 2021


    Hand in applications to:
    鶹madou Art & Design Student Centre

  • Undertake research related to acoustics and the built environment.


    As cities become denser, so too the noise impacts of living and working nearby magnify. The operations of a 24/7 city encroach on the amenity of our urban environments daily. While regulation can go some way to manage the urban noise impacts of heavy traffic, noise from building plant and equipment or noisy neighbours in our urban environment, good design is also critical to the management of unwanted noise externally as well as within our building interiors, in co-working spaces, restaurants and between neighbouring apartments for example. This scholarship is open to candidates to undertake research that will lead to a better understanding of the important aspects related to ensuring good acoustics and controlling noise pollution in the Built Environment. Candidates with significant industry experience are encouraged to apply.

    For general information and to discuss your topic proposal please email Professor Deo Prasad (d.prasad@unsw.edu.au).

    Funding Type

    Living Allowance
    Tuition Fees


    3.5 years

    Value breakdown

    The Scholarship will be paid as a stipend for general living costs at $37,684 per annum (2024 rate) and a research allowance of $5,000 per annum. It will be payable for 3.5 years. The scholarship will be held in conjunction with a Tuition Fee Scholarship (TFS) if the recipient is international.
    The duration and payment of the scholarship will be pro-rata if awarded to an existing and/or part-time candidate.


    • Domestic and International applicants
    • new and existing candidates
    • full time enrolment and part time enrolment

    How to Apply

    1. Ensure you satisfy the admission criteria (under theEntry Requirementstab) for the PhD. You must also ensure you meet the鶹madou English Language Requirementsfor this Faculty.

    2: Submit an application to ada.hdr@unsw.edu.au that includes:

    • Your CV and copy of your academic transcripts
    • Names of two academic referees
    • One sample of written work appropriate for an academic audience (e.g. undergraduate dissertation, peer-reviewed journal article, etc)
    • A 'Statement of Purpose' outlining your reasons for applying, how you meet the eligibility criteria, and your longer-term goals (max. 1-2 pages).

    The subject line for your email should be: Anita B. Lawrence PhD Scholarship in Acoustics

    3: If selected for this scholarship you will then be directed to submit an Expression of Interest for admission to the PhD at 鶹madou Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture.

  • Expressions of interest are invited for the new 鶹madou Rainbow Families PhD Top-Up Scholarship: $15,000 per annum for 3.5 years Research Doctorates (full-time equivalent). This top-up scholarship can be awarded in addition to other scholarships, such as the RTP.

    Founded as a partnership between Rainbow Families and 鶹madou Arts, Design and Architecture, the purpose of the scholarship is to provide an additional stipend to support doctoral candidates who are taking a humanities, arts or social science approach to researching the experiences of LGBTQ+ parents and their children in Australia.

    Funding Type

    Top Up Scholarship


    3.5 years



    Value breakdown

    $15,000 per annum


    Domestic applicants only. PhD only.

    How to Apply

    Follow the link below for more information and to find out how to apply.