
This study assisted to further understand the experiences of living with Hepatitis C. It focused on diagnosis, disclosure and discrimination for those living with the disease. People living with hepatitis C must navigate misinformation, conflicting identities and unequal power relations. 

This study was comparative of experiences of diagnosis, disclosure and discrimination, and the role of social support. Starting with Phase 1, this study consisted of a short-form questionnaire (n = 504) that focused on three areas.  

These areas were: 

  1. The influence on people’s relationships, work and interactions with health care service providers. 
  2. The impacts and results of disclosing a hepatitis C positive serostatus.
  3. If discrimination was present and the effects on those living with hepatitis C.  

After analysing this data, it provided a strong framework for preparing research questions. Phase 2 explored these research questions. This phase consisted of interviewing (n = 19) people living with hepatitis C in an in-depth, semi-structured format.

2003 saw the completion of this data analysis for this project. Following this, in 2003, the 3D Project: diagnosis, disclosure, discrimination and living with hepatitis C was published. Several papers have been published from this study. 

Research Centre

Centre for Social Research in Health

Research Area

Chronic Health Conditions