
  • Yes, the School of BABS offers a term 2 and term 3 intake, as well as a term 1 intake.

  • Every course completed in stages 1 to 3 is included in the overall WAM. This includes general education courses. Stage 3 Science WAM includes level 3 courses run by the Faculty of Science (level 3 courses with the prefix: AVIA, BIOS, BEES, CLIM, GEOS, IEST, MSCI, ENVS, BABS, BIOC, BIOT, MICR, CHEM, COMP, FOOD, MATS, MATH, ANAT, NEUR, PATH, PHAR, PHSL, PSYC, PHYS, VISN, SCIF).

  • No. Students must successfully complete all requirements from stages 1 to 3 of their degree before commencing Honours.

  • Yes. Your Honours application will be assessed in the usual way (see Honours application process timeline). If your application is successful, you will be given a conditional offer based on passing your summer session course.聽聽

  • Honours projects are listed in the latest BABS Honours Information Booklet.

  • Email is the preferred way of contacting potential supervisors.聽

  • No. Potential supervisors may express their interest in supervising you for Honours and you may include them in your project preference list, however only the school can formally accept students into Honours and allocate students to supervisors.聽

  • There are two different categories of approved BABS supervisors: internal (academics/researchers employed by the school) and external. External supervisors are academics employed by other areas in 麻豆社madou such as the Faculty of Medicine, or researchers who work in external institutions such as the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute or the Lowy Cancer Research Centre.

  • There are two reasons for this limit: to ensure that a sufficient number of students undertake their Honours project within BABS; and to ensure students have the best possible chance to be allocated a supervisor/project (external supervisors are restricted to only one student per intake, making placements very competitive).

  • No. Students may only nominate approved BABS external supervisors. If you include any external supervisors on your preference list that are not approved, they will be ignored.