Dr Alexandra Hogan
PhD (Mathematical Epidemiology, Australian National University, 2017)
BSc (Applied Mathematics, Honours I, University of Sydney, 2009)
As a mathematical epidemiologist, I work on mathematical models of infectious diseases, focussed on estimating the public health impact of new vaccines. The focus of my current research is to develop dynamic models to help inform longer term planning of ongoing COVID-19 vaccination programs in Australia and the broader region. To do this, I use mathematical models that account for the need for booster doses, properties and availability of current vaccines, the emergence of variants of concern, seasonality, and priority population groups.
Through my research, I aim to help guide ongoing country-level COVID-19 vaccine programs that align with the broader immunisation and health system priorities of individual countries. Sustainable and efficient COVID-19 vaccination policies will ultimately reduce the health and societal impact of COVID-19 for Australia and the region.
I also work on models for for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) transmission and vaccination, to inform target product profiles for RSV vaccines. I have previously worked on estimating the public health impact of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine, supporting World Health Organization decision-making on the use of malaria vaccines in children, and on modelling the health impact of second-generation malaria vaccines in malaria endemic areas.
I am a member of the World Health Organization Immunization and vaccines related implementation research advisory committee聽. I was previously a Research Fellow at the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Imperial College London (UK), where I hold an Honorary Lectureship position.
- Publications
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- Grants
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- Teaching and Supervision
Hogan AB. Mathematical modelling to support policy decisions on COVID-19 vaccination in Australia.聽NHMRC Investigator Grant (Emerging Leader 1). AU $650,000. (2022鈥2026)
Hogan AB et al.聽Modelling the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies. World Health Organization.聽US $80,000. (2021)
Campbell PT & Hogan AB.聽Determining the household-level impact of a maternal vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus using an individual-based model.聽Centre for Research Excellence in Math Modelling to Inform Public Policy, Australia. AU $9,600. (2017鈥2018)
Associate Investigator, modelling to inform the WHO Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP). PATH. (2017鈥2021)
Hogan AB.聽Australian Mathematical Society Lift-Off Fellowship. AU $3,500. (2017)