
Professor Ana Deletic

Professor Ana Deletic

Adjunct Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Professor Ana Deletic is an Adjunct Professor with 鶹madou Engineering. From 2017 to 2021 Ana was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of New South Wales, Sydney (鶹madou). Until mid-2017 Ana was Associate Dean of Research Engineering Faculty and the Founding Director of Monash Infrastructure research institute at Monash University. Ana leads a large research group that is working on multi-disciplinary urban water issue focusing on stormwater management and socio-technical modelling. Earlier she led the development of a number of green nature based water treatment systems which are now widely adopted in Australia and abroad. Ana is a Fellow of Engineers Australia and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), and Editor of Water Research. In 2012, the Victorian State Government awarded Ana the Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation (Physical Sciences) for her lifelong achievements in stormwater research.

02 9385 5638
  • Books | 2007
    Deletic A; Fletcher T, 2007, Preface
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2007, Statistical evaluation and optimisation of stormwater quality monitoring programmes,
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, Data requirements for integrated urban water management: Urban water series - UNESCO-IHP,
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, Preface
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, Preface
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, Preface
    Books | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, Preface
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Kandra HS; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2021, 'Review of clogging processes in stormwater treatment filters', in Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications, pp. 247 - 279,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Deletić A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Overview of guiding principles', in Data requirements for integrated urban water management: Urban water series - UNESCO-IHP, pp. 21 - 27
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Deletić A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Selecting variables to monitor', in Data requirements for integrated urban water management: Urban water series - UNESCO-IHP, pp. 37 - 44
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Shuster W; Fletcher TD; Deletić A, 2007, 'Stormwater', in Data requirements for integrated urban water management: Urban water series - UNESCO-IHP, pp. 225 - 241
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Abd-ur-Rehman HM; Prodanovic V; Deletic A; Khan SJ; McDonald JA; Zhang K, 2023, 'Removal of hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and charged xenobiotic organic compounds from greywater using green wall media', Water Research, 242,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hu Z; Hu S; Hong PY; Zhang X; Prodanovic V; Zhang K; Ye L; Deletic A; Yuan Z; Zheng M, 2023, 'Impact of electrochemically generated iron on the performance of an anaerobic wastewater treatment process', Science of the Total Environment, 875,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Prodanovic V; Zhang K; Zheng M; Hu S; Hong PY; Yuan Z; Deletic A, 2023, 'Nitrification potential of daily-watered biofiltration designs for high ammonium wastewater treatment', Science of the Total Environment, 863,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Shen P; Deletic A; Bratieres K; McCarthy DT, 2023, 'BioRTC model enables exploration of real time control strategies for stormwater biofilters', Water Research, 247,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wu W; Jamali B; Zhang K; Marshall L; Deletic A, 2023, 'Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Spatial Prioritisation through Global Sensitivity Analysis for Effective Urban Pluvial Flood Mitigation', Water Research, 235,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang K; Prodanovic V; Zhao H; Zheng M; Hu S; Hong PY; Yuan Z; Deletic A, 2023, 'Exploring denitrification and anammox processes in the saturated zone of passively operated vegetated biofiltration systems', Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 9, pp. 3062 - 3075,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zheng Z; Zhang K; Toe CY; Amal R; Deletic A, 2023, 'Photo-electrochemical oxidation flow system for stormwater herbicides removal: Operational conditions and energy consumption analysis', Science of the Total Environment, 898,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Abd-ur-Rehman HM; Deletic A; Zhang K; Prodanovic V, 2022, 'The comparative performance of lightweight green wall media for the removal of xenobiotic organic compounds from domestic greywater', Water Research, 221,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fowdar H; Payne E; Deletic A; Zhang K; McCarthy D, 2022, 'Advancing the Sponge City Agenda: Evaluation of 22 plant species across a broad range of life forms for stormwater management', Ecological Engineering, 175,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hu Z; Zheng M; Hu S; Hong PY; Zhang X; Prodanovic V; Zhang K; Pikaar I; Ye L; Deletic A; Yuan Z, 2022, 'Electrochemical iron production to enhance anaerobic membrane treatment of wastewater', Water Research, 225,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Kuller M; Farrelly M; Marthanty DR; Deletic A; Bach PM, 2022, 'Planning support systems for strategic implementation of nature-based solutions in the global south: Current role and future potential in Indonesia', Cities, 126,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li Y; Deletic A; Henry R; Zhang TH; McCarthy DT, 2022, 'Copper(II) hydroxide/oxide-coated granular activated carbon for E. coli removal in water', Blue-Green Systems, 4, pp. 310 - 325,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; Fowdar H; Al-Ameri M; Deletic A, 2022, 'Zero additional maintenance stormwater biofilters: From laboratory testing to field implementation', Blue-Green Systems, 4, pp. 291 - 309,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Prodanovic V; Jamali B; Kuller M; Wang Y; Bach PM; Coleman RA; Metzeling L; McCarthy DT; Shi B; Deletic A, 2022, 'Calibration and sensitivity analysis of a novel water flow and pollution model for future city planning: Future Urban Stormwater Simulation (FUSS)', Water Science and Technology, 85, pp. 961 - 969,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Shi B; Catsamas S; Deletic B; Wang M; Bach PM; Lintern A; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2022, 'Illicit discharge detection in stormwater drains using an Arduino-based low-cost sensor network', Water Science and Technology, 85, pp. 1372 - 1383,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zheng Z; Deletic A; Toe CY; Amal R; Zhang X; Pickford R; Zhou S; Zhang K, 2022, 'Photo-electrochemical oxidation herbicides removal in stormwater: Degradation mechanism and pathway investigation', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Fang H; Jamali B; Deletic A; Zhang K, 2021, 'Machine learning approaches for predicting the performance of stormwater biofilters in heavy metal removal and risk mitigation', Water Research, 200,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Fowdar H; Payne E; Schang C; Zhang K; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2021, 'How well do stormwater green infrastructure respond to changing climatic conditions?', Journal of Hydrology, 603,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Jamali B; Haghighat E; Ignjatovic A; Leitão JP; Deletic A, 2021, 'Machine learning for accelerating 2D flood models: Potential and challenges', Hydrological Processes, 35,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Shi B; Catsamas S; Kolotelo P; Wang M; Lintern A; Jovanovic D; Bach PM; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2021, 'A low‐cost water depth and electrical conductivity sensor for detecting inputs into urban stormwater networks', Sensors, 21,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ullah KR; Pignatta G; Prodanovic V; Deletic A; Santamouris M, 2021, 'Technological advancements towards the net-zero energy communities: A review of 23 case studies around the globe', Solar Energy, 224, pp. 1107 - 1126,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang K; Barron NJ; Zinger Y; Hatt B; Prodanovic V; Deletic A, 2021, 'Pollutant removal performance of field scale dual-mode biofilters for stormwater, greywater, and groundwater treatment', Ecological Engineering, 163,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang K; Liu Y; Deletic A; McCarthy DT; Hatt BE; Payne EGI; Chandrasena G; Li Y; Pham T; Jamali B; Daly E; Fletcher TD; Lintern A, 2021, 'The impact of stormwater biofilter design and operational variables on nutrient removal - a statistical modelling approach', Water Research, 188,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zheng Z; Zhang K; Toe CY; Amal R; Zhang X; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2021, 'Stormwater herbicides removal with a solar-driven advanced oxidation process: A feasibility investigation', Water Research, 190, pp. 116783,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zinger Y; Prodanovic V; Zhang K; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2021, 'The effect of intermittent drying and wetting stormwater cycles on the nutrient removal performances of two vegetated biofiltration designs', Chemosphere, 267,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bach PM; Kuller M; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2020, 'A spatial planning-support system for generating decentralised urban stormwater management schemes', Science of the Total Environment, 726,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bakheet B; Prodanovic V; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2020, 'Effective treatment of greywater via green wall biofiltration and electrochemical disinfection', Water research, 185, pp. 116228,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Barron NJ; Hatt B; Jung J; Chen Y; Deletic A, 2020, 'Seasonal operation of dual-mode biofilters: The influence of plant species on stormwater and greywater treatment', Science of the Total Environment, 715,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Deletic A; Qu J; Bach PM; Liu G; Wang A; Zhang K, 2020, 'The multi-faceted nature of Blue-Green Systems coming to light', Blue-Green Systems, 2, pp. 186 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hunt WF; Fassman-Beck EA; Ekka SA; Shaneyfelt KC; Deletic A, 2020, 'Designing Dry Swales for Stormwater Quality Improvement Using the Aberdeen Equation', Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jamali B; Bach PM; Deletic A, 2020, 'Rainwater harvesting for urban flood management – An integrated modelling framework', Water Research, 171,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kandra H; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang K, 2020, 'Modelling the clogging of a field filtration system used for stormwater harvesting', Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 6, pp. 993 - 1003,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li Y; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2020, 'Copper-zeolite integrated stormwater biofilter for nutrient removal – the impact of intermittent wetting and drying conditions', Blue-Green Systems, 2, pp. 352 - 363,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Liu Y; Zeng X; Easton CD; Li Q; Xia Y; Yin Y; Hu X; Hu J; Xia D; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Sun C; Yu J; Zhang X, 2020, 'An: In situ assembled WO3-TiO2 vertical heterojunction for enhanced Z-scheme photocatalytic activity', Nanoscale, 12, pp. 8775 - 8784,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ou R; Zhang H; Truong VX; Zhang L; Hegab HM; Han L; Hou J; Zhang X; Deletic A; Jiang L; Simon GP; Wang H, 2020, 'A sunlight-responsive metal–organic framework system for sustainable water desalination', Nature Sustainability, 3, pp. 1052 - 1058,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2020, 'Green wall height and design optimisation for effective greywater pollution treatment and reuse', Journal of Environmental Management, 261,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Shen P; Deletic A; Bratieres K; McCarthy DT, 2020, 'Real time control of biofilters delivers stormwater suitable for harvesting and reuse', Water Research, 169,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Shen P; McCarthy DT; Chandrasena GI; Li Y; Deletic A, 2020, 'Validation and uncertainty analysis of a stormwater biofilter treatment model for faecal microorganisms', Science of the Total Environment, 709,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Siddiqee MH; Henry R; Deletic A; Bulach DM; Coleman RA; McCarthy DT, 2020, 'Salmonella from a Microtidal Estuary Are Capable of Invading Human Intestinal Cell Lines', Microbial Ecology, 79, pp. 259 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zeng X; Liu Y; Kang Y; Li Q; Xia Y; Zhu Y; Hou H; Uddin MH; Gengenbach TR; Xia D; Sun C; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Yu J; Zhang X, 2020, 'Simultaneously Tuning Charge Separation and Oxygen Reduction Pathway on Graphitic Carbon Nitride by Polyethylenimine for Boosted Photocatalytic Hydrogen Peroxide Production', ACS Catalysis, 10, pp. 3697 - 3706,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zeng X; Liu Y; Xia Y; Uddin MH; Xia D; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Yu J; Zhang X, 2020, 'Cooperatively modulating reactive oxygen species generation and bacteria-photocatalyst contact over graphitic carbon nitride by polyethylenimine for rapid water disinfection', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 274,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zhang K; Bach PM; Mathios J; Dotto CBS; Deletic A, 2020, 'Quantifying the benefits of stormwater harvesting for pollution mitigation', Water Research, 171,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zhang K; Deletic A; Dotto CBS; Allen R; Bach PM, 2020, 'Modelling a ‘business case’ for blue-green infrastructure: lessons from the Water Sensitive Cities Toolkit', Blue-Green Systems, 2, pp. 383 - 403,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Barron NJ; Deletic A; Jung J; Fowdar H; Chen Y; Hatt BE, 2019, 'Dual-mode stormwater-greywater biofilters: The impact of alternating water sources on treatment performance', Water Research, 159, pp. 521 - 537,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; Hathaway JM; Lintern A; Henry R; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Enhancing Escherichia coli removal in stormwater biofilters with a submerged zone: balancing the impact of vegetation, filter media and extended dry weather periods', Urban Water Journal, 16, pp. 460 - 468,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Deletic A; Wang H, 2019, 'Water Pollution Control for Sustainable Development', Engineering, 5, pp. 839 - 840,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Feng W; Deletic A; Wang Z; Zhang X; Gengenbach T; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Electrochemical oxidation disinfects urban stormwater: Major disinfection mechanisms and longevity tests', Science of the Total Environment, 646, pp. 1440 - 1447,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jamali B; Bach PM; Cunningham L; Deletic A, 2019, 'A Cellular Automata Fast Flood Evaluation (CA-ffé) Model', Water Resources Research, 55, pp. 4936 - 4953,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jovanovic D; Gelsinari S; Bruce L; Hipsey M; Teakle I; Barnes M; Coleman R; Deletic A; Mccarthy DT, 2019, 'Modelling shallow and narrow urban salt-wedge estuaries: Evaluation of model performance and sensitivity to optimise input data collection', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 217, pp. 9 - 27,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jung J; Fowdar H; Henry R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Biofilters as effective pathogen barriers for greywater reuse', Ecological Engineering, 138, pp. 79 - 87,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Jung J; Menzies DJ; Thissen H; Easton CD; Evans RA; Henry R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'New prebiotic chemistry inspired filter media for stormwater/greywater disinfection', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 378,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kuller M; Bach PM; Roberts S; Browne D; Deletic A, 2019, 'A planning-support tool for spatial suitability assessment of green urban stormwater infrastructure', Science of the Total Environment, 686, pp. 856 - 868,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Payne EG; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang K, 2019, 'Biotreatment technologies for stormwater harvesting: critical perspectives', Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 57, pp. 191 - 196,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Prodanovic V; McCarthy D; Hatt B; Deletic A, 2019, 'Designing green walls for greywater treatment: The role of plants and operational factors on nutrient removal', Ecological Engineering, 130, pp. 184 - 195,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Prodanovic V; Wang A; Deletic A, 2019, 'Assessing water retention and correlation to climate conditions of five plant species in greywater treating green walls', Water Research, 167,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Shi B; Bach PM; Lintern A; Zhang K; Coleman RA; Metzeling L; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2019, 'Understanding spatiotemporal variability of in-stream water quality in urban environments – A case study of Melbourne, Australia', Journal of Environmental Management, 246, pp. 203 - 213,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Siddiqee MH; Henry R; Coleman RA; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Campylobacter in an urban estuary: Public health insights from occurrence, hela cytotoxicity, and Caco-2 attachment cum invasion', Microbes and Environments, 34, pp. 436 - 445,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yuan Z; Olsson G; Cardell-Oliver R; van Schagen K; Marchi A; Deletic A; Urich C; Rauch W; Liu Y; Jiang G, 2019, 'Sweating the assets – The role of instrumentation, control and automation in urban water systems', Water Research, 155, pp. 381 - 402,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang K; Deletic A; Bach PM; Shi B; Hathaway JM; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Testing of new stormwater pollution build-up algorithms informed by a genetic programming approach', Journal of Environmental Management, 241, pp. 12 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang K; Manuelpillai D; Raut B; Deletic A; Bach PM, 2019, 'Evaluating the reliability of stormwater treatment systems under various future climate conditions', Journal of Hydrology, 568, pp. 57 - 66,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang K; Randelovic A; Deletic A; Page D; McCarthy DT, 2019, 'Can we use a simple modelling tool to validate stormwater biofilters for herbicides treatment?', Urban Water Journal, 16, pp. 412 - 420,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Al-Ameri M; Hatt B; Le Coustumer S; Fletcher T; Payne E; Deletic A, 2018, 'Accumulation of heavy metals in stormwater bioretention media: A field study of temporal and spatial variation', Journal of Hydrology, 567, pp. 721 - 731,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bach PM; Deletic A; Urich C; McCarthy DT, 2018, 'Modelling characteristics of the urban form to support water systems planning', Environmental Modelling and Software, 104, pp. 249 - 269,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Castonguay AC; Iftekhar MS; Urich C; Bach PM; Deletic A, 2018, 'Integrated modelling of stormwater treatment systems uptake', Water Research, 142, pp. 301 - 312,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Castonguay AC; Urich C; Iftekhar MS; Deletic A, 2018, 'Modelling urban water management transitions: A case of rainwater harvesting', Environmental Modelling and Software, 105, pp. 270 - 285,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Feng W; McCarthy DT; Henry R; Zhang X; Zhang K; Deletic A, 2018, 'Electrochemical oxidation for stormwater disinfection: How does real stormwater chemistry impact on pathogen removal and disinfection by-products level?', Chemosphere, 213, pp. 226 - 234,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Feng W; McCarthy DT; Wang Z; Zhang X; Deletic A, 2018, 'Stormwater disinfection using electrochemical oxidation: A feasibility investigation', Water Research, 140, pp. 301 - 310,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fowdar HS; Deletic A; Hatt BE; Cook PLM, 2018, 'Nitrogen removal in greywater living walls: Insights into the governing mechanisms', Water (Switzerland), 10,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Jamali B; Löwe R; Bach PM; Urich C; Arnbjerg-Nielsen K; Deletic A, 2018, 'A rapid urban flood inundation and damage assessment model', Journal of Hydrology, 564, pp. 1085 - 1098,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kuller M; Bach PM; Ramirez-Lovering D; Deletic A, 2018, 'What drives the location choice for water sensitive infrastructure in Melbourne, Australia?', Landscape and Urban Planning, 175, pp. 92 - 101,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kuller M; Farrelly M; Deletic A; Bach PM, 2018, 'Building effective Planning Support Systems for green urban water infrastructure—Practitioners’ perceptions', Environmental Science and Policy, 89, pp. 153 - 162,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lintern A; Leahy P; Deletic A; Heijnis H; Zawadzki A; Gadd P; McCarthy D, 2018, 'Uncertainties in historical pollution data from sedimentary records from an Australian urban floodplain lake', Journal of Hydrology, 560, pp. 560 - 571,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Löwe R; Urich C; Kulahci M; Radhakrishnan M; Deletic A; Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, 2018, 'Simulating flood risk under non-stationary climate and urban development conditions – Experimental setup for multiple hazards and a variety of scenarios', Environmental Modelling and Software, 102, pp. 155 - 171,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Mannina G; Butler D; Benedetti L; Deletic A; Fowdar H; Fu G; Kleidorfer M; McCarthy D; Steen Mikkelsen P; Rauch W; Sweetapple C; Vezzaro L; Yuan Z; Willems P, 2018, 'Greenhouse gas emissions from integrated urban drainage systems: Where do we stand?', Journal of Hydrology, 559, pp. 307 - 314,
    Journal articles | 2018
    McCarthy DT; Zhang K; Westerlund C; Viklander M; Bertrand-Krajewski JL; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2018, 'Assessment of sampling strategies for estimation of site mean concentrations of stormwater pollutants', Water Research, 129, pp. 297 - 304,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Meng Z; Chandrasena G; Henry R; Deletic A; Kolotelo P; McCarthy D, 2018, 'Stormwater constructed wetlands: A source or a sink of Campylobacter spp.', Water Research, 131, pp. 218 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Payne EGI; Pham T; Deletic A; Hatt BE; Cook PLM; Fletcher TD, 2018, 'Which species? A decision-support tool to guide plant selection in stormwater biofilters', Advances in Water Resources, 113, pp. 86 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Prodanovic V; Zhang K; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2018, 'Optimisation of lightweight green wall media for greywater treatment and reuse', Building and Environment, 131, pp. 99 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schang C; Lintern A; Cook PLM; Rooney G; Coleman R; Murphy HM; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2018, 'Escherichia coli survival and transfer in estuarine bed sediments', River Research and Applications, 34, pp. 606 - 614,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Shen P; Deletic A; Urich C; Chandrasena GI; McCarthy DT, 2018, 'Stormwater biofilter treatment model for faecal microorganisms', Science of the Total Environment, 630, pp. 992 - 1002,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Siddiqee MH; Henry R; Coulthard R; Schang C; Williamson R; Coleman R; Rooney G; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2018, 'Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and escherichia coli survival in estuarine bank sediments', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zhang K; Yong F; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2018, 'Predicting long term removal of heavy metals from porous pavements for stormwater treatment', Water Research, 142, pp. 236 - 245,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Barron NJ; Kuller M; Yasmin T; Castonguay AC; Copa V; Duncan-Horner E; Gimelli FM; Jamali B; Nielsen JS; Ng K; Novalia W; Shen PF; Conn RJ; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2017, 'Towards water sensitive cities in Asia: An interdisciplinary journey', Water Science and Technology, 76, pp. 1150 - 1157,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chandrasena G; Deletic A; Lintern A; Henry R; McCarthy D, 2017, 'Stormwater biofilters as barriers against Campylobacter jejuni, Cryptosporidium Oocysts and adenoviruses; results from a laboratory trial', Water (Switzerland), 9, pp. 949,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chandrasena GI; Shirdashtzadeh M; Li YL; Deletic A; Hathaway JM; McCarthy DT, 2017, 'Retention and survival of E. coli in stormwater biofilters: Role of vegetation, rhizosphere microorganisms and antimicrobial filter media', Ecological Engineering, 102, pp. 166 - 177,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fowdar HS; Hatt BE; Breen P; Cook PLM; Deletic A, 2017, 'Designing living walls for greywater treatment', Water Research, 110, pp. 218 - 232,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fowdar HS; Hatt BE; Cresswell T; Harrison JJ; Cook PLM; Deletic A, 2017, 'Phosphorus Fate and Dynamics in Greywater Biofiltration Systems', Environmental Science and Technology, 51, pp. 2280 - 2287,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jovanovic D; Coleman R; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2017, 'Spatial variability of E. coli in an urban salt-wedge estuary', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114, pp. 114 - 122,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jovanovic D; Coleman R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2017, 'Tidal fluctuations influence E. coli concentrations in urban estuaries', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 119, pp. 226 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Jovanovic D; Hathaway J; Coleman R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2017, 'Conceptual modelling of E. coli in urban stormwater drains, creeks and rivers', Journal of Hydrology, 555, pp. 129 - 140,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kuller M; Bach PM; Ramirez-Lovering D; Deletic A, 2017, 'Framing water sensitive urban design as part of the urban form: A critical review of tools for best planning practice', Environmental Modelling and Software, 96, pp. 265 - 282,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Locatelli L; Mark O; Mikkelsen PS; Arnbjerg-Nielsen K; Deletic A; Roldin M; Binning PJ, 2017, 'Hydrologic impact of urbanization with extensive stormwater infiltration', Journal of Hydrology, 544, pp. 524 - 537,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Löwe R; Urich C; Sto. Domingo N; Mark O; Deletic A; Arnbjerg-Nielsen K, 2017, 'Assessment of urban pluvial flood risk and efficiency of adaptation options through simulations – A new generation of urban planning tools', Journal of Hydrology, 550, pp. 355 - 367,
    Journal articles | 2017
    McCarthy DT; Jovanovic D; Lintern A; Teakle I; Barnes M; Deletic A; Coleman R; Rooney G; Prosser T; Coutts S; Hipsey MR; Bruce LC; Henry R, 2017, 'Source tracking using microbial community fingerprints: Method comparison with hydrodynamic modelling', Water Research, 109, pp. 253 - 265,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Murphy HM; Meng Z; Henry R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2017, 'Current Stormwater Harvesting Guidelines Are Inadequate for Mitigating Risk from Campylobacter during Nonpotable Reuse Activities', Environmental Science and Technology, 51, pp. 12498 - 12507,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Payne EGI; Pham T; Cook PLM; Deletic A; Hatt BE; Fletcher TD, 2017, 'Inside Story of Gas Processes within Stormwater Biofilters: Does Greenhouse Gas Production Tarnish the Benefits of Nitrogen Removal?', Environmental Science and Technology, 51, pp. 3703 - 3713,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Zhang K; Deletic A, 2017, 'Green walls for greywater reuse: Understanding the role of media on pollutant removal', Ecological Engineering, 102, pp. 625 - 635,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rauch W; Urich C; Bach PM; Rogers BC; de Haan FJ; Brown RR; Mair M; McCarthy DT; Kleidorfer M; Sitzenfrei R; Deletic A, 2017, 'Modelling transitions in urban water systems', Water Research, 126, pp. 501 - 514,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rippy MA; Deletic A; Black J; Aryal R; Lampard JL; Tang JYM; McCarthy D; Kolotelo P; Sidhu J; Gernjak W, 2017, 'Pesticide occurrence and spatio-temporal variability in urban run-off across Australia', Water Research, 115, pp. 245 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zeng X; Wang Z; Meng N; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Pan JH; Zhang X, 2017, 'Highly dispersed TiO2 nanocrystals and carbon dots on reduced graphene oxide: Ternary nanocomposites for accelerated photocatalytic water disinfection', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 202, pp. 33 - 41,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zeng X; Wang Z; Wang G; Gengenbach TR; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Yu J; Zhang X, 2017, 'Highly dispersed TiO2 nanocrystals and WO3 nanorods on reduced graphene oxide: Z-scheme photocatalysis system for accelerated photocatalytic water disinfection', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 218, pp. 163 - 173,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2016, 'Biofiltration for stormwater harvesting: Comparison of Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli removal under normal and challenging operational conditions', Journal of Hydrology, 537, pp. 248 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Henry R; Schang C; Coutts S; Kolotelo P; Prosser T; Crosbie N; Grant T; Cottam D; O'Brien P; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2016, 'Into the deep: Evaluation of SourceTracker for assessment of faecal contamination of coastal waters', Water Research, 93, pp. 242 - 253,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Henry R; Schang C; Kolotelo P; Coleman R; Rooney G; Schmidt J; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2016, 'Effect of environmental parameters on pathogen and faecal indicator organism concentrations within an urban estuary', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 174, pp. 18 - 26,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Li Y; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2016, 'Escherichia coli removal in copper-zeolite-integrated stormwater biofilters: Effect of vegetation, operational time, intermittent drying weather', Ecological Engineering, 90, pp. 234 - 243,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lintern A; Anderson M; Leahy P; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2016, 'Using sediment cores to establish targets for the remediation of aquatic environments', Water Science and Technology, 73, pp. 628 - 635,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lintern A; Leahy PJ; Heijnis H; Zawadzki A; Gadd P; Jacobsen G; Deletic A; Mccarthy DT, 2016, 'Identifying heavy metal levels in historical flood water deposits using sediment cores', Water Research, 105, pp. 34 - 46,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Lintern A; Leahy PJ; Zawadzki A; Gadd P; Heijnis H; Jacobsen G; Connor S; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2016, 'Sediment cores as archives of historical changes in floodplain lake hydrology', Science of the Total Environment, 544, pp. 1008 - 1019,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Randelovic A; Zhang K; Jacimovic N; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2016, 'Stormwater biofilter treatment model (MPiRe) for selected micro-pollutants', Water Research, 89, pp. 180 - 191,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Rippy MA; Weiden LM; Cooper WJ; Deletic A; Grant SB, 2016, 'Microlayer enrichment in natural treatment systems: linking the surface microlayer to urban water quality', Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 3, pp. 269 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Schang C; Henry R; Kolotelo PA; Prosser T; Crosbie N; Grant T; Cottam D; O'Brien P; Coutts S; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2016, 'Evaluation of techniques for measuring microbial hazards in bathing waters: A comparative study', PLoS ONE, 11,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Schang C; Lintern A; Cook PLM; Osborne C; McKinley A; Schmidt J; Coleman R; Rooney G; Henry R; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2016, 'Presence and survival of culturable Campylobacter spp. and Escherichia coli in a temperate urban estuary', Science of the Total Environment, 569-570, pp. 1201 - 1211,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wang G; Feng W; Zeng X; Wang Z; Feng C; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang X, 2016, 'Highly recoverable TiO2-GO nanocomposites for stormwater disinfection', Water Research, 94, pp. 363 - 370,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wang G; Xing Z; Zeng X; Feng C; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang X, 2016, 'Ultrathin titanium oxide nanosheets film with memory bactericidal activity (vol 8, pg 18050, 2016)', NANOSCALE, 8, pp. 18808 - 18809,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wang G; Xing Z; Zeng X; Feng C; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang X, 2016, 'Ultrathin titanium oxide nanosheets film with memory bactericidal activity', Nanoscale, 8, pp. 18050 - 18056,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Xing Z; Zeng X; Deletic A; McCarthy D; Wang G; Zhang X, 2016, 'Constructing ultrathin film with "memory" photocatalytic activity from monolayered tungstate nanodots', Chemical Communications, 52, pp. 6985 - 6988,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zhang K; Randelovic A; Deletic A; Page D; McCarthy DT, 2016, 'Stormwater biofilters: A new validation modelling tool', Ecological Engineering, 87, pp. 53 - 61,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zhang K; Valognes V; Page D; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2016, 'Validation of stormwater biofilters using in-situ columns', Science of the Total Environment, 544, pp. 48 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2016
    de Haan FJ; Rogers BC; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2016, 'Many roads to Rome: The emergence of pathways from patterns of change through exploratory modelling of sustainability transitions', Environmental Modelling and Software, 85, pp. 279 - 292,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bach PM; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2015, 'Can we model the implementation of water sensitive urban design in evolving cities?', Water Science and Technology, 71, pp. 149 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bach PM; Staalesen S; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2015, 'Revisiting land use classification and spatial aggregation for modelling integrated urban water systems', Landscape and Urban Planning, 143, pp. 43 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Brown RR; Deletic A; Wong THF, 2015, 'Interdisciplinarity: How to catalyse collaboration', Nature, 525, pp. 315 - 317,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Fowdar HS; Hatt BE; Breen P; Cook PLM; Deletic A, 2015, 'Evaluation of sustainable electron donors for nitrate removal in different water media', Water Research, 85, pp. 487 - 496,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Henry R; Schang C; Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; Edmunds M; Jovanovic D; Kolotelo P; Schmidt J; Williamson R; McCarthy D, 2015, 'Environmental monitoring of waterborne Campylobacter: Evaluation of the Australian standard and a hybrid extraction-free MPN-PCR method', Frontiers in Microbiology, 6,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Jovanovic D; Henry R; Coleman R; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2015, 'Integrated conceptual modelling of faecal contamination in an urban estuary catchment', Water Science and Technology, 72, pp. 1472 - 1480,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kandra H; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2015, 'Assessment of the Impact of Stormwater Characteristics on Clogging in Stormwater Filters', Water Resources Management, 29, pp. 1031 - 1048,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kandra HS; Callaghan J; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2015, 'Biological clogging in storm water filters', Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 141,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Lintern A; Deletic A; Leahy P; McCarthy D, 2015, 'Digging up the dirty past: Evidence for stormwater's contribution to pollution of an urban floodplain lake', Marine and Freshwater Research, 66, pp. 596 - 608,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Poustie MS; Deletic A; Brown RR; Wong T; de Haan FJ; Skinner R, 2015, 'Sustainable urban water futures in developing countries: the centralised, decentralised or hybrid dilemma', Urban Water Journal, 12, pp. 543 - 558,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Rogers BC; Brown RR; De Haan FJ; Deletic A, 2015, 'Analysis of institutional work on innovation trajectories in water infrastructure systems of Melbourne, Australia', Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 15, pp. 42 - 64,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zeng X; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Zhang X, 2015, 'Silver/Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel as Novel Bactericidal Filter for Point-of-Use Water Disinfection', Advanced Functional Materials, 25, pp. 4344 - 4351,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zhang K; Deletic A; Page D; McCarthy DT, 2015, 'Surrogates for herbicide removal in stormwater biofilters', Water Research, 81, pp. 64 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zhang K; Randelovic A; Aguiar LM; Page D; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2015, 'Methodologies for pre-validation of biofilters and wetlands for stormwater treatment', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0125979,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bach PM; Rauch W; Mikkelsen PS; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2014, 'A critical review of integrated urban water modelling - Urban drainage and beyond', Environmental Modelling and Software, 54, pp. 88 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2014, 'Survival of Escherichia coli in stormwater biofilters', Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21, pp. 5391 - 5401,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Chandrasena GI; Pham T; Payne EG; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2014, 'E. coli removal in laboratory scale stormwater biofilters: Influence of vegetation and submerged zone', Journal of Hydrology, 519, pp. 814 - 822,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Daly E; Bach PM; Deletic A, 2014, 'Stormwater pollutant runoff: A stochastic approach', Advances in Water Resources, 74, pp. 148 - 155,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dotto CBS; Kleidorfer M; Deletic A; Rauch W; McCarthy DT, 2014, 'Impacts of measured data uncertainty on urban stormwater models', Journal of Hydrology, 508, pp. 28 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kandra HS; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2014, 'Assessment of Impact of Filter Design Variables on Clogging in Stormwater Filters', Water Resources Management, 28, pp. 1873 - 1885,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kandra HS; McCarthy D; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2014, 'Assessment of clogging phenomena in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment', JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 512, pp. 518 - 527,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kandra HS; McCarthy D; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2014, 'Assessment of clogging phenomena in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment', Journal of Hydrology, 512, pp. 518 - 527,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Li YL; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2014, 'Removal of E. coli from urban stormwater using antimicrobial-modified filter media', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 271, pp. 73 - 81,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Li YL; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2014, 'Stable copper-zeolite filter media for bacteria removal in stormwater', Journal of Hazardous Materials, 273, pp. 222 - 230,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Marchand L; Nsanganwimana F; Lamy JB; Quintela-Sabaris C; Gonnelli C; Colzi I; Fletcher T; Oustrière N; Kolbas A; Kidd P; Bordas F; Newell P; Alvarenga P; Deletic A; Mench M, 2014, 'Root biomass production in populations of six rooted macrophytes in response to Cu exposure: Intra-specific variability versus constitutive-like tolerance', Environmental Pollution, 193, pp. 205 - 215,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Payne EGI; Fletcher TD; Cook PLM; Deletic A; Hatt BE, 2014, 'Processes and drivers of nitrogen removal in stormwater biofiltration', Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 44, pp. 796 - 846,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Payne EGI; Fletcher TD; Russell DG; Grace MR; Cavagnaro TR; Evrard V; Deletic A; Hatt BE; Cook PLM, 2014, 'Temporary storage or permanent removal? The division of nitrogen between biotic assimilation and denitrification in stormwater biofiltration systems', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Payne EGI; Pham T; Cook PLM; Fletcher TD; Hatt BE; Deletic A, 2014, 'Biofilter design for effective nitrogen removal from stormwater - Influence of plant species, inflow hydrology and use of a saturated zone', Water Science and Technology, 69, pp. 1312 - 1319,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Poustie MS; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2014, 'Receptivity to sustainable urban water management in the South West Pacific', Journal of Water and Climate Change, 5, pp. 244 - 258,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Poustie MS; Deletic A, 2014, 'Modeling integrated urban water systems in developing countries: case study of Port Vila, Vanuatu', Ambio, 43, pp. 1093 - 1111,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zhang K; Randelovic A; Page D; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2014, 'The validation of stormwater biofilters for micropollutant removal using in situ challenge tests', Ecological Engineering, 67, pp. 1 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bach PM; Deletic A; Urich C; Sitzenfrei R; Kleidorfer M; Rauch W; McCarthy DT, 2013, 'Modelling Interactions Between Lot-Scale Decentralised Water Infrastructure and Urban Form - a Case Study on Infiltration Systems', Water Resources Management, 27, pp. 4845 - 4863,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bach PM; McCarthy DT; Urich C; Sitzenfrei R; Kleidorfer M; Rauch W; Deletic A, 2013, 'A planning algorithm for quantifying decentralised water management opportunities in urban environments', Water Science and Technology, 68, pp. 1857 - 1865,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Browne D; Deletic A; Mudd GM; Fletcher TD, 2013, 'A two-dimensional model of hydraulic performance of stormwater infiltration systems', Hydrological Processes, 27, pp. 2785 - 2799,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2013, 'Evaluating Escherichia coli removal performance in stormwater biofilters: A preliminary modelling approach', Water Science and Technology, 67, pp. 2467 - 2475,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Daly E; Kolotelo P; Schang C; Osborne CA; Coleman R; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2013, 'Escherichia coli concentrations and loads in an urbanised catchment: The Yarra River, Australia', Journal of Hydrology, 497, pp. 51 - 61,
    Journal articles | 2013
    De Haan FJ; Ferguson BC; Deletic A; Brown RR, 2013, 'A socio-technical model to explore urban water systems scenarios', Water Science and Technology, 68, pp. 714 - 721,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Dotto CBS; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2013, 'Uncertainty analysis in urban drainage modelling: Should we break our back for normally distributed residuals?', Water Science and Technology, 68, pp. 1271 - 1279,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferguson BC; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2013, 'A diagnostic procedure for transformative change based on transitions, resilience, and institutional thinking', Ecology and Society, 18,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferguson BC; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2013, 'Diagnosing transformative change in urban water systems: Theories and frameworks', Global Environmental Change, 23, pp. 264 - 280,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ferguson BC; Brown RR; Frantzeskaki N; de Haan FJ; Deletic A, 2013, 'The enabling institutional context for integrated water management: Lessons from Melbourne', Water Research, 47, pp. 7300 - 7314,
    Journal articles | 2013
    McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Mitchell VG; Diaper C, 2013, 'Predicting between-event variability of escherichia coli in urban storm water', Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 139, pp. 728 - 737,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Tang JYM; Aryal R; Deletic A; Gernjak W; Glenn E; McCarthy D; Escher BI, 2013, 'Toxicity characterization of urban stormwater with bioanalytical tools', Water Research, 47, pp. 5594 - 5606,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Vezzaro L; Mikkelsen PS; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2013, 'Urban drainage models - Simplifying uncertainty analysis for practitioners', Water Science and Technology, 68, pp. 2136 - 2143,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Yong CF; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2013, 'Predicting physical clogging of porous and permeable pavements', Journal of Hydrology, 481, pp. 48 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Zinger Y; Blecken GT; Fletcher TD; Viklander M; Deletić A, 2013, 'Optimising nitrogen removal in existing stormwater biofilters: Benefits and tradeoffs of a retrofitted saturated zone', Ecological Engineering, 51, pp. 75 - 82,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bratières K; Schang C; Deletić A; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Performance of enviss™ stormwater filters: Results of a laboratory trial', Water Science and Technology, 66, pp. 719 - 727,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Chandrasena GI; Deletic A; Ellerton J; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Evaluating Escherichia coli removal performance in stormwater biofilters: A laboratory-scale study', Water Science and Technology, 66, pp. 1132 - 1138,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Daly E; Deletic A; Hatt BE; Fletcher TD, 2012, 'Modelling of stormwater biofilters under random hydrologic variability: A case study of a car park at Monash University, Victoria (Australia)', Hydrological Processes, 26, pp. 3416 - 3424,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Deletic A; Dotto CBS; McCarthy DT; Kleidorfer M; Freni G; Mannina G; Uhl M; Henrichs M; Fletcher TD; Rauch W; Bertrand-Krajewski JL; Tait S, 2012, 'Assessing uncertainties in urban drainage models', Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 42-44, pp. 3 - 10,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dotto CBS; Mannina G; Kleidorfer M; Vezzaro L; Henrichs M; McCarthy DT; Freni G; Rauch W; Deletic A, 2012, 'Comparison of different uncertainty techniques in urban stormwater quantity and quality modelling', Water Research, 46, pp. 2545 - 2558,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Feng W; Hatt BE; McCarthy DT; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2012, 'Biofilters for stormwater harvesting: Understanding the treatment performance of key metals that pose a risk for water use', Environmental Science and Technology, 46, pp. 5100 - 5108,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Grant SB; Saphores JD; Feldman DL; Hamilton AJ; Fletcher TD; Cook PLM; Stewardson M; Sanders BF; Levin LA; Ambrose RF; Deletic A; Brown R; Jiang SC; Rosso D; Cooper WJ; Marusic I, 2012, 'Taking the "waste" out of "wastewater" for human water security and ecosystem sustainability', Science, 337, pp. 681 - 686,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Guest RM; Schang C; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Zinc-sulphate-heptahydrate coated activated carbon for microbe removal from stormwater', Water Science and Technology, 66, pp. 1582 - 1589,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Le Coustumer S; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Barraud S; Poelsma P, 2012, 'The influence of design parameters on clogging of stormwater biofilters: A large-scale column study', Water Research, 46, pp. 6743 - 6752,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Li YL; Deletic A; Alcazar L; Bratieres K; Fletcher TD; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Removal of Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli and F-RNA coliphages by stormwater biofilters', Ecological Engineering, 49, pp. 137 - 145,
    Journal articles | 2012
    McCarthy DT; Hathaway JM; Hunt WF; Deletic A, 2012, 'Intra-event variability of Escherichia coli and total suspended solids in urban stormwater runoff', Water Research, 46, pp. 6661 - 6670,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Rauch W; Ledin A; Eriksson E; Deletic A; Hunt WF, 2012, 'Stormwater in urban areas', Water Research, 46, pp. 6588,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dotto CBS; Deletic A; McCarthy DT; Fletcher TD, 2011, 'Calibration and sensitivity analysis of urban drainage models: MUSIC rainfall/runoff module and a simple stormwater quality model', Australian Journal of Water Resources, 15, pp. 85 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Dotto CBS; Kleidorfer M; Deletic A; Rauch W; McCarthy DT; Fletcher TD, 2011, 'Performance and sensitivity analysis of stormwater models using a Bayesian approach and long-term high resolution data', Environmental Modelling and Software, 26, pp. 1225 - 1239,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Francey M; Duncan HP; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2011, 'Testing and sensitivity of a simple method for predicting urban pollutant loads', Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137, pp. 782 - 789,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Hatt BE; Steinel A; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2011, 'Retention of heavy metals by stormwater filtration systems: Breakthrough analysis', Water Science and Technology, 64, pp. 1913 - 1919,
    Journal articles | 2011
    McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Mitchell VG; Diaper C, 2011, 'Development and testing of a model for Micro-Organism Prediction in Urban Stormwater (MOPUS)', Journal of Hydrology, 409, pp. 236 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Yong CF; Deletic A; Fletcher TD; Grace MR, 2011, 'Hydraulic and treatment performance of pervious pavements under variable drying and wetting regimes', Water Science and Technology, 64, pp. 1692 - 1699,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Zhang XL; Ana D, 2011, 'Research and application on stormwater biofiltration treatment technology in Australia', Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, 33,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bach PM; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2010, 'Redefining the stormwater first flush phenomenon', Water Research, 44, pp. 2487 - 2498,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Bach PM; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2010, 'The development of a novel approach for assessment of the first flush in urban stormwater discharges', Water Science and Technology, 61, pp. 2681 - 2688,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Blecken GT; Zinger Y; Deletić A; Fletcher TD; Hedström A; Viklander M, 2010, 'Laboratory study on stormwater biofiltration: Nutrient and sediment removal in cold temperatures', Journal of Hydrology, 394, pp. 507 - 514,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dotto CBS; Kleidorfer M; Deletic A; Fletcher TD; McCarthy DT; Rauch W, 2010, 'Stormwater quality models: Performance and sensitivity analysis', Water Science and Technology, 62, pp. 837 - 843,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Francey M; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Duncan H, 2010, 'New insights into the quality of urban storm water in South Eastern Australia', Journal of Environmental Engineering, 136, pp. 381 - 390,
    Journal articles | 2010
    McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Mitchell VG; Diaper C, 2010, 'Sensitivity analysis of an urban stormwater microorganism model', Water Science and Technology, 62, pp. 1393 - 1400,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Read J; Fletcher TD; Wevill T; Deletic A, 2010, 'Plant traits that enhance pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems', International Journal of Phytoremediation, 12, pp. 34 - 53,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Blecken GT; Zinger Y; Deletić A; Fletcher TD; Viklander M, 2009, 'Impact of a submerged zone and a carbon source on heavy metal removal in stormwater biofilters', Ecological Engineering, 35, pp. 769 - 778,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Blecken GT; Zinger Y; Deletić A; Fletcher TD; Viklander M, 2009, 'Influence of intermittent wetting and drying conditions on heavy metal removal by stormwater biofilters', Water Research, 43, pp. 4590 - 4598,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Daly E; Zinger Y; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2009, 'A possible mechanism for soil moisture bimodality in humid-land environments', Geophysical Research Letters, 36,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Dotto CBS; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2009, 'Analysis of parameter uncertainty of a flow and quality stormwater model', Water Science and Technology, 60, pp. 717 - 725,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Hatt BE; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2009, 'Hydrologic and pollutant removal performance of stormwater biofiltration systems at the field scale', Journal of Hydrology, 365, pp. 310 - 321,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Hatt BE; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2009, 'Pollutant removal performance of field-scale stormwater biofiltration systems', Water Science and Technology, 59, pp. 1567 - 1576,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Haydon S; Deletic A, 2009, 'Model output uncertainty of a coupled pathogen indicator-hydrologic catchment model due to input data uncertainty', Environmental Modelling and Software, 24, pp. 322 - 328,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Kleidorfer M; Deletic A; Fletcher TD; Rauch W, 2009, 'Impact of input data uncertainties on urban stormwater model parameters.', Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 60, pp. 1545 - 1554,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Le Coustumer S; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Barraud S; Lewis JF, 2009, 'Hydraulic performance of biofilter systems for stormwater management: Influences of design and operation', Journal of Hydrology, 376, pp. 16 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Bratieres K; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Zinger Y, 2008, 'Nutrient and sediment removal by stormwater biofilters: A large-scale design optimisation study', Water Research, 42, pp. 3930 - 3940,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Browne D; Deletic A; Mudd GM; Fletcher TD, 2008, 'A new saturated/unsaturated model for stormwater infiltration systems', Hydrological Processes, 22, pp. 4838 - 4849,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Deletic A; Fletcher TD; Brown RR; Hatt BE; Wong THF, 2008, 'Advancing stormwater biofilters', Water, 35, pp. 64 - 72
    Journal articles | 2008
    Hatt BE; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2008, 'Hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of fine media stormwater filtration systems', Environmental Science and Technology, 42, pp. 2535 - 2541,
    Journal articles | 2008
    McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Mitchell VG; Fletcher TD; Diaper C, 2008, 'Uncertainties in stormwater E. coli levels', Water Research, 42, pp. 1812 - 1824,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Mitchell VG; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2008, 'Urban stormwater harvesting - sensitivity of a storage behaviour model', Environmental Modelling and Software, 23, pp. 782 - 793,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Read J; Wevill T; Fletcher T; Deletic A, 2008, 'Variation among plant species in pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems', Water Research, 42, pp. 893 - 902,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Wong T; Brown R; Deletic A, 2008, 'Water management in a water sensitive city', Water, 35, pp. 52 - 62
    Journal articles | 2007
    Blecken GT; Zinger Y; Muthanna TM; Deletic A; Fletcher TD; Viklander M, 2007, 'The influence of temperature on nutrient treatment efficiency in stormwater biofilter systems', Water Science and Technology, 56, pp. 83 - 91,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Hatt BE; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2007, 'Hydraulic and pollutant removal performance of stormwater filters under variable wetting and drying regimes', Water Science and Technology, 56, pp. 11 - 19,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Hatt BE; Fletcher TD; Deletic A, 2007, 'Treatment performance of gravel filter media: Implications for design and application of stormwater infiltration systems', Water Research, 41, pp. 2513 - 2524,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Haydon S; Deletic A, 2007, 'Sensitivity testing of a coupled Escherichia coli - Hydrologic catchment model', Journal of Hydrology, 338, pp. 161 - 173,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Le Coustumer S; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Barraud S, 2007, 'Hydraulic performance of biofilters for stormwater management: First lessons from both laboratory and field studies', Water Science and Technology, 56, pp. 93 - 100,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Li Y; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Modelling wet weather sediment removal by stormwater constructed wetlands: Insights from a laboratory study', Journal of Hydrology, 338, pp. 285 - 296,
    Journal articles | 2007
    McCarthy DT; Mitchell VG; Deletic A; Diaper C, 2007, 'Escherichia coli in urban stormwater: Explaining their variability', Water Science and Technology, 56, pp. 27 - 34,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Siriwardene NR; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Clogging of stormwater gravel infiltration systems and filters: Insights from a laboratory study', Water Research, 41, pp. 1433 - 1440,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Siriwardene NR; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Modeling of sediment transport through stormwater gravel filters over their lifespan', Environmental Science and Technology, 41, pp. 8099 - 8103,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Siriwardene NR; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Preliminary studies of the development of a clogging prediction method for stormwater infiltration systems', WATER PRACTICE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Siriwardene NR; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Preliminary studies of the development of a clogging prediction method for stormwater infiltration systems', Water Practice and Technology, 2,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2006, 'Performance of grass filters used for stormwater treatment - A field and modelling study', Journal of Hydrology, 317, pp. 261 - 275,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Hatt BE; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2006, 'Integrated treatment and recycling of stormwater: A review of Australian practice', Journal of Environmental Management, 79, pp. 102 - 113,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Hatt BE; Siriwardene N; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2006, 'Filter media for stormwater treatment and recycling: The influence of hydraulic properties of flow on pollutant removal', Water Science and Technology, 54, pp. 263 - 271,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Haydon S; Deletic A, 2006, 'Development of a coupled pathogen-hydrologic catchment model', Journal of Hydrology, 328, pp. 467 - 480,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Pokrajac D; Deletic A, 2006, 'Experimental study of LNAPL migration in the vicinity of a steep groundwater table', Soils and Foundations, 46, pp. 271 - 280,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Deletic A; Orr DW, 2005, 'Pollution buildup on road surfaces', JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 131, pp. 49 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Deletic A; Orr DW, 2005, 'Pollution buildup on road surfaces', Journal of Environmental Engineering, 131, pp. 49 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Deletic A, 2005, 'Sediment transport in urban runoff over grassed areas', Journal of Hydrology, 301, pp. 108 - 122,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Deletic A, 2001, 'Modelling of water and sediment transport over grassed areas', Journal of Hydrology, 248, pp. 168 - 182,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Burkhard R; Deletic A; Craig A, 2000, 'Techniques for water and wastewater management: A review of techniques and their integration in planning', Urban Water, 2, pp. 197 - 221,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Deletic A; Ashley R; Rest D, 2000, 'Modelling input of fine granular sediment into drainage systems via gully-pots', Water Research, 34, pp. 3836 - 3844,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Deletic A, 1999, 'Sediment behaviour in grass filter strips', Water Science and Technology, 39, pp. 129 - 136,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Deletic A, 1998, 'The first flush load of urban surface runoff', Water Research, 32, pp. 2462 - 2470,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Deletic AB; Maksimovic CT, 1998, 'Evaluation of water quality factors in storm runoff from paved areas', Journal of Environmental Engineering, 124, pp. 869 - 879,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Deletic A; Maksimovic C; Ivetic M, 1997, 'Modelling of storm wash-off of suspended solids from impervious surfaces', Journal of Hydraulic Research, 35, pp. 99 - 118,
  • Conference Papers | 2019
    Deletic A; Zhang K; Jamali B; Charette-Castonguay A; Kuller M; Prodanovic V; Bach PM, 2019, 'Modelling to Support the Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Systems', in Mannina G (ed.), New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling, Springer International Publishing, pp. 10 - 19
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Randelovic A; Zhang K; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2019, 'Assessing Uncertainty of a Biofilter Micropollutant Transport Model MPiRe', in Green Energy and Technology, pp. 246 - 250,
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Prodanovic V; Wang A; Deletic A, 2018, 'Hydrology of Green Walls: Factor Assessment and Water Balance Modelling', presented at 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Palermo, Italy, 23 September 2018 - 26 September 2018
    Theses / Dissertations | 2018
    Prodanovic V, 2018, Green walls for greywater reuse, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2017, 'Green walls for greywater reuse: Reducing the water stress on urban drainage systems', presented at 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage, Prague, Czech Republic, 10 September 2017 - 15 September 2017
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Zhang K; Manuelpillai D; Raut B; Jakob C; Reeder M; Deletic A; Bach P, 2017, 'Impact of future rainfall projections from ensemble GCMs on stormwater management', Prague, Czech, presented at 14th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Prague, Czech, 10 September 2017 - 15 September 2017
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Castonguay AC; Urich C; Iftekhar MS; Deletic A, 2016, 'Modelling urban transition: A case of rainwater harvesting', in Environmental Modelling and Software for Supporting a Sustainable Future, Proceedings - 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, iEMSs 2016, pp. 1262 - 1269
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Iftekhar MS; Urich C; Schilizzi S; Deletic A, 2016, 'Effectiveness of incentives to promote adoption of water sensitive urban design: A case study on rain water harvesting tanks', in Environmental Modelling and Software for Supporting a Sustainable Future, Proceedings - 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, iEMSs 2016, pp. 966 - 973
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2016, 'Pollutant removal process study of two media types used for greywater recycling green walls', presented at 2016 International Low Impact Development Conference, Beijing, China, 26 June 2016 - 29 June 2016
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Prodanovic V; Hatt B; McCarthy D; Deletic A, 2015, 'Development of green walls for water treatment: the role of filter media', presented at 2015 Stormwater Victoria Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 05 May 2015 - 07 May 2015
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Prodanovic V; Randelovic A; Deletic A; Jacimovic N, 2014, 'Dealing with uncertainty in calibration of a stormwater biofilter model', presented at 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Sarawak, Malaysia, 07 September 2014 - 12 September 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Zhang K; Tian X; Page D; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2014, 'Use of water sensitive urban design systems for biofiltration of urban stormwater: laboratory biodegradation batch studies', in Nakamoto N; Graham N; Collins MR; Gimbel R (eds.), PROGRESS IN SLOW SAND AND ALTERNATIVE BIOFILTRATION PROCESSES: FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS, IWA PUBLISHING, JAPAN, Nagoya, pp. 441 - 450, presented at 5th International Slow Sand and Alternative Biological Filtration Conference, JAPAN, Nagoya,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Urich C; Bach PM; Sitzenfrei R; Kleidorfer M; McCarthy DT; Deletic A; Rauch W, 2013, 'Modelling cities and water infrastructure dynamics', in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, pp. 301 - 308,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Chandrasena GI; Filip S; Zhang K; Osborne CA; Deletic A; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Pathogen and indicator microorganism removal in field scale stormwater biofilters', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Ferguson BC; De Haan FJ; Brown RR; Deletic A, 2012, 'Testing a strategic action framework: Melbourne's transition to WSUD', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Kandra HS; Deletic A; McCarthy D, 2012, 'Impact of filter design variables on clogging in stormwater filters', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Li YL; McCarthy DT; Deletic A, 2012, 'Removal and inactivation of E. Coli from water using copper modified natural zeolite', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Pham T; Payne EG; Fletcher TD; Cook PL; Deletic A; Hatt BE, 2012, 'The influence of vegetation in stormwater biofilters on infiltration and nitrogen removal: Preliminary findings', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Poustie M; Brown RR; Deletic A; De Haan FJ, 2012, 'Institutional barriers to advancing sustainable urban water management in port vila, Vanuatu', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Roberts SJ; Fletcher TD; Garnett L; Deletic A, 2012, 'Bioretention saturated zones: Do they work at the large-scale', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Schang C; Osborne CA; Deletic A; Cook P; McCarthy DT, 2012, 'Survival of pathogenic and faecal indicator bacteria in the bed and bank sediments of the yarra river estuary, Aaustralia', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Ward S; Lundy L; Shaffer P; Wong T; Ashley R; Arthur S; Armitage NP; Walker L; Brown R; Deletic A; Butler D, 2012, 'Water sensitive urban design in the city of the future', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yong CF; Deletic A, 2012, 'Factors that predict clogging through porous pavements', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Zhang KF; Filip S; Chandrasena GI; McCarthy DT; Daly E; Pham T; Kolotelo P; Deletic A, 2012, 'Micro-pollutant removal in stormwater biofilters: A preliminary understanding from 3 challenge tests', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Zinger Y; Blecken GT; Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Viklander M, 2012, 'Retrofitting a saturated zone (RSAZ) in stormwater biofilters: Impact on pollutants removal', in WSUD 2012 - 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design: Building the Water Sensitive Community, Final Program and Abstract Book
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Fletcher TD; Deletic A; Mitchell VG; Hatt BE, 2008, 'Reuse of urban runoff in Australia: A review of recent advances and remaining challenges', in Journal of Environmental Quality,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Fletcher TD; Mitchell VG; Deletic A; Ladson TR; Séven A, 2007, 'Is stormwater harvesting beneficial to urban waterway environmental flows?', in Water Science and Technology, pp. 265 - 272,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Hatt BE; Deletic A; Fletcher TD, 2007, 'Stormwater reuse: Designing biofiltration systems for reliable treatment', in Water Science and Technology, pp. 201 - 209,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Mitchell VG; Deletic A; Fletcher TD; Hatt BE; McCarthy DT, 2007, 'Achieving multiple benefits from stormwater harvesting', in Water Science and Technology, pp. 135 - 144,
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Fletcher T; Deletic A, 2006, 'Urban drainage modelling and water sensitive urban design - Selected papers from the 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and the 4th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design held concurrently in Melbourne, Australia, 2-7 April 2006 - Preface', in WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, IWA PUBLISHING, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. VII - VIII, presented at 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling/4th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 02 April 2006 - 07 April 2006,
    Conference Papers | 1999
    Deletic A, 1999, 'Sediment behaviour in grass filter strips', in Water Science and Technology, pp. 129 - 136,
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Picksley JW; Deletic A, 1998, 'The thermal enrichment of storm runoff from paved areas - a statistical analysis', in James W (ed.), NEW APPLICATIONS IN MODELING URBAN WATER SYSTEMS, MONOGRAPH 7, COMPUTATIONAL HYDRAULICS INTERNATIONAL, CANADA, TORONTO, pp. 127 - 138, presented at Conference on Stormwater and Related Water Systems Modeling: Management and Impacts, CANADA, TORONTO, 19 February 1998 - 20 February 1998,