Professor Andrew Neely
Andrew Neely is the Associate Dean (Research Engagement)Ìýat Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra where he is alsoÌýaÌýProfessorÌýin the School of Engineering and Technology.
Generous Ph.D. scholarships ($35,000+ per year) are available for high-achieving students (with H1/High Distinction in UG and/or Masters by Research) in engineering, mathematics or relevant sciencesÌýunder my supervision. If you are interested contact me at a.neely@adfa.edu.au
PhD Topics NOW AVAILABLE on funded projects
(1) Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions on supersonic andÌýhypersonic vehicles (NOTE: AUS/NZ/US/UK citizens only)
Professor Neely leads a research group investigating the fluid-thermal-structural behaviour of high-speed vehicles and propulsion systems. He worked on the DST/USAF HIFiRE,ÌýHyCAUSE and SCRAMSPACE Ìýflight experiment projects. He also collaborates on investigations of the biomechanical behaviour of nerve tissue.
One of our experimental hypersonic FSI cases has been chosen for the next NASA Aeroelastic Prediction Workshop (AePW3). Join if you would like to simulate the case.
We also host the international Database ofÌýHigh-Speed Fluid Structure Interaction Unit Cases
Prof Neely isÌý
- Non-executive Director, Canberra Innovation Network (CBRIN)
- Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
- President, Royal Aeronautical Society Australian DivisionÌý (2017-2019)
- Australian Division Council,ÌýRoyal Aeronautical SocietyÌý(2015-2025)
- Vice President, International Society forÌýAir Breathing Engines (ISABE) (2017-2019)
- Chair of the 25thÌýISABE Conference, Canberra, 2019
- Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- National Director for the RAeS Cool Aeronautics Australia STEM outreach program
- Member of the AIAA Hypersonic Technologies and Aerospace Planes Technical Committee
- AIAA Sydney Section, STEM K-12 Outreach Officer
- Member of the AIAA Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion Technical Committee (2010-2014)
- Member of the Combined Propulsion Technical Activity Committee, RAeS/IMechE (2010-2018)
- Member of the Controls, Diagnostics and Instrumentation Committee, IGTI, ASME (1996-2009)
- Member of the Air Safety Group, UK (2001-02)
The Future of High-Speed Vehicles: Â鶹Éçmadou Defence Research Institute podcast
Finite element modeling of optic chiasmal compression:ÌýJournal of Neuro-Ophthalmology podcastÌý
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- Neely, Hoke, Talluru, Kleine, Wild, Dooner, McQuellin, Buttsworth / Hypersonic FTSI Unit Case for a Thermally Buckled Structural Panel Ìý/ USAF AFOSR FA2386-23-1-4083. (3 years)
- NeelyÌý/ Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMASÌý(supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- University of Adelaide - Â鶹Éçmadou / Defence Trailblazer for Concept to Sovereign CapabilityÌý/ Trailblazer Universities Program, Department of Education.Ìý(4 years)
- Neely, Capra, Yeo, Sharp, Rider, Hartley, Doral, Oruganti, Veidt, GroblerÌý/ Application of CFRP material systems to internal structure on high-speed vehicles / DMTC-DSTG-Quickstep. (1 year)
- Wild, Kleine, Neely / Hypersonic Vehicle Shape Distortion Sensing with Optical Fibre Bragg Gratings / USAF AOARD FA2386-22-1-4081. (2 years)
- Cummings, Seidel, Reeder, Neely,ÌýO'Byrne, Buttsworth, FrankelÌý / Free Flight Wind Tunnel Experiments and Simulations for Control Jet Applications in Hypersonic Flows / University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics TEES-JHTO.Ìý(3 years)
- Buttsworth, Zander, Jahn, Gollan, Laurence, Neely / Dispersion of spacecraft components during re-entry / ARC-DP220102751.Ìý(3 years)
- Neely, Capra / Aerothermal Shape Distortion of Hypersonic Vehicles / Lockheed MartinÌýAustralia. (1 year)
- Neely / Experimental Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Testing / DST Collaborative Project Agreement. (1 year)
- Neely, Capra, Kleine, Buttsworth, McNamara, DowellÌý / Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions on High-Speed Aerospace Vehicles / ARC-DP210100561.Ìý(3 years)
- Talluru, Alenin, Neely, Tyo, McQuellin, Kurtz / Improved simultaneous mapping of pressure and strain for hypersonic FSI experiments / USAF AOARD FA2386-21-1-4062. (2 years)Ìý
- Faraone, Mitchell, Aharonovich, O'Byrne, Tan, Wang, Umana-Membreno, Pudsey, Neely, Lambert, Jagadish, McClelland, MooreÌý/ National Facility for Infrared Technologies / ARC-LE210100125.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Tyo, Hazell, Capra, O’Byrne, Escobedo-Diaz, Kleine, Currao, Liow / High-Speed IR Thermographic Camera / Â鶹Éçmadou Research Infrastructure Scheme (RIS).Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- Neely, Jeyaratnam, Capra, Talluru,ÌýGai / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMASÌý(supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- Neely,ÌýO’Byrne, CapraÌý/ Hypersonic Aerosciences and Advanced Diagnostics (Phase 1) / DST Collaborative Project Agreement.Ìý(2 years)Ìý
- O’Byrne,ÌýNeely, Gai, Kleine, Capra, Currao, McQuellin / Measuring the influence of wall-temperature ratio distribution on transition using optical diagnostics / US Air Force Academy High-speed Vehicles Simulation InstituteÌýFA7000-20-2-0002, (3Ìýyears)Ìý
- Neely, Currao, Capra / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS + Intersect, (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- Neely, Buttsworth, Young, Jahn, Currao, Zander / Unit Cases to Investigate Hypersonic Fluid-Structure InteractionsÌý/ USAF AFOSR FA2386-19-1-4027.Ìý(3 years)
- Gai, Neely, O'Byrne, Kleine, Capra / Wall Temperature and Bluntness Effects in High Enthalpy Hypervelocity Separated FlowsÌý/ USAF AFOSR FA2386-19-1-4023.Ìý(3 years)Ìý
- Neely, Currao / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS, (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Young, Kleine, Capra, Gai, Tian, Hoke, Lai / Digital Image Correlation Software Suite / Â鶹Éçmadou Research Infrastructure Scheme (RSI).Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- Neely, Currao, McQuellinÌý/ Method to investigate transient flightÌýdynamics for high-speed air breathing vehicles undergoing inlet unstartÌý/ Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Defence-Related Research (DRR) scheme.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Buttsworth, Young, Jahn, Candler, McNamara / Fluid-Structural Interactions in High-Speed Flows / ARC-DP180103480.Ìý(3 years)
- Neely / Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Workshop on Fluid-Structure Interaction / USAF AFOSR FA9550-18-1-0206.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely / Application of Multifunctional Composite Materials to Hypersonic Ground Testing / Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Defence-Related Research (DRR) scheme.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, McGilvray, de Baar, Doherty / Experimental Measurement of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring on Internal and External Expansion Hypersonic Nozzles / USAF EOARD FA9550-17-1-0401.Ìý(1 year)
- NeelyÌý/ Gas Turbine Engine Component Distortion / DST Group research contract.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Buttsworth, O’Byrne, Choudhury, Tahtali, Mudford / Free-flight Separation Dynamics of HIFiRE 8 and generic geometries / DST Group research contract.Ìý(1 year)
- Boyce, Frankcombe, Neely, Gai, Brown / Physics of the interactions between high-speed craft and their environment / NCI National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS) (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Young / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS + Intersect, (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Young / Experimental measurement of fluidic thrust vectoring on a hypersonic nozzle / Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Defence-Related Research (DRR) scheme.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely,ÌýButtsworth, Jahn, Manzie, Ur Rahman / Characterisation and control of a flap undergoing hypersonic fluid-structure interaction / USAF AFOSR FA2386-16-1-4024.Ìý(2 years)
- Gai, Neely, Kleine, Buttsworth / Effects of Wall Temperature in High Enthalpy Rarefied Hypersonic Separated Flow / USAF Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development, FA2386-16-1-4014.Ìý(2 years)
- Neely, Buttsworth, O’Byrne, Choudhury, Tahtali, Mudford / Validation of DST Group’s HIFiRE-4 Glider Aerodynamic Database via Hypersonic Free-Flight / DST Group research contract.Ìý(1 year)
- Kleine, Morgan, Buttsworth, Hazell, Neely, McIntyre, Mee, Gai, Smart / Optical diagnostics for the investigation of high-speed energetic processes / ARC-LE160100194.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Kleine, Tuttle, Young, Gai, Doolan, Moreau / High-Intensity Narrow-band PSP Lighting / Â鶹Éçmadou 
Major Research Equipment and Infrastructure Initiative (MREII).Ìý(1 year)
- Boyce, Frankcombe, Neely, Gai, Brown / Physics of the interactions between high-speed craft and their environment / NCI National Computational Merit Allocation Scheme (NCMAS) (supercomputer time) (1 year)
- Neely, Young / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS + Intersect, (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Tuttle / Prescribing non-uniform wall temperatures on hypersonic wind tunnel models / Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Defence-Related Research (DRR) scheme.Ìý(1 year)
- Neely, Young / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS, (supercomputer time).Ìý(1 year)
- Steelant, Hannemann, Serre, Verstraete, Neely, et al. / High Speed Experimental Fly Vehicles - International / EU FP7, ACP3-GA-2014-620327.ÌýÌý(5 years)
- Gai, O’Byrne, Neely, Kleine, Moss, Park, Boyd, Levin, Schwartzentruber, Wu, Chen / Rarefied hypervelocity 
separated flow in the transitional to continuum regimes / ARC-DP140100842.Ìý(3 years)
- O’Byrne, Gai, Neely, Kleine / Emission Measurements in Hypersonic Bluff-body Flows / USAF Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development scheme.Ìý(2 years)
- Neely, Tuttle / Real-time mapping of in-flight heating on high-speed vehicles / Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Defence-Related Research (DRR) scheme.Ìý(1 year)Ìý
- Neely, Young / Fluid-thermal-structural interactions for high-speed flight and propulsion / NCI NCMAS, (supercomputer time).
- 2022 AIAA Structural Dynamics BestÌýPaper Award (Vasconcelos, McQuellin, Talluru, Neely, Hypersonic Fluid-Structure Interactions on aÌýCompliant Clamped-Free Clamped-Free Panel UnderÌýthe Influence of Static Shock Impingement)
- 2021 AIAA Sustained Service Award ("For the sustained and trusted management of activities advancing AIAA values and interests at the section, regional, and international levels")
- 2019 AIAA Fluid Dynamics BestÌýPaper Award (Currao, McQuellin, Neely, Zander, Buttsworth, McNamara, Jahn, Oscillating Shock Impingement on a Flat Plate at Mach 6)
- The Harry Staubs STEM K-12 Outreach Award (1st Place, AIAA Small section category) 2016-2017
- The Harry Staubs STEM K-12 Outreach Award (1st Place, AIAA Small section category) 2014-2015
- 2011 AIAA Hypersonics Technology Best Paper Award (Neely, Choudhury, Paukner, Odam, Measurement of Aerothermal Heating on HIFiRE-0)
- Spitfire Memorial Defence Fellowship, 2008
- AIAA Special Service Citation, 2008
- Rector’s Commendation for Excellence in Classroom Teaching, Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra, 2007
- 1997ÌýEdwin Walker Prize for Best Paper (Neely, Ireland, Harper,ÌýExtended surface convective cooling studies of engine components using the transient liquid crystal technique), Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council Bursary 1997, Royal Aeronautical SocietyÌý
- Australian Postgraduate Research Award, 1992-1994
I am theÌýNational Director for the RAeS Cool Aeronautics Australia STEM outreach program
see activities and opportunities atÌý
My Research Supervision
Student | Degree | Year | Topic | Previous Degrees |
Damon Kirkpatrick (USAF) | PhD | 2023 | Hypersonic Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions | MSci (Rice) |
Nicholas Heath | PhD | 2022 | Hypersonic Vehicle Manoeurvring using Control Thrusters | MRes (Macquarie) |
Lily Attwood | MPhil | 2021 | Energy Deposition on Hot Structures | BE (Â鶹Éçmadou) |
Luke Rooney (CEA) | MRes (PT) | 2021 | Hypersonic Vehicle Maneuvering Envelope | BE, BSc (Sydney) |
Michelle Norton (Thales) | PhD (PT) | 2020 | Fluid Structure Interactions of Gate Valves | BE (Â鶹Éçmadou) |
Kaisar Al ShamiÌý | PhD | 2020 | Gas Turbine Thermal Rotor Bow | BSMech (Balamand) |
Zach Tuten | PhD | 2020 | Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interactions in High-Speed Flows | MEng (Stanford) |
Pratap Pawar | PhD | 2020 | Biomechanics of Nerve Tissue | MEng (Â鶹Éçmadou) |
Josh Booth (Royal Melb) | PhD (ANU-PT) | 2019 | Biomechanics of Pelvic Reconstruction | MD (Melb) |
Mithun Kahawala (DSTG) | PhD (PT) | 2018 | Pitch-Induced Inlet Unstart on a Hypersonic Vehicle | BE, BSc (Melb) |
Student | Degree | Year | Thesis Title | Current Position |
Paulo Vasconcelos | PhD | 2023 | Structural Scaling for Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Testing | Spacecraft Engineer, Skykraft |
Diego Exposito | PhD | 2023 | Shock-Induced Separation in Hypersonic Flow | Industry Consultant |
Mr Jeremy Moran | MRes | 2021 | Hot Wall Experiments in Hypersonic Flow | Research Associate in Hypersonics, Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra |
MAJ Roger Duziak | MRes | 2020 | Design and Development of a Passive Thermal Control System for Nano-Satellites | Engineering Manager, Skykraft |
Dr Courtney Bright | PhD | 2019 | Fluidic thrust vectoring for spacecraft maneouvring | Space Systems Engineer, CSIRO |
Dr Kyll Schomberg | PhD | 2019 | Design of Rocket Nozzle Contours Using Conjugate Circular Arcs | Systems Engineer, Shoal Group |
Dr Iroizan Ubulom | PhD | 2019 | Gas Turbine Blade Life Prediction Using Fluid-Thermal-Structural Interaction Modelling | Civil Aviation Safety Authority |
Dr Chris Kennell | PhD | 2018 | Study of Hypersonic Aerodynamics Using Free Flight Experiments | Technical Sales Manager, Oxford Flow Ltd |
Dr Hilbert van Pelt | PhD | 2018 | Shock Vector Control applied to a Converging-Diverging Nozzle and a Hypersonic Vehicle | Research Associate in Hypersonics, Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra |
Dr Arnab Dasgupta | PhD | 2018 | A Study of Coupling Fidelity and the Aerodynamic Trajectory Parameters that Drive Static Aeroelasticity in Hypersonic Flow | Research Engineer, Lockheed Martin Australia |
Dr Gaetano Currao | PhD | 2018 | Experimental Study of Hypersonic Fluid Structure Interaction with Shock Impingement on a Cantilevered Plate | Assistant Professor, National Cheng-Kung University,Taiwan |
Dr Amna Khraibut | PhD | 2018 | Laminar Hypersonic Leading Edge Separation | Research Associate in Hypersonics, Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra |
Dr Zafer Leylek | PhD | 2018 | Global Surrogate Modelling of Gas Turbine Aerodynamic Performance | Research Scientist DST Group |
Mr Jai Vennik | MRes | 2018 | Hot-Wall Experimental Technique for Prescribing Non-Uniform Temperatures on Hypersonic Impulsive Wind Tunnel Models | Engineer, Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Space |
Dr Heath Pratt | PhD | 2017 | Effect of Simulator Model Interactivity on Cognitive Development | CEO and Senior Engineering Consultant, Engonix |
Dr Evan Smith | PhD | 2017 | A Parametric Study of Compressor RotorThermal Bow in Aerospace Gas Turbines | Program Engineering Manager - Future Air Mobility Systems Program Office, Wing Commander RAAF |
Dr Tom Lillicrap | PhD (ANU) | 2017 | Investigating Changes in Regional Brain Temperature in Patients Suffering Ischaemic Stroke | Clinical Scientist and Lecturer in Brewing Science, University of Newcastle |
Dr Priyanka Dhopade | PhD | 2014 | Aeromechanical modelling of rotating fan blades to investigate high-cycle and low-cycle fatigue interaction | Lecturer, University of Auckland, Visiting Research Fellow University of Oxford |
Dr Xiaofei Wang | PhD | 2014 | Biomechanics of the Human Optic Chiasmal Compression | Associate Professor, Beihang University |
Dr Rishabh Choudhury | PhD | 2014 | Global Surface Temperature Measurement for Hypersonic Flight Vehicles | Research Scientist, DST Group |
Dr Guofeng Zhu | PhD | 2013 | Computational and Experimental Study of Particle Separation in a Mini Hydrocyclone | University of Auckland |
Dr Zhipeng Gu | PhD | 2013 | Experimental and Theoretical Study of Droplet Formation at a T-junction with Xanthan Gum Solutions | R&D Manager, Shenzhen HEC Industrial Development Co |
Dr Deepak Ramanath | PhD | 2011 | Computational Studies of Hypersonic High Enthalpy Separated Flows | System Administrator, Penten |
Dr Adnan Ahmed | PhD | 2010 | Mechanical behaviour of nanometric-scale and micrometric-scale SiC particulate reinforced A1 7075 matrix composites | IP Australia |
Dr Gisu Park | PhD | 2010 | Hypervelocity aerothermodynamics of blunt bodies including real gas effects | Associate Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Dr Jeong Ho Choi | PhD | 2010 | Fabrication, characterisation and modelling of corrugated wire mesh laminates | Postdoctoral Fellow, Korea Institute of Materials Science |
Dr Graham Doig | PhD | 2009 | Compressible ground effect aerodynamics | Aerodynamics Lead, Canoo |
Dr Karthik Ram Ramakrishnan | MRes | 2009 | Low velocity impact behaviour of unreinforced bi-layer plastic laminates | Lecturer in Sustainable Composites, University of Bristol |
Mr Peter Young | MRes | 2008 | Fracture analysis of glass microsphere filled epoxy resin syntactic foam | Nova Defence |
Dr Rahim Abu Tahlib | DPhil (Oxford) | 2003 | Detailed inveestigation of the low-tempterature analogy of an aircraft engine standard fire-test | Professor, Universiti Putra Malaysia |
Dr Dickie Wong | DPhil (Oxford) | 2001 | Thermal investigation of acoustic liners used in gas turbines | HSBC Private Bank Equity Specialist, Hong Kong |
Dr Andrew Robertson | DPhil (Oxford) | 1998 | Extended surface flow and heat transfer studies | Co-Head Infrastructure Debt Investment Solutions at Macquarie Group |