
Dr Ben Montet

Dr Ben Montet

Senior Lecturer
School of Physics

I am interested in problems related to detecting and characterising planets around nearby stars as well as understanding the evolution of stellar magnetic activity, such as starspots and flares, on these stars. I use data from space-based facilities like NASA's Kepler and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) missions, as well as ground-based facilities in Australia and abroad. To answer these questions, I am interested in applying machine learning techniques and other statistical methods to the large data sets that are available and those that will become available in the coming years.

I joined the 鶹madou School of Physics in October, 2019, where I lead the research group. I am looking to work with students at all career stages, and am happy to discuss current projects and future plans with students interested in pursuing research in exoplanets or stellar astrophysics. If you are interested in joining our group as an undergraduate researcher, Honours student, or PhD student please send an email describing your research experience and attaching your CV and transcript.

You can read more about my research and interests on my .


PhD, Astrophysics, California Institute of Technology (2016) 

BS, Physics and Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2011)

+61-2-9065 3889
Rm 138 Level 1 Old Main Building School of Physics
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Frost W; Albert L; Doyon R; Gagne J; Montet BT; Fontanive C; Artigau E; Johnson JA; Edwards B; Benneke B, 2024, 'Revisiting Physical Parameters of the Benchmark Brown Dwarf LHS 6343 C through a Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3 Secondary-eclipse Observation', Astrophysical Journal, 972,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li G; Aerts C; Bedding TR; Fritzewski DJ; Murphy SJ; Van Reeth T; Montet BT; Jian M; Mombarg JSG; Gossage S; Sreenivas KR, 2024, 'Asteroseismology of the young open cluster NGC 2516: I. Photometric and spectroscopic observations', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 686,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ong JMJ; Hon MTY; Soares-Furtado M; Stephan AP; van Saders J; Tayar J; Shappee B; Hey DR; Cao L; Yıldız M; Orhan ZÇ; Örtel S; Montet B; Holoien TWS; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Lewis GF; Sharma S; Stello D, 2024, 'The Gasing Pangkah Collaboration. I. Asteroseismic Identification and Characterization of a Rapidly Rotating Engulfment Candidate', Astrophysical Journal, 966,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Read AK; Bedding TR; Mani P; Montet BT; Crawford C; Hey DR; Li Y; Murphy SJ; Pedersen MG; Kruger J, 2024, 'Identifying 850 δ Scuti pulsators in a narrow Gaia colour range with TESS 10-min full-frame images', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, pp. 2464 - 2473,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hon M; Huber D; Rui NZ; Fuller J; Veras D; Kuszlewicz JS; Kochukhov O; Stokholm A; Rørsted JL; Yıldız M; Orhan ZÇ; Örtel S; Jiang C; Hey DR; Isaacson H; Zhang J; Vrard M; Stassun KG; Shappee BJ; Tayar J; Claytor ZR; Beard C; Bedding TR; Brinkman C; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; Chontos A; Giacalone S; Holcomb R; Howard AW; Lubin J; MacDougall M; Montet BT; Murphy JMA; Ong J; Pidhorodetska D; Polanski AS; Rice M; Stello D; Tyler D; Van Zandt J; Weiss LM, 2023, 'A close-in giant planet escapes engulfment by its star', Nature, 618, pp. 917 - 920,
    Journal articles | 2023
    McKee BJ; Montet BT, 2023, 'Transit Depth Variations Reveal TOI-216 b to be a Super-puff', Astronomical Journal, 165,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Rackham BV; Espinoza N; Berdyugina SV; Korhonen H; MacDonald RJ; Montet BT; Morris BM; Oshagh M; Shapiro AI; Unruh YC; Quintana EV; Zellem RT; Apai D; Barclay T; Barstow JK; Bruno G; Carone L; Casewell SL; Cegla HM; Criscuoli S; Fischer C; Fournier D; Giampapa MS; Giles H; Iyer A; Kopp G; Kostogryz NM; Krivova N; Mallonn M; McGruder C; Molaverdikhani K; Newton ER; Panja M; Peacock S; Reardon K; Roettenbacher RM; Scandariato G; Solanki S; Stassun KG; Steiner O; Stevenson KB; Tregloan-Reed J; Valio A; Wedemeyer S; Welbanks L; Yu J; Alam MK; Davenport JRA; Deming D; Dong C; Ducrot E; Fisher C; Gilbert E; Kostov V; López-Morales M; Line M; Močnik T; Mullally S; Paudel RR; Ribas I; Valenti JA, 2023, 'The effect of stellar contamination on low-resolution transmission spectroscopy: needs identified by NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Study Analysis Group 21', RAS Techniques and Instruments, 2, pp. 148 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Feinstein AD; David TJ; Montet BT; Foreman-Mackey D; Livingston JH; Mann AW, 2022, 'V1298 Tau with TESS: Updated Ephemerides, Radii, and Period Constraints from a Second Transit of V1298 Tau e', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 925,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hattori S; Foreman-Mackey D; Hogg DW; Montet BT; Angus R; Pritchard TA; Curtis JL; Schölkopf B, 2022, 'The unpopular Package: A Data-driven Approach to Detrending TESS Full-frame Image Light Curves', Astronomical Journal, 163,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li Y; Bedding TR; Murphy SJ; Stello D; Chen Y; Huber D; Joyce M; Marks D; Zhang X; Bi S; Colman IL; Hayden MR; Hey DR; Li G; Montet BT; Sharma S; Wu Y, 2022, 'Discovery of post-mass-transfer helium-burning red giants using asteroseismology', Nature Astronomy, 6, pp. 673 - 680,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Palumbo EK; Montet BT; Feinstein AD; Bouma LG; Hartman JD; Hillenbrand LA; Gully-Santiago MA; Banks KA, 2022, 'Evidence for Centrifugal Breakout around the Young M Dwarf TIC 234284556', Astrophysical Journal, 925,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Powell BP; Kruse E; Montet BT; Feinstein AD; Lewis HM; Foreman-Mackey D; Barclay T; Quintana EV; Colón KD; Kostov VB; Boyd P; Smale AP; Mullally SE; Schlieder JE; Schnittman JD; Carroll ML; Carriere LE; Salmon EM; Strong SL; Acks ND; Pfaff BE; Gerner LE; Burch TM, 2022, 'The NASA GSFC TESS Full Frame Image Light Curve Data Set', Research Notes of the AAS, 6, pp. 111 - 111,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Vasilyev V; Reinhold T; Shapiro AI; Krivova NA; Usoskin I; Montet BT; Solanki SK; Gizon L, 2022, 'Superflares on solar-like stars: A new method for identifying the true flare sources in photometric surveys', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 668,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Winters JG; Cloutier R; Medina AA; Irwin JM; Charbonneau D; Astudillo-Defru N; Bonfils X; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Bean JL; Seifahrt A; Teske JK; Eastman JD; Twicken JD; Collins KA; Jensen ELN; Quinn SN; Payne MJ; Kristiansen MH; Spencer A; Vanderburg A; Zechmeister M; Weiss LM; Wang SX; Wang G; Udry S; Terentev IA; Stürmer J; Stefánsson G; Shporer A; Shectman S; Sefako R; Schwengeler HM; Schwarz RP; Scarsdale N; Rubenzahl RA; Roy A; Rosenthal LJ; Robertson P; Petigura EA; Pepe F; Omohundro M; Murphy JMA; Murgas F; Močnik T; Montet BT; Mennickent R; Mayo AW; Massey B; Lubin J; Lovis C; Lewin P; Kasper D; Kane SR; Jenkins JM; Huber D; Horne K; Hill ML; Gorrini P; Giacalone S; Fulton B; Forveille T; Figueira P; Fetherolf T; Dressing C; Díaz RF; Delfosse X; Dalba PA; Dai F; Cortés CC; Crossfield IJM; Crane JD; Conti DM; Collins KI; Chontos A; Butler RP; Brown P; Brady M; Behmard A; Beard C; Batalha NM; Almenara JM, 2022, 'A Second Planet Transiting LTT 1445A and a Determination of the Masses of Both Worlds', Astronomical Journal, 163,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bernardinelli PH; Bernstein GM; Montet BT; Weryk R; Wainscoat R; Aguena M; Allam S; Andrade-Oliveira F; Annis J; Avila S; Bertin E; Brooks D; Burke DL; Carnero Rosell A; Kind MC; Carretero J; Cawthon R; Conselice C; Costanzi M; Da Costa LN; Pereira MES; De Vicente J; Diehl HT; Everett S; Ferrero I; Flaugher B; Frieman J; García-Bellido J; Gaztanaga E; Gerdes DW; Gruen D; Gruendl RA; Gschwend J; Gutierrez G; Hinton SR; Hollowood DL; Honscheid K; James DJ; Kuehn K; Kuropatkin N; Lahav O; Maia MAG; Marshall JL; Menanteau F; Miquel R; Morgan R; Ogando RLC; Paz-Chinchón F; Pieres A; Malagón AAP; Rodriguez-Monroy M; Romer AK; Roodman A; Sanchez E; Schubnell M; Serrano S; Sevilla-Noarbe I; Smith M; Soares-Santos M; Suchyta E; Swanson MEC; Tarle G; To C; Troxel MA; Varga TN; Walker AR; Zhang Y, 2021, 'C/2014 UN271(Bernardinelli-Bernstein): The Nearly Spherical Cow of Comets', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 921,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Buder S; Sharma S; Kos J; Amarsi AM; Nordlander T; Lind K; Martell SL; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Lin J; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Stello D; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Beeson KL; Buck T; Casagrande L; Clark JT; Čotar K; Da Costa GS; De Grijs R; Feuillet D; Horner J; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Kobayashi C; Liu F; Montet BT; Nandakumar G; Nataf DM; Ness MK; Spina L; Tepper-García T; Ting YS; Traven G; Vogrinčič R; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Žerjal M, 2021, 'The GALAH+ survey: Third data release', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506, pp. 150 - 201,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Feinstein AD; Montet BT; Johnson MC; Bean JL; David TJ; Gully-Santiago MA; Livingston JH; Luger R, 2021, 'H-alpha and CaII infrared triplet variations during a transit of the 23 myr planet V1298 tauc', Astronomical Journal, 162,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Gan T; Wang SX; Teske JK; Mao S; Howard WS; Law NM; Batalha NE; Vanderburg A; Dragomir D; Huang CX; Feng F; Butler RP; Crane JD; Shectman SA; Beletsky Y; Shporer A; Montet BT; Burt JA; Feinstein AD; Flowers E; Nandakumar S; Barbieri M; Corbett H; Ratzloff JK; Galliher N; Chavez RG; Vasquez A; Glazier A; Haislip J, 2021, 'Revisiting the HD 21749 planetary system with stellar activity modelling', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501, pp. 6042 - 6061,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hey DR; Montet BT; Pope BJS; Murphy SJ; Bedding TR, 2021, 'A Search for Transits among the Delta Scuti Variables in Kepler', Astronomical Journal, 162,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kostov VB; Powell BP; Orosz JA; Welsh WF; Cochran W; Collins KA; Endl M; Hellier C; Latham DW; MacQueen P; Pepper J; Quarles B; Sairam L; Torres G; Wilson RF; Bergeron S; Boyce P; Bieryla A; Buchheim R; Christiansen CB; Ciardi DR; Collins KI; Conti DM; Dixon S; Guerra P; Haghighipour N; Herman J; Hintz EG; Howard WS; Jensen ELN; Kielkopf JF; Kruse E; Law NM; Martin D; Montet BT; Maxted PFL; Murgas F; Nelson M; Olmschenk G; Otero S; Quimby R; Richmond M; Schwarz RP; Shporer A; Stassun KG; Stephens DC; Triaud AHMJ; Ulowetz J; Walter BS; Wiley E; Wood D; Yenawine M; Agol E; Barclay T; Beatty TG; Boisse I; Caldwell DA; Christiansen J; Colón KD; Deleuil M; Doyle L; Fausnaugh M; Fűrész G; Gilbert EA; Hébrard G; James DJ; Jenkins J; Kane SR; Kidwell RC; Kopparapu R; Li G; Lissauer JJ; Lund MB; Majewski SR; Mazeh T; Quinn SN; Quintana E; Ricker G; Rodriguez JE; Rowe J; Santerne A; Schlieder J; Seager S; Standing MR; Stevens DJ; Ting EB; Vanderspek R; Winn JN, 2021, 'TIC 172900988: A transiting circumbinary planet detected in one sector of TESS data', Astronomical Journal, 162,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martell SL; Simpson JD; Balasubramaniam AG; Buder S; Sharma S; Hon M; Stello D; Ting YS; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; de Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lind K; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Campbell SW; Čotar K; Horner J; Montet B; Wittenmyer R, 2021, 'The GALAH survey: A census of lithium-rich giant stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, pp. 5340 - 5355,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Martin DV; El-Badry K; Hodžić VK; Triaud AHMJ; Angus R; Birky J; Foreman-Mackey D; Hedges C; Montet BT; Murphy SJ; Santerne A; Stassun KG; Stephan AP; Wang J; Benni P; Krushinsky V; Chazov N; Mishevskiy N; Ziegler C; Soubkiou A; Benkhaldoun Z; Boisse I; Battley M; Miller NJ; Caldwell DA; Collins K; Henze CE; Guerrero NM; Jenkins JM; Latham DW; Levine A; McDermott S; Mullally SE; Ricker G; Seager S; Shporer A; Vanderburg A; Vanderspek R; Winn JN, 2021, 'TOI-1259Ab - A gas giant planet with 2.7 per cent deep transits and a bound white dwarf companion', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 507, pp. 4132 - 4148,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Powell BP; Kostov VB; Rappaport SA; Borkovits T; Zasche P; Tokovinin A; Kruse E; Latham DW; Montet BT; Jensen ELN; Jayaraman R; Collins KA; Mašek M; Hellier C; Evans P; Tan TG; Schlieder JE; Torres G; Smale AP; Friedman AH; Barclay T; Gagliano R; Quintana EV; Jacobs TL; Gilbert EA; Kristiansen MH; Colón KD; LaCourse DM; Olmschenk G; Omohundro M; Schnittman JD; Schwengeler HM; Barry RK; Terentev IA; Boyd P; Schmitt AR; Quinn SN; Vanderburg A; Palle E; Armstrong J; Ricker GR; Vanderspek R; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Caldwell DA; Wohler B; Shiao B; Burke CJ; Daylan T; Villaseñor J, 2021, 'TIC 168789840: A sextuply eclipsing sextuple star system', Astronomical Journal, 161,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sha L; Huang CX; Shporer A; Rodriguez JE; Vanderburg A; Brahm R; Hagelberg J; Matthews EC; Ziegler C; Livingston JH; Stassun KG; Wright DJ; Crane JD; Espinoza N; Bouchy F; Bakos G; Collins KA; Zhou G; Bieryla A; Hartman JD; Wittenmyer RA; Nielsen LD; Plavchan P; Bayliss D; Sarkis P; Tan TG; Cloutier R; Mancini L; Jordán A; Wang S; Henning T; Narita N; Penev K; Teske JK; Kane SR; Mann AW; Addison BC; Tamura M; Horner J; Barbieri M; Burt JA; Díaz MR; Crossfield IJM; Dragomir D; Drass H; Feinstein AD; Zhang H; Hart R; Kielkopf JF; Jensen ELN; Montet BT; Ottoni G; Schwarz RP; Rojas F; Nespral D; Torres P; Mengel MW; Udry S; Zapata A; Snoddy E; Okumura J; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Latham DW; Winn JN; Seager S; Jenkins JM; Colón KD; Henze CE; Krishnamurthy A; Ting EB; Vezie M; Villanueva S, 2021, 'TOI-954 b and K2-329 b: Short-period saturn-mass planets that test whether irradiation leads to inflation', Astronomical Journal, 161,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Trifonov T; Caballero JA; Morales JC; Seifahrt A; Ribas I; Reiners A; Bean JL; Luque R; Parviainen H; Pallé E; Stock S; Zechmeister M; Amado PJ; Anglada-Escudé G; Azzaro M; Barclay T; Béjar VJS; Bluhm P; Casasayas-Barris N; Cifuentes C; Collins KA; Collins KI; Cortés-Contreras M; De Leon J; Dreizler S; Dressing CD; Esparza-Borges E; Espinoza N; Fausnaugh M; Fukui A; Hatzes AP; Hellier C; Henning T; Henze CE; Herrero E; Jeffers SV; Jenkins JM; Jensen ELN; Kaminski A; Kasper D; Kossakowski D; Kürster M; Lafarga M; Latham DW; Mann AW; Molaverdikhani K; Montes D; Montet BT; Murgas F; Narita N; Oshagh M; Passegger VM; Pollacco D; Quinn SN; Quirrenbach A; Ricker GR; López CR; Sanz-Forcada J; Schwarz RP; Schweitzer A; Seager S; Shporer A; Stangret M; Stürmer J; Tan TG; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD; Vanderspek R; Winn JN, 2021, 'A nearby transiting rocky exoplanet that is suitable for atmospheric investigation', Science, 371, pp. 1038 - 1041,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Waalkes WC; Berta-Thompson ZK; Collins KA; Feinstein AD; Tofflemire BM; Rojas-Ayala B; Silverstein ML; Newton E; Ricker GR; Vanderspek R; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Christiansen J; Goeke RF; Levine AM; Osborn HP; Rinehart SA; Rose ME; Ting EB; Twicken JD; Barkaoui K; Bean JL; Briceo C; Ciardi DR; Collins KI; Conti D; Gan T; Gillon M; Isopi G; Jehin E; Jensen ELN; Kielkopf JF; Law N; Mallia F; Mann AW; Montet BT; Pozuelos FJ; Relles H; Libby-Roberts JE; Ziegler C, 2021, 'TOI 122b and TOI 237b: Two Small Warm Planets Orbiting Inactive M Dwarfs Found by TESS', Astronomical Journal, 161,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Burt JA; Nielsen LD; Quinn SN; Mamajek EE; Matthews EC; Zhou G; Seidel JV; Huang CX; Lopez E; Soto M; Otegi J; Stassun KG; Kreidberg L; Collins KA; Eastman JD; Rodriguez JE; Vanderburg A; Halverson SP; Teske JK; Wang SX; Butler RP; Bouchy F; Dumusque X; Segransen D; Shectman SA; Crane JD; Feng F; Montet BT; Feinstein AD; Beletski Y; Flowers E; Günther MN; Daylan T; Collins KI; Conti DM; Gan T; Jensen ELN; Kielkopf JF; Tan TG; Helled R; Dorn C; Haldemann J; Lissauer JJ; Ricker GR; Vanderspek R; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Twicken JD; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Cartwright S; Barclay T; Pepper J; Esquerdo G; Fong W, 2020, 'TOI-824 b: A New Planet on the Lower Edge of the Hot Neptune Desert', Astronomical Journal, 160,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Feinstein A; Montet B; Ansdell M, 2020, '\texttt{stella}: Convolutional Neural Networks for Flare Identification in \textit{TESS}', Journal of Open Source Software, 5, pp. 2347 - 2347,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Feinstein AD; Montet BT; Ansdell M; Nord B; Bean JL; Günther MN; Gully-Santiago MA; Schlieder JE, 2020, 'Flare Statistics for Young Stars from a Convolutional Neural Network Analysis of TESS Data', Astronomical Journal, 160,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Gonzales EJ; Crepp JR; Bechter EB; Wood CM; Johnson JA; Montet BT; Isaacson H; Howard AW, 2020, 'The TRENDS High-contrast Imaging Survey. VIII. Compendium of Benchmark Objects', Astrophysical Journal, 893,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hedges C; Angus R; Barentsen G; Saunders N; Montet BT; Gully-Santiago M, 2020, 'Systematics-insensitive Periodogram for Finding Periods in TESS Observations of Long-period Rotators', Research Notes of the AAS, 4, pp. 220 - 220,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kostov VB; Orosz JA; Feinstein AD; Welsh WF; Cukier W; Haghighipour N; Quarles B; Martin DV; Montet BT; Torres G; Triaud AHMJ; Barclay T; Boyd P; Briceno C; Cameron AC; Correia ACM; Gilbert EA; Gill S; Gillon M; Haqq-Misra J; Hellier C; Dressing C; Fabrycky DC; Furesz G; Jenkins JM; Kane SR; Kopparapu R; Hodžić VK; Latham DW; Law N; Levine AM; Li G; Lintott C; Lissauer JJ; Mann AW; Mazeh T; Mardling R; Maxted PFL; Eisner N; Pepe F; Pepper J; Pollacco D; Quinn SN; Quintana EV; Rowe JF; Ricker G; Rose ME; Seager S; Santerne A; Ségransan D; Short DR; Smith JC; Standing MR; Tokovinin A; Trifonov T; Turner O; Twicken JD; Udry S; Vanderspek R; Winn JN; Wolf ET; Ziegler C; Ansorge P; Barnet F; Bergeron J; Huten M; Pappa G; Van Der Straeten T, 2020, 'TOI-1338: TESS' First Transiting Circumbinary Planet', Astronomical Journal, 159,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Malla SP; Stello D; Huber D; Montet BT; Bedding TR; Andersen MF; Grundahl F; Jessen-Hansen J; Hey DR; Palle PL; Deng L; Zhang C; Chen X; Lloyd J; Antoci V, 2020, 'Asteroseismic masses of four evolved planet-hosting stars using SONG and TESS: Resolving the retired A-star mass controversy', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 496, pp. 5423 - 5435,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Montet BT; Feinstein AD; Luger R; Bedell ME; Gully-Santiago MA; Teske JK; Wang SX; Butler RP; Flowers E; Shectman SA; Crane JD; Thompson IB, 2020, 'The Young Planet DS Tuc Ab Has a Low Obliquity', Astronomical Journal, 159,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Reinhold T; Shapiro AI; Solanki SK; Montet BT; Krivova NA; Cameron RH; Amazo-Gómez EM, 2020, 'The Sun is less active than other solar-like stars', Science, 368, pp. 518 - 521,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bedell M; Hogg DW; Foreman-Mackey D; Montet BT; Luger R, 2019, 'WOBBLE: A Data-driven Analysis Technique for Time-series Stellar Spectra', Astronomical Journal, 158,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Christ CN; Montet BT; Fabrycky DC, 2019, 'Observations of the Kepler Field with TESS: Predictions for Planet Yield and Observable Features', Astronomical Journal, 157,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Feinstein AD; Montet BT; Foreman-Mackey D; Bedell ME; Saunders N; Bean JL; Christiansen JL; Hedges C; Luger R; Scolnic D; Cardoso JVDM, 2019, 'Eleanor: An open-source tool for extracting light curves from the TESS full-frame images', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 131,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ghezzi L; Montet BT; Johnson JA, 2019, 'Erratum: Retired a stars revisited: an updated giant planet occurrence rate as a function of stellar metallicity and mass (Astrophysical Journal (2018) 860 (109) DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aac37c)', Astrophysical Journal, 878,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Günther MN; Pozuelos FJ; Dittmann JA; Dragomir D; Kane SR; Daylan T; Feinstein AD; Huang CX; Morton TD; Bonfanti A; Bouma LG; Burt J; Collins KA; Lissauer JJ; Matthews E; Montet BT; Vanderburg A; Wang S; Winters JG; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Armstrong JD; Barkaoui K; Batalha N; Bean JL; Caldwell DA; Ciardi DR; Collins KI; Crossfield I; Fausnaugh M; Furesz G; Gan T; Gillon M; Guerrero N; Horne K; Howell SB; Ireland M; Isopi G; Jehin E; Kielkopf JF; Lepine S; Mallia F; Matson RA; Myers G; Palle E; Quinn SN; Relles HM; Rojas-Ayala B; Schlieder J; Sefako R; Shporer A; Suárez JC; Tan TG; Ting EB; Twicken JD; Waite IA, 2019, 'A super-Earth and two sub-Neptunes transiting the nearby and quiet M dwarf TOI-270', Nature Astronomy, 3, pp. 1099 - 1108,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Günther MN; Pozuelos FJ; Dittmann JA; Dragomir D; Kane SR; Daylan T; Feinstein AD; Huang CX; Morton TD; Bonfanti A; Bouma LG; Burt J; Collins KA; Lissauer JJ; Matthews E; Montet BT; Vanderburg A; Wang S; Winters JG; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Latham DW; Seager S; Winn JN; Jenkins JM; Armstrong JD; Barkaoui K; Batalha N; Bean JL; Caldwell DA; Ciardi DR; Collins KI; Crossfield I; Fausnaugh M; Furesz G; Gan T; Gillon M; Guerrero N; Horne K; Howell SB; Ireland M; Isopi G; Jehin E; Kielkopf JF; Lepine S; Mallia F; Matson RA; Myers G; Palle E; Quinn SN; Relles HM; Rojas-Ayala B; Schlieder J; Sefako R; Shporer A; Suárez JC; Tan TG; Ting EB; Twicken JD; Waite IA, 2019, 'Publisher Correction: A super-Earth and two sub-Neptunes transiting the nearby and quiet M dwarf TOI-270 (Nature Astronomy, (2019), 3, 12, (1099-1108), 10.1038/s41550-019-0845-5)', Nature Astronomy, 3, pp. 1157 - 1158,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hamann A; Montet BT; Fabrycky DC; Agol E; Kruse E, 2019, 'K2-146: Discovery of Planet c, Precise Masses from Transit Timing, and Observed Precession', Astronomical Journal, 158,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Karoff C; Metcalfe TS; Montet BT; Jannsen NE; Santos ARG; Nielsen MB; Chaplin WJ, 2019, 'Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - III. Comparative analysis of chromospheric, photometric, and asteroseismic variability', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485, pp. 5096 - 5104,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kostov VB; Schlieder JE; Barclay T; Quintana EV; Colón KD; Brande J; Collins KA; Feinstein AD; Hadden S; Kane SR; Kreidberg L; Kruse E; Lam C; Matthews E; Montet BT; Pozuelos FJ; Stassun KG; Winters JG; Ricker G; Vanderspek R; Latham D; Seager S; Winn J; Jenkins JM; Afanasev D; Armstrong JJD; Arney G; Boyd P; Barentsen G; Barkaoui K; Batalha NE; Beichman C; Bayliss D; Burke C; Burdanov A; Cacciapuoti L; Carson A; Charbonneau D; Christiansen J; Ciardi D; Clampin M; Collins KI; Conti DM; Coughlin J; Covone G; Crossfield I; Delrez L; Domagal-Goldman S; Dressing C; Ducrot E; Essack Z; Everett ME; Fauchez T; Foreman-Mackey D; Gan T; Gilbert E; Gillon M; Gonzales E; Hamann A; Hedges C; Hocutt H; Hoffman K; Horch EP; Horne K; Howell S; Hynes S; Ireland M; Irwin JM; Isopi G; Jensen ELN; Jehin E; Kaltenegger L; Kielkopf JF; Kopparapu R; Lewis N; Lopez E; Lissauer JJ; Mann AW; Mallia F; Mandell A; Matson RA; Mazeh T; Monsue T; Moran SE; Moran V; Morley CV; Morris B; Muirhead P; Mukai K; Mullally S; Mullally F; Murray C; Narita N; Palle E; Pidhorodetska D; Quinn D; Relles H; Rinehart S; Ritsko M; Rodriguez JE, 2019, 'The L 98-59 System: Three Transiting, Terrestrial-size Planets Orbiting a Nearby M Dwarf', Astronomical Journal, 158,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martin DV; Fabrycky DC; Montet BT, 2019, 'Transits of Inclined Exomoons - Hide and Seek and an Application to Kepler-1625', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 875,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Martínez RR; Ballard S; Mayo A; Vanderburg A; Montet BT; Christiansen JL, 2019, 'Characterization of Low-mass K2 Planet Hosts Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy', Astronomical Journal, 158,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Beatty TG; Morley CV; Curtis JL; Burrows A; Davenport JRA; Montet BT, 2018, 'A Significant Overluminosity in the Transiting Brown Dwarf CWW 89Ab', Astronomical Journal, 156,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Davenport JRA; Covey KR; Clarke RW; Laycock Z; Fleming SW; Boyajian TS; Montet BT; Shiao B; Million CC; Wilson DJ; Olmedo M; Mamajek EE; Olmedo D; Chávez M; Bertone E, 2018, 'The GALEX View of "boyajian's Star" (KIC 8462852)', Astrophysical Journal, 853,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ghezzi L; Montet BT; Johnson JA, 2018, 'Retired A Stars Revisited: An Updated Giant Planet Occurrence Rate as a Function of Stellar Metallicity and Mass', ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 860,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ghezzi L; Montet BT; Johnson JA, 2018, 'Retired A Stars Revisited: An Updated Giant Planet Occurrence Rate as a Function of Stellar Metallicity and Mass', Astrophysical Journal, 860,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Karoff C; Metcalfe TS; Santos ÂRG; Montet BT; Isaacson H; Witzke V; Shapiro AI; Mathur S; Davies GR; Lund MN; Garcia RA; Brun AS; Salabert D; Avelino PP; Saders JV; Egeland R; Cunha MS; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; Krivova N; Solanki SK; Stritzinger M; Knudsen MF, 2018, 'The Influence of Metallicity on Stellar Differential Rotation and Magnetic Activity', Astrophysical Journal, 852,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Montet BT, 2018, 'Unbiased Inference of the Masses of Transiting Planets from Radial Velocity Follow-up', Research Notes of the AAS, 2, pp. 28 - 28,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Simon JD; Shappee BJ; Pojmański G; Montet BT; Kochanek CS; Van Saders J; Holoien TWS; Henden AA, 2018, 'Where Is the Flux Going? the Long-term Photometric Variability of Boyajian's Star', Astrophysical Journal, 853,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Czekala I; Mandel KS; Andrews SM; Dittmann JA; Ghosh SK; Montet BT; Newton ER, 2017, 'Disentangling Time-series Spectra with Gaussian Processes: Applications to Radial Velocity Analysis', Astrophysical Journal, 840,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Montet BT; Tovar G; Foreman-Mackey D, 2017, 'Long-term Photometric Variability in Kepler Full-frame Images: Magnetic Cycles of Sun-like Stars', Astrophysical Journal, 851,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Montet BT; Yee JC; Penny MT, 2017, 'Measuring the galactic distribution of transiting planets with WFIRST', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 129,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Morris BM; Hawley SL; Hebb L; Sakari C; Davenport JRA; Isaacson H; Howard AW; Montet BT; Agol E, 2017, 'Chromospheric Activity of HAT-P-11: An Unusually Active Planet-hosting K Star', Astrophysical Journal, 848,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Shan Y; Yee JC; Bowler BP; Cieza LA; Montet BT; Cánovas H; Liu MC; Close LM; Hinz PM; Males JR; Morzinski KM; Vaz A; Bailey VP; Follette KB, 2017, 'The Multiplicity of M Dwarfs in Young Moving Groups', Astrophysical Journal, 846,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Balser DS; Roshi DA; Jeyakumar S; Bania TM; Montet BT; Shitanishi JA, 2016, 'Magnetic field strengths in photodissociation regions', Astrophysical Journal, 816,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Crepp JR; Gonzales EJ; Bechter EB; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Piskorz D; Howard AW; Isaacson H, 2016, 'THE TRENDS HIGH-CONTRAST IMAGING SURVEY. VI. DISCOVERY of A MASS, AGE, and METALLICITY BENCHMARK BROWN DWARF', Astrophysical Journal, 831,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Journal articles | 2016
    Montet BT; Simon JD, 2016, 'KIC 8462852 FADED THROUGHOUT the KEPLER MISSION', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 830,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Otor OJ; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Charbonneau D; Collier-Cameron A; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Latham DW; Lopez-Morales M; Lovis C; Mayor M; Micela G; Molinari E; Pepe F; Piotto G; Phillips DF; Queloz D; Rice K; Sasselov D; Ségransan D; Sozzetti A; Udry S; Watson C, 2016, 'THE ORBIT and MASS of the THIRD PLANET in the KEPLER-56 SYSTEM', Astronomical Journal, 152,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Barclay T; Quintana EV; Adams FC; Ciardi DR; Huber D; Foreman-Mackey D; Montet BT; Caldwell D, 2015, 'The five planets in the Kepler-296 binary system all orbit the primary: A statistical and analytical analysis', Astrophysical Journal, 809,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bowler BP; Shkolnik EL; Liu MC; Schlieder JE; Mann AW; Dupuy TJ; Hinkley S; Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Flagg L; Weinberger AJ; Aller KM; Allers KN; Best WMJ; Kotson MC; Montet BT; Herczeg GJ; Baranec C; Riddle R; Law NM; Nielsen EL; Wahhaj Z; Biller BA; Hayward TL, 2015, 'PLANETS AROUND LOW-MASS STARS (PALMS). V. AGE-DATING LOW-MASS COMPANIONS to MEMBERS and INTERLOPERS of YOUNG MOVING GROUPS', Astrophysical Journal, 806,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Foreman-Mackey D; Montet BT; Hogg DW; Morton TD; Wang D; Schölkopf B, 2015, 'A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH FOR TRANSITING PLANETS IN THE K2 DATA', Astrophysical Journal, 806,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Montet BT; Bowler BP; Shkolnik EL; Deck KM; Wang J; Horch EP; Liu MC; Hillenbrand LA; Kraus AL; Charbonneau D, 2015, 'Dynamical masses of young m dwarfs: Masses and orbital parameters of GJ 3305 AB, the wide binary companion to the imaged exoplanet host 51 ERI', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 813,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Montet BT; Johnson JA; Muirhead PS; Villar A; Vassallo C; Baranec C; Law NM; Riddle R; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Isaacson H, 2015, 'Characterizing the cool KOIs. VII. Refined physical properties of the transiting brown dwarf LHS 6343 C', Astrophysical Journal, 800,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Montet BT; Morton TD; Foreman-Mackey D; Johnson JA; Hogg DW; Bowler BP; Latham DW; Bieryla A; Mann AW, 2015, 'Stellar and planetary properties of K2 campaign 1 candidates and validation of 17 planets, including a planet receiving Earth-like insolation', Astrophysical Journal, 809,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Swift JJ; Montet BT; Vanderburg A; Morton T; Muirhead PS; Johnson JA, 2015, 'CHARACTERIZING the COOL KOIs. VIII. PARAMETERS of the PLANETS ORBITING KEPLER'S COOLEST DWARFS', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 218,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Vanderburg A; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Buchhave LA; Zeng L; Pepe F; Cameron AC; Latham DW; Molinari E; Udry S; Lovis C; Matthews JM; Cameron C; Law N; Bowler BP; Angus R; Baranec C; Bieryla A; Boschin W; Charbonneau D; Cosentino R; Dumusque X; Figueira P; Guenther DB; Harutyunyan A; Hellier C; Kuschnig R; Lopez-Morales M; Mayor M; Micela G; Moffat AFJ; Pedani M; Phillips DF; Piotto G; Pollacco D; Queloz D; Rice K; Riddle R; Rowe JF; Rucinski SM; Sasselov D; Ségransan D; Sozzetti A; Szentgyorgyi A; Watson C; Weiss WW, 2015, 'Characterizing K2 planet discoveries: A super-earth transiting the bright K dwarf HIP 116454', Astrophysical Journal, 800,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yu L; Winn JN; Gillon M; Albrecht S; Rappaport S; Bieryla A; Dai F; Delrez L; Hillenbrand L; Holman MJ; Howard AW; Huang CX; Isaacson H; Jehin E; Lendl M; Montet BT; Muirhead P; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Triaud AHMJ, 2015, 'Tests of the planetary hypothesis for PTFO 8-8695b', Astrophysical Journal, 812,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bechter EB; Crepp JR; Ngo H; Knutson HA; Batygin K; Hinkley S; Muirhead PS; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Montet BT; Matthews CT; Morton TD, 2014, 'WASP-12b and HAT-P-8b are members of triple star systems', Astrophysical Journal, 788,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Knutson HA; Fulton BJ; Montet BT; Kao M; Ngo H; Howard AW; Crepp JR; Hinkley S; Bakos GA; Batygin K; Johnson JA; Morton TD; Muirhead PS, 2014, 'Friends of hot jupiters. I. A radial velocity search for massive, long-period companions to close-in gas giant planets', Astrophysical Journal, 785,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Montet BT; Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Marcy GW, 2014, 'The trends high-contrast imaging survey. iv. the occurrence rate of giant planets around m dwarfs', Astrophysical Journal, 781,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Hogg DW; Angus R; Barclay T; Dawson R; Fergus R; Foreman-Mackey D; Harmeling S; Hirsch M; Lang D; Montet BT; Schiminovich D; Schölkopf B, 2013, 'Maximizing Kepler science return per telemetered pixel: Detailed models of the focal plane in the two-wheel era', ,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Huber D; Carter JA; Barbieri M; Miglio A; Deck KM; Fabrycky DC; Montet BT; Buchhave LA; Chaplin WJ; Hekker S; Montalbán J; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Basu S; Bedding TR; Campante TL; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth YP; Stello D; Arentoft T; Ford EB; Gilliland RL; Handberg R; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Johnson JA; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Latham DW; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Marcy GW; Metcalfe TS; Aguirre VS; Winn JN, 2013, 'Stellar spin-orbit misalignment in a multiplanet system', Science, 342, pp. 331 - 334,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Montet BT; Johnson JA, 2013, 'Model-independent stellar and planetary masses from multi-transiting exoplanetary systems', Astrophysical Journal, 762,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Swift JJ; Johnson JA; Morton TD; Crepp JR; Montet BT; Fabrycky DC; Muirhead PS, 2013, 'Characterizing the cool kois. IV. Kepler-32 as a prototype for the formation of compact planetary systems throughout the galaxy', Astrophysical Journal, 764,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Marcy GW; Fischer DA; Hillenbrand LA; Yantek SM; Delaney CR; Wright JT; Isaacson HT; Montet BT, 2012, 'The trends high-contrast imaging survey. I. Three benchmark M dwarfs orbiting solar-type stars', Astrophysical Journal, 761,
  • Working Papers | 2019
    Checlair JH; Abbot DS; Webber RJ; Feng YK; Bean JL; Schwieterman EW; Stark CC; Robinson TD; Kempton E; Alcabes ODN; Apai D; Arney G; Cowan N; Domagal-Goldman S; Dong C; Fleming DP; Fujii Y; Graham RJ; Guzewich SD; Hasegawa Y; Hayworth BPC; Kane SR; Kite ES; Komacek TD; Kopparapu RK; Mansfield M; Marounina N; Montet BT; Olson SL; Paradise A; Popovic P; Rackham BV; Ramirez RM; Rau G; Reinhard C; Renaud J; Rogers L; Walkowicz LM; Warren A; Wolf ET, 2019, A Statistical Comparative Planetology Approach to Maximize the Scientific Return of Future Exoplanet Characterization Efforts, ,
    Working Papers | 2019
    Gaudi BS; Akeson R; Anderson J; Bachelet E; Bennett DP; Bhattacharya A; Bozza V; Novati SC; Henderson CB; Johnson SA; Kruk J; Lu JR; Mao S; Montet BT; Nataf DM; Penny MT; Poleski R; Ranc C; Sahu K; Shvartzvald Y; Spergel DN; Suzuki D; Stassun KG; Street RA, 2019, "Auxiliary" Science with the WFIRST Microlensing Survey, ,
    Working Papers | 2013
    Montet BT; Angus R; Barclay T; Dawson R; Fergus R; Foreman-Mackey D; Harmeling S; Hirsch M; Hogg DW; Lang D; Schiminovich D; Scholkopf B, 2013, Maximizing Kepler science return per telemetered pixel: Searching the habitable zones of the brightest stars, ,
  • Preprints | 2022
    Li Y; Bedding TR; Murphy SJ; Stello D; Chen Y; Huber D; Joyce M; Marks D; Zhang X; Bi S; Colman IL; Hayden MR; Hey DR; Li G; Montet BT; Sharma S; Wu Y, 2022, Discovery of post-mass-transfer helium-burning red giants using asteroseismology,
    Preprints | 2022
    Rackham BV; Espinoza N; Berdyugina SV; Korhonen H; MacDonald RJ; Montet BT; Morris BM; Oshagh M; Shapiro AI; Unruh YC; Quintana EV; Zellem RT; Apai D; Barclay T; Barstow JK; Bruno G; Carone L; Casewell SL; Cegla HM; Criscuoli S; Fischer C; Fournier D; Giampapa MS; Giles H; Iyer A; Kopp G; Kostogryz NM; Krivova N; Mallonn M; McGruder C; Molaverdikhani K; Newton ER; Panja M; Peacock S; Reardon K; Roettenbacher RM; Scandariato G; Solanki S; Stassun KG; Steiner O; Stevenson KB; Tregloan-Reed J; Valio A; Wedemeyer S; Welbanks L; Yu J; Alam MK; Davenport JRA; Deming D; Dong C; Ducrot E; Fisher C; Gilbert E; Kostov V; López-Morales M; Line M; Močnik T; Mullally S; Paudel RR; Ribas I; Valenti JA, 2022, The Effect of Stellar Contamination on Low-resolution Transmission Spectroscopy: Needs Identified by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Study Analysis Group 21, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Seifahrt A; Bean JL; Kasper D; Stürmer J; Brady M; Liu R; Zechmeister M; Stefansson G; Montet B; White J; Tapia E; Mocnik T; Xu S; Schwab C, 2022, MAROON-X: The first two years of EPRVs from Gemini North,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Seifahrt A; Bean JL; Kasper D; Stürmer J; Brady M; Liu R; Zechmeister M; Stefánsson G; Montet B; White J; Tapia E; Mocnik T; Xu S; Schwab C, 2022, 'MAROON-X: The first two years of EPRVs from Gemini North', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,
    Preprints | 2022
    Vasilyev V; Reinhold T; Shapiro AI; Krivova NA; Usoskin I; Montet BT; Solanki SK; Gizon L, 2022, Superflares on solar-like stars: A new method for identifying the true flare sources in photometric surveys, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Bernardinelli PH; Bernstein GM; Montet BT; Weryk R; Wainscoat R; Aguena M; Allam S; Andrade-Oliveira F; Annis J; Avila S; Bertin E; Brooks D; Burke DL; Rosell AC; Kind MC; Carretero J; Cawthon R; Conselice C; Costanzi M; Costa LND; Pereira MES; Vicente JD; Diehl HT; Everett S; Ferrero I; Flaugher B; Frieman J; García-Bellido J; Gaztanaga E; Gerdes DW; Gruen D; Gruendl RA; Gschwend J; Gutierrez G; Hinton SR; Hollowood DL; Honscheid K; James DJ; Kuehn K; Kuropatkin N; Lahav O; Maia MAG; Marshall JL; Menanteau F; Miquel R; Morgan R; Ogando RLC; Paz-Chinchón F; Pieres A; Malagón AAP; Rodriguez-Monroy M; Romer AK; Roodman A; Sanchez E; Schubnell M; Serrano S; Sevilla-Noarbe I; Smith M; Soares-Santos M; Suchyta E; Swanson MEC; Tarle G; To C; Troxel MA; Varga TN; Walker AR; Zhang Y, 2021, C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein): the nearly spherical cow of comets,
    Preprints | 2021
    Feinstein AD; David TJ; Montet BT; Foreman-Mackey D; Livingston JH; Mann AW, 2021, V1298 Tau with TESS: Updated Ephemerides, Radii, and Period Constraints from a Second Transit of V1298 Tau e,
    Preprints | 2021
    Feinstein AD; Montet BT; Johnson MC; Bean JL; David TJ; Gully-Santiago MA; Livingston JH; Luger R, 2021, H-alpha and Ca II Infrared Triplet Variations During a Transit of the 23 Myr Planet V1298 Tau c,
    Preprints | 2021
    Hattori S; Foreman-Mackey D; Hogg DW; Montet BT; Angus R; Pritchard TA; Curtis JL; Schölkopf B, 2021, The unpopular Package: a Data-driven Approach to De-trend TESS Full Frame Image Light Curves,
    Preprints | 2021
    Hey DR; Montet BT; Pope BJS; Murphy SJ; Bedding TR, 2021, A search for transits among the δ Scuti variables in Kepler,
    Preprints | 2021
    Kostov VB; Powell BP; Orosz JA; Welsh WF; Cochran W; Collins KA; Endl M; Hellier C; Latham DW; MacQueen P; Pepper J; Quarles B; Sairam L; Torres G; Wilson RF; Bergeron S; Boyce P; Bieryla A; Buchheim R; Christiansen CB; Ciardi DR; Collins KI; Conti DM; Dixon S; Guerra P; Haghighipour N; Herman J; Hintz EG; Howard WS; Jensen ELN; Kielkopf JF; Kruse E; Law NM; Martin D; Maxted PFL; Montet BT; Murgas F; Nelson M; Olmschenk G; Otero S; Quimby R; Richmond M; Schwarz RP; Shporer A; Stassun KG; Stephens DC; Triaud AHMJ; Ulowetz J; Walter BS; Wiley E; Wood D; Yenawine M; Agol E; Barclay T; Beatty TG; Boisse I; Caldwell DA; Christiansen J; Colon KD; Deleuil M; Doyle L; Fabrycky D; Fausnaugh M; Furesz G; Gilbert EA; Hebrard G; James DJ; Jenkins J; Kane SR; Jr RCK; Kopparapu R; Li G; Lissauer JJ; Lund MB; Majewski S; Mazeh T; Quinn SN; Quintana E; Ricker G; Rodriguez JE; Rowe J; Santerne A; Schlieder J; Seager S; Standing MR; Stevens DJ; Ting EB; Vanderspek R; Winn JN, 2021, TIC 172900988: A Transiting Circumbinary Planet Detected in One Sector of TESS Data,
    Preprints | 2021
    Martin DV; El-Badry K; Hodžić VK; Triaud AHMJ; Angus R; Birky J; Foreman-Mackey D; Hedges C; Montet BT; Murphy SJ; Santerne A; Stassun KG; Stephan AP; Wang J; Benni P; Krushinsky V; Chazov N; Mishevskiy N; Ziegler C; Soubkiou A; Benkhaldoun Z; Caldwell DA; Collins K; Henze CE; Guerrero NM; Jenkins JM; Latham DW; Levine A; McDermott S; Mullally SE; Ricker G; Seager S; Shporer A; Vanderburg A; Vanderspek R; Winn JN, 2021, TOI-1259Ab -- a gas giant planet with 2.7% deep transits and a bound white dwarf companion, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Palumbo EK; Montet BT; Feinstein AD; Bouma LG; Hartman JD; Hillenbrand LA; Gully-Santiago MA; Banks KA, 2021, Evidence for Centrifugal Breakout around the Young M Dwarf TIC 234284556,
    Preprints | 2021
    Winters JG; Cloutier R; Medina AA; Irwin JM; Charbonneau D; Astudillo-Defru N; Bonfils X; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Bean JL; Seifahrt A; Teske JK; Eastman JD; Twicken JD; Collins KA; Jensen ELN; Quinn SN; Payne MJ; Kristiansen MH; Spencer A; Vanderburg A; Zechmeister M; Weiss LM; Wang SX; Wang G; Udry S; Terentev IA; Sturmer J; Stefansson G; Shporer A; Shectman S; Sefako R; Schwengeler HM; Schwarz RP; Scarsdale N; Rubenzahl RA; Roy A; Rosenthal LJ; Robertson P; Petigura EA; Pepe F; Omohundro M; Murphy JMA; Murgas F; Movcnik T; Montet BT; Mennickent R; Mayo AW; Massey B; Lubin J; Lovis C; Lewin P; Kasper D; Kane SR; Jenkins JM; Huber D; Horne K; Hill ML; Gorrini P; Giacalone S; Fulton B; Forveille T; Figueira P; Fetherolf T; Dressing C; Diaz RF; Delfosse X; Dalba PA; Dai F; Cortes CC; Crossfield IJM; Crane JD; Conti DM; Collins KI; Chontos A; Butler RP; Brown P; Brady M; Behmard A; Beard C; Batalha NM; Almenara J-M, 2021, A Second Planet Transiting LTT 1445A and a Determination of the Masses of Both Worlds,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Seifahrt A; Bean JL; Stürmer J; Kasper D; Gers L; Schwab C; Zechmeister M; Stefánsson G; Montet B; Dos Santos LA; Peck A; White J; Tapia E, 2020, 'On-sky commissioning of MAROON-X: A new precision radial velocity spectrograph for Gemini North', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,

I am the PI of the  project, a NASA-funded program to produce public light curves and software tools to interact with data from the NASA TESS mission. This work has been led by a graduate student at the University of Chicago (my previous institution). We have plans to make technical improvements to the software in the coming years, and I am also looking to work with additional students on various science projects with the resultant data.

I am currently a Scientia Fellow at the University of New South Wales.

My Research Supervision

I am working together with both undergraduate and graduate students on research projects. You can read about these students and the projects we are undertaking on .