Dr Dana Bliuc
PhD Epidemiology (鶹madou), MSc Medicine (鶹madou), MD (University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Romania)
I am a clinical epidemiologist with over 15 years expertise in fracture epidemiology. Broadly my research interests are in determining the adverse outcomes associated with osteoporotic fracture and the effectiveness and safety of osteoporosis medicines in real world settings. My PhD work demonstrated high risk of long-term adverse events associated with osteoporotic fracture, the contribution of subsequent fracture to premature mortality (Bliuc D. et al JAMA 2009) and demonstrated the burden of adverse events in low trauma fracture with normal bone mineral density (Bliuc D et al Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2015). This work has contributed to the development of fracture prevention guidelines. My postdoctoral research has provided evidence of the role of nitrogen-bisphosphonates on mortality risk reduction (Bliuc D et al Osteoporosis International 2019) and demonstrated that bone loss reduction is a plausible mechanism for their survival benefit (Bliuc D et al Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2019). Currently, my research focuses on the importance of multimorbidity in osteoporosis medicines prescription (Bliuc D et al PloS Medicine 2023) as well as the impact of quality of life to post-fracture adverse outcomes ( Bliuc D et al JAMA Network Open 2024).
I have experience in experimental design and data analysis, including modelling complex longitudinal data from population-based cohorts as well as cohorts based on linkage of administrative datasets.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2021-25 MRFF "Safer medicines To reduce falls and fractures for OsteoPorosis (#STOP)".
2020-22 Amgen International Competitive Grant: "The impact of osteoporosis treatment in the full spectrum of “real world “patients."
2020 Garvan Institute "Bisphosphonates and Covid-19 Clinical Outcomes"
2019 St Vincent’s Clinic Foundation AMR Translational Grant "Predicting bone loss in patients with inflammatory bowel disease"
2018 Australian and New Zealand Mid-Career Gap Fellowship
2014-17 NHMRC Early Career FellowshipCauses of Mortality risk following Osteoporotic Fractures
2021 - Aust. and NZ Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS) Outstanding Abstract Award
2015 – Aust and NZ Bone and Mineral Society Sol Posen Best Publication Award
2015 – International Society for Bone and Mineral Research Young Investigator International Travel Award
2007 – American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) – Young Investigator Award
I am currently leading the NSW Linked Cohort, a whole population cohort based on the linkage of administrative databases of all NSW residents over the age of 50. The focus of this research is to identify the impact of multimorbidity on: 1) severe adverse outcomes following fracture; 2) osteoporosis medication prescription patterns and 3) effectiveness and safety of osteoporosis medicines.
I regularly engage with media to disseminate findings from my studies. Below are my recent media releases:
My Research Supervision
Current supervision:
2024 ongoing – Joint primary supervision: Optimising pharmacotherapy treatment for low-trauma fractures in patients
2024 ongoing – Joint primary supervision: The Link Between Osteoporosis and Dementia
My Teaching
I am one of the co-conveners for the Foundations of Epidemiology Course (PHCM9794).