Associate Professor Fangbao Tian
PhD., ?Fluid Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2011
B.S., ?Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, 2006
Academic Appointments:
Associate Professor,?School of Engineering and Technology (previously SEIT), Â鶹Éçmadou, Canberra (January 2022 - )
Deputy Head of School-Research(DHOS-R),?School of Engineering and Technology, Â鶹Éçmadou, Canberra (July 2023 - )
Senior Lecturer, ARC DECRA (2016),?School of Engineering and Information Technology, Â鶹Éçmadou, Canberra (July 2017 - December 2021)
Lecturer,?School of Engineering and Information Technology, Â鶹Éçmadou, Canberra (September 2014 - June 2017)
Research?Associate,?School of Engineering and Information Technology, Â鶹Éçmadou, Canberra (August 2013 - September 2014)
Postdoctoral Researcher,?Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, USA (September 2011 - August 2013)
PhD, Engineering Mechanics,?University of Science and Technology of China, 2011
BSc,?Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,?University of Science and Technology of China, 2006
Research Interests:
CFD tools for complex flows and fluid-structure interaction
Modelling of laryngeal aerodynamics and vocal-fold vibration
Fluid-structure interaction of a plate or multiple plates in a viscous fluid
Fish swimming and insect flight
Blood flow and blood cells
Non-Newtonian flow
Awards and Honors:
Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Goldstar Award 2022
IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award, IEEE SMC Society 2021
Outstanding Volunteer Award, IEEE ACT Section 2021
Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Silverstar Award 2018
Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Silverstar Award 2017
Journal of Fluids and Structures Highly Cited Research, January 2017
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 2012 Best Paper Award
The 2013 AQL Best Paper Award
International Travel Grant to the 2010 APS/DFD
Professional Services:
Associate Editor, Journal of Fluids and Structures (2022-), Scientific Reports (2022-), Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2019-), and Plos One (2019-).
Member on Editorial Board, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science?(ERA A journal) (2016-2019)
Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science - The LBM and its Applications in Complex Flows and FSI (2016-2018)
Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science - Bio-inspired Flapping Foils and Their Applications (2016-2018)
Lead Guest Editor, Comput Math Meth Med - Computational Methods and Models in Circulatory and Reproductive Systems (2016)
Assessor, Chilean National Science and Technology Commission, Australian Research Council
Session Chair, ICCFD 8 (2014), 3rd FSSIC (2015)
Program Committee Member, ParCFD 2013, iCBEB 2014, iWB 2014, CCM2014 & 2015
Reviewer, Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, J Biomech, JFS, JSV, JASA and other international journals (more than 20)
Co-Lecturer, Fundamental of Flight, Undergraduate, S2 2022
Lecturer, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Undergraduate, S1 2016-2022
Co-Lecturer, Hydraulic Engineering, Undergraduate, S2 2015
Lecturer, Fluid Mechanics, Undergraduate, S2 2015.
Potential PhD topics:
- Fluid-structure interaction involving structure damage
- Fluid-structure-acoustics interaction
- Fluid-structure interaction of surgically changed arteries
- Turbulent boundary layer with flexible structures
- IB-LES/RANS-LBM for fluid-structure interactions in heat transfer and bushfire
- Flow instabilities over flapping foils
- Flow instabilities in arteries
- Flow control and optimization over fapping foils
- Fluid-structure interaction in supersonic and hypersonic flows
- Unsteady vortex dynamics and fluid-structure interaction of flapping flags
- Fluid-structure interaction and acoustics during phonation
- LBM modelling of fluid-structure interaction involving visco-elastic flows
- AI assisted fluid dynamics
- Fluid dynamics of Sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, archery, sailing and rowing)
- Fluid-structure interaction and multicomponent mass transfer
- Fluid-structure interaction and acoustics in rarefied gas flows
- Quantum computing in computational fluid dynamics
Please feel free to contact?A/Prof Tian (email: fangbao.tian@unsw.edu.au) if you are interested in any topic or have any question about the PhD program and his research.
Scholarships of $35,000 (AUD) are available for PhD students who achieved H1 /High Distinction in their UG program and/or have completed a Masters by Research. If you are interested, contact me at fangbao.tian@unsw.edu.au.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
A/Prof Tian has received over $4M in external funding as Chief Investigation (CI) or Co CI, and over $800K in internal funding. Shown here are several selected grants:
Tian, F. B., Young, J., Ravi, S., and Liu, H., Scaling Laws for Aerodynamics of Moving Wings in the Martian Atmosphere, 01/2024-12/2026, Australian Research Council/Discovery Project.
Tian, F. B., Young, J., Lai, J. C. S., Ravi, S., and Thomas, A., Fluid-structure-acoustics Interactions of Bio-inspired Flapping Wings, 01/2020-12/2022, Australian Research Council/Discovery Project.
Tian, F. B., Ravi, S., Young, J., and Wang, L., Accurate and Efficient Calculations of Fractional Flow Reserve in Cardiovascular System, 10/2019-04/2025, Shukun Tech.
Tian, F. B., Young, J., Kleine, H., and Ravi, S., Aerodynamic Study of Bicycle Wheels, 09/2019-08/2022, Australian Institute of Sport.
Tian, F., Novel modelling of fluid-structure interactions in biological flows, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) 01/2016-12/2018, Australian Research Council.
February, 2022: Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Goldstar Award 2022;
December, 2021: IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award, IEEE SMC Society;
December, 2021: Outstanding Volunteer Award, IEEE ACT Section;
November, 2020: Co-recipient of the First Prize of Yunnan Science & Technology Awards, Yunnan Province, CN;
January, 2017: Journal of Fluids and Structures Highly Cited Research;
November, 2017: Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Silverstar Award 2018;
November, 2016: Â鶹Éçmadou Canberra Silverstar Award 2017;
October, 2015: ARC DECRA 2016;
June, 2015: Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 2012 Best Paper Award;
June, 2013: The 2013 AQL Best Paper Award;
September, 2010: International Travel Grant to the 2010 American Physical Society/Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS/DFD).
My Research Supervision
Fire enhanced wind and its loading on buildings
A numerical study of acoustic control in bio-inspired flight
Heat transfer modelling with immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method
Numerical simulation of plaque growth and rupture in arteries by using Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann method?
Numerical Study of Non-Linear Fluid-Structure Interaction and Heat Transfer
Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian and turbulent blood flows in elastic blood vessels
Modelling of bearing capacity of pile foundations