
Dr Graeme Bushell

Dr Graeme Bushell

Senior Lecturer
School of Chemical Engineering

Dr Bushell's main research interest is sustainability. He is primarily interested in sustainable systems and adaptation towards a lower intensity society.

Dr Bushell also conducts research in engineering education, especially in relation to assessment and problem solving.

Keywords: energy, sustainability, renewable, education

+61 2 9385 5921
School of Chemical Engineering Â鶹Éçmadou Kensington Campus, Hilmer Building room 219
  • Book Chapters | 2008
    Bushell G, 2008, 'Methods and Techniques for Fractal Analysis of Environmental Systems', in Biophysical Chemistry of Fractal Structures and Processes in Environmental Systems, pp. 69 - 110,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Kovalsky P; Santiwong SR; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2007, 'Impact of coagulation on the structure and hydraulic properties of fouling layers in submerged membrane filtration', in Hahn HH; Hoffmann E; Odegaard H (ed.), Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment IX, IWA Publishing, London UK, pp. 279 - 288
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Barner-Kowollik CW; Bushell GC, 2005, 'Building Bridges between Academic Learning and Professional practice in Final-Year Chemical Engineering', in Â鶹Éçmadou Compendium of Good Practice in Learning and Teaching, University of New South Wales, Sydney, pp. 1 - 25
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Barner-Kowollik CW; Bushell GC, 2005, 'Building bridges between academic learning and professional practice in final year chemical engineering', in Â鶹Éçmadou Compendium of Good Practice in Learning and Teaching, University of New South Wales, Sydney, pp. 25 - 44
  • Journal articles | 2009
    Kovalsky P; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2009, 'Prediction of transmembrane pressure build-up in constant flux microfiltration of compressible materials in the absence and presence of shear', Journal of Membrane Science, 344, pp. 204 - 210,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Kovalsky P; Wang X; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2008, 'Application of local material properties to prediction of constant flux filtration behaviour of compressible matter', Journal of Membrane Science, 318, pp. 191 - 200,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Kovalsky P; Gedrat M; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2007, 'Compressible cake characterization from steady-state filtration analysis', AIChE Journal, 53, pp. 1483 - 1495
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bushell GC, 2005, 'Forward light scattering to characterise structure of flocs composed of large particles', Chemical engineering journal, 111, pp. 145 - 149,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Khan KM; Bushell GC, 2005, 'Comment on `Rolling friction in the dynamic simulation of sandpile formation`', Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 352, pp. 522 - 524
    Journal articles | 2005
    Kovalsky P; Bushell GC, 2005, 'In situ measurement of fractal dimension using focussed beam reflectance measurement', Chemical engineering journal, 111, pp. 181 - 188,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Liao JY; Selomulya C; Bushell GC; Bickert G; Amal R, 2005, 'On Different Approaches to Estimate the Mass Fractal of Coal Aggregates', Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 22, pp. 299 - 309
    Journal articles | 2004
    Hermawan M; Bushell GC; Bickert G; Amal R, 2004, 'Characterisation of short-range strucutre of silica aggregates - implication to sediment compaction', International Journal of Mineral Processing, 73, pp. 65 - 81
    Journal articles | 2004
    Hermawan M; Bushell GC; Craig V; Teoh WY; Amal R, 2004, 'Floc strength characterization technique. An insight into silicaaggregation', Langmuir, 20, pp. 6450 - 6457
    Journal articles | 2004
    Selomulya C; Bushell GC; Amal R; Waite TD, 2004, 'Aggregate properties in relation to aggregation conditions under various applied shear environments', International Journal of Mineral Processing, 73, pp. 295 - 307
    Journal articles | 2003
    Selomulya C; Bushell G; Amal R; Waite TD, 2003, 'Understanding the role of restructuring in flocculation: The application of a population balance model', Chemical Engineering Science, 58, pp. 327 - 338,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Selomulya C; Bushell GC; Amal R; Waite TD, 2003, 'Understanding the role of restructuring in flocculation: The application of a population balance model', Chemical Engineering Science, 58, pp. 257 - 517
    Journal articles | 2002
    Bushell GC; Yan YD; Woodfield D; Raper JA; Amal R, 2002, 'On techniques for the measurement of the mass fractal dimension of aggregates', Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 95, pp. 1 - 50
    Journal articles | 2002
    Selomulya C; Bushell GC; Amal R; Waite TD, 2002, 'Aggregation Mechanisms of Latex of Different Particle Sizes in a Controlled Shear Environment', Langmuir, 18, pp. 1974 - 1984
    Journal articles | 2002
    Stone SA; Bushell GC; Amal R; Ma Z; Merkus HG; Scarlett B, 2002, 'Characterization of large fractal aggregates by small-angle light scattering', Measurement Science and Technology, 13, pp. 357 - 364
    Journal articles | 2001
    Marsh PJ; Amal R; Bushell GC, 2001, 'Scattering behavior of restructured aggregates: A simulation study', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, pp. 286 - 288
    Journal articles | 2001
    Selomulya C; Amal R; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2001, 'Evidence of shear rate dependence on restructuring and breakup of latex aggregates', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, pp. 67 - 77
    Journal articles | 2000
    Bushell GC; Amal R, 2000, 'Measurement of fractal aggregates of polydisperse particles using small-angle light scattering', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, pp. 186 - 194
    Journal articles | 1998
    Bushell GC; Amal R; Raqper J, 1998, 'The Effect of Polydispersity in Primary Particle Size on Measurement of the Fractal Dimension of Aggregates', Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 15, pp. 3 - 8
    Journal articles | 1998
    Bushell GC; Amal R, 1998, 'Fractal Aggregates of Polydisperse Particles', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 205, pp. 459 - 469
    Journal articles | 1998
    Spicer PT; Pratsinis SE; Raper JA; Amal R; Bushell GC; Meesters G, 1998, 'Effect of Shear Schedule on Particle Size, Density, and Structure during Flocculation in Stirred Tanks', Powder Technology, pp. 26 - 34
  • Conference Papers | 2013
    Skinner IM; Bushell GC, 2013, 'Do ethics courses make engineering students more ethical?', in Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering, TALE 2013, pp. 78 - 82,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Bushell GC; Drew B; Skinner I, 2010, 'One key to the future: Engaging with globally recognised ethical norms', Engineers Australia, Sydney, N.S.W.:, pp. 642 - 648, presented at Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 05 December 2010 - 08 December 2010,
    Conference Presentations | 2008
    Selomulya C; Bickert G; Bushell GC; Amal R; Jia X; Williams RA, 2008, 'Integrated Evaluation for Optimisation of Solid Dewatering & Handling Operations. Potential Applications and Benefits for the Alumina Industry', presented at Where we are, where do we go from here?, Northern Territory Australia, 07 September 2008 - 12 September 2008
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Selomulya C; Hermawan M; Bushell GC; Craig VS; Amal R, 2004, 'Characterizing the Bond Strength of Aggregates in Suspension', in 32nd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sydney, presented at 32nd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sydney, 26 September 2004 - 29 September 2004
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Hermawan M; Bushell GC; Bickert G; Amal R; Teoh WY, 2002, 'Short-Range and Long-Range Silica Restructuring and its Implication on Sediment Compaction', in 9th APCChE Congress and CHEMECA 2002, Christchruch, New Zealand, presented at 9th APCChE Congress and CHEMECA 2002, Christchruch, New Zealand, 29 September 2002 - 03 October 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Hermawan M; Bushell GC; Bickert G; Amal R, 2002, 'Relationship between Floc Short range Structure and Sediment Compaction', in 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, presented at 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, 21 July 2002 - 25 July 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Selomulya C; Amal R; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2002, 'Characterisatin of Floc Properties to Understand Mechanisms of Flocculation', in 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, presented at 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, 21 July 2002 - 25 July 2002
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Selomulya C; Amal R; Bushell GC; Waite TD, 2002, 'Relationship Between Floc Properties and Flooculation Conditions in Different Shear Environments', in 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, pp. 1 - 8, presented at 4th World Congress on Particle Technology, Sydney, 21 July 2002 - 25 July 2002
    Conference Papers | 2001
    Hermawan M; Amal R; Bushell GC; Bickert G, 2001, 'Simulation and experimental study of the relationship between floc properties and sediment compaction', in UEF Conference ; Solid Liquid Separation Technologies III (ed.), UEF Conference, Solid Liquid Separation Technologies III, Davos, Switzerland, presented at UEF Conference, Solid Liquid Separation Technologies III, Davos, Switzerland, 30 September 2001 - 05 October 2001
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Amal R; Bushell GC; Lembong P; Raper JA, 1998, 'Fractal Aggregates of Hematite Ellipsoids', in Proceedings of the 26th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, presented at 26th Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, 28 September 1998 - 30 September 1998
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Lim MT; Bushell GC; Amal R; Raper JA, 1997, 'Quantitative Assessment of the Effect of Process Conditions on Floc Structure', in Chemeca 97, Rotorua, New Zealand, presented at Chemeca 97 (Particle Technology), Rotorua, New Zealand, 29 September 1997 - 01 October 1997
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Bushell GC; Amal R; Raper JA, 1996, 'Aggregate Structure effects from a Bimodal Primary Particle Size Distribution', in Giona M; Biardi G (ed.), International CFIC 1996 Conference, Rome, Italy, pp. 225 - 233, presented at International CFIC `96 Conference, Rome, Italy, 01 September 1996
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Bushell GC; Amal R; Raper JA, 1996, 'The effect of a bimodal primary particle size distribution on scattering from hematite aggregates', in Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, presented at International Conference on Pattern Formation, Fractals and Statistical Mechanics, University of New South Wales, 04 January 1996 - 05 January 1996
    Conference Papers | 1995
    Bushell GC; Amal R; Nassif V; Raper JA, 1995, 'Heterocoagulation of hematite particles', in Chemeca 95: 23rd Australasian Chem Eng Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, presented at Chemeca 95: 23rd Australasian Chem Eng Conference, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 24 September 1995 - 27 September 1995