
Dr Hayden Schilling

Dr Hayden Schilling

Conjoint Associate Lecturer
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences

I am a Fisheries Scientist at NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries and Adjunct Lecturer at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney. My research interests include fish biology and coastal and freshwater ecology, and statistics, particularly focused on species which are targeted by fishers.

My current focus is on long term changes in fish populations within the Murray-Darling Basin. I have previously focused on the mechanisms of fisheries production in eastern Australia such as oceanic drivers including transport mechanisms and relate them to fisheries catch. I am also been involved in projects looking at whale entanglements, crab fisheries, Lepas barnacles, ecology of artificial reefs and otolith shape analysis.

I conducted my PhD on tailor (Pomatomus saltatrix) in eastern Australia supervised by both Â鶹Éçmadou and NSW Department of Primary Industries Fisheries. This species is a popular fish for both commercial and recreational fishers. My project was done in response to anecdotal declines in tailor. Working closely with NSW and QLD Fisheries, my research studied the ecology of tailor in eastern Australia and provided the ecological understanding for a successful management plan to ensure there are fish to catch and eat in the future. The four key aspects of my work were diet, reproduction, growth and juvenile habitat use.

E26 Lv4 East & NSW DPI Port Stephens Fisheries Institute
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Chan AJ; Jaine FRA; Maron F; Williamson JE; Schilling HT; Smoothey AF; Peddemors VM, 2024, 'Flapping about: trends and drivers of Australian cownose ray (Rhinoptera neglecta) coastal sightings at their southernmost distribution range', Frontiers in Fish Science, 1,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Goddard BK; Guillemin TA; Schilling HT; Hughes JM; Brodie S; Green CP; Harcourt R; Huveneers C; Ierodiaconou D; Suthers IM; Taylor MD; Tracey SR; Camilieri-Asch V; Clarke TM; Dwyer RG; Hilbert C; Holdsworth J; Mitchell J; Pepperell J; Simpson E; Udyawer V; Jaine FRA, 2024, 'Half a century of citizen science tag-recapture data reveals stock delineation and cross-jurisdictional connectivity of an iconic pelagic fish', Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hanamseth R; Schilling HT; Johnson DD; Suthers IM; Taylor MD, 2024, 'Abundance and Distribution of Blue Swimmer Crab in Response to Environmental Variation Across Two Contrasting Estuaries', Estuaries and Coasts, 47, pp. 1064 - 1074,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hinchliffe C; Schilling HT; Pepin P; Kar F; Falster DS; Suthers IM, 2024, 'Rapid inference of larval fish recruitment potential from size spectrum models.', Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Schilling HT; Butler GL; Cheshire KJM; Gilligan DM; Stocks JR; Thiem JD; Crook DA, 2024, 'Contribution of invasive carp (Cyprinus carpio) to fish biomass in rivers of the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia', Biological Invasions, 26, pp. 2955 - 2971,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ankita ; Schilling HT; Khan S; Khan MA; Miyan K, 2023, 'Evidence of multiple stocks of catfish, Rita rita (Hamilton), from the Ganges Basin on the basis of an integrated analysis of truss morphometrics, otolith microchemistry, and otolith shape', Marine and Freshwater Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Champion C; Lawson JR; Pardoe J; Cruz DO; Fowler AM; Jaine F; Schilling HT; Coleman MA, 2023, 'Multi-criteria analysis for rapid vulnerability assessment of marine species to climate change', Climatic Change, 176,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Crook DA; Schilling HT; Gilligan DM; Asmus M; Boys CA; Butler GL; Cameron LM; Hohnberg D; Michie LE; Miles NG; Rayner TS; Robinson WA; Rourke ML; Stocks JR; Thiem JD; Townsend A; Van Der Meulen DE; Wooden I; Cheshire KJM, 2023, 'Multi-decadal trends in large-bodied fish populations in the New South Wales Murray-Darling Basin, Australia', Marine and Freshwater Research, 74, pp. 899 - 916,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Currie J; Schilling HT; Evans L; Boyce T; Lester N; Greene G; Little K; Humphreys C; Huws D; Yeoman A; Lewis S; Paranjothy S, 2023, 'Contribution of avoidable mortality to life expectancy inequalities in Wales: a decomposition by age and by cause between 2002 and 2020', Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 45, pp. 762 - 770,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hinchliffe C; Matis PA; Schilling HT; Everett JD; Miskiewicz AG; Pepin P; Falster DS; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Plankton size spectra as an indicator of larval success in Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax)', Fisheries Oceanography, 32, pp. 196 - 212,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Riley IJ; DiBattista JD; Stewart J; Schilling HT; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Using integrative taxonomy to distinguish cryptic halfbeak species and interpret distribution patterns, fisheries landings, and speciation', Marine and Freshwater Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Dedden AV; Crocetti S; Liggins G; Lorigan S; Marshall A; Rogers TL; Schaeffer A; Suthers IM; Johnson DD, 2023, 'Regional oceanography affects humpback whale entanglements in set fishing gear', Conservation Science and Practice, 5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Everett JD; Schaeffer A; Hinchliffe C; Yates P; Baird ME; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Vertically Resolved Pelagic Particle Biomass and Size Structure Across a Continental Shelf Under the Influence of a Western Boundary Current', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Johnson DD; Hanamseth R; Suthers IM; Taylor MD, 2023, 'Long-term drivers of catch variability in south-eastern Australia's largest portunid fishery', Fisheries Research, 260, pp. 106582,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Kalogirou S; Michail C; Kleitou P, 2023, 'Testing passive dispersal as the key mechanism for lionfish invasion in the Mediterranean Sea using Lagrangian particle tracking', Biological Invasions,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schilling HT; Stewart J; Litherland L; Smith JA; Everett JD; Hughes JM; Suthers IM, 2023, 'Age and growth of Pomatomus saltatrix in the south-western Pacific Ocean (eastern Australia), with a global comparison', Marine and Freshwater Research,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Buenafe KCV; Everett JD; Dunn DC; Mercer J; Suthers IM; Schilling HT; Hinchliffe C; Dabalà A; Richardson AJ, 2022, 'A global, historical database of tuna, billfish, and saury larval distributions', Scientific Data, 9, pp. 423,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Garcia V; Schilling HT; Cruz DO; Hawes SM; Everett JD; Roughan M; Miskiewicz AG; Pakhomov EA; Jeffs A; Suthers IM, 2022, 'Entrainment and development of larval fish assemblages in two contrasting cold core eddies of the East Australian Current system', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 685, pp. 1 - 18,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hewitt DE; Schilling HT; Hanamseth R; Everett JD; Li J; Roughan M; Johnson DD; Suthers IM; Taylor MD, 2022, 'Mesoscale oceanographic features drive divergent patterns in connectivity for co-occurring estuarine portunid crabs', Fisheries Oceanography, 31, pp. 587 - 600,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Nicolle P; Hughes J; Fowler A; Schilling HT, 2022, 'Long-term increase in growth of an estuarine predator, mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus, predicted to continue under future warming scenarios', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 688, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling H; Suthers I; Taylor M; Hanamseth R, 2022, 'Evaluation of a novel research trap for surveys of blue swimmer crab populations', Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, pp. 812 - 822,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling HT; Hewitt DE; Malan N; Taylor MD; Johnson DD, 2022, 'Cross-jurisdictional larval supply essential for eastern Australian spanner crabs (Ranina ranina)', Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, pp. 1353 - 1368,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling HT; Hinchliffe C; Gillson JP; Miskiewicz AG; Suthers IM, 2022, 'Coastal winds and larval fish abundance indicate a recruitment mechanism for southeast Australian estuarine fisheries', Fisheries Oceanography, 31, pp. 40 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling HT; Riley IJ; Puckeridge AC; Milne-Muller A; Callaghan CT, 2022, 'Economic value of regional spearfishing competitions', Fisheries Research, 250, pp. 106289 - 106289,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schilling HT; Smith JA; Everett JD; Harrison DP; Suthers IM, 2022, 'Size-selective predation by three estuarine zooplanktivorous fish species', Marine and Freshwater Research, 73, pp. NULL - NULL,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hinchliffe C; Smith JA; Everett JD; Falster DS; Lara-Lopez A; Miskiewicz AG; Richardson AJ; Schilling HT; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Modelling the distribution of larval fish in a western boundary current using a multi-voyage database', Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31, pp. 399 - 415,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Khan S; Schilling HT; Khan MA; Patel DK; Maslen B; Miyan K, 2021, 'Stock delineation of striped snakehead, Channa striata using multivariate generalised linear models with otolith shape and chemistry data', Scientific Reports, 11, pp. 8158,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mesaglio TP; Schilling HT; Adler L; Ahyong ST; Maslen B; Suthers IM, 2021, 'The ecology of Lepas-based biofouling communities on moored and drifting objects, with applications for marine forensic science', Marine Biology, 168,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Pittman SJ; Yates KL; Bouchet PJ; Alvarez-Berastegui D; Andréfouët S; Bell SS; Berkström C; Boström C; Brown CJ; Connolly RM; Devillers R; Eggleston D; Gilby BL; Gullström M; Halpern BS; Hidalgo M; Holstein D; Hovel K; Huettmann F; Jackson EL; James WR; Kellner JB; Kot CY; Lecours V; Lepczyk C; Nagelkerken I; Nelson J; Olds AD; Santos RO; Scales KL; Schneider DC; Schilling HT; Simenstad C; Suthers IM; Treml EA; Wedding LM; Yates P; Young M, 2021, 'Seascape ecology: identifying research priorities for an emerging ocean sustainability science', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 663, pp. 1 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Puckeridge AC; Becker A; Taylor MD; Lowry MB; McLeod J; Schilling HT; Suthers IM, 2021, 'Foraging behaviour and movements of an ambush predator reveal benthopelagic coupling on artificial reefs', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 666, pp. 171 - 182,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Suthers IM; Reid DD; Moksness E; Schilling HT, 2021, 'Novel fisheries investigations by Harald Dannevig: Some parallels with Johan Hjort on the other side of the world', ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78, pp. 755 - 764,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Folpp HR; Schilling HT; Clark GF; Lowry MB; Maslen B; Gregson M; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Artificial reefs increase fish abundance in habitat-limited estuaries', Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, pp. 1752 - 1761,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Schilling HT; Everett JD; Smith JA; Stewart J; Hughes JM; Roughan M; Kerry C; Suthers IM, 2020, 'Multiple spawning events promote increased larval dispersal of a predatory fish in a western boundary current', Fisheries Oceanography, 29, pp. 309 - 323,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Miranda T; Smith JA; Suthers IM; Mazumder D; Cruz DO; Schilling HT; Searle K; Vergés A; Secor D, 2019, 'Convictfish on the move: Variation in growth and trophic niche space along a latitudinal gradient', ICES Journal of Marine Science, 76, pp. 2404 - 2412,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schilling HT; Smith JA; Stewart J; Everett JD; Hughes JM; Suthers IM, 2019, 'Reduced exploitation is associated with an altered sex ratio and larger length at maturity in southwest Pacific (east Australian) Pomatomus saltatrix', Marine Environmental Research, 147, pp. 72 - 79,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Brodie S; Litherland L; Stewart J; Schilling HT; Pepperell JG; Suthers IM, 2018, 'Citizen science records describe the distribution and migratory behaviour of a piscivorous predator, Pomatomus saltatrix', ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75, pp. 1573 - 1582,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lawson CL; Suthers IM; Smith JA; Schilling HT; Stewart J; Hughes JM; Brodie S, 2018, 'The influence of ontogenetic diet variation on consumption rate estimates: A marine example', Scientific Reports, 8, pp. 10725,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schilling HT; Reis-Santos P; Hughes JM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Stewart J; Gillanders BM; Suthers IM, 2018, 'Evaluating estuarine nursery use and life history patterns of Pomatomus saltatrix in eastern Australia', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 598, pp. 187 - 199,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schilling HT; Hughes JM; Smith JA; Everett JD; Stewart J; Suthers IM, 2017, 'Latitudinal and ontogenetic variation in the diet of a pelagic mesopredator (Pomatomus saltatrix), assessed with a classification tree analysis', Marine Biology, 164, pp. 75,
  • Conference Papers | 2022
    Cao C; Miskiewicz AG; Appleyard SA; Matis P; Schilling H; Suthers I, 2022, 'Tuna Larvae (Scombridae) off Eastern Australia: When and Where Are They Spawned? †', in The IX Iberian Congress of Ichthyology, MDPI, pp. 66 - 66, presented at Iberian Congress of Ichthyology,

My Teaching

Guest lecturer in:

  • MSCI2001 Introductory Marine Science
  • BIOS3081 Estuarine to Ocean Ecosystems
  • MSCI6681 Topics in Australian Marine Science