Dr Hugues Peters
BA: Université de Namur, Belgique; MA: Université Libre de Bruxelles;PhD: The Pennsylvania State University;Teaching Certificate: Université Libre de Bruxelles/鶹madou, Sydney
Dr. Hugues PETERS is Senior Lecturer in French studies in the School of Humanities and Languages. He received his Master in Romance Philology from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and his PhD in French Linguistics from the Pennsylvania State University. Before his arrival at 鶹madou Sydney, he had taught in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of the West Indies, Mona, and held research positions at the University of Brussels Phonetic Institute and in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Geneva.
He is an academic with international teaching experience of the French language as a foreign language at all levels. He is the author with Christopher Laenzlinger ofDes savoirs linguistiques aux savoirs scolaires. L'accès à la grammaire par le lexique(Editions Lambert-Lucas, Limoges, France, 2016), andthe creator of a learners' corpus of spoken French:The UWI French L2 Corpus.(SLA-Bank Talkbank, 2017, ). He strives to apply his research on French grammar and culture and on second language acquisition to the teaching of French at 鶹madou, more recently on the topic of language inclusivity.
Some recent publications:
- 2024,'Towards feminization and neutralization in the foreign language classroom', inInclusiveness Beyond the (Non)binary in Romance Languages,Routledge,pp. 66 - 81,
- 2021, 'Une explication morpho-syntactique des asymétries d’usage de déterminants genrés en français L2', in Saddour I; Gunnarsson-Largy C (ed.),Réflexion sur les usages et les utilisateurs du français : aspects acquisitionnels et didactiques, Peter Lang, Bruxelles, pp. 63 - 84.
- 2020,'Gender-inclusivity and gender-neutrality in foreign language teaching: The case of French',Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics, vol. 3, pp. 183 - 195.
- 2020, 'Alain Rabatel et Laurence Rosier (coord.), Les défis de l’écriture inclusive', Cahiers de praxématique [en ligne], 74
- 2019, 'Asymmetric self-repair in gender attribution', in Degand L; Gilquin G; Meurant L; Simon AC (eds.),Fluency and Disfluency across Languages and Language Varieties(Series: Corpora and Language in Use), Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, pp. 261 - 281
He is available for supervision in areas of Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition and all areas of French studies.
Ph.D theses supervised:
- Abdullah Alghamdi (joint-supervision with Mengistu Amberber). From root to nunation: the morphology of Arabic nouns. 鶹madouSydney (2015)
- Xinyue Yao. The present perfect in English: meaning interpretation and use. 鶹madouSydney (2014)
BA Honours &MAtheses supervised:
- Jacinda Alam (jointsupervision with Aniko Hatoss). The Effect of Shadowing on Adult intermediate French Learner utterance fluency, 鶹madou Sydney (2021).
- Renée Gail Davy (joint supervision with Michele Kennedy).Syntactic Transfer in the Written Language of Jamaican High School Students Learning Spanish as a Foreign Language, UWIMona (2016).
- Claire Linwood. Les antinomies de la justice: L'idée républicaine et la discrimination positive dans l'enseignement supérieur français. 鶹madouSydney (2014).
- Matthew Haultain-Gall (joint supervision with Peter Schrijvers). De soldat à citoyen. la sortie de guerre de la 1ère division australienne en Belgique 1918-1919. 鶹madouSydney (2012).
- Miranda Shatwell. Conceptions of the national language, the nation and national identity in 19th century France. 鶹madou, Sydney (2011)
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Recipient of the “Distinguished Researcher” award, Mona Campus, from the Office of the Principal, in recognition of outstanding research in the Faculty of Arts and Education, UWI, Mona (Oct. 11, 2001)
My current research interests include pedagogical approaches to the grammar of French, the morphosyntax of French, Gender inclusivity, and second language acquisition of French.
My Research Supervision
Abdulrahman Alrezqy
My Teaching
I regularly teach all levels of French language from the introductory level to the professional level, as well as contextual elective courses taught in English.
In 2021, I am the convenor of:
- ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
- ARTS2481 Intermediate French B
- ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
- ARTS2486 The French speaking world
- ARTS0213 Special Project in French studies