
Professor Jake Olivier

Professor Jake Olivier


Accredited Statistician (AStat), Statistical Society of Australia, 2016 -聽

PhD in Statistics, University of Mississippi, 2003

MSc in Mathematics, University of Mississippi, 1997

BSc in Mathematics, Centenary College of Louisiana, 1995

School of Mathematics & Statistics

I am part of the in the . My research interests are focused on statistical methods applied to epidemiological, psychological and population health data. My main application area is in road safety and injury research, although I routinely collaborate with cancer, psychological and cardiovascular researchers.

Research Goals

  • Improving methods for assessing population-based interventions
  • Developing methods for estimating and accounting for regression to the mean
  • Novel methods for estimating population attributable fractions (with Dr Maarit Laaksonen)
  • Making sense of naturalistic driving study data

Research in Detail

There are many statistical challenges in quasi-experimental designs due to lack of randomisation. This makes it difficult to assess the impact of population-based interventions due to unmeasured confounding. Some examples of interest are assessing the effects of聽bicycle helmet legislation and measures to limit access to guns.聽Interrupted time series, with or without a control, offer an improvement over other methods. However, little work has been done in this area and there is little standardization of analytic approaches across various fields such that varying analyses can lead to disparate conclusions using the same data source.

It is well known that statistical significance is a function of sample size. This is problematic because important effects can go unnoticed in studies with small sample sizes, and unimportant effects can give small p-values from large studies. Effect sizes can complement significance testing by removing the influence of sample size. A lot of work on this topic can be found in psychological research but little has been done on epidemiological measures like the odds ratio, relative risk or hazards ratio.

02 9385 6656
School of Mathematics and Statistics Room 2051, The Red Centre (H13) University of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052
  • Books | 2018
    , 2018, Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, Anderson M, (ed.), Taylor & Francis,
    Books | 2011
    Norberg MM; Battisti RA; Olivier J; Copeland J; Hermens DF; Hickie I, 2011, A brief intervention for help-seeking young adult and adolescent cannabis: Findings and treatment manual, National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre (NCPIC), University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    , 2021, 'List of Contributors to Volume 7', in International Encyclopedia of Transportation, Elsevier, pp. ix - xii,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ehsani JP; Harbluk JL; B盲rgman J; Williamson A; Michael JP; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Eusebio J; Charlton J; Koppel S; Young K; Lenn茅 M; Haworth N; Rakotonirainy A; Elhenawy M; Larue G; Senserrick T; Woolley J; Mongiardini M; Stokes C; Boase P; Pearson J; Guo F, 2021, 'Naturalistic Driving Studies: An Overview and International Perspective', in International Encyclopedia of Transportation: Volume 1-7, pp. 20 - 38,
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Iftikhar K; Khan M; Olivier J, 2025, 'Regression to the mean for overdispersed count data', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 234,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ayuningtyas KNS; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Caponecchia C, 2024, 'Addressing Indonesia's biggest road safety challenge: Reducing motorcycle deaths', IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1294,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Boufous S; Olivier J, 2024, 'Age, crash type and the changing patterns of cycling fatalities in Australia between 1991 and 2022', Injury Prevention, 30, pp. 167 - 170,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Koch FC; Olivier J; Brett J; Buckley NA; Gisev N; Pearson S; Daniels B, 2024, 'The impact of tightened prescribing restrictions for PBS-subsidised opioid medicines and the introduction of half-pack sizes, Australia, 2020鈥21: an interrupted time series analysis', Medical Journal of Australia, 220, pp. 315 - 322,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Umair M; Khan M; Olivier J, 2024, 'Accounting for regression to the mean under the bivariate t-distribution', Statistical Methods in Medical Research,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Brown J; Albanese B; Ho C; Elkington J; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Bilston LE, 2023, 'Differences in participant characteristics and observed child restraint use between population-based and restraint fitting service samples', Traffic Injury Prevention, 24, pp. 693 - 699,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Brown J; Albanese B; Ho C; Elkington J; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Bilston LE, 2023, 'Updated population-level estimates of child restraint practices among children aged 0-12 years in Australia, 10 years after introduction of age-appropriate restraint use legislation', Injury Prevention, 30, pp. 100 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Fricke TR; Keay L; Resnikoff S; Tahhan N; Koumbo O; Paudel P; Ayton LN; Britten-Jones AC; Kweon S; Li JCH; Lee L; Wagner P; Weng R; Beranger B; Olivier J, 2023, 'Improving population-level refractive error monitoring via mixture distributions', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 43, pp. 445 - 453,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kennedy B; Bugeja L; Olivier J; Johnson M; Hua P; Koppel S; Ibrahim JE, 2023, 'Epidemiology of Homicide in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 24, pp. 390 - 406,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kennedy B; Bugeja L; Olivier J; Koppel S; Dwyer J; Ibrahim J, 2023, 'A population-based cross-sectional study examining homicides among community-dwelling older adults in Victoria, Australia: A study protocol', PLoS ONE, 18,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Khan M; Olivier J, 2023, 'Regression to the mean: Estimation and adjustment under the bivariate normal distribution', Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 52, pp. 6972 - 6990,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Norberg MM; Meares S; Stevenson RJ; Tame J; Wong G; Aldrich P; Olivier J, 2023, 'Attention, response inhibition, and hoarding: A neuropsychological examination', Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 12, pp. 827 - 839,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Albanese B; Cross SL; Brown J; Bilston LE; Koppel S; Bohman K; Arbogast KB; Olivier J; Charlton JL, 2022, 'Child restraint headrest and belt routing design features and their association with child passenger behavior and restraint misuse', Traffic Injury Prevention, 23, pp. 446 - 451,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Chandrakanthan V; Rorimpandey P; Zanini F; Chacon D; Olivier J; Joshi S; Kang YC; Knezevic K; Huang Y; Qiao Q; Oliver RA; Unnikrishnan A; Carter DR; Lee B; Brownlee C; Power C; Brink R; Mendez-Ferrer S; Enikolopov G; Walsh W; G枚ttgens B; Taoudi S; Beck D; Pimanda JE, 2022, 'Mesoderm-derived PDGFRA+ cells regulate the emergence of hematopoietic stem cells in the dorsal aorta', Nature Cell Biology, 24, pp. 1211 - 1225,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Parab A; Whyte T; Albanese B; Bilston L; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Brown J, 2022, 'Can Age or Height Define Appropriate Thresholds for Transition to Adult Seat Belts? An Analysis of Observed Seat Belt Fit in Children Aged 7鈥12 Years', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 1524,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Pimanda JE; Thoms JAI; Hampton HR; Davidson S; Joshi S; Sarowar CH; Lim XY; Nunez AC; Kakadia PM; Pickford R; Raftery M; Hough S; Buckland G; Bailey M; Ghodke Y; Absar N; Vaughan L; Pasalic L; Fong CY; Kenealy M; Hiwase D; Stoddart R; Mohammed S; Lee L; Passam FH; Spring K; Skarratt KK; Rebeiro P; Larsen SR; Presgrave P; Stevenson WS; Ling S; Tiley C; Fuller S; Roncolato F; Enjeti AK; Hoenemann D; Lemech C; Bohlander SK; Olivier J; Hertzberg M; Unnikrishnan A; Polizzotto MN, 2022, 'In Vivo Drug Incorporation and Intracellular Dynamics of Injectable Versus Oral Azacytidine: A Phase II Open Label Multicentre Trial', Blood, 140, pp. 6927 - 6929,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Radun I; Radun J; Kitti M; Kauppi H; Lajunen T; Olivier J, 2022, 'Do people prefer cycling policy aiming at extending or saving lives? An experimental survey study', Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10, pp. 1715 - 1719,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Beck B; Perkins M; Olivier J; Chong D; Johnson M, 2021, 'Subjective experiences of bicyclists being passed by motor vehicles: The relationship to motor vehicle passing distance', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 155,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Biswas RK; Friswell R; Olivier J; Williamson A; Senserrick T, 2021, 'A systematic review of definitions of motor vehicle headways in driver behaviour and performance studies', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 77, pp. 38 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2021, 'At what stages of licensing do graduated driver licensing systems reduce crashes? Example from Queensland, Australia', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 152,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yeola A; Subramanian S; Oliver RA; Lucas CA; Thoms JAI; Yan F; Olivier J; Chacon D; Tursky ML; Hung T; Power C; Hardy P; D D; McCarroll J; Kavallaris M; Hesson LB; Beck D; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Hardeman EC; Walsh WR; Mobbs R; Chandrakanthan V; Pimanda JE; Chacon Fajardo D, 2021, 'Induction of Muscle Regenerative Multipotent Stem Cells from Human Adipocytes by PDGF-AB and 5-Azacytidine', Science Advances, pp. 2020.06.04.130872 - 2020.06.04.130872,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yeola A; Subramanian S; Oliver RA; Lucas CA; Thoms JAI; Yan F; Olivier J; Chacon D; Tursky ML; Srivastava P; Potas JR; Hung T; Power C; Hardy P; Ma DD; Kilian KA; McCarroll J; Kavallaris M; Hesson LB; Beck D; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Hardeman EC; Walsh WR; Mobbs R; Chandrakanthan V; Pimanda JE; Subramanian S, 2021, 'Induction of muscle-regenerative multipotent stem cells from human adipocytes by PDGF-AB and 5-azacytidine', Science Advances, 7, pp. eabd1929,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Albanese B; Bohman K; Bilston L; Koppel S; Charlton JL; Olivier J; Keay L; Brown J, 2020, 'Influence of child restraint system design features on comfort, belt fit and posture', Safety Science, 128,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Norberg MM; David J; Crone C; Kakar V; Kwok C; Olivier J; Grisham JR, 2020, 'Determinants of object choice and object attachment: Compensatory consumption in compulsive buying-shopping disorder and hoarding disorder', Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9, pp. 153 - 162,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Olivier J; Churches T; Hayen A; Walter S; Grzebieta R, 2020, 'Has cycling decreased in Australia? A comparison of 1985/86 and 2011 surveys', Journal of Road Safety, 31, pp. 44 - 47,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R; Johnson M, 2020, 'Does the Australian Bureau of Statistics Method of Travel to Work data accurately estimate commuter cycling in Australia?', Journal of Road Safety, 31, pp. 48 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Radun I; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Parkkari I; Kecklund G; Olivier J; Theorell T, 2020, 'Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: A one-year follow-up study of professional drivers', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 73, pp. 318 - 324,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Beck B; Chong D; Olivier J; Perkins M; Tsay A; Rushford A; Li L; Cameron P; Fry R; Johnson M, 2019, 'How much space do drivers provide when passing cyclists? Understanding the impact of motor vehicle and infrastructure characteristics on passing distance', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 128, pp. 253 - 260,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Beck B; Stevenson MR; Cameron P; Oxley J; Newstead S; Olivier J; Boufous S; Gabbe BJ, 2019, 'Crash characteristics of on-road single-bicycle crashes: An under-recognised problem', Injury Prevention, 25, pp. 448 - 452,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Esmaeilikia M; Radun I; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2019, 'Bicycle helmets and risky behaviour: A systematic review', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 60, pp. 299 - 310,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hussain Q; Feng H; Grzebieta R; Brijs T; Olivier J, 2019, 'The relationship between impact speed and the probability of pedestrian fatality during a vehicle-pedestrian crash: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 129, pp. 241 - 249,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Khan M; Olivier J, 2019, 'Regression to the mean for the bivariate binomial distribution', Statistics in Medicine, 38, pp. 2391 - 2412,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lowres N; Olivier J; Chao TF; Chen SA; Chen Y; Diederichsen A; Fitzmaurice DA; Gomez-Doblas JJ; Harbison J; Healey JS; Hobbs FDR; Kaasenbrood F; Keen W; Lee VW; Lindholt JS; Lip GYH; Mairesse GH; Mant J; Martin JW; Mart铆n-Riobo贸 E; McManus DD; Mu帽iz J; M眉nzel T; Nakamya J; Neubeck L; Orchard JJ; De Torres L; Proietti M; Quinn FR; Roalfe AK; Sandhu RK; Schnabel RB; Smyth B; Soni A; Tieleman R; Wang J; Wild PS; Yan BP; Freedman B, 2019, 'Estimated stroke risk, yield, and number needed to screen for atrial fibrillation detected through single time screening: A multicountry patient-level meta-analysis of 141,220 screened individuals', PLoS Medicine, 16, pp. e1002903,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Olivier J; Boufous S; Grzebieta R, 2019, 'The impact of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling fatalities in Australia', International Journal of Epidemiology,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Radun I; Parkkari I; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Kecklund G; Olivier J; Tervo T; Theorell T, 2019, 'Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: Focus on professional drivers using in-depth crash data', Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, pp. 575 - 580,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Radun I; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Olivier J; Kecklund G; Theorell T, 2019, 'Endangering yourself to save another: A real life ethical dilemma', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 64, pp. 318 - 322,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Radun I; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Olivier J; Parkkari I; Kecklund G; Theorell T, 2019, 'Suicide by crashing into a heavy vehicle: Professional drivers鈥 views', Traffic Injury Prevention, 20, pp. 826 - 831,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Amatoury M; Maguire AM; Olivier J; Barton B; Gabriel M; Dalla-Pozza L; Steinbeck KS; Battisti RA, 2018, 'Salivary cortisol reveals overt and hidden anxiety in survivors of childhood cancer attending clinic', Journal of Affective Disorders, 240, pp. 105 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Beck D; Thoms JAI; Palu C; Herold T; Shah A; Olivier J; Boelen L; Huang Y; Chacon D; Brown A; Babic M; Hahn C; Perugini M; Zhou X; Huntly BJ; Schwarzer A; Klusmann JH; Berdel WE; W枚rmann B; B眉chner T; Hiddemann W; Bohlander SK; To LB; Scott HS; Lewis ID; D'Andrea RJ; Wong JWH; Pimanda JE, 2018, 'A four-gene LincRNA expression signature predicts risk in multiple cohorts of acute myeloid leukemia patients', Leukemia, 32, pp. 263 - 272,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2018, 'A Systematic Review of Bicycle Helmet Laws Enacted Worldwide', JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF ROAD SAFETY, 29, pp. 30 - 38,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hicks D; Grzebieta R; Mongiardini M; Rechnitzer G; Simmons K; Olivier J, 2018, 'Investigation of when quad bikes rollover in the farming environment', Safety Science, 106, pp. 28 - 34,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Khan M; Olivier J, 2018, 'Quantifying the regression to the mean effect in Poisson processes', Statistics in Medicine, 37, pp. 3832 - 3848,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Radun I; Olivier J, 2018, 'Bicycle helmet law does not deter cyclists in Finland', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 58, pp. 1087 - 1090,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Radun I; Watling H; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Olivier J, 2018, 'Women judging: Is a young male drunk driver perceived as more negligent than a young female drunk driver?', Traffic Injury Prevention, 19, pp. 675 - 679,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2018, 'Associations between graduated driver licensing and road trauma reductions in a later licensing age jurisdiction: Queensland, Australia', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0204107,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Boufous S, 2017, 'Reducing serious injury from road traffic crashes', Medical Journal of Australia, 207,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Meredith L; Hurren C; Clarke E; Fitzharris M; Baldock M; de Rome L; Olivier J; Brown J, 2017, 'Validation of the abrasion resistance test protocols and performance criteria of EN13595: The probability of soft tissue injury to motorcycle riders by abrasion resistance of their clothing', Journal of Safety Research, 61, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Olivier J; Creighton P, 2017, 'Bicycle injuries and helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis.', Int J Epidemiol, 46, pp. 278 - 292,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Olivier J; Creighton P, 2017, 'Correction: Bicycle injuries and helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Epidemiology, pp. dyw360 - dyw360,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Olivier J; Radun I, 2017, 'Bicycle helmet effectiveness is not overstated', Traffic Injury Prevention, 18, pp. 755 - 760,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Poulos R; Olivier J; Wong J, 2017, 'CpG methylation accounts for genome-wide C>T mutation variation and cancer driver formation across cancer types', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Poulos RC; Olivier J; Wong JWH, 2017, 'The interaction between cytosine methylation and processes of DNA replication and repair shape the mutational landscape of cancer genomes', Nucleic Acids Research, 45, pp. 7786 - 7795,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schepers P; Stipdonk H; Methorst R; Olivier J, 2017, 'Bicycle fatalities: Trends in crashes with and without motor vehicles in The Netherlands', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 46, pp. 491 - 499,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Unnikrishnan A; Papaemmanuil E; Beck D; Deshpande NP; Verma A; Kumari A; Woll PS; Richards LA; Knezevic K; Chandrakanthan V; Thoms JAI; Tursky ML; Huang Y; Ali Z; Olivier J; Galbraith S; Kulasekararaj AG; Tobiasson M; Karimi M; Pellagatti A; Wilson SR; Lindeman R; Young B; Ramakrishna R; Arthur C; Stark R; Crispin P; Curnow J; Warburton P; Roncolato F; Boultwood J; Lynch K; Jacobsen SEW; Mufti GJ; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Wilkins MR; MacKenzie KL; Wong JWH; Campbell PJ; Pimanda JE, 2017, 'Integrative Genomics Identifies the Molecular Basis of Resistance to Azacitidine Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndromes', Cell Reports, 20, pp. 572 - 585,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Boufous S; Olivier J, 2016, 'Recent trends in cyclist fatalities in Australia', Injury Prevention, 22, pp. 284 - 287,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Huang Y; Thoms JAI; Tursky ML; Knezevic K; Beck D; Chandrakanthan V; Suryani S; Olivier J; Boulton A; Glaros EN; Thomas SR; Lock RB; MacKenzie KL; Bushweller JH; Wong JWH; Pimanda JE, 2016, 'MAPK/ERK2 phosphorylates ERG at serine 283 in leukemic cells and promotes stem cell signatures and cell proliferation', Leukemia, 30, pp. 1552 - 1561,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kuroiwa-Trzmielina J; Wang F; Rapkins RW; Ward RL; Buchanan DD; Win AK; Clendenning M; Rosty C; Southey MC; Winship IM; Hopper JL; Jenkins MA; Olivier J; Hawkins NJ; Hitchins MP, 2016, 'SNP rs16906252C>T is an expression and methylation quantitative trait locus associated with an increased risk of developing MGMT-methylated colorectal cancer', Clinical Cancer Research, 22, pp. 6266 - 6277,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Mattos G; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Eusebio J; Zheng WY; Wall J; Charlton J; Lenn茅 M; Haley J; Barnes B; Rakotonirainy A; Woolley J; Senserrick T; Young K; Haworth N; Regan M; Cockfield S; Healy D; Cavallo A; Di Stefano M; Wong HL; Cameron I; Cornish M; Baird C, 2016, '250 Pedestrian-vehicle interactions: early results from the Australian naturalistic driving study (ands)', Injury Prevention, 22, pp. a91,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Norberg MM; Ham LS; Olivier J; Zamboanga BL; Melkonian A; Fugitt JL, 2016, 'Pregaming and Emotion Regulation鈥檚 Relationship to Alcohol Problems in College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study', Substance Use and Misuse, 51, pp. 1024 - 1033,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Norberg MM; Kavanagh DJ; Olivier J; Lyras S, 2016, 'Craving cannabis: a meta-analysis of self-report and psychophysiological cue-reactivity studies', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 111, pp. 1923 - 1934,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Olivier J; Boufous S; Grzebieta R, 2016, 'No strong evidence bicycle helmet legislation deters cycling', Medical Journal of Australia,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Olivier J; Creighton P; Mason CT, 2016, 'Evidence bicycle helmets mitigate intra-cranial injury is not controversial', European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 42, pp. 333 - 336,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Olivier J; May WL; Bell ML, 2016, 'Relative Effect Sizes for Measures of Risk', Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tan TC; Grzebieta RH; Bambach MR; Olivier J; McIntosh AS, 2016, 'A case鈥揷ontrol study of vehicle panel damage and thoracic injury in rollover crashes', International Journal of Crashworthiness, 21, pp. 367 - 383,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Olivier J; Walter SR, 2015, 'Too much statistical power can lead to false conclusions: a response to 'Unsuitability of the epidemiological approach to bicycle transportation injuries and traffic engineering problems' by Kary', Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention, 21, pp. 289,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Tursky ML; Beck D; Thoms JAI; Huang Y; Kumari A; Unnikrishnan A; Knezevic K; Evans K; Richards LA; Lee E; Morris J; Goldberg L; Izraeli S; Wong JWH; Olivier J; Lock RB; MacKenzie KL; Pimanda JE, 2015, 'Overexpression of ERG in cord blood progenitors promotes expansion and recapitulates molecular signatures of high ERG leukemias', Leukemia, 29, pp. 819 - 827,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Vajdic CM; Marashi Pour S; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'Corrigendum to "The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 152C (2015) 264-271] DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.03.026', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 154, pp. 304,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Vajdic CM; Pour SM; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 152, pp. 264 - 271,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bell ML; Teixeira-Pinto A; McKenzie JE; Olivier J, 2014, 'A myriad of methods: Calculated sample size for two proportions was dependent on the choice of sample size formula and software', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 67, pp. 601 - 605,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Diffner E; Beck D; Gudgin E; Thoms JAI; Knezevic K; Pridans C; Foster S; Goode D; Khong Lim W; Boelen L; Metzeler KH; Micklem G; Bohlander SK; Buske C; Burnett A; Ottersbach K; Vassiliou GS; Olivier J; Wong JWH; Gottgens B; Huntly BJ; Pimanda JE, 2014, 'Erratum: Activity of a heptad of transcription factors is associated with stem cell programs and clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia (Blood (2013) 121:12 (2289-2300))', Blood, 123, pp. 2901,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ford CE; Punnia-Moorthy G; Henry CE; Llamosas E; Nixdorf S; Olivier J; Caduff R; Ward RL; Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, 2014, 'The non-canonical Wnt ligand, Wnt5a, is upregulated and associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition in epithelial ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 134, pp. 338 - 345,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Heinzelmann-Schwarz VA; Nixdorf S; Valadan M; Diczbalis M; Olivier J; Otton G; Fedier A; Hacker NF; Scurry JP, 2014, 'A clinicopathological review of 33 patients with vulvar melanoma identifies c-KIT as a prognostic marker', International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 33, pp. 784 - 794,
    Journal articles | 2014
    McDaniel DO; Rigney D; Olivier J; McDaniel KY; Brock M; Redmond P; Porter J, 2014, 'Trauma Induced Inflammation, Sepsis and Ageing', Ageing International, 39, pp. 243 - 258,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Mooren L; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Friswell R, 2014, 'Safety management for heavy vehicle transport: A review of the literature', Safety Science, 62, pp. 79 - 89,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Mooren L; Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Magableh F, 2014, 'What are the differences in management characteristics of heavy vehicle operators with high insurance claims versus low insurance claims?', Safety Science, 70, pp. 327 - 338,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Norberg M; Khawar L; Copeland J; Olivier J, 2014, 'Efficacy of brief treatment for ecstasy use', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 140, pp. e162 - e163,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Norberg MM; Hides L; Olivier J; Khawar L; McKetin R; Copeland J, 2014, 'Brief Interventions to Reduce Ecstasy Use: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial', Behavior Therapy, 45, pp. 745 - 759,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Norberg MM; Olivier J; Schmidt NB; Zvolensky MJ, 2014, 'Cannabis use among treatment-seeking smokers: Motives and the moderating effects of anxiety sensitivity', American Journal on Addictions, 23, pp. 7 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Olivier J; Walter SR, 2014, 'Erratum: Bicycle helmet wearing is not associated with close motor vehicle passing: A re-analysis of walker, 2007 (PLoS ONE (2014) 9:1)', PLoS ONE, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Olivier J; Wang JJ; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'A systematic review of methods used to assess mandatory bicycle helmet legislation in New Zealand', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25, pp. 24 - 31,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Olivier J; Wang JJ; Walter S; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Anti-Helmet Arguments: Lies, damned lies and flawed statistics', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25, pp. 10 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Olivier J, 2014, 'The apparent ineffectiveness of bicycle helmets: A case of selective citation', Gaceta Sanitaria, 28, pp. 254 - 255,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Raju S; Kirk O; Davis M; Olivier J, 2014, 'Hemodynamics of "critical" venous stenosis and stent treatment', Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, 2, pp. 52 - 59,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wang J; Olivier J; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article', New Zealand Medical Journal, 127, pp. 106 - 108,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Are drivers aware of sleepiness and increasing crash risk while driving?', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 70, pp. 225 - 234,
    Journal articles | 2014
    van Kamp I; Santos J; Du W; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2014, 'Outdoor hazards and falls among community-dwelling older Australians', Healthy Aging Research, 3, pp. 17,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bambach M; Mitchell RJ; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2013, 'The effectiveness of helmets in bicycle collisions with motor vehicles: a case-control study', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 53, pp. 78 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bell ML; Olivier J; King MT, 2013, 'Scientific rigour in psycho-oncology trials: why and how to avoid common statistical errors', Psycho-oncology, 22, pp. 499 - 505,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Diffner E; Beck D; Gudgin E; Thoms JA; Knezevic K; Pridans C; Foster S; Goode D; Lim WK; boelen L; Metzeler KH; Micklem G; Bohlander SK; Buske C; Burnett A; Ottersbach K; Vassiliou GS; Olivier J; Wong JWH; Goettgens B; Huntly BJ; Pimanda JE, 2013, 'Activity of a heptad of transcription factors is associated with stem cell programs and clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia', Blood, 121, pp. 2289 - 2300,
    Journal articles | 2013
    McDonald K; Rapkins R; Olivier J; Zhao L; Nozue K; Lu D; Tiwari S; Kuroiwa-trzmielina J; Brewer JM; Wheeler H; Hitchins MP, 2013, 'The T genotype of the MGMT C>T (rs16906252) enhancer single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with promoter methylation and longer survival in glioblastoma patients', European Journal of Cancer, 49, pp. 360 - 368,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Olivier J; Bell ML, 2013, 'Effect sizes for 2x2 contingency tables', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e58777 (7pp),
    Journal articles | 2013
    Olivier J; Bell ML, 2013, 'The importance of statistics in cancer research', World Journal of Cancer Research, 1, pp. 78 - 81,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Olivier J; Walter SR; Grzebieta R, 2013, 'Long term bicycle related head injury trends for New South Wales, Australia following mandatory helmet legislation', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 53, pp. 1128 - 1134,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Olivier J; Walter SR, 2013, 'Bicycle Helmet Wearing Is Not Associated with Close Motor Vehicle Passing: A Re-Analysis of Walker, 2007', PLoS ONE, 8,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Stavrou EP; Buckley N; Olivier J, 2013, 'Discontinuation of statin therapy in older people: does a cancer diagnosis make a difference? An observational cohort study using data linkage', BMJ OPEN, 3,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Walter SR; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Churches T, 2013, 'The impact of compulsory helmet legislation on cyclist head injuries in New South Wales, Australia: A response', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 52, pp. 204 - 209,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Jacob F; Ukegjini K; Nixdorf S; Ford CE; Olivier J; Caduff R; Scurry J; Guertler R; Hornung D; Mueller R; Fink D; Hacker NF; Heinzelmann-Schwarz VA, 2012, 'Loss of secreted frizzled-related protein 4 correlates with an aggressive phenotype and predicts poor outcome in ovarian cancer patients', PLoS One, 7, pp. Art no. e31885,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Olivier J; Churches T; Walter SR; Mcintosh AS; Grzebieta R, 2012, 'Response to Rissel and Wen, 'The possible effect on frequency of cycling if mandatory bicycle helmet legislation was repealed in Sydney, Australia: a cross sectional survey'', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 23, pp. 76 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Olivier J; Hayen A; Walter SR; Churches T; Grzebieta R, 2012, 'Cycling rates are actually up, despite those creaky knees', ABC Enrivonment,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Poulos RG; Chong S; Olivier J; Jalaludin BB, 2012, 'Geospatial analyses to prioritize public health interventions: a case study of pedestrian and pedal cycle injuries in New South Wales, Australia', International Journal of Public Health, 57, pp. 467 - 475,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Raju S; Sanford P; Herman S; Olivier J, 2012, 'Postural and Ambulatory Changes in Regional Flow and Skin Perfusion', European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 43, pp. 567 - 572
    Journal articles | 2012
    Stavrou EP; Olivier J; Buckley NA; Pearson S, 2012, 'Discontinuation of statin therapy in older people: does a cancer diagnosis make a difference? An observational cohort study using data linkage', BMJ Open, 2, pp. e000880 - e000885,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Walker R; Hunt YM; Olivier J; Grothe KB; Dubbert PM; Burke RS; Cushman WC, 2012, 'Descriptive Characteristics and Cluster Analysis of Male Veteran Hazardous Drinkers in an Alcohol Moderation Intervention', American Journal on Addictions, 21, pp. 335 - 342,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bambach M; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Mcintosh A, 2011, 'Fatality risk for motorcyclists in fixed object collisions', Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 3, pp. 222 - 235,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Curtis K; Olivier J; Mitchell RJ; Cook A; Rankin T; Rana A; Watson W; Nau T, 2011, 'Evaluation of a tiered trauma call system in a level 1 trauma centre', Injury - International Journal of the Care of the Injured, 42, pp. 57 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Langton JM; Drew A; Mellish L; Olivier J; Ward RL; Pearson S, 2011, 'The quality of web-based oncology guidelines and protocols: how do international sites stack up?', British Journal of Cancer, 105, pp. 1166 - 1172
    Journal articles | 2011
    Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2011, 'Population-risk and person-time risk drowning rates-The Author's Response', Injury Prevention, 17, pp. 359 - 360
    Journal articles | 2011
    Neglen P; Oglesbee M; Olivier J; Raju S, 2011, 'Stenting of chronically obstructed inferior vena cava filters', Journal of Vascular Surgery, 54, pp. 153 - 161
    Journal articles | 2011
    Norberg MM; Olivier J; Alperstein DM; Zvolensky MJ; Norton AR, 2011, 'Adverse Consequences of Student Drinking: The Role of Sex, Social Anxiety, and Drinking Motives', Addictive Behaviors, 36, pp. 821 - 828,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Walter SR; Olivier J; Churches T; Grzebieta R, 2011, 'The impact of compulsory cycle helmet legislation on cyclist head injuries in New South Wales, Australia', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, pp. 2064 - 2071,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Chong S; Poulos RG; Olivier J; Watson W; Grzebieta R, 2010, 'Relative injury severity among vulnerable non-motorised road users: comparative analysis of injury arising from bicycle-motor vehicle and bicycle-pedestrian collisions', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, pp. 290 - 296,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Doukas G; Olivier J; Poulos RG; Grzebieta R, 2010, 'Exploring differential trends in severe and fatal child pedestrian injury in New South Wales, Australia (1997-2006)', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 42, pp. 1705 - 1711,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Fulop T; Olivier J; Meador R; Hall J; Islam N; Mena L; Henderson H; Schmidt D, 2010, 'Screening for chronic kidney disease in the ambulatory HIV population', Clinical Nephrology, 73, pp. 190 - 196
    Journal articles | 2010
    Harvey L; Poulos RG; Finch CF; Olivier J; Harvey JG, 2010, 'Hospitalised hot tap water scald patients following the introduction of regulations in NSW, Australia: who have we missed?', Burns, 36, pp. 912 - 919,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2010, 'Estimates of drowning morbidity and mortality adjusted for exposure to risk', Injury Prevention, 16, pp. 261 - 266
    Journal articles | 2010
    Neglen P; Darcey R; Olivier J; Raju S, 2010, 'Bilateral stenting at the iliocaval confluence', Journal of Vascular Surgery, 51, pp. 1457 - 1466,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Norberg MM; Norton AR; Olivier J; Zvolensky M, 2010, 'Social anxiety, reasons for drinking and college students', Behavior Therapy, 41, pp. 555 - 566,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Olivier J; Norberg MM, 2010, 'Positively skewed data: Revisiting the Box-Cox Power Transformation', International Journal of Psychological Research, 3, pp. 69 - 78
    Journal articles | 2009
    Burton MJ; Olivier J; Mena L, 2009, 'Characteristics of hepatitis C virus coinfection in a human immunodeficiency virus-infected population with lower reported rates of injection drug use', American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 338, pp. 54 - 56
    Journal articles | 2009
    Curtis K; Rana A; Cook A; Olivier J; Watson W; Nau T, 2009, 'Evaluation of a tiered trauma system in an Australian Level 1 trauma centre', Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, 12, pp. 159 - 159,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ly TH; deShazo RD; Olivier J; Stringer SP; Daley W; Stodard CM, 2009, 'Diagnostic criteria for atrophic rhinosinusitis', American Journal of Medicine, 122, pp. 747 - 753
    Journal articles | 2009
    Mitchell RJ; McClure R; Olivier J; Watson W, 2009, 'Rational allocation of Australia鈥檚 research dollars: Does the distribution of NHMRC funding by National Health Priority Area reflect actual disease burden?', Medical Journal of Australia, 191, pp. 648 - 652
    Journal articles | 2009
    Norberg MM; Norton A; Olivier J, 2009, 'Refining measurement in the study of social anxiety and student drinking: who you are and why you drink determines your outcomes', Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23, pp. 586 - 597,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Zhou X; Olivier J; McDaniel DO, 2009, 'Impact of Socioeconomic Disparities and Education on Trauma-induced Clinical Complications', Public Administration and Management, 14, pp. 123 - 144,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Brar H; Olivier J; Lebrun C; Gabbard W; Fulop T; Schmidt D, 2008, 'Predictors of mortality in a cohort intensive care units patients with acute renal failure receiving continuous renal placement therapy', American Journal of the Medical Sciences, 335, pp. 342 - 347
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cleary JD; Pearson M; Olivier J; Chapman SW, 2008, 'Association Between Histoplasma Exposure and Stroke', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 17, pp. 312 - 319
    Journal articles | 2008
    Duchesne JC; Kyle A; Simmons J; Islam S; Schmieg R; Olivier J; McSwain N, 2008, 'Impact of Telemedicine Upon Rural Trauma Care', Journal of Trauma: Injury Infection and Critical Care, 64, pp. 92 - 97
    Journal articles | 2008
    Duchesne JC; Schmieg R; Islam S; Olivier J; McSwain N, 2008, 'Selective Nonoperative Management of Low-Grade Blunt Pancreatic Injury: Are We There Yet?', Journal of Trauma: Injury Infection and Critical Care, 65, pp. 49 - 53
    Journal articles | 2008
    Grothe KB; Bodenlos JS; Whitehead D; Olivier J; Brantley PJ, 2008, 'The Psychosocial Vulnerability Model of Hostility as a Predictor of Coronary Heart Disease in Low-Income African Americans', Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 15, pp. 163 - 169
    Journal articles | 2008
    Kendzor DE; Dubbert PM; Olivier J; Bussinelle MS; Grothe KB, 2008, 'The influence of physical activity on alcohol consumption among heavy drinkers participating in alcohol treatment intervention', Addictive Behaviors, 33, pp. 1337 - 1343
    Journal articles | 2008
    Olivier J; Johnson WD; Marshall GD, 2008, 'The logarithmic transformation and the geometric mean in reporting experimental IgE results: What are they and when and why to use them? (Annals of Allergy Asthma Immunology (2008) 100, (333-338))', Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 100, pp. 625 - 626
    Journal articles | 2008
    Olivier J; Johnson WR; Marshall G, 2008, 'The logarithmic transformation and the geometric mean in reporting experimental IgE results: what are they and when and why to use them?', Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 100, pp. 333 - 337
    Journal articles | 2008
    Roy S; Olivier J; DelBen K; Marshall G, 2008, '139. Increased parental stress correlates with poorer asthma control in children', Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 22, pp. 45 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Adcock KG; Kyle A; Deaton JS; Olivier J; Hogan SM, 2007, 'Pharmacokinetics of Intranasal and Intratracheal Pentoxifylline in Rabbits', Pharmacotherapy, 27, pp. 200 - 206
    Journal articles | 2007
    Adcock KG; Ostrenga J; Hogan SM; Olivier J, 2007, 'Evaluating Comprehension by Children of Clinical Research Assent Documents', The Monitor, 21, pp. 61 - 64
    Journal articles | 2007
    Neglen P; Hollis KC; Olivier J; Raju S, 2007, 'Stenting of the Venous Outflow in Chronic Venous Disease: Long-term Stent-related Outcome, Clinical and Hemodynamic Result', Journal of Vascular Surgery, 46, pp. 979 - 990
    Journal articles | 2007
    Olivier J; May WL, 2007, 'A Discussion of Binomial Interval Estimators on the Boundary', Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, 52, pp. 178 - 183
    Journal articles | 2007
    Payne JA; Snyder DC; Olivier J; Salameh JR, 2007, 'Total Abdominal Colectomy: Patient Satisfaction and Outcomes', American Surgeon, 73, pp. 709 - 711
    Journal articles | 2007
    Roy SR; Sigmon JR; Olivier J; Moffitt JE; Brown DA; Marshall GD, 2007, 'Increased Frequency of Large Local Reactions Among Systemic Reactors During Subcutaneous Allergen Immunotherapy', Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 99, pp. 82 - 86
    Journal articles | 2007
    Sample RC; Bryan L; Long S; Majji S; Hoskins G; Sinning A; Olivier J; Chinchar VG, 2007, 'Inhibition of Iridovirus Protein Synthesis and Virus Replication by Antisense Morpholino Oligonucleotides Targeted to the Major Capsid Protein, the 18 kDa Immediate-Early protein, and a Viral Homolog of RNA Polymerase II', Virology, 358, pp. 311 - 320
    Journal articles | 2006
    Boyd KB; Olivier J; Salameh JR, 2006, 'Surgical Residents鈥 Perception of Simulation Training', American Surgeon, 72, pp. 521 - 524
    Journal articles | 2006
    Olivier J; May WL, 2006, 'Weighted Confidence Interval Construction for Binomial Parameters', Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 15, pp. 37 - 46
    Journal articles | 2006
    Sherer M; Stouter J; Hart T; Nakase-Richardson R; Olivier J; Manning E; Yablon SA, 2006, 'Computed Tomography Findings and Early Cognitive Outcome after Traumatic Brain Injury', Brain Injury, 20, pp. 997 - 1005
    Journal articles | 2006
    Stokic DS; Yablon SA; Hayes A; Vesovic-Potic V; Olivier J, 2006, 'Dose-Response Relationship Between H-reflex and Continuous Intrathecal Baclofen Administration for Management of Spasticity', Clinical Neurophysiology, 117, pp. 1283 - 1289
    Journal articles | 2005
    Adah F; Benghuzzi H; Tucci M; Russell G; Tsao A; Olivier J; England B, 2005, 'Evaluation of the Male Reproductive Organs After Treatment with Continuous Sustained Delivery of Statin for Fracture Healing', Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 41, pp. 54 - 61
    Journal articles | 2005
    Leis AA; Stokic DS; Olivier J, 2005, 'Statins and Peripheral Neuropathy: Setting the Record Straight', Muscle and Nerve, 32, pp. 428 - 430
    Journal articles | 2004
    Neglen P; Egger J; Olivier J; Raju S, 2004, 'Hemodynamic and Clinical Impact of Ultra-Sound Derived Venous Reflux Parameters', Journal of Vascular Surgery, 40, pp. 303 - 310,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Thoms JAI; Yan F; Hampton HR; Davidson S; Joshi S; Saw J; Sarowar CH; Lim XY; Nunez AC; Kakadia PM; Bhuyan GS; Zou X; Nguyen M; Ghodousi ES; Koch FC; Vafaee F; Pickford R; Raftery MJ; Hough S; Buckland G; Bailey M; Ghodke Y; Absar N; Vaughan L; Pasalic L; Fong CY; Kenealy M; Hiwase DK; Stoddart RI; Mohammed S; Lee L; Passam FH; Larsen SR; Spring KJ; Skarratt KK; Rebeiro P; Presgrave P; Stevenson WS; Ling S; Tiley C; Fuller SJ; Roncolato F; Enjeti AK; Hoenemann D; Lemech C; Jolly CJ; Bohlander SK; Curtis DJ; Wong JWH; Unnikrishnan A; Hertzberg M; Olivier J; Polizzotto MN; Pimanda JE, 2024, Clinical Response to Azacitidine in Myelodysplastic Neoplasms is Associated with Distinct DNA Methylation Changes in Haematopoietic Stem and Progenitor cellsin vivo,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Preprints | 2022
    Brown J; Albanese B; Ho C; Elkington J; Koppel S; Charlton J; Olivier J; Keay L; Bilston L, 2022, Updated population-level estimates of child restraint practices among children aged 0-12 years in Australia, ten years after introduction of age-appropriate restraint use legislation,
    Conference Papers | 2022
    Koch FC; Olivier J; Pearson S-A; Daniels B, 2022, 'A multivariate interrupted time series analysis assessing the impacts of half-pack sizes and increased access restrictions on publicly subsidized opioids in Australia', in PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY, WILEY, pp. 541 - 542,
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Khan M; Olivier J, 2021, 'Derivation and estimation of regression to the mean for bivariate distributions', presented at Australia and New Zealand Statistical Conference, 05 July 2021 - 09 July 2021
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Laolert P; Olivier J, 2021, 'Does Biomechanical and Epidemiological Evidence of Bicycle Helmet Effectiveness Translate to a Population?', presented at Australian Road Safety Conference, 28 September 2021 - 30 September 2021
    Conference Presentations | 2021
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R, 2021, 'A systematic review of the impact of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling', presented at International Cycling Safety Conference, Lund, Sweden, 10 November 2021 - 12 November 2021,
    Conference Presentations | 2020
    Olivier J, 2020, 'Bicycle safety: What do we know?', presented at Global Road Safety Dialogues, Independent Council for Road Safety International, 05 November 2020,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Biswas R; Olivier J; Senserrick T; Williamson A; Friswell R, 2019, 'A systematic review on close-following or short headways: Preliminary findings', presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2019), Adelaide, Australia, 25 September 2019 - 27 September 2019,
    Reports | 2019
    Boufous S; Olivier J; Friswell R, 2019, Submission to Inquiry into the Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, 麻豆社madou School of Mathematics and Statistics, 麻豆社madou Sydney,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2019, 'Helmet effectiveness in reducing Traumatic Brain Injury: overview of the latest Australian research outcomes', presented at 7th National Brain Injury Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 28 October 2019 - 29 October 2019,
    Conference Posters | 2019
    Hussain Q; Feng HQ; Grzebieta R; Brijs T; Olivier J, 2019, 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact speed and probability of pedestrian fatality or injury', Washington, D.C., presented at Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 13 January 2019 - 17 January 2019
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Johnston I; Cockfield S; Leane S; Olivier J; Waller L; Wall J, 2019, 'The value of naturalistic driving research for informing road safety policy and practice (Expert Panel)', presented at 8th International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research (NDRS 2019), Melbourne, Australia, 13 August 2019 - 14 August 2014,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Olivier J; Grzebieta R, 2019, 'Does research evidence support bicycle helmet laws?', presented at Presentation to Institute of Road, Railroad and Transportation Engineering, Crakow University of Technology, Poland
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Olivier J, 2019, 'A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact speed and probability of pedestrian fatality or injury', presented at 14th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 25 November 2019 - 27 November 2019,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Olivier J, 2019, 'Can direct observations of cyclists at fixed locations accurately estimate cycling exposure? An application of agent-based modelling', presented at 8th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2019), Brisbane, Australia, 18 November 2019 - 20 November 2019,
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Olivier J, 2019, 'Colloquium on Bicycle Helmets', presented at Invited Presentation to SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Hague, The Netherlands
    Conference Presentations | 2019
    Olivier J, 2019, 'Improving methods for evaluating road safety policy', presented at 麻豆社madou 2019 Meet the Professors Series, 麻豆社madou Sydney, 08 July 2019 - 08 July 2019,
    Preprints | 2019
    Radun I; Kaistinen J; Olivier J; Pless B, 2019, The alleged 20:1 benefit-to-cost ratio of cycling: missing analyses and uncritical citations,
    Reports | 2019
    Senserrick T; Hatfield J; Boufous S; Olivier J, 2019, Evaluation of the NSW Motorcycle Graduated Licensing Scheme, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, 麻豆社madou Sydney, Final Report, ,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Unnikrishnan A; Lim XY; Joshi S; Nunez AC; Vaughan L; Pickford R; Hough S; Davidson S; Fong C; Kenealy M; Hiwase DK; Pasalic L; Mohammed S; Lee L; Passam FH; Spring K; Rebeiro P; Ling S; Fuller S; Presgrave P; Roncolato F; Larsen S; Enjeti AK; Stevenson WS; Tiley C; Campbell PJ; Lemech C; Olivier J; Hertzberg M; Polizzotto MN; Pimanda J, 2019, 'In Vivo Assessment of Intracellular Dynamics Comparing Injection Versus Oral Azacitidine in a Phase IIb Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, FL, Orlando, presented at 61st Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), FL, Orlando, 07 December 2019 - 10 December 2019,
    Reports | 2018
    Beck B; Johnson M; Olivier J; Chong D; Cameron P, 2018, Cycling safety - measuring the distance that motor vehicles provide when passing cyclists
    Reports | 2018
    Boufous S; Friswell R; Hatfield J; Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Senserrick T; Williamson A, 2018, Road safety data in NSW 鈥 How can we better inform safety policy and practice? Submission to NSW Staysafe Committee: Review of road safety issues for future inquiry, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, 麻豆社madou School of Mathematics and Statistics, 麻豆社madou Sydney, 21,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Esmaeilikia M; Radun I; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2018, 'Is there evidence to support the risk compensation hypothesis for bicycle helmet use?', in Proceedings of the 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Conference Abstracts | 2018
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R, 2018, 'A systematic review of the impact of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling exposure', in INJURY PREVENTION, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Bangkok, Thailand, Vol. 24, pp. A228 - A229, presented at 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018), Bangkok, Thailand, 05 November 2018 - 07 November 2018,
    Reports | 2018
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R, 2018, Bicycle Helmets: Systematic Reviews on Legislation, Effects of Legislation on Cycling Exposure, and Risk Compensation, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, 麻豆社madou, Sydney, Final Report, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2018
    Olivier J, 2018, 'Is There Evidence to Support the Risk Compensation Hypothesis for Bicycle Helmet Use?', presented at 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Sydney, 03 October 2018 - 05 October 2018,
    Preprints | 2018
    Radun I; Olivier J, 2018, Bicycle helmet law does not deter cyclists in Finland,
    Preprints | 2018
    Radun I; Radun J; Kaistinen J; Olivier J; Kecklund G; Theorell T, 2018, Endangering yourself to save another: A real life ethical dilemma,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R, 2017, 'A systematic review on the effects of bicycle helmet legislation on cycling', presented at International Cycling Safety Conference, Davis, California, 20 September 2017 - 23 September 2017,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Olivier J; Esmaeilikia M; Grzebieta R, 2017, 'P氓verkar cykelhj盲lmskrav cyklandet? Ny kunskapssammanst盲llning! (The helmet's protective effect and results from a whole new international study regarding the effects of helmet requirements)', presented at Hj盲lmens skyddande effekt och resultat fr氓n en helt ny internationell studie angaendeeffekter av hj盲lmkrav鈥 (Does bicycle helmet requirements affect cycling? New knowledge summary!), Stockholm, Sweden, 24 November 2017 - 24 November 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Olivier J; Laolert P, 2017, 'Effect of bicycle helmet promotion and legislation on serious head injuries in Western Australia', presented at 13th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Ballarat, Victoria, 12 November 2017 - 15 November 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Olivier J, 2017, 'Do bike helmets make a difference?', presented at Trauma 2017, Melbourne, 21 April 2017 - 23 April 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Olivier J, 2017, 'Er notkun rei冒hj贸lahj谩lma 谩rangurs铆k lei冒 til a冒 draga 煤r h枚fu冒mei冒slum 铆 rei冒hj贸laslysum? (Are bike helmets effective at reducing cycling head injury?)', presented at Slysavarnir 2017: Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 20 October 2017 - 21 January 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2017
    Olivier J, 2017, 'The Role of Probability and Statistics in Bicycle Helmet Research', in Proceedings of the 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth Australia, presented at 2017 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Perth Australia, 10 October 2017 - 12 October 2017,
    Other | 2017
    Olivier J, 2017, Review of Applied Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation Methods with SAS and R by Ariel Alonso, Theophile Bigirumurame, Tomasz Burzykowski, Marc Buyse, Geert Molenberghs, Leacky Muchene, Nolen Joy Perualila, Ziv Shkedy, Wim Van der Elst, Wiley,
    Reports | 2017
    Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2017, Evaluation of Queensland鈥檚 Graduated Licensing System, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, 麻豆社madou, Sydney, Final Report, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Senserrick T; Hatfield J; Olivier J, 2017, 'Evaluation of changes to Queensland鈥檚 Graduated Licensing System', presented at How Do Young Drivers Learn to Drive Safely?, 麻豆社madou Sydney, 09 August 2017 - 09 August 2017
    Conference Presentations | 2017
    Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Zeller R, 2017, 'Can we convince tired drivers to take a break from driving?', presented at 10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, USA, 20 March 2017 - 23 March 2017,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Beck D; Thoms J; Palu C; Herold T; Shah A; Olivier J; Boelen L; Huang Y; Chacon D; Brown A; Babic M; Hahn C; Perugini M; Zhou X; Huntly B; Berdel W; Woermann B; Buechner T; Hiddemann W; Bohlander S; Scott H; Lewis I; D'Andrea R; Wong J; Pimanda J, 2016, 'INTEGRATIVE ANALYSIS OF LINCRNA EXPRESSION IN 922 ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA PATIENTS REVEALS MULTIPLE PROGNOSTIC GENE SIGNATURES', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, Vol. 101, pp. 208 - 209, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Boufous S; Olivier J; Schepers P, 2016, 'The rise in single bicycle fatalities in Australia and Netherlands', Bologna, Italy, presented at 5th International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2016), Bologna, Italy, 02 November 2016 - 04 November 2016,
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Mattos GA; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Eusebio J; Zheng WY; Wall J; Charlton J; Lenne M; Haley J; Barnes B; Rakotonirainy A; Woolley J; Senserrick T; Young K; Haworth N; Regan M; Cockfield S; Healy D; Cavallo A; Di Stefano M; Wong HL; Cameron I; Cornish M; Baird C, 2016, 'Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions: Early Results From The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study (ANDS)', presented at 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (SAFETY 2016), Tampere, Finland, 18 September 2016 - 21 September 2016,
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Meredith L; Hurren C; Clarke E; Fitzharris M; Baldock M; De Rome L; Olivier J; Brown J, 2016, 'Abrasion resistance performance of clothing worn by australian motorcyclists', in 2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Malaga (Spain), pp. 505 - 506, presented at 2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings, Malaga (Spain), 14 September 2016 - 16 September 2016
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Olivier J; Creighton P, 2016, 'Systematic review and meta-analysis of bicycle helmet efficacy to mitigate head, face and neck injuries', presented at Safety 2016 World Conference, Tampere, Finland, 18 September 2016 - 21 September 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Olivier J; Terlich F, 2016, 'The use of propensity score stratification and synthetic data to address allocation bias when assessing bicycle helmet effectiveness', in 2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings - International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Malaga, Spain, pp. 185 - 193, presented at International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, Malaga, Spain, 14 September 2016 - 16 September 2016,
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Olivier J, 2016, 'Transformation of epidemiological measures of risk for meta-analysis', presented at Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, 31 July 2016 - 04 August 2016
    Conference Abstracts | 2016
    Unnikrishnan A; Papaemmanuil E; Beck D; Verma A; Kumari A; Woll P; Richards L; Knezevic K; Chandrakanthan V; Thoms J; Tursky M; Huang Y; Ali Z; Olivier J; Galbraith S; Kulasekararaj A; Tobiasson M; Karimi M; Pellagatti A; Wilson S; Lindeman R; Young B; Ramakrishna R; Arthur C; Stark R; Crispin P; Curnow J; Warburton P; Roncolato F; Boultwood J; Lynch K; Jacobsen S; Mufti G; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; MacKenzie K; Wong J; Campbell P; Pimanda J, 2016, 'INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS IDENTIFIES THE MOLECULAR BASIS OF RESISTANCE TO AZACITIDINE THERAPY IN MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES', in HAEMATOLOGICA, FERRATA STORTI FOUNDATION, DENMARK, Copenhagen, Vol. 101, pp. 157 - 158, presented at 21st Congress of the European-Hematology-Association, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 09 June 2016 - 12 June 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    tan T; mooren L; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2016, 'The Correlation between Governance Quality and Road Fatalities', in ARSC conference 2016, Canberra, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Canberra, 06 September 2016 - 08 September 2016,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Olivier J; Creighton P, 2015, 'Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Bicycle Helmet Efficacy to Mitigate Head, Face and Neck Injuries', presented at Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference, Sydney, Australia, 25 November 2015 - 27 November 2015
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Olivier J, 2015, 'The Effect of the 100% Motorcycle Helmet Use Campaign on Motorcyclist Head Injuries in Thailand', presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 October 2015 - 16 October 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Tan, Tana ; Grzebieta R; Bambach, Mike ; Olivier, Jake ; McIntosh, Andrew , 2015, 'Association Between Vehicle Panel Damage and Thoracic Injury in Rollover Crashes', in Proceedings of the 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Gothenburg, Sweden, presented at International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, Gothenburg, Sweden, 08 June 2015 - 11 June 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Zeller R, 2015, 'Understanding drivers鈥 motivation to take a break when tired', in Proceedings of the 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 14 October 2015 - 16 October 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Beck D; Palu C; Shah A; Herold T; Olivier J; Valk PJM; Delwel R; Bohlander SK; Wong JW; Pimanda JE, 2014, 'Integrative Analysis of Lincrna Expression and Clinical Annotations Reveals a Signature of 17 Genes with Prognostic Significance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)', in BLOOD, AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY, CA, San Francisco, presented at 56th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology, CA, San Francisco, 06 December 2014 - 09 December 2014,
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Olivier J; Bell ML; May W, 2014, 'Operationally Defined Effect Size Recommendations For The Odds Ratio And Relative Risk', presented at Australian Statistical Conference, Sydney, Australia, 07 July 2014 - 10 July 2014
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Olivier J; Bell ML, 2014, 'The effect of software and formula on computed sample size for the difference in two proportions', presented at International Biometrics Society -- Western North America Region Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 15 June 2014 - 18 June 2014
    Conference Presentations | 2014
    Olivier J; Wang J; Bell ML; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Would we notice if the roads were safer? The consequences of diminished power for small count data', presented at Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conferenc, Melbourne, 12 November 2014 - 14 November 2014
    Reports | 2014
    Williamson A; Grzebieta R; Job RFS; Olivier J; Bambach M, 2014, Evaluation of the ACT Road Safety Camera Program, Transport and Road Safety Research, 麻豆社madou
    Datasets | 2013
    Norberg MM; Norton AR; Olivier J, 2013, Modified Timeline Followback Interview,
    Conference Presentations | 2013
    Olivier J; Bell ML, 2013, 'Operationally defined effect size recommendations for the odds ratio and relative risk', presented at International Biometrics Society -- Western North America Region Conference, Los Angeles, California, USA, 16 June 2013 - 19 June 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Wang J; Walter S, 2013, 'Statistical Errors in Anti-Helmet Arguments', in Woolley J (ed.), A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion, Australasian College of Road Safety, Australia, presented at Australasian College of Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, 06 November 2013 - 08 November 2013,
    Conference Presentations | 2013
    Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Wang JJJ; Walter S, 2013, 'Cycling exposure in Sydney before and after helmet legislation', presented at Australasian Injury Prevention Network Conference, Perth, 11 November 2013 - 13 November 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Olivier J; Wang JJJ; Walter S; Grzebieta R, 2013, 'On the use of empirical bayes for comparative interrupted time series with an application to mandatory helmet legislation', in Leal N (ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Australia, presented at Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education Conference, Brisbane, 28 August 2013 - 30 August 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Wang JJJ; Grzebieta R; Walter S; Olivier J, 2013, 'An evaluation of the methods used to assess the effectiveness of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation in New Zealand', in Woolley J (ed.), A Safe System: The Road Safety Discussion, Australasian College of Road Safety, Australia, presented at Australasian College of Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, 06 November 2013 - 08 November 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Wang JJJ; Walter S; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2013, 'A comparison of statistical methods in interrupted time series analysis to estimate an intervention effect', in Leal N (ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Australia, presented at Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing & Education Conference, Brisbane, 28 August 2013 - 30 August 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Williamson AM; Friswell R; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2013, 'What do we tell drivers about fatigue management?', in Anderson M (ed.), Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor and Francis, Croydon, pp. 189 - 196, presented at International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2013, Cambridge; United Kingdom, 15 April 2013 - 18 April 2013,
    Conference Presentations | 2012
    Diffner E; Beck D; Gudgin E; Thoms J; Knezevic K; Pridans C; Foster S; Goode D; Lim WK; Boelen L; Metzeler KH; Micklem G; Bohlander SK; Buske C; Burnett AK; Ottersbach K; Vassiliou G; Olivier J; Wong JWH; Gottgens B; Huntly B; Pimanda JE, 2012, 'Activity of a Heptad of Transcription Factors Is Associated with Stem Cell Programs and Clinical Outcome in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia', presented at 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH), GA, Atlanta, 08 December 2012 - 11 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Mooren LE; Grzebieta R; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2012, 'Comparing heavy vehicle safety management in Australia and the United States', in Proceedings 2012 ACRS National Conference 鈥 a safe system: Expanding the Reach, Australaisian College of Road Safety, Canberra, pp. 1 - 11, presented at Australasian College of Road Safety National Conference, Sydney, 09 August 2012 - 10 August 2012,
    Conference Presentations | 2012
    Olivier J; Bell ML; Galbraith S, 2012, 'Interrupted Time Series of Count Data and the Usefulness of a Non-equivalent Control for Causal Inference', presented at Australian Statistical Conference, Adelaide, 01 July 2012 - 31 July 2012
    Conference Presentations | 2012
    Stavrou E; Buckley N; Olivier J; Pearson S-A, 2012, 'Futile Drug Use at the End of Life? Continuation of Statins after a Cancer Diagnosis', presented at 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Barcelona, Spain, 23 August 2012 - 26 August 2012,
    Conference Presentations | 2011
    Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2011, 'Calculating estimates of drowning morbidity and mortality adjusted for exposure to risk', presented at World Conference on Drowning Prevention, DaNang, Vietnam, 10 May 2011 - 13 May 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Olivier J; Descallar J, 2011, 'Statistical power of relative risk in Poisson regression: How important is exposure data?鈥', in 2011 JSM Proceedings, American Statistical Association, Miami Beach, Florida, pp. 1017 - 1023, presented at 2011 Joint Statistical Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 30 July 2011 - 04 August 2011
    Conference Presentations | 2010
    Mitchell RJ; McClure RJ; Olivier J; Watson W, 2010, 'Allocation of Australia鈥檚 research dollars: does injury research funding reflect injury burden?', presented at 10th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, London UK, 21 September 2010 - 24 September 2010
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Falster M; Olivier J; Chong S; Grzebieta R; Watson W, 2009, 'Trends in severe pedestrian injuries among older people in NSW', in 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, Australia, Sydney, Australia, presented at 2009 Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Sydney, Australia, 10 November 2009 - 13 November 2009,
    Conference Presentations | 2009
    Ly T; deShazo R; Olivier J; Stringer S; Stodard C, 2009, 'SENSITIVITY AND SPECIFICITY OF DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ATROPHIC RHINOSINUSITIS', presented at Southern Regional Meeting of the American-Federation-for-Medical-Research, LA, New Orleans, 12 February 2009 - 14 February 2009,
    Conference Presentations | 2009
    Ly TH; Marshall GD; Olivier JH; Roy SR, 2009, 'No Difference in Asthma Control Among Obese Children Despite Increased Airflow Obstruction Compared to Non-obese Children', presented at 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Allergy-Asthma-and-Immunology, DC, Washington, 13 March 2009 - 17 March 2009,
    Conference Presentations | 2009
    Mitchell RJ; Williamson AM; Olivier J, 2009, 'Examining population-based and person-time drowning risks in Australia', presented at 9th National Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Melbourne, 26 July 2009 - 28 July 2009
    Conference Presentations | 2009
    Norberg MM; Norton AR; Olivier J, 2009, 'Improving measurement in the study of social anxiety and student drinking', presented at Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs Conference, Darwin, Australia, 01 November 2009 - 04 May 2009,
    Conference Presentations | 2008
    Grzebieta R; Chong S; Poulos R; Hatfield J; Olivier J, 2008, 'Bicyclist into pedestrian versus car into cyclist impacts', presented at International Crashworthiness Conference, Kyoto
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Xiang L; Olivier J; Del Ben K; Ferguson LM; Marshall GD, 2008, 'Association Between BcII SNP of the Glucocorticoid Receptor (GCR) And Immune Response to Stress', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Faruque F; Carithers T; Wilson K; Williams W; Li H; May WL; Olivier J, 2005, 'Evaluation of a Method of Estimating Agricultural Chemical Use', in Aral MM; Brebbia CA; Maslia ML; Sinks T (eds.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, WIT Press, Atlanta, GA, pp. 409 - 417, presented at 1st International Conference on Environmental Exposure and Health, Atlanta, GA,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Olivier J; Johnson WD, 2005, 'Logistic Regression Analysis Using Maple', in Maple Conference 2005 Proceedings, Maplesoft, Waterloo, Canada, presented at Maple Conference, Waterloo, Canada
    Conference Presentations | 2004
    Adcock KG; Kyle PB; Deaton JS; Olivier J, 2004, 'Pentoxifylline pharmacokinetics following two novel delivery techniques', Vol. 24, pp. 1453 - 1453, presented at Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Clinical-Pharmacy, TX, Dallas, 24 October 2004 - 27 October 2004,
  • Media | 2012
    Olivier J; Walter SR; Grzebieta R, 2012, Bike helmet critics not using their heads,
    Media | 2012
    Olivier J, 2012, Don't blame mandatory helmets for cyclist deaths in New Zealand, The Conversation Media Trust, ,
    Media | 2011
    Olivier J, 2011, Putting a lid on the debate: mandatory helmet laws reduce head injuries, The Conversation Media Trust,

NHMRC MRFF Grant 2020 -- 2025,聽J. Pimanda, M. Polizzotto, M. Hertzberg, A. Wei, M. Dawson, R. Lock, A. Unnikrishnan,聽J. Olivier, C. Fong, P. Campbell, AZA+: A multi-site phase 1/2 dose escalation/expansion trial聽combining azacitidine and defactinib for high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients who fail to respond to azacitidine alone

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads 2019 -- 2020.聽J. Hatfield, S. Boufous, R. Friswell,聽J. Olivier, A. Williamson. Development and application of a young driver evaluation framework and toolset

ARC Discovery 2017 -- 2019,聽J. Brown, L. Bilston, J. Charlton, S. Koppel, L. Keay,聽J. Olivier, Design features critical for correct use of child car restraints

Transport for New South Wales 2017 -- 2018,聽T. Senserrick, S. Boufous, J. Hatfield,聽J. Olivier, A Williamson, GJ Knight,聽Evaluation of the NSW Motorcycle Graduated Licencing System

Swedish Transport Administration 2016 -- 2018, J. Olivier, R. Grzebieta,聽Systematic review of the impact of bicycle helmet use and legislation on cycling injury and participation

Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads 2016聽-- 2017,聽T. Senserrick, S. Boufous, J. Hatfield,聽J. Olivier, Queensland's Graduated Licensing System (GLS)

2 Web of Science Highly Cited Papers (1 in Mathematics, 1 in Social Sciences)

University of Mississippi Dissertation Fellowship聽

John A. Hardin Mathematics Award, Centenary College

Paul and Myrtle Bender Mathematics and Physical Science Scholarship, Centenary College

Statistical Advisor,聽

Associate Editor,

Editorial Board,

Editorial Board,

Past President/VP and Treasurer聽of the聽聽of the , and past Chair of the




My Research Supervision

Rianti Siswi Utami (with A/Prof Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux, Dr Maarit Laaksonen)

Mehreen Afzaal (with Dr Boris Beranger)

Kardina N.S. Ayuningtyas (with Em Prof Raphael Grzebieta and A/Prof Carlo Caponecchia)

My Teaching