
Professor Jason Evans

Professor Jason Evans

  • PhD in Environmental Management (ANU, 2001)
  • B.Math (Hons) (University of Newcastle, 1996)
  • B. Science (Physics) (University of Newcastle, 1995)
Climate Change Research Centre



I am aProfessor at the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales. My research is focused on understanding regional climate phenomena including climate hazards. My work improves how we model these phenomena in regional climate models, and using these models to project how they will change in a future warmer climate. I also investigate general issues of water cycle processes over land, and how we can change them, largely through changes in land use and changes in climate. I focus at the regional (or watershed) scale and study processes including river flow, evaporation/transpiration, water vapour transport and precipitation.

The main tools of my research are models including regional climate models, land surface and hydrology models. Of course modelling needs to be informed by data and along with in-situ data, I use satellite data and weather radars.

Professional affiliations and service positions

I am Science Advisory Team member for the World Climate Research Programmes (WCRP) program, and coordinator of the AustralAsia domain, a major program of the WCRP.

I am the Post-Graduate Coordinator for Admissions in the Climate Change Research Centre.

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  • Book Chapters | 2018
    Hoegh-Guldberg O; Jacob D; Taylor M; Bindi M; Brown S; Camilloni I; Diedhiou A; Djalante A; Ebi K; Engelbrecht F; Guiot J; Hijioka Y; Mehrotra S; Payne A; Seneviratne S; Thomas A; Warren R; Zhou G; Halim SA; Achlatis M; Alexander LV; Allen M; Berry P; Boyer C; Byers E; Brilli L; Buckeridge M; Cheung W; Craig M; Ellis N; Evans J; Fischer H; Fraedrich K; Fuss S; Ganase A; Gattuso JP; Greve P; Bolaños TG; Hanasaki N; Hasegawa T; Hayes K; Hirsch A; Jones C; Jung T; Kanninen M; Krinner G; Lawrence D; Lenton T; Ley D; Liverman D; Mahowald N; McInnes K; Meissner K; Millar R; Mintenbeck K; Mitchell D; Mix AC; Notz D; Nurse L; Okem A; Olsson L; Oppenheimer M; Paz S; Petersen J; Petzold J; Preuschmann S; Rahman MF; Rogelj J; Scheuffele H; Schleussner C-F; Scott D; Séférian R; Sillmann J; Singh C; Slade R; Stephenson K; Stephenson T; Sylla MB; Tebboth M; Tschakert P; Vautard R; Wartenburger R; Wehner M; Weyer NM; Whyte F; Yohe G; Zhang X; Zougmoré RB, 2018, 'Impacts of 1.5ºC global warming on natural and human systems', in Masson-Delmotte V; Zhai P; Pörtner HO; Roberts D; Skea J; Shukla PR; Pirani A; Moufouma-Okia W; Péan C; Pidcock R; Connors S; Matthews JBR; Chen Y; Zhou X; Gomis MI; Lonnoy E; Maycock T; Tignor M; Waterfield T (ed.), Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty, IPCC Secretariat, pp. 175 - 311,
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Sharples JJ; Simpson CC; Evans JP, 2014, 'Environmental thresholds for dynamic fire propagation', in Advances in forest fire research, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 158 - 164,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Evans J; McGregor J; McGuffie K, 2012, 'Chapter 9 Future Regional Climates', in The Future of the World's Climate, Elsevier, pp. 223 - 250,
    Book Chapters | 2012
    Evans J; McGregor J; McGuffie K, 2012, 'Future Regional Climates', in Henderson-Sellers A; McGuffie K (ed.), The Future of the World's Climate, pp. 223 - 250,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Devanand A; Falster GM; Gillett ZE; Hobeichi S; Holgate CM; Jin C; Mu M; Parker T; Rifai SW; Rome KS; Stojanovic M; Vogel E; Abram NJ; Abramowitz G; Coats S; Evans JP; Gallant AJE; Pitman AJ; Power SB; Rauniyar SP; Taschetto AS; Ukkola AM, 2024, 'Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: An extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change', Science Advances, 10,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Evans JP; Belmadani A; Menkes C; Stephenson T; Thatcher M; Gibson PB; Peltier A, 2024, 'Higher-resolution projections needed for small island climates', Nature Climate Change, 14, pp. 668 - 670,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Evans JP; Imran HM, 2024, 'The observation range adjusted method: a novel approach to accounting for observation uncertainty in model evaluation', Environmental Research Communications, 6,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Isphording RN; Alexander LV; Bador M; Green D; Evans JP; Wales S, 2024, 'A Standardized Benchmarking Framework to Assess Downscaled Precipitation Simulations', Journal of Climate, 37, pp. 1089 - 1110,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ji F; Di Virgilio G; Nishant N; Tam E; Evans JP; Kala J; Andrys J; Thomas C; Riley ML, 2024, 'Evaluation of precipitation extremes in ERA5 reanalysis driven regional climate simulations over the CORDEX-Australasia domain', Weather and Climate Extremes, 44,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu YL; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Thatcher M, 2024, 'Sensitivity of Australian Rainfall to Driving SST Data Sets in a Variable-Resolution Global Atmospheric Model', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Poddar S; Evans J; Prasad A; Kay M; Rougieux F; Bremner S, 2024, 'Accelerated degradation of photovoltaic modules under a future warmer climate', Progress in Photovoltaics: research and applications, 32, pp. 456 - 467,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wamahiu K; Kala J; Evans JP, 2024, 'The influence of bias correction of global climate models prior to dynamical downscaling on projections of changes in climate: a case study over the CORDEX-Australasia domain', Climate Dynamics, 62, pp. 1219 - 1231,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhang X; Evans JP; Burrell AL, 2024, 'Less than 4% of dryland areas are projected to desertify despite increased aridity under climate change', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Sherwood SC; Soderholm J, 2023, 'An object-based climatology of precipitation systems in Sydney, Australia', Climate Dynamics, 60, pp. 1669 - 1688,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Devanand A; Evans JP; Abramowitz G; Hobeichi S; Pitman AJ, 2023, 'What is the probability that a drought will break in Australia?', Weather and Climate Extremes, 41,
    Journal articles | 2023
    El Rafei M; Sherwood S; Evans J; Dowdy A; Ji F, 2023, 'Biases in Estimating Long-Term Recurrence Intervals of Extreme Events Due To Regionalized Sampling', Geophysical Research Letters, 50,
    Journal articles | 2023
    El Rafei M; Sherwood S; Evans J; Dowdy A, 2023, 'Analysis and characterisation of extreme wind gust hazards in New South Wales, Australia', Natural Hazards, 117, pp. 875 - 895,
    Journal articles | 2023
    El Rafei M; Sherwood S; Evans JP; Ji F, 2023, 'Analysis of extreme wind gusts using a high-resolution Australian Regional Reanalysis', Weather and Climate Extremes, 39, pp. 100537,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Grose MR; Narsey S; Trancoso R; Mackallah C; Delage F; Dowdy A; Di Virgilio G; Watterson I; Dobrohotoff P; Rashid HA; Rauniyar S; Henley B; Thatcher M; Syktus J; Abramowitz G; Evans JP; Su CH; Takbash A, 2023, 'A CMIP6-based multi-model downscaling ensemble to underpin climate change services in Australia', Climate Services, 30,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Isaza A; Kay M; Evans JP; Prasad A; Bremner S, 2023, 'Air quality impacts on rooftop photovoltaic energy production during the 2019–2020 Australian bushfires season', Solar Energy, 257, pp. 240 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Isaza A; Kay M; Evans JP; Prasad A; Bremner S, 2023, 'Maximizing photovoltaic potential and minimizing costs in a future warmer climate: The role of atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gas emissions', Renewable Energy, 219,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2023, 'A software for correcting systematic biases in RCM input boundary conditions', Environmental Modelling and Software, 168,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2023, 'Can Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction of Regional Climate Model Boundary Conditions Improve Simulation of the Diurnal Precipitation Cycle?', Geophysical Research Letters, 50,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2023, 'Correcting biases in regional climate model boundary variables for improved simulation of high-impact compound events', iScience, 26,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2023, 'Multivariate bias correction of regional climate model boundary conditions', Climate Dynamics, 61, pp. 3253 - 3269,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Poddar S; Evans JP; Kay M; Prasad A; Bremner S, 2023, 'Assessing Australia’s future solar power ramps with climate projections', Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 11503,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Poddar S; Kay M; Prasad A; Evans JP; Bremner S, 2023, 'Changes in solar resource intermittency and reliability under Australia's future warmer climate', Solar Energy, 266, pp. 112039,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Sherwood SC; Soderholm J, 2022, 'Intensification of subhourly heavy rainfall', Science, 378, pp. 655 - 659,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Di Virgilio G; Ji F; Tam E; Nishant N; Evans JP; Thomas C; Riley ML; Beyer K; Grose MR; Narsey S; Delage F, 2022, 'Selecting CMIP6 GCMs for CORDEX Dynamical Downscaling: Model Performance, Independence, and Climate Change Signals', Earth's Future, 10,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Diez-Sierr J; Iturbide M; Gutiérrez JM; Fernández J; Milovac J; Cofiño AS; Cimadevilla E; Nikulin G; Levavasseur G; Kjellström E; Bülow K; Horányi A; Brookshaw A; García-Díe M; Pérez A; Baño-Medin J; Ahrens B; Alias A; Ashfaq M; Bukovsky M; Buonomo E; Caluwaerts S; Chou SC; Christensen OB; Ciarlò JM; Coppola E; Corre L; Demory ME; Djurdjevic V; Evans JP; Fealy R; Feldmann H; Jacob D; Jayanarayanan S; Katzfey J; Keuler K; Kittel C; Kurnaz ML; Laprise R; Lionello P; McGinnis S; Mercogliano P; Nabat P; Önol B; Ozturk T; Panitz HJ; Paquin D; Pieczka I; Raffaele F; Remedio AR; Scinocca J; Sevault F; Somot S; Steger C; Tangang F; Teichmann C; Termonia P; Thatcher M; Torma C; Van Meijgaard E; Robert Vautard ; Kirsten Warrach-Sagi ; Winger K; Zittis G, 2022, 'The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, pp. E2804 - E2826,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Giorgi F; Coppola E; Jacob D; Teichmann C; Omar SA; Ashfaq M; Ban N; Bülow K; Bukovsky M; Buntemeyer L; Cavazos T; Ciarlo J; da Rocha RP; Das S; di Sante F; Evans JP; Gao X; Giuliani G; Glazer RH; Hoffmann P; Im ES; Langendijk G; Lierhammer L; Llopart M; Mueller S; Luna-Nino R; Nogherotto R; Pichelli E; Raffaele F; Reboita M; Rechid D; Remedio A; Remke T; Sawadogo W; Sieck K; Torres-Alavez JA; Weber T, 2022, 'The CORDEX-CORE EXP-I Initiative: Description and Highlight Results from the Initial Analysis', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103, pp. E293 - E310,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans JP; Ukkola A, 2022, 'Toward a Robust, Impact-Based, Predictive Drought Metric', Water Resources Research, 58,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Ukkola AM; De Kauwe M; Pitman A; Evans JP; Beck H, 2022, 'Reconciling historical changes in the hydrological cycle over land', npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 5,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Holgate C; Evans JP; Taschetto AS; Gupta AS; Santoso A, 2022, 'The Impact of Interacting Climate Modes on East Australian Precipitation Moisture Sources', Journal of Climate, 35, pp. 3147 - 3159,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ji F; Nishant N; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Di Virgilio G; Cheung KKW; Tam E; Beyer K; Riley ML, 2022, 'Rapid Warming in the Australian Alps from Observation and NARCliM Simulations', Atmosphere, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ji F; Nishant N; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Cheung KKW; Tam E; Beyer K; Riley ML, 2022, 'Introducing NARCliM1.5: Evaluation and projection of climate extremes for southeast Australia', Weather and Climate Extremes, 38,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Behrangi A, 2021, 'How do different sensors impact IMERG precipitation estimates during hurricane days?', Remote Sensing of Environment, 259,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Badlan RL; Sharples JJ; Evans JP; McRae RHD, 2021, 'Factors influencing the development of violent pyroconvection. Part I: Fire size and stability', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 30, pp. 484 - 497,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Badlan RL; Sharples JJ; Evans JP; McRae RHD, 2021, 'Factors influencing the development of violent pyroconvection. Part II: Fire geometry and intensity', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 30, pp. 498 - 512,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Barker A; Pitman A; Evans JP; Spaninks F; Uthayakumaran L, 2021, 'Drivers of future water demand in Sydney, Australia: Examining the contribution from population and climate change', Journal of Water and Climate Change, 12, pp. 1168 - 1183,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Di Luca A; Argüeso D; Sherwood S; Evans JP, 2021, 'Evaluating Precipitation Errors Using the Environmentally Conditioned Intensity-Frequency Decomposition Method', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Di Virgilio G; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Grose MR; Round V; Thatcher M, 2021, 'Realised added value in dynamical downscaling of Australian climate change', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Hirsch AL; Hoffmann P; Remedio AR; Ji F; Rockel B; Coppola E, 2021, 'The CORDEX-Australasia ensemble: evaluation and future projections', Climate Dynamics, 57, pp. 1385 - 1401,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Fowler HJ; Ali H; Allan RP; Ban N; Barbero R; Berg P; Blenkinsop S; Cabi NS; Chan S; Dale M; Dunn RJH; Ekström M; Evans JP; Fosser G; Golding B; Guerreiro SB; Hegerl GC; Kahraman A; Kendon EJ; Lenderink G; Lewis E; Li X; O'Gorman PA; Orr HG; Peat KL; Prein AF; Pritchard D; Schär C; Sharma A; Stott PA; Villalobos-Herrera R; Villarini G; Wasko C; Wehner MF; Westra S; Whitford A, 2021, 'Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 379,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hirsch AL; Evans JP; Thomas C; Conroy B; Hart MA; Lipson M; Ertler W, 2021, 'Resolving the influence of local flows on urban heat amplification during heatwaves', Environmental Research Letters, 16,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans JP, 2021, 'Robust historical evapotranspiration trends across climate regimes', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25, pp. 3855 - 3874,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Isaza A; Kay M; Evans JP; Bremner S; Prasad A, 2021, 'Validation of Australian atmospheric aerosols from reanalysis data and CMIP6 simulations', Atmospheric Research, 264,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Jha PK; Materia S; Zizzi G; Costa-Saura JM; Trabucco A; Evans J; Bregaglio S, 2021, 'Climate change impacts on phenology and yield of hazelnut in Australia', Agricultural Systems, 186,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A; Rocheta E, 2021, 'Spatial, Temporal, and Multivariate Bias in Regional Climate Model Simulations', Geophysical Research Letters, 48,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kulinich M; Fan Y; Penev S; Evans JP; Olson R, 2021, 'A Markov chain method for weighting climate model ensembles', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 3539 - 3551,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Nishant N; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Downes SM; Ji F; Cheung KKW; Tam E; Miller J; Beyer K; Riley ML, 2021, 'Introducing NARCliM1.5: Evaluating the Performance of Regional Climate Projections for Southeast Australia for 1950–2100', Earth's Future, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Poddar S; Evans JP; Kay M; Prasad A; Bremner S, 2021, 'Estimation of future changes in photovoltaic potential in Australia due to climate change', Environmental Research Letters, 16, pp. 114034,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Poddar S; Evans JP; Kay MJ; Prasad AA; Bremner S, 2021, 'Estimation of future changes in photovoltaic potential in Australia due to climate change', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Spinoni J; Barbosa P; Bucchignani E; Cassano J; Cavazos T; Cescatti A; Christensen JH; Christensen OB; Coppola E; Evans JP; Forzieri G; Geyer B; Giorgi F; Jacob D; Katzfey J; Koenigk T; Laprise R; Lennard CJ; Kurnaz ML; Li D; Llopart M; McCormick N; Naumann G; Nikulin G; Ozturk T; Panitz HJ; da Rocha RP; Solman SA; Syktus J; Tangang F; Teichmann C; Vautard R; Vogt JV; Winger K; Zittis G; Dosio A, 2021, 'Global exposure of population and land-use to meteorological droughts under different warming levels and SSPs: A CORDEX-based study', International Journal of Climatology, 41, pp. 6825 - 6853,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Sherwood S; Behrangi A, 2020, 'Are storm characteristics the same when viewed using merged surface radars or a merged satellite product?', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22, pp. 43 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Burrell AL; Evans JP; De Kauwe MG, 2020, 'Anthropogenic climate change has driven over 5 million km2 of drylands towards desertification', Nature Communications, 11, pp. 3853,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cavicchia L; Pepler A; Dowdy A; Evans J; Di Luca A; Walsh K, 2020, 'Future Changes in the Occurrence of Hybrid Cyclones: The Added Value of Cyclone Classification for the East Australian Low-Pressure Systems', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Di Virgilio G; Evans JP; Clarke H; Sharples J; Hirsch AL; Hart MA, 2020, 'Climate Change Significantly Alters Future Wildfire Mitigation Opportunities in Southeastern Australia', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Di Virgilio G; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Grose MR; Round V; Thatcher M, 2020, 'Realised added value in dynamical downscaling of Australian climate change', Climate Dynamics, 54, pp. 4675 - 4692,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Contractor S; Evans J, 2020, 'Evaluating precipitation datasets using surface water and energy budget closure', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 21, pp. 989 - 1009,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans J, 2020, 'Conserving land-atmosphere synthesis suite (CLASS)', Journal of Climate, 33, pp. 1821 - 1844,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Holgate C; Evans J; Van Dijk A; Pitman A, 2020, 'To what degree does land-atmosphere feedback exacerbate drought in South East Australia?', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Holgate CM; Evans JP; Dijk IJMV; Pitman J; Virgilio GDI, 2020, 'Australian Precipitation Recycling and Evaporative Source Regions', Journal of Climate, 33, pp. 8721 - 8735,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Holgate CM; Van Dijk AIJM; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2020, 'Local and Remote Drivers of Southeast Australian Drought', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ji F; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Nishant N; Di Luca A; Herold N; Downes SM; Tam E; Beyer K, 2020, 'Projected changes in vertical temperature profiles for Australasia', Climate Dynamics, 55, pp. 2453 - 2468,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kim Y; Rocheta E; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2020, 'Impact of bias correction of regional climate model boundary conditions on the simulation of precipitation extremes', Climate Dynamics, 55, pp. 3507 - 3526,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Li Y; Fowler HJ; Argüeso D; Blenkinsop S; Evans JP; Lenderink G; Yan X; Guerreiro SB; Lewis E; Li XF, 2020, 'Strong Intensification of Hourly Rainfall Extremes by Urbanization', Geophysical Research Letters, 47,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ridder NN; Pitman AJ; Westra S; Ukkola A; Do HX; Bador M; Hirsch AL; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Zscheischler J, 2020, 'Publisher Correction: Global hotspots for the occurrence of compound events (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (5956), 10.1038/s41467-020-19639-3)', Nature Communications, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ridder NN; Pitman AJ; Westra S; Ukkola A; Hong XD; Bador M; Hirsch AL; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Zscheischler J, 2020, 'Global hotspots for the occurrence of compound events', Nature Communications, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rocheta E; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2020, 'Correcting lateral boundary biases in regional climate modelling: the effect of the relaxation zone', Climate Dynamics, 55, pp. 2511 - 2521,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Spinoni J; Barbosa P; Bucchignani E; Cassano J; Cavazos T; Christensen JH; Christensen OB; Coppola E; Evans J; Geyer B; Giorgi F; Hadjinicolaou P; Jacob D; Katzfey J; Koenigk T; Laprise R; Lennard CJ; Kurnaz ML; Delei LI; Llopart M; McCormick N; Naumann G; Nikulin G; Ozturk T; Panitz HJ; da Rocha RP; Rockel B; Solman SA; Syktus J; Tangang F; Teichmann C; Vautard R; Vogt JV; Winger K; Zittis G; Dosio A, 2020, 'Future global meteorological drought hot spots: A study based on CORDEX data', Journal of Climate, 33, pp. 3635 - 3661,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zommers Z; Marbaix P; Fischlin A; Ibrahim ZZ; Grant S; Magnan AK; Pörtner HO; Howden M; Calvin K; Warner K; Thiery W; Sebesvari Z; Davin EL; Evans JP; Rosenzweig C; O’Neill BC; Patwardhan A; Warren R; van Aalst MK; Hulbert M, 2020, 'Burning embers: towards more transparent and robust climate-change risk assessments', Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 1, pp. 516 - 529,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Burrell AL; Evans JP; Liu Y, 2019, 'The Addition of Temperature to the TSS-RESTREND Methodology Significantly Improves the Detection of Dryland Degradation', IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12, pp. 2342 - 2348,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Clarke H; Evans JP, 2019, 'Exploring the future change space for fire weather in southeast Australia', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136, pp. 513 - 527,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Di Virgilio G; Evans JP; Blake SAP; Armstrong M; Dowdy AJ; Sharples J; McRae R, 2019, 'Climate Change Increases the Potential for Extreme Wildfires', Geophysical Research Letters, 46, pp. 8517 - 8526,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Di Virgilio G; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Olson R; Argüeso D; Kala J; Andrys J; Hoffmann P; Katzfey JJ; Rockel B, 2019, 'Evaluating reanalysis-driven CORDEX regional climate models over Australia: model performance and errors', Climate Dynamics, 53, pp. 2985 - 3005,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dowdy AJ; Pepler A; Di Luca A; Cavicchia L; Mills G; Evans JP; Louis S; McInnes KL; Walsh K, 2019, 'Review of Australian east coast low pressure systems and associated extremes', Climate Dynamics, 53, pp. 4887 - 4910,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dowdy AJ; Ye H; Pepler A; Thatcher M; Osbrough SL; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; McCarthy N, 2019, 'Future changes in extreme weather and pyroconvection risk factors for Australian wildfires', Scientific Reports, 9, pp. 10073,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Grose MR; Syktus J; Thatcher M; Evans JP; Ji F; Rafter T; Remenyi T, 2019, 'The role of topography on projected rainfall change in mid-latitude mountain regions', Climate Dynamics, 53, pp. 3675 - 3690,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hirsch AL; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE; Argüeso D; Pitman AJ; Carouge CC; Kala J; Andrys J; Petrelli P; Rockel B, 2019, 'Amplification of Australian Heatwaves via Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, pp. 13625 - 13647,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hirsch AL; Kala J; Carouge CC; De Kauwe MG; Di Virgilio G; Ukkola AM; Evans JP; Abramowitz G, 2019, 'Evaluation of the CABLEv2.3.4 Land Surface Model Coupled to NU-WRFv3.9.1.1 in Simulating Temperature and Precipitation Means and Extremes Over CORDEX AustralAsia Within a WRF Physics Ensemble', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, pp. 4466 - 4488,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans J; Beck HE, 2019, 'Linear Optimal Runoff Aggregate (LORA): A global gridded synthesis runoff product', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, pp. 851 - 870,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Holgate CM; Van Dijk AIJM; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2019, 'The Importance of the One-Dimensional Assumption in Soil Moisture - Rainfall Depth Correlation at Varying Spatial Scales', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, pp. 2964 - 2975,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ji F; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Jiang N; Olson R; Fita L; Argüeso D; Chang LTC; Scorgie Y; Riley M, 2019, 'Projected change in characteristics of near surface temperature inversions for southeast Australia', Climate Dynamics, 52, pp. 1487 - 1503,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Liu DL; Wang B; Evans J; Ji F; Waters C; Macadam I; Yang X; Beyer K, 2019, 'Propagation of climate model biases to biophysical modelling can complicate assessments of climate change impact in agricultural systems', International Journal of Climatology, 39, pp. 424 - 444,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Moron V; Barbero R; Evans JP; Westra S; Fowler HJ, 2019, 'Weather types and hourly to multiday rainfall characteristics in tropical Australia', Journal of Climate, 32, pp. 3983 - 4011,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Olson R; An SI; Fan Y; Chang W; Evans JP; Lee JY, 2019, 'A novel method to test non-exclusive hypotheses applied to Arctic ice projections from dependent models', Nature Communications, 10, pp. 3016,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Olson R; An SI; Fan Y; Evans JP, 2019, 'Accounting for skill in trend, variability, and autocorrelation facilitates better multi-model projections: Application to the AMOC and temperature time series', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0214535,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Thomas CM; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2019, 'The terminal-velocity assumption in simulations of long-range ember transport', Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 175, pp. 96 - 107,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Uthayakumaran L; Spaninks F; Barker A; Pitman A; Evans JP, 2019, 'Impact of Climate Change on Water Demand', Water e-Journal, 4, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Wang B; Liu DL; Evans JP; Ji F; Waters C; Macadam I; Feng P; Beyer K, 2019, 'Modelling and evaluating the impacts of climate change on three major crops in south-eastern Australia using regional climate model simulations', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138, pp. 509 - 526,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bao J; Sherwood SC; Alexander LV; Evans JP, 2018, 'Comments on “temperature-extreme precipitation scaling: A two-way causality?”', International Journal of Climatology, 38, pp. 4661 - 4663,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Burrell AL; Evans JP; Liu Y, 2018, 'The impact of dataset selection on land degradation assessment', ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 146, pp. 22 - 37,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chaivaranont W; Evans JP; Liu YY; Sharples JJ, 2018, 'Estimating grassland curing with remotely sensed data', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, pp. 1535 - 1554,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Chen X; Liu YY; Evans JP; Parinussa RM; van Dijk AIJM; Yebra M, 2018, 'Estimating fire severity and carbon emissions over Australian tropical savannahs based on passive microwave satellite observations', International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39, pp. 6479 - 6498,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Evans JP; Kay M; Prasad A; Pitman A, 2018, 'The resilience of Australian wind energy to climate change', Environmental Research Letters, 13, pp. 024014,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Herold N; Ekström M; Kala J; Goldie J; Evans JP, 2018, 'Australian climate extremes in the 21st century according to a regional climate model ensemble: Implications for health and agriculture', Weather and Climate Extremes, 20, pp. 54 - 68,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans J; Beck HE, 2018, 'Linear Optimal Runoff Aggregate (LORA): A global gridded synthesis runoff product', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans J; Ukkola A, 2018, 'Derived Optimal Linear Combination Evapotranspiration (DOLCE): A global gridded synthesis et estimate', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, pp. 1317 - 1336,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ji F; Pepler AS; Browning S; Evans JP; Di Luca A, 2018, 'Trends and low frequency variability of east coast lows in the twentieth century', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 68,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ji F; Pepler AS; Browning S; Evans JP; Luca AD, 2018, 'Trends and low frequency variability of East Coast Lows in the twentieth century', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 68, pp. 1 - 1,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Li J; Sharma A; Evans J; Johnson F, 2018, 'Addressing the mischaracterization of extreme rainfall in regional climate model simulations – A synoptic pattern based bias correction approach', Journal of Hydrology, 556, pp. 901 - 912,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Li J; Wasko C; Johnson F; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2018, 'Can Regional Climate Modeling Capture the Observed Changes in Spatial Organization of Extreme Storms at Higher Temperatures?', Geophysical Research Letters, 45, pp. 4475 - 4484,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Liu YY; van Dijk AIJM; Miralles DG; McCabe MF; Evans JP; de Jeu RAM; Gentine P; Huete A; Parinussa RM; Wang L; Guan K; Berry J; Restrepo-Coupe N, 2018, 'Enhanced canopy growth precedes senescence in 2005 and 2010 Amazonian droughts', Remote Sensing of Environment, 211, pp. 26 - 37,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Luca AD; Evans JP; Ji F, 2018, 'Australian snowpack in the NARCliM ensemble: evaluation, bias correction and future projections', Climate Dynamics, 51, pp. 639 - 666,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ma S; Pitman A; Yang J; Carouge C; Evans JP; Hart M; Green D, 2018, 'Evaluating the effectiveness of mitigation options on heat stress for Sydney, Australia', Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, pp. 209 - 220,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Olson R; An SI; Fan Y; Evans JP; Caesar L, 2018, 'North Atlantic observations sharpen meridional overturning projections', Climate Dynamics, 50, pp. 4171 - 4188,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Pepler AS; Luca AD; Evans JP, 2018, 'Independently assessing the representation of midlatitude cyclones in high-resolution reanalyses using satellite observed winds', International Journal of Climatology, 38, pp. 1314 - 1327,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ukkola AM; Pitman AJ; De Kauwe MG; Abramowitz G; Herger N; Evans JP; Decker M, 2018, 'Evaluating CMIP5 model agreement for multiple drought metrics', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, pp. 969 - 988,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ajami H; Sharma A; Band LE; Evans JP; Tuteja NK; Amirthanathan GE; Bari MA, 2017, 'On the non-stationarity of hydrological response in anthropogenically unaffected catchments: An Australian perspective', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 281 - 294,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bao J; Sherwood SC; Alexander LV; Evans JP, 2017, 'Future increases in extreme precipitation exceed observed scaling rates', Nature Climate Change, 7, pp. 128 - 132,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Beaumont LJ; Duursma D; Kemp DJ; Wilson PD; Evans JP, 2017, 'Potential impacts of a future persistent El Niño or La Niña on three subspecies of Australian butterflies', Biotropica, 49, pp. 110 - 116,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Burrell AL; Evans JP; Liu Y, 2017, 'Detecting dryland degradation using Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend analysis (TSS-RESTREND)', Remote Sensing of Environment, 197, pp. 43 - 57,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chaivaranont W; Evans JP; Liu YY; Sharples JJ, 2017, 'Estimating Grassland Curing with Remotely Sensed Data', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dezfuli AK; Zaitchik BF; Badr HS; Evans J; Peters-Lidard CD, 2017, 'The role of low-level, terrain-induced jets in rainfall variability in Tigris-Euphrates headwaters', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18, pp. 819 - 835,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Evans JP; Argueso D; Olson R; Di Luca A, 2017, 'Bias-corrected regional climate projections of extreme rainfall in south-east Australia', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 130, pp. 1085 - 1098,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Evans JP; Meng X; McCabe MF, 2017, 'Land surface albedo and vegetation feedbacks enhanced the millennium drought in south-east Australia', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 409 - 422,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fan Y; Olson R; Evans JP, 2017, 'A Bayesian posterior predictive framework for weighting ensemble regional climate models', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fan Y; Olson R; Evans JP, 2017, 'A Bayesian posterior predictive framework for weighting ensemble regional climate models', Geoscientific Model Development, 10, pp. 2321 - 2332,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fita L; Evans JP; Argüeso D; King A; Liu Y, 2017, 'Evaluation of the regional climate response in Australia to large-scale climate modes in the historical NARCliM simulations', Climate Dynamics, 49, pp. 2815 - 2829,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gross M; Alexander ; macadam ; Green D; evans , 2017, 'The representation of health-relevant heatwave characteristics in a Regional Climate Model ensemble for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Australia', Int. J. Climatol., 37, pp. 1195 - 1210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gross MH; Alexander LV; Macadam I; Green D; Evans JP, 2017, 'The representation of health-relevant heatwave characteristics in a Regional Climate Model ensemble for New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Australia', International Journal of Climatology, 37, pp. 1195 - 1210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kendon EJ; Ban N; Roberts NM; Fowler HJ; Roberts MJ; Chan SC; Evans JP; Fosser G; Wilkinson JM, 2017, 'Do convection-permitting regional climate models improve projections of future precipitation change?', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, pp. 79 - 93,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Koster RD; Betts AK; Dirmeyer PA; Bierkens M; Bennett KE; Déry SJ; Evans JP; Fu R; Hernandez F; Leung LR; Liang X; Masood M; Savenije H; Wang G; Yuan X, 2017, 'Hydroclimatic variability and predictability: a survey of recent research', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 3777 - 3798,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Koster RD; Betts AK; Dirmeyer PA; Bierkens M; Bennett KE; Déry SJ; Evans JP; Fu R; Hernandez F; Ruby Leung L; Liang X; Masood M; Savenije H; Wang G; Yuan X, 2017, 'Hydroclimatic variability and predictability: A survey of recent research', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, pp. 3777 - 3798,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Li J; Evans J; Johnson F; Sharma A, 2017, 'A comparison of methods for estimating climate change impact on design rainfall using a high-resolution RCM', Journal of Hydrology, 547, pp. 413 - 427,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Li J; Johnson F; Evans J; Sharma A, 2017, 'A comparison of methods to estimate future sub-daily design rainfall', Advances in Water Resources, 110, pp. 215 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ma S; Pitman A; Hart M; Evans JP; Haghdadi N; MacGill I, 2017, 'The impact of an urban canopy and anthropogenic heat fluxes on Sydney's climate', International Journal of Climatology, 37, pp. 255 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Moalafhi DB; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2017, 'Influence of reanalysis datasets on dynamically downscaling the recent past', Climate Dynamics, 49, pp. 1239 - 1255,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Moalafhi DB; Sharma A; Evans JP; Mehrotra R; Rocheta E, 2017, 'Impact of bias-corrected reanalysis-derived lateral boundary conditions on WRF simulations', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 9, pp. 1828 - 1846,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Moalafhi DB; Sharma A; Evans JP, 2017, 'Reconstructing hydro-climatological data using dynamical downscaling of reanalysis products in data-sparse regions – Application to the Limpopo catchment in southern Africa', Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 12, pp. 378 - 395,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2017, 'The influence of topography on midlatitude cyclones on Australia's east coast', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, pp. 9173 - 9184,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Rocheta E; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2017, 'Can Bias correction of regional climate model lateral boundary conditions improve low-frequency rainfall variability?', Journal of Climate, 30, pp. 9785 - 9806,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Thomas CM; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2017, 'Modelling the dynamic behaviour of junction fires with a coupled atmosphere-fire model', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 26, pp. 331 - 344,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Argüeso D; Di Luca A; Evans JP, 2016, 'Precipitation over urban areas in the western Maritime Continent using a convection-permitting model', Climate Dynamics, 47, pp. 1143 - 1159,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Argüeso D; Di Luca A; Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE; Evans JP, 2016, 'Seasonal mean temperature changes control future heat waves', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 7653 - 7660,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Barlow M; Zaitchik B; Paz S; Black E; Evans J; Hoell A, 2016, 'A review of drought in the Middle East and southwest Asia', Journal of Climate, 29, pp. 8547 - 8574,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Clarke H; Pitman AJ; Kala J; Carouge C; Haverd V; Evans JP, 2016, 'An investigation of future fuel load and fire weather in Australia', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 591 - 605,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cortés-Hernández VE; Zheng F; Evans J; Lambert M; Sharma A; Westra S, 2016, 'Evaluating regional climate models for simulating sub-daily rainfall extremes', Climate Dynamics, 47, pp. 1613 - 1628,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Di Luca A; Argüeso D; Evans JP; De Elía R; Laprise R, 2016, 'Quantifying the overall added value of dynamical downscaling and the contribution from different spatial scales', Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, pp. 1575 - 1590,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argueso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66, pp. 108 - 124
    Journal articles | 2016
    Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argüeso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth System Science, 66, pp. 108 - 124,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Evans JP; Bormann K; Katzfey J; Dean S; Arritt R, 2016, 'Regional climate model projections of the South Pacific Convergence Zone', Climate Dynamics, 47, pp. 817 - 829,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Gilmore JB; Evans JP; Sherwood SC; Ekström M; Ji F, 2016, 'Extreme precipitation in WRF during the Newcastle East Coast Low of 2007', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 125, pp. 809 - 827,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ji F; Evans JP; Teng J; Scorgie Y; Argüeso D; Di Luca A, 2016, 'Evaluation of long-term precipitation and temperature Weather Research and Forecasting simulations for southeast Australia', Climate Research, 67, pp. 99 - 115,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Johnson F; White CJ; van Dijk A; Ekstrom M; Evans JP; Jakob D; Kiem AS; Leonard M; Rouillard A; Westra S, 2016, 'Natural hazards in Australia: floods', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 21 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kiem AS; Johnson F; Westra S; van Dijk A; Evans JP; O’Donnell A; Rouillard A; Barr C; Tyler J; Thyer M; Jakob D; Woldemeskel F; Sivakumar B; Mehrotra R, 2016, 'Natural hazards in Australia: droughts', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 37 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Luca AD; Evans JP; Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Argüeso D, 2016, 'Evaluating the representation of Australian East Coast Lows in a regional climate model ensemble', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 66, pp. 108 - 108,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Macadam I; Argüeso D; Evans JP; Liu DL; Pitman AJ, 2016, 'The effect of bias correction and climate model resolution on wheat simulations forced with a regional climate model ensemble', International Journal of Climatology, 36, pp. 4577 - 4591,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Moalafhi DB; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2016, 'Evaluating global reanalysis datasets for provision of boundary conditions in regional climate modelling', Climate Dynamics, 47, pp. 2727 - 2745,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Olson R; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Argüeso D, 2016, 'The NARCliM project: Model agreement and significance of climate projections', Climate Research, 69, pp. 209 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Olson R; Fan Y; Evans JP, 2016, 'A simple method for Bayesian model averaging of regional climate model projections: Application to southeast Australian temperatures', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 7661 - 7669,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2016, 'The influence of local sea surface temperatures on Australian east coast cyclones', Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, pp. 13 - 363,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pepler AS; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2016, 'Zonal winds and southeast Australian rainfall in global and regional climate models', Climate Dynamics, 46, pp. 123 - 133,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pepler AS; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2016, 'Projected changes in east Australian midlatitude cyclones during the 21st century', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 334 - 340,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE; White CJ; Alexander LV; Argüeso D; Boschat G; Cowan T; Evans JP; Ekström M; Oliver ECJ; Phatak A; Purich A, 2016, 'Natural hazards in Australia: heatwaves', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 101 - 114,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Sharples JJ; Cary GJ; Fox-Hughes P; Mooney S; Evans JP; Fletcher MS; Fromm M; Grierson PF; McRae R; Baker P, 2016, 'Natural hazards in Australia: extreme bushfire', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 85 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2016, 'Sensitivity of atypical lateral fire spread to wind and slope', Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. n/a - n/a,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Walsh K; White CJ; McInnes K; Holmes J; Schuster S; Richter H; Evans JP; Di Luca A; Warren RA, 2016, 'Natural hazards in Australia: storms, wind and hail', Climatic Change, 139, pp. 55 - 67,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ajami H; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2015, 'Impacts of model initialization on an integrated surface water-groundwater model', Hydrological Processes, 29, pp. 3790 - 3801,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Argüeso D; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Luca AD; Di Luca A; Argüeso Barriga D, 2015, 'Effects of city expansion on heat stress under climate change conditions', PLoS ONE, 10, pp. e0117066,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cai MY; Wang L; Parkes SD; Strauss J; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Griffiths AD, 2015, 'Stable water isotope and surface heat flux simulation using ISOLSM: Evaluation against in-situ measurements', Journal of Hydrology, 523, pp. 67 - 78,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Deng L; Mccabe MF; Stenchikov G; Evans JP; Kucera PA, 2015, 'Simulation of flash-flood-producing storm events in Saudi Arabia using the weather research and forecasting model', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16, pp. 615 - 630,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Di Luca A; Evans JP; Pepler A; Alexander L; Argüeso D, 2015, 'Resolution sensitivity of cyclone climatology over Eastern Australia using six reanalysis products', Journal of Climate, 28, pp. 9530 - 9549,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Wood EF, 2015, 'Impact of model structure and parameterization on Penman-Monteith type evaporation models', Journal of Hydrology, 525, pp. 521 - 535,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Grose MR; Bhend J; Argueso D; Ekström M; Dowdy AJ; Hoffmann P; Evans JP; Timbal B, 2015, 'Comparison of various climate change projections of eastern Australian rainfall', Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 65, pp. 72 - 89,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Jha SK; Mariethoz G; Evans J; McCabe MF; Sharma A, 2015, 'A space and time scale-dependent nonlinear geostatistical approach for downscaling daily precipitation and temperature', Water Resources Research, 51, pp. 6244 - 6261,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ji F; Evans JP; Argueso D; Fita L; Di Luca A, 2015, 'Using large-scale diagnostic quantities to investigate change in East Coast Lows', Climate Dynamics, 45, pp. 2443 - 2453,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2015, 'Influence of antecedent soil moisture conditions on the synoptic meteorology of the Black Saturday bushfire event in southeast Australia', Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 141, pp. 3118 - 3129,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Li J; Sharma A; Johnson F; Evans J, 2015, 'Evaluating the effect of climate change on areal reduction factors using regional climate model projections', Journal of Hydrology, 528, pp. 419 - 434,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu YY; Van Dijk AIJM; De Jeu RAM; Canadell JG; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Wang G, 2015, 'Recent reversal in loss of global terrestrial biomass', Nature Climate Change, 5, pp. 470 - 474,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Pepler AS; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander LV; Evans JP; Sherwood SC, 2015, 'Impact of identification method on the inferred characteristics and variability of Australian east coast lows', Monthly Weather Review, 143, pp. 864 - 877,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Teng J; Potter NJ; Chiew FHS; Zhang L; Wang B; Vaze J; Evans JP, 2015, 'How does bias correction of regional climate model precipitation affect modelled runoff?', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, pp. 711 - 728,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ajami H; Evans JP; McCabe MF; Stisen S, 2014, 'Technical Note: Reducing the spin-up time of integrated surface water–groundwater models', HESS, 18, pp. 5169 - 5179,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ajami H; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Stisen S, 2014, 'Assessing the impact of model spin-up on surface water-groundwater interactions using an integrated hydrologic model', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 2636 - 2656,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bormann KJ; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2014, 'Constraining snowmelt in a temperature-index model using simulated snow densities', Journal of Hydrology, 517, pp. 652 - 667,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Decker M; Pitman A; Evans J, 2014, 'Diagnosing the seasonal land–atmosphere coupling strength over Northern Australia: dependence on soil moisture state and coupling strength definition.', Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions, 11
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Chaney NW; Wood EF; Ershadi Esmaeilabadi A, 2014, 'Multi-site evaluation of terrestrial evaporation models using FLUXNET data', Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 187, pp. 46 - 61,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Evans JP; Ji F; Lee C; Smith P; Argüeso D; Fita L; Argüeso Barriga D; Fita Borrell L, 2014, 'Design of a regional climate modelling projection ensemble experiment - NARCliM', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 621 - 629,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hirsch AL; Kala J; Pitman AJ; Carouge C; Evans JP; Haverd V; Mocko D, 2014, 'Impact of land surface initialization approach on subseasonal forecast skill: A regional analysis in the Southern Hemisphere', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 300 - 319,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hirsch AL; Pitman AJ; Kala J, 2014, 'The role of land cover change inmodulating the soil moisture-temperature land-atmosphere coupling strength over Australia', Geophysical Research Letters, 41, pp. 5883 - 5890,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Hirsch AL; Pitman AJ; Seneviratne SI; Evans JP; Haverd V, 2014, 'Summertime maximum and minimum temperature coupling asymmetry over Australia determined using WRF', Geophysical Research Letters, 41, pp. 1546 - 1552,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ji F; Ekström M; Evans JP; Teng J, 2014, 'Evaluating rainfall patterns using physics scheme ensembles from a regional atmospheric model', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115, pp. 297 - 304,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kala J; Decker M; Exbrayat J-F; Pitman AJ; Carouge C; Evans JP; Abramowitz G; Mocko D, 2014, 'Influence of leaf area index prescriptions on simulations of heat, moisture, and carbon fluxes', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 489 - 503,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q; Lea T; Prestage G; Wilson D; de Wit J, 2014, 'Corrigendum to', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2501 - 2501,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q, 2014, 'Erratum: "Implementation of a soil albedo scheme in the CABLEv1.4b land surface model and evaluation against MODIS estimates over Australia" (Geosci. Model Dev. (2014) 7 (2121-2140))', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2501,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kala J; Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Schaaf CB; Decker M; Carouge C; Mocko D; Sun Q, 2014, 'Implementation of a soil albedo scheme in the CABLEv1. 4b land surface model and evaluation against MODIS estimates over Australia', Geoscientific Model Development, 7, pp. 2121 - 2140
    Journal articles | 2014
    Macadam I; Pitman AJ; Whetton PH; Liu DL; Evans JP, 2014, 'The use of uncorrected regional climate model output to force impact models: A case study for wheat simulations', Climate Research, 61, pp. 215 - 229,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Mehrotra R; Evans JP; Sharma A; Sivakumar B, 2014, 'Evaluation of downscaled daily rainfall hindcasts over Sydney, Australia using statistical and dynamical downscaling approaches', Hydrology Research, 45, pp. 226 - 249,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Meng XH; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2014, 'The influence of inter-annually varying albedo on regional climate and drought', Climate Dynamics, 42, pp. 787 - 803,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Meng XH; Evans JP; Mccabe MF, 2014, 'The impact of observed vegetation changes on land-atmosphere feedbacks during drought', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 759 - 776,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Rocheta E; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2014, 'Assessing atmospheric bias correction for dynamical consistency using potential vorticity', Environmental Research Letters, 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2014, 'Resolving vorticity-driven lateral fire spread using the WRF-Fire coupled atmosphere-fire numerical model', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, pp. 2359 - 2371,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Westra S; Fowler HJ; Evans JP; Alexander LV; Berg P; Johnson F; Kendon EJ; Lenderink G; Roberts NM, 2014, 'Future changes to the intensity and frequency of short-duration extreme rainfall', Reviews of Geophysics, 52, pp. 522 - 555,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Yilmaz MT; Anderson MC; Zaitchik B; Hain CR; Crow WT; Ozdogan M; Chun JA; Evans J, 2014, 'Comparison of prognostic and diagnostic surface flux modeling approaches over the Nile River basin', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 386 - 408,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Argueso BD; Evans JP; Fita Borrell L; Bormann KJ, 2013, 'Temperature response to future urbanization and climate change', Climate Dynamics,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Argüeso D; Evans JP; Fita L; Argüeso Barriga D, 2013, 'Precipitation bias correction of very high resolution regional climate models', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17, pp. 4379 - 4388,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Clarke H; Evans JP; Pitman AJ, 2013, 'Fire weather simulation skill by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over south-east Australia from 1985 to 2009', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 22, pp. 739 - 756,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Decker M; Pitman AJ; Evans J, 2013, 'Applying Scaled Vegetation Greenness Metrics to Constrain Simulated Transpiration Anomalies: A Study over Australia*', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15, pp. 1607 - 1623,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Decker M; Pitman AJ; Evans JP, 2013, 'Groundwater constraints on simulated transpiration variability over southeastern Australian forests', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, pp. 543 - 559
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Mariethoz G; Kavetski D, 2013, 'A Bayesian analysis of sensible heat flux estimation: quantifying uncertainty in meteorological forcing to improve model prediction', Water Resources Research, 49, pp. 2343 - 2358,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Walker JP, 2013, 'Effects of spatial aggregation on the multi-scale estimation of evapotranspiration', Remote Sensing of Environment, 131, pp. 51 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Evans JP; Ji F; Abramowitz G; Ekström M, 2013, 'Optimally choosing small ensemble members to produce robust climate simulations', Environmental Research Letters, 8, pp. 044050,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2013, 'Effect of model resolution on a regional climate model simulation over southeast Australia', Climate Research, 56, pp. 131 - 145,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Liu Y; Evans JP; McCabe MF; De Jeu R; Van Dijk A; Dolman A; Dolman A, 2013, 'Changing Climate and Overgrazing Are Decimating Mongolian Steppes', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e57599,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Liu Y; Van dijk AIJM; McCabe MF; Evans JP; De Jeu R, 2013, 'Global vegetation biomass change (1988-2008) and attribution to environmental and human drivers', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22, pp. 692 - 705,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Rocheta E; Sugiyanto M; Johnson F; Evans J; Sharma A, 2013, 'How well do GCMs represent low-frequency rainfall variability?', Water Resources Research, 50, pp. 2108 - 2123,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans J; McCabe MF, 2013, 'Large eddy simulation of atypical wildland fire spread on leeward slopes', International Journal of Wildland Fire, 22, pp. 599 - 614,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Westra SP; Evans JP; Mehrotra R; Sharma A, 2013, 'A conditional disaggregation algorithm for generating fine time-scale rainfall data in a warmer climate', Journal of Hydrology, 479, pp. 86 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bormann ; Westra SP; Evans JP; McCabe MF; bormann , 2012, 'Spatial and temporal variability in seasonal snow density', Journal of Hydrology, 484, pp. 63 - 73,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bormann KJ; Mccabe M; Evans JP, 2012, 'Satellite based observations for seasonal snow cover detection and characterisation in Australia', Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, pp. 57 - 71,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bryan SE; Cook AG; Evans J; Hebden K; Hurrey L; Colls P; Jell JS; Weatherley DK; Firn J, 2012, 'Rapid, long-distance dispersal by pumice rafting', PLoS One, 7, pp. Article no. e40583,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans J; Sullivan J, 2012, 'Generalized mixture models for molecular phylogenetic estimation', Systematic Biology, 61, pp. 12 - 21,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans JP; Boyer-souchet I, 2012, 'Local sea surface temperatures add to extreme precipitation in northeast Australia during La Niña', Geophysical Research Letters, 39, pp. L10803,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans JP; Westra SP, 2012, 'Investigating the mechanisms of diurnal rainfall variability using a regional climate model', Journal of Climate, 25, pp. 7232 - 7247,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Jha S; Mariethoz G; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2012, 'Demonstration of a geostatistical approach to physically consistent downscaling of climate modeling simulations', Water Resources Research, 49, pp. 245 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Liu Y; Dorigo W; Parinussa R; De Jeu R; Wagner W; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van dijk AIJM, 2012, 'Trend-preserving blending of passive and active microwave soil moisture retrievals', Remote Sensing of Environment, 123, pp. 280 - 297,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wang L; D'Odorico P; Evans JP; Eldridge DJ; McCabe MF; Caylor KK; King EG, 2012, 'Dryland ecohydrology and climate change: Critical issues and technical advances', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 9, pp. 4777 - 4825,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Evans J; Sullivan J, 2011, 'Approximating model probabilities in Bayesian information criterion and decision-theoretic approaches to model selection in phylogenetics', Molecular Biology and Evolution, 28, pp. 343 - 349,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Evans JP; Alsamawi A, 2011, 'The Importance of the Zagros Mountains Barrier Jet to Future Precipitation in the Fertile Crescent.', The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 5, pp. 87 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Evans JP; Ekstrom M; Ji F, 2011, 'Evaluating the performance of a WRF physics ensemble over South-East Australia', Climate Dynamics, 39, pp. 1241 - 1258,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Evans JP; Pitman AJ; Cruz FT, 2011, 'Coupled atmospheric and land surface dynamics over southeast Australia: a review, analysis and identification of future research priorities', International Journal of Climatology, 31, pp. 1758 - 1772,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Liu Y; Parinussa R; Dorigo W; de Jeu RAM; Wagner W; Van dijk AIJM; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2011, 'Developing an improved soil moisture dataset by blending passive and active microwave satellite-based retrievals', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15, pp. 425 - 436,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Liu YY; De Jeu R; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van dijk A, 2011, 'Global long-term passive microwave satellite-based retrievals of vegetation optical depth', Geophysical Research Letters, 38, pp. L.18402,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Peirson WL; Shand TD; Ruprecht JE; Evans J; Cox RJ, 2011, 'Assessment of the Effects of Air-Sea-Land Interaction Processes on the Intensity and Impact of Modelled and Observed Coastal Extratropical Cyclones', ,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Cruz FT; Pitman AJ; Mcgregor JL; Evans JP, 2010, 'Contrasting Regional Responses to Increasing Leaf-Level Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over Australia', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11, pp. 296 - 314,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2010, 'Regional climate simulation over Australia's Murray-Darling basin: A multitemporal assessment', Journal of Geophysical Research, 115,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Evans JP, 2010, 'Global warming impact on the dominant precipitation processes in the Middle East', Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 99, pp. 389 - 402,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Liu Y; Evans JP; McCabe MF; de Jeu RAM; Van dijk AIJM; Su H, 2010, 'Influence of cracking clays on satellite estimated and model simulated soil moisture', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14, pp. 979 - 990,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Evans JP, 2009, '21st century climate change in the Middle East', Climatic Change, 92, pp. 417 - 432
    Journal articles | 2008
    Evans JP; Zaitchik BF, 2008, 'Modelling the large-scale water balance impact of different irrigation systems', Water Resources Research, 44, pp. W08448
    Journal articles | 2008
    Evans JP, 2008, 'Changes in Water Vapor Transport and the Production of Precipitaion in the Eastern Fertile Cresent as a Result of Global Warming', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 9, pp. 1390 - 1401
    Journal articles | 2007
    Smith RB; Evans JP, 2007, 'Orographic precipitation and water vapor fractionation over the southern Andes', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8, pp. 3 - 19
    Journal articles | 2007
    Zaitchik BF; Evans JP; Geerken RA; Smith RB, 2007, 'Climate and vegetation in the Middle East: inter-annual variability and drought feedbacks', Journal of Climate, 20, pp. 3924 - 3941
    Journal articles | 2007
    Zaitchik BF; Evans JP; Smith RB, 2007, 'Regional impact of an elevated heat source: The Zagros plateau of Iran.', Journal of Climate, 20, pp. 4133 - 4146
    Journal articles | 2006
    Evans JP; Geerken RA, 2006, 'Classifying rangeland vegetation type and coverage using a Fourier component based similarity measure', Remote Sensing of Environment, 105, pp. 1 - 8,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Evans JP; Smith RB, 2006, 'Water vapor transport and the production of precipitation in the Eastern Fertile Crescent', Journal of Hydrometeorology, 7, pp. 1295 - 1307
    Journal articles | 2005
    Evans JP; Oglesby RJ; Lapenta WM, 2005, 'Time series analysis of regional climate model performance', Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, pp. D04104,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Geerken RA; Zaitchik BF; Evans JP, 2005, 'Classifying rangeland vegetation type and coverage from NDVI time-series using Fourier Filtered Cycle Similarity', International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, pp. 5535 - 5554
    Journal articles | 2005
    Zaitchik BF; Evans JP; Smith RB, 2005, 'MODIS-derived boundary conditions for a mesoscale climate model: application to irrigated agriculture in the Euphrates Basin', Monthly Weather Review, 133, pp. 1727 - 1743
    Journal articles | 2005
    Zaitchik BF; Evans JP; Smith RB, 2005, 'Regional drivers of aridity in southwest asia and sensitivity to surface change', 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints, pp. 2063 - 2070
    Journal articles | 2004
    Bryan SE; Cook A; Evans JP; Colls P; Lawrence M; Wells M; Jell JS; Grieg A; Leslie R, 2004, 'Pumice rafting and faunal dispersion during 2001-2002 in the southwest Pacific: record of a dacitic submarine explosive eruption from Tonga', Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227, pp. 135 - 154
    Journal articles | 2004
    Evans JP; Geerken RA, 2004, 'Discrimination between climate and human induced dryland degradation', Journal of Arid Environments, 57, pp. 535 - 554
    Journal articles | 2004
    Evans JP; Smith RB; Oglesby RJ, 2004, 'Middle East climate simulation and dominant precipitation processes', International Journal of Climatology, 24, pp. 1671 - 1694
    Journal articles | 2003
    Evans JP, 2003, 'Improving the characteristics of streamflow modeled by regional climate models', Journal of Hydrology, 284, pp. 211 - 227
    Journal articles | 2002
    Evans J; Schreider S, 2002, 'Hydrological impacts of climate change on inflows to Perth, Australia', Climatic Change, 55, pp. 361 - 393,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Evans JP; Jakeman AJ, 1998, 'Development of a simple, catchment-scale, rainfall-evapotranspiration-runoff model', Environmental Modelling and Software, 13, pp. 385 - 393,
    Journal articles | 1997
    1997, 'Untitled', JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY, 19, pp. R6 - R6,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Sherwood SC; Soderholm J, 2021, An Object-based Climatology of Precipitation Systems in Sydney, Australia, Research Square Platform,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Di Virgilio G; Evans J; Ji F; Tam E; Kala J; Andrys J; Thomas C; Choudhury D; Rocha C; White S; Li Y; El Rafei M; Goyal R; Riley M; Lingala J, 2024, Design, evaluation and future projections of the NARCliM2.0 CORDEX-CMIP6 Australasia regional climate ensemble,
    Preprints | 2024
    Di Virgilio G; Ji F; Tam E; Evans J; Kala J; Andrys J; Thomas C; Choudhury D; Rocha C; Li Y; Riley M, 2024, Evaluation of CORDEX ERA5-forced ‘NARCliM2.0’ regional climate models over Australia using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 4.1.2, ,
    Preprints | 2024
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2024, Correcting Multivariate Biases in RCM Boundaries: How are Synoptic Systems impacted over the Australian Region?, ,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Deshmukh AN; Harley MD; Evans JP; Turner IL, 2023, 'Extreme coastal waves due to East Coast Lows in a warming climate', in Australasian Coasts and Ports 2023 Conference, pp. 443 - 449
    Preprints | 2023
    Devanand A; Falster G; Gillett Z; Hobeichi S; Holgate C; Jin C; Mu M; Parker T; Rifai S; Rome K; Stojanovic M; Vogel E; Abram N; Abramowitz G; Coats S; Evans J; Gallant A; Pitman A; Power S; Rauniyar S; Taschetto A; Ukkola A, 2023, Australia’s Tinderbox Drought: an extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change,
    Preprints | 2023
    Kim Y; Evans JP; Sharma A, 2023, Can sub-daily multivariate bias correction of regional climate model boundary conditions improve simulation of the diurnal precipitation cycle?, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Rafei ME; Sherwood S; Evans JP; Dowdy AJ; Ji F, 2023, Biases in estimating long-term recurrence intervals of extreme events due to regionalised sampling, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Wasko C; Westra S; Nathan R; Pepler A; Raupach T; Dowdy A; Johnson F; Ho M; McInnes K; Jakob D; Evans J; Villarini G; Fowler H, 2023, A systematic review of climate change science relevant to Australian design flood estimation, ,
    Other | 2023
    Wasko C; Westra S; Nathan R; Pepler A; Raupach T; Dowdy A; Johnson F; Ho M; McInnes K; Jakob D; Evans J; Villarini G; Fowler H, 2023, Supplementary material to "A systematic review of climate change science relevant to Australian design flood estimation", ,
    Conference Papers | 2023
    Wilson CS; Ma W; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2023, 'Statistical analysis of Continuous Haines Index and Fuel Moisture Index for pyrocumulonimbus and non-pyrocumulonimbus wildfires in southeast Australia', in Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM, pp. 1055 - 1061
    Other | 2022
    Kim Y; Evans J; Sharma A, 2022, Impact of bias-corrected RCM lateral boundary conditions on precipitation extremes, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Rafei ME; Sherwood S; Evans J; Dowdy A, 2022, Analysis and characterisation of extreme wind gust hazards in New South Wales, Australia,
    Preprints | 2021
    Ayat H; Evans JP; Sherwood SC; Soderholm J, 2021, A Radar Object-Based Examination of Rain System Climatology and Including Climate Variability, ,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Dowdy AJ; Thatcher M; Rafter T; Evans J; Ye H; Su CH; Stassen C; Pepler A; Bell S; Steinle P, 2021, 'Extreme bushfire projections for Australia using a standardised method', in Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM, pp. 351 - 357
    Preprints | 2020
    Fowler HJ; Li Y; Argüeso D; Blenkinsop S; Evans JP; Lenderink G; Yan X; Guerreiro SDB; Lewis E; Li X, 2020, Strong intensification of hourly rainfall extremes by urbanization, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Hobeichi S; Abramowitz G; Evans J, 2020, Robust historical evapotranspiration trends across climate regimes,
    Preprints | 2020
    Kulinich M; Fan Y; Penev S; Evans JP, 2020, A Markov chain method for weighting climate model ensembles,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Ajami H; Mccabe MF; Evans JP; Stisen S, 2019, 'ON THE ROLE OF INTEGRATED GROUNDWATER-LAND SURFACE MODELS FOR GROUNDWATER SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENTS', in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America, presented at GSA Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA - 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Badlan RL; Sharples JJ; Evans JP; McRae RHD, 2019, 'Insights into the role of fire geometry and violent pyroconvection', in 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Supporting Evidence-Based Decision Making: The Role of Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2019, pp. 726 - 732
    Reports | 2019
    Barker A; Pitman A; Evans J; Spaninks F; Uthayakumaran L, 2019, Probabilistic forecasts for water consumption in Sydney, Australia from stochastic weather scenarios and a panel data consumption model.,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Di Luca A; Evans J; Rayner D; Khojasteh D; Ataupah J, 2019, 'A consistent climate change baseline for estuarine impact and adaptation planning along the New South Wales coastline', Hobart, presented at Australiasian Coasts and Ports 2019, Hobart, 10 September 2019 - 13 September 2019
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Badlan RL; Sharples JJ; Evans J; McRae RHD, 2018, 'The role of fire size, geometry, and intensity, in "extreme" plume development', in Viegas DX (ed.), ADVANCES IN FOREST FIRE RESEARCH 2018, UNIV COIMBRA, PORTUGAL, Coimbra, pp. 1212 - 1215, presented at 8th International Conference on Forest Fire Research, PORTUGAL, Coimbra, 09 November 2018 - 16 November 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Burrell AL; Evans JP; Liu Y, 2018, 'The addition of temperature significantly improves the detection of land degradation in cold drylands using the TSS-RESTrenD methodology', in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 4853 - 4856,
    Preprints | 2018
    Olson R; An S-I; Fan Y; Evans JP, 2018, Accounting for Skill in Trend, Variability, and Autocorrelation Facilitates Better Multi-Model Projections: Application to the AMOC and Temperature Time Series, ,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Thomas CM; Sharples JJ; Hilton JE; Evans JP, 2018, 'Rate of spread in coupled models: fireline curvature and pyrogenic potential', in Viegas DX (ed.), ADVANCES IN FOREST FIRE RESEARCH 2018, UNIV COIMBRA, PORTUGAL, Coimbra, pp. 1393 - 1395, presented at 8th International Conference on Forest Fire Research, PORTUGAL, Coimbra, 09 November 2018 - 16 November 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Blenkinsop S; Fowler HJ; Barbero R; Chan SC; Guerreiro SB; Kendon E; Lenderink G; Lewis E; Li X-F; Westra S; Alexander L; Allan RP; Berg P; Dunn RJH; Ekstrom M; Evans JP; Holland G; Jones R; Kjellstrom E; Klein-Tank A; Lettenmaier D; Mishra V; Prein AF; Sheffield J; Tye MR, 2017, 'The INTENSE project: using observations and models to understand the past. present and future of sub-daily rainfall extremes', in ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, IRELAND, Dublin, pp. 117 - 126, presented at 17th EMS Annual Meeting / European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, IRELAND, Dublin, 04 September 2017 - 08 September 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Evans J; Di Luca A; Ji F, 2017, 'Projected changes in frequency of suitable snowmaking conditions for the Australian Alps', in Syme GHMDFBAPJ (ed.), MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, pp. 1215 - 1221, presented at MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, 03 December 2017 - 08 December 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Evans J; Di Luca A, 2017, 'Future Heatwaves in NSW from the NARCliM ensemble', in Syme GHMDFBAPJ (ed.), MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, pp. 1208 - 1214, presented at MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, 03 December 2017 - 08 December 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Evans J; sharples J; Thomas C, 2017, 'Evaluating the terminal-velocity assumption in simulations of long-range inert ember transport', in Syme GHMDFBAPJ (ed.), MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, pp. 1187 - 1193, presented at MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, 03 December 2017 - 08 December 2017,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Evans JP; sharples J; Badlan R, 2017, 'The role of deep flaming in violent pyroconvection', in Syme G; Hatton MacDonald D; Fulton B; Piantadosi J (eds.), MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2017, pp. 894–900. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-7-9. www.mssanz.org.au/modsim2017/G6/chiew.pdf, Hobart, pp. 1090 - 1096, presented at MODSIM2017, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2017, pp. 894–900, Hobart, 03 December 2017 - 08 December 2017,
    Other | 2016
    Ajami H; sharma A; Band LE; Evans JP; Tuteja NK; Amirthanathan GE; Bari MA, 2016, Supplementary material to "On the non-stationarity of hydrological response in anthropogenically unaffected catchments: An Australian perspective", Copernicus GmbH, ,
    Other | 2016
    Clarke H; Pitman AJ; Kala J; Carouge C; Haverd V; Evans JP, 2016, Erratum to: An investigation of future fuel load and fire weather in Australia (Climatic Change, 10.1007/s10584-016-1808-9),
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Argueso D, 2015, 'WRF simulations of future changes in IFD curves', in WRF simulations of future changes in IFD curves, 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Argueso D, 2015, 'WRF simulations of future changes in rainfall IFD curves over greater Sydney', in The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015, pp. 33 - 38
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Bates BC; Argueso D; Green J; Griesser A; Jakob D; Seed A; Lau R; Lehmann E; Phatak A; Abbs D; Lavendar S; Nguyen K; Rafter T; Thatcher M; Leonard M; Westra S; Zheng F, 2015, 'Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Design Rainfall IFD Curves', in The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015, Hobart, pp. 9 - 16, presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; JI F; Scorgie Y; Jiang N; Argueso D; Di Luca A, 2015, 'Change in Frequency, Intensity and Duration of Temperature Inversion for Southeast Australia', in Weber T; McPhee MJ; Andersen RS (eds.), MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Gold Coast, presented at MODSIM2015, Gold Coast, 29 November 2015 - 04 December 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Johnson F, 2015, 'How and why is flood risk changing in Australia?', in The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015, Hobart, pp. 1284 - 1291, presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Olson R; Fita L; Argueso D; Di Luca A, 2015, 'NARCliM model performance including teleconnections with climate modes', in Weber T; McPhee MJ; Anderssen RS (eds.), MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, MODELLING & SIMULATION SOC AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND INC, Gold Coast, pp. 1531 - 1536, presented at MODSIM2015, Gold Coast, 26 November 2015 - 04 December 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Evans JP; Pepler A; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander L; Argueso D, 2015, 'Future changes in Extreme East Coast Lows', in The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015, Hobart, pp. 1131 - 1138, presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Ji F; Evans JP; Scorgie Y; Jiang N; Argüeso D; Di Luca A, 2015, 'Projected change in frequency, intensity and duration of atmospheric temperature inversions for Southeast Australia', in Proceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015, pp. 1537 - 1543
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Johnson FM; White C; Van Dijk A; Ekstrom M; Evans JP; Jakob D; Kiem AS; Leonard M; Rouillard A; Westra S, 2015, 'How and why are floods changing in Australia?', in Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium HWRS2015, Hobart, presented at HWRS2015 - the art and science of water, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2015, 'Numerical modelling of wildland fire spread on the windward and leeward sides of a ridge', in Proceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015, Broadbeach, Queensland, pp. 22 - 28, presented at MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Broadbeach, Queensland, 29 November 2015 - 04 December 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2015, 'WRF-Fire simulation of lateral fire spread in the Bendora Fire on 18 January 2003', in Weber T; McPhee MJ; Anderssen RS (eds.), Proceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015, MODELLING & SIMULATION SOC AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND INC, Broadbeach, Queensland, pp. 305 - 311, presented at 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Broadbeach, Queensland, 29 November 2015 - 04 December 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Thomas CM; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2015, 'Pyroconvective interaction of two merged fire lines: curvature effects and dynamic fire spread', in Weber T; McPhee MJ; Andersen RS (eds.), MODSIM2015, 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, MODELLING & SIMULATION SOC AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND INC, Gold Coast, pp. 312 - 318, presented at MODSIM2015, Gold Coast, 29 November 2015 - 04 December 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Hassan MM; Peirson WL; Cox RJ; Evans JASON; Guerry N; Ruprecht J; Shand T, 2014, 'QUANTIFYING CLIMATE CHANGE AND DETERMINING FUTURE COASTAL DESIGN STORMS FOR EASTERN AUSTRALIA', in Lynett P (ed.), Coastal Engineering Proceedings, Seoul, Korea, presented at International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2014, Seoul, Korea, 15 June 2014 - 20 June 2014,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Peirson W; Shand T; Ruprecht J; Guerry N; Evans J; Cox R; Hassan M, 2014, 'Quantifying climate change and determining future coastal design storms for Eastern Australia', in Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
    Preprints | 2014
    Simpson CC; Sharples JJ; Evans JP, 2014, Resolving vorticity-driven lateral fire spread using the WRF-Fire coupled atmosphere-fire numerical model,
    Conference Posters | 2013
    Ajami H; Mccabe M; Evans JP; Bernardi T, 2013, 'On the Impact of Climate Variability on Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions at the Catchment Scale', Perth, Australia, presented at 40th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Conference, Perth, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013
    Conference Presentations | 2013
    Ajami H; Mccabe M; Evans JP; Stisen S, 2013, 'Sensitivity of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange to Model Initialization', presented at 40th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Conference, Perth, Australia, 15 September 2013 - 20 September 2013
    Conference Posters | 2013
    Ajami H; Mccabe M; Evans JP, 2013, 'Exploring Dynamics of Land Surface-Subsurface Coupling Under Change', Vienna, Austria, presented at European Geophysical Union 2013 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 08 April 2013 - 12 April 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Argueso D; Evans JP; Fita L; Bormann KJ, 2013, 'Simulated impact of urban expansion on the future temperature heatwaves in Sydney', in Piantadosi J; Anderssen RS; Boland J (eds.), Proceedings 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Adelaide, pp. 2772 - 2778, presented at MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, 01 December 2013 - 06 December 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Argüeso D; Evans JP; Fita L; Bormann KJ, 2013, 'Simulated impact of urban expansion on future temperature heatwaves in Sydney', in Proceedings - 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2013, pp. 2758 - 2764
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Evans JP; Fita L; Argueso D; Liu Y, 2013, 'Initial NARCliM evaluation', in Piantadosi J; Anderssen RS; Boland J (eds.), Proceedings 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013), Adelaide, pp. 2765 - 2771, presented at MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, 01 December 2013 - 06 December 2013
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Ji F; Riley M; Clarke H; Evans JP; Argueso D; Fita L, 2013, 'High resolution rainfall projections for the Greater Sydney Region', in Piantadosi J; Anderssen RS; Boland J (eds.), Proceedings 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM2013), Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, Adelaide, pp. 1652 - 1658, presented at MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, 01 December 2013 - 06 December 2013,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Ji F; Riley M; Clarke H; Evans JP; Argüeso D; Fita L, 2013, 'High resolution rainfall projections for the Greater Sydney Region', in Proceedings - 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2013, pp. 2772 - 2778
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Sharples JJ; Simpson CC; Evans JP, 2013, 'Examination of wind speed thresholds for vorticity-driven lateral fire spread', in Piantadosi J; Anderssen RS; Boland J (eds.), MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODELLING & SIMULATION SOC AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND INC, Adelaide, pp. 263 - 269, presented at 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Adelaide, 01 December 2013 - 06 December 2013
    Conference Posters | 2012
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Mariethoz G, 2012, 'Bayesian uncertainty analysis of the input meteorological variables in estimation of the sensible heat flux', San Francisco, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 03 December 2012 - 07 December 2012,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Westra S; Evans J; Mehrotra R; Sharma A, 2012, 'Changes to sub-daily rainfall patterns in a future climate', in Proceedings of the 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2012, pp. 561 - 570
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Azcurra C; Hughes ; Parkes S; Hollins ; Gibson JJ; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2011, 'A comparison between direct and pan-derived measurements of the isotopic composition of atmospheric waters', in MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, Modelling and Simulation Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 3279 - 3285, presented at International Congress on Modelling and Simulation., Perth, Australia, 12 December 2011 - 16 December 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Bormann K; Evans JP; Mccabe M, 2011, 'A New Approach to Snow Detection in Australia using MODIS & Landsat TM', in 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISPRS, Sydney, presented at 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia, 10 April 2011 - 15 April 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Cai Y; Strauss J; Parkes S; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Griffiths AD, 2011, 'Stable water isotopes in land surface modeling: comparison with in-situ isotopic measurements', in Stable water isotopes in land surface modeling: comparison with in-situ isotopic measurements, 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference & 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, presented at 11th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference & 4th Australasian Hydrogeology Research Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 12 July 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Walker J; Pipunic R, 2011, 'Estimation of evaporation using the surface energy balance system (SEBS) and numerical models', Sydney, Australia, presented at 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia, 10 April 2011 - 15 April 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Walker JP, 2011, 'Evaluation of energy balance, combination, and complementary schemes for estimation of evaporation', in Hydro-Climatology: Variability and Change, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 52 - 56, presented at Hydro-climatology - Variability and Change Symposium, part of the 25th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 27 June 2011 - 07 July 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2011, 'Issues of scale in surface heat flux retrieval using multi-resolution, multi-temporal satellite imagery', in Issues of scale in surface heat flux retrieval using multi-resolution, multi-temporal satellite imagery, XXV IUGG General Assembly; Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Melbourne, Australia, presented at XXV IUGG General Assembly; Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Melbourne, Australia, 27 June 2011 - 07 July 2011
    Conference Presentations | 2011
    Ershadi A; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2011, 'Surface heat fluxes from remote sensing, process models and regional climate simulations', presented at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03 April 2011 - 08 April 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Evans JP, 2011, 'CORDEX - An international climate downscaling initiative', in MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, Modelling and Simulation Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 2705 - 2711, presented at MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, Perth, WA, 12 December 2011 - 16 December 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Ji F; Evans JP; Ekstrom M, 2011, 'Using dynamical downscaling to simulate rainfall for east coast low events', in MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, Modelling and Simulation Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 2733 - 2739, presented at MODSIM 2011 - 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation - Sustaining Our Future: Understanding and Living with Uncertainty, Perth, WA, 12 December 2011 - 16 December 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Liu Y; De Jeu R; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van Dijk A, 2011, 'Comparing Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing‐based Vegetation Density over Mongolia for 1988‐2006', Sydney, Australia, presented at 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, Australia, 10 April 2011 - 15 April 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Liu Y; De Jeu R; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van Dijk A, 2011, 'Satellite‐based Estimates of Change in Vegetation Moisture over mainland Australia (1988‐2008)', in (Proceedings of Symposium J-H01 held during IUGG2011 in Melbourne, Australia, July 2011, IAHS Publ. 343, 2011, Melbourne Australia, presented at IUGG 2011, Melbourne, 28 June 2011 - 07 July 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Liu YY; McCabe MF; De Jeu R; Evans JP; Van Dijk A, 2011, 'Discriminating between climate and human-induced land degradation in Mongolia 1988 - 2006', in Proceedings 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Sydney, presented at 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Australia, 10 April 2011 - 15 April 2011,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Liu YY; McCabe MF; De Jeu R; Evans JP; Van dijk A, 2011, 'Satellite-based estimates of vegetation density over Australia during 1988-2008', in GRACE, Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Methods in Multi-Scale Hydrology, IAHS Press, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, pp. 98 - 103, presented at Symposium J-H01 on GRACE, Other Remote Sensing Platforms and Ground Based Methods for Estimating Multi-Scale Surface Water Budgets, Groundwater System Characterization and Hydrological Processes, Melbourne, VIC. Australia, 28 June 2011 - 07 July 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Meng X; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2011, 'Numerical modelling and land-atmosphere feedback of drought in south-east Australia', in Proceedings of IAHS Lead Symposia, IUGG2011, Australia, pp. 144 - 149, presented at Hydro-climatology - Variability and Change Symposium, part of the 25th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 27 June 2011 - 07 July 2011
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Meng X; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2011, 'Numerical modelling and land-atmosphere feedback of drought in southeast Australia', in Hydro-Climatology: Variability and Change, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Press, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 144 - 149, presented at Hydro-climatology - Variability and Change Symposium, part of the 25th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 27 June 2011 - 07 July 2011
    Conference Presentations | 2010
    Evans JP; McCabe MF; Meng X, 2010, 'Impact of dynamic albedo and vegetation fraction on the simulation of drought in south-east Australia using a regional climate model', presented at Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, 28 September 2010 - 30 September 2010
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2010, 'Evaluating a regional climate model's ability to simulate the climate of the South-east coast of Australia', in IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 11 (2010), IOP Publishing, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 012004, presented at 17th National Conference of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 27 January 2010 - 29 January 2010,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Liu Y; Evans JP; McCabe MF; de Jeu RAM; Van dijk AIJM, 2010, 'Comparing Passive Microwave Satellite Estimated and Regional Climate Model Simulated Soil Moisture over Murray Darling Basin in Australia (1988-2008)', Lhasa, Tibet, presented at The Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation, Lhasa, Tibet, 21 July 2010 - 23 July 2010,
    Conference Presentations | 2010
    Liu Y; Parinussa R; Dorigo W; de Jeu RAM; Wagner W; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van dijk AIJM, 2010, 'Improving Satellite Soil Moisture Estimates by Combining Passive and Active Microwave Observations (1992-2008)', presented at Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2010 Symposium, Jackson Hole,Wyoming, USA, 27 September 2010 - 30 September 2010
    Preprints | 2010
    Liu YY; McCabe MF; Evans JP; van Dijk AIJM; de Jeu RAM; Su H, 2010, Influence of cracking clays on satellite observed and model simulated soil moisture,
    Preprints | 2010
    Liu YY; Parinussa RM; Dorigo WA; de Jeu RAM; Wagner W; van Dijk AIJM; McCabe MF; Evans JP, 2010, Developing an improved soil moisture dataset by blending passive and active microwave satellite-based retrievals,
    Conference Presentations | 2010
    Meng X; Evans JP; McCabe MF, 2010, 'Impact of satellite-derived albedo on water cycle simulations over Australia's Murray-Darling Basin with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model', presented at The Fourth International Workshop on Catchment-scale Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation, Lhasa, Tibet, 21 July 2010 - 23 July 2010
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Evans JP, 2009, 'Modelling Droughts and ENSO Cycles in the Murray-Darling Basin with a Regional Climate Model', in Proceedings of H2O 09: 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Newcastle : Adapting to Change, Engineers Australia, Canberra ACT, pp. 24 - 35, presented at Proceedings of H2O 09: 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Newcastle : Adapting to Change, Newcastle,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Evans JP, 2009, 'Water Balance in the Murray-Darling Basin and the recent drought as modelled with WRF', in Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM and IMAC, Australia, presented at 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, Australia, 13 July 2009 - 17 July 2009
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Evans JP, 2009, 'Water balance in the murray-darling basin and the recent drought as modelled with WRF', in 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM 2009 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings, pp. 2790 - 2797
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Liu Y; McCabe MF; Evans JP; Van dijk AIJM; de Jeu RAM; Su H, 2009, 'Comparison of soil moisture in GLDAS model simulations and satellite observations over the Murray Darling Basin', in Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM and IMAC, Australia, presented at 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, Australia
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Liu YY; McCabe MF; Evans JP; van Dijk AIJM; de Jeu RAM; Su H, 2009, 'Comparison of soil moisture in GLDAS model simulations and satellite observations over the Murray Darling Basin', in 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM 2009 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings, pp. 2798 - 2804
    Conference Papers | 2009
    McCabe MF; Liu Y; Vinukollu R; Su H; Evans JP; Wood EF, 2009, 'Comparison of latent heat flux estimates over Australia', in Proceedings of the 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM and IMAC, Australia, presented at 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, Australia
    Conference Papers | 2009
    McCabe MF; Liu YY; Vinukollu R; Su H; Evans JP; Wood EF, 2009, 'Comparison of latent heat flux estimates over Australia', in 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM 2009 - International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Interfacing Modelling and Simulation with Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Proceedings, pp. 2805 - 2811
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Evans JP; Smith RB, 2005, 'Classifying precipitation events in the fertile crescent', in 85th AMS Annual Meeting, American Meteorological Society - Combined Preprints, pp. 2185 - 2191
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Evans JP; Smith RB; Oglesby RJ, 2003, 'Precipitation processes in the Middle East', in Proceedings International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, UWA UniPrint, Western Australia, presented at MODSIM 2003: International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Townsville, Qld, 14 July 2003 - 17 July 2003
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Evans J; Oglesby R; Maasch K; Smith R, 2002, 'Investigation of middle eastern climate using a regional climate model', in 13TH SYMPOSIUM ON GLOBAL CHANGE AND CLIMATE VARIATIONS, AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, FL, ORLANDO, pp. 57 - 59, presented at 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations, FL, ORLANDO, 13 January 2002 - 17 January 2002,
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Jakeman AJ; Evans JP; Oglesby RJ, 1998, 'Hydrology for climate and earth system models', in Sydow A; Yu JY (ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1998 CONFERENCE ON MISSION EARTH: MODELING AND SIMULATION OF THE EARTH SYSTEM, SOC COMPUTER SIMULATION, CA, SAN DIEGO, pp. VIII - XIII, presented at Conference on Mission Earth - Modelling and Simulation of the Earth System, at the 1998 Western MultiConference, CA, SAN DIEGO, 11 January 1998 - 14 January 1998,
    Preprints |
    Devanand A; Evans JP; Abramowitz G; Hobeichi S; Pitman AJ, ­­­What is the Probability that a Drought Will Break in Australia?,
    Preprints |
    Grose M; Narsey S; Trancoso R; Mackallah C; Delage F; Dowdy A; Di Virgilio G; Watterson I; Dobrohotoff P; Rashid HA; Rauniyar S; Henley B; Thatcher M; Syktus J; Abramowitz G; Evans JP; Su C-H; Takbash A, A Cmip6-Based Multi-Model Downscaling Ensemble to Underpin Climate Change Services in Australia, ,
    Preprints |
    Ji F; Nishant N; Evans JP; Di Virgilio G; Cheung KKW; Tam E; Beyer K; Riley ML, Introducing Narclim1.5: Evaluation and Projection of Climate Extremes for Southeast Australia,

2021 Awarded the Biennial Medal of theModelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand career award for outstanding contributions to modelling and simulation over a sustained period of time.

2021Elected Fellow of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand

2021Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales

2017 Priestley Medal. Australian Meteorology and Oceanography (AMOS) mid-career award.

2017 Green Globe Sustainability Champion Award Finalist

2015 Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand President’s mid-career plenary lecture.

2013 Awarded a visiting fellowship for senior international scientists by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2012 Australian Research Council Future Fellowship

2008 Australian Agricultural Industries Young Innovators and Scientists Award given by the Australian federal department of by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

2007 Australian Research Council Australian Research Fellowship

My Research Goals

  • Understanding climate hazards and how they will change due to climate change.
  • Understanding the water cycle at regional scales
  • Quantifying the strength of land-atmosphere interaction
  • Producing robust regional climate projections
  • Investigation of climate change impacts on various human and natural systems
  • Improve our understanding and modelling of unusual bushfire behaviour

My Research in Detail

My group currently includes multiple post-doctoral researchers and PhD students, along with collaborations with several faculty members and co-supervision of other post-docs and PhD students. The research is centred around issues in regional climate and water resources. I have a strong background in mathematics and hence much of my research has involved development and application of modelling tools. My current research involves questions about the regional impacts of changes in climate - both past and future - and the strength of the interaction between the land surface and atmosphere. My main interests include modeling regional climate, interdisciplinary studies of water resource issues, changing climate impacts on water quantity and changing land use impacts on water. Several of the main research projects undertaken within the group are outlined below.


(Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) is an international project providing global coordination of Regional Climate Downscaling for improved regional climate change adaptation and impact assessment. I am lead of the domain. This project is focused on downscaling CMIP5 Global Climate Model simulations and, along with NARCliM, will provide the most comprehensive regional scale climate projections to date.

NSW / ACT Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project

is producing an ensemble of regional climate projections over south-east Australia in collaboration with the NSW government Office of Environment and Heritage. These simulations will be used to investigate regional climate processes and their future changes, as well as facilitating climate change impacts and adaptation research.

East Coast Low project

This project is part of the Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative (ESCCI) sponsored by the NSW government Office of Environment and Heritage. The focus of this project is to use relatively high resolution (10km) regional climate model simulations to investigate how the frequency and intensity of East Coast Lows may change in the future due to global warming. These storm systems often develop quickly and can remain relatively small spatially, making them difficult for global models to capture. The project will also attempt to quantify the influence of local topography and sea surface temperatures on the East Coast Lows.

Sub-daily precipitation extremes

This project is an international collaboration initiated by the GEWEX Hydroclimate Panel. Several studies have used local data to show that sub-daily precipitation extremes can be intensifying even if at daily and longer time-scales this is not the case. This project is aiming to bring together a large dataset of high quality sub-daily precipitation from around the globe. Trends in this sub-daily precipitation can then be investigated globally including questions around mechanistic causes and model capabilities.

Extreme bushfire dynamics

This project attempts to understand the physical processes behind some of the most unusual and extreme bushfire events. The main tool for this work is a coupled atmosphere-fire model which facilitates the dynamic interaction of the atmosphere, fire and the terrain.

Murray-Darling Basin Project

This project focuses on land-atmosphere interactions in the Murray-Darling Basin. I am attempting to answer questions concerning the effects of land-atmosphere feedbacks on precipitation in the watershed. What is the extent of precipitation recylcing in the MDB? Where is the land-atmosphere interaction strongest?

The major tool for this study is a regional climate model. In this case I am using a version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.

This work contributes to the .

My Research Supervision

  • Water vapour source region influences on Australian drought
  • Statistical Methods for Climate Model Ensembles
  • How will climate change effect thunderstorm characteristics?
  • How intense will design storms become with rising temperatures?
  • The impact of climate change on renewable energy production
  • The impact of climate change on solar energy technologies
  • Climate change impacts on short duration rainfall extremes