Dr Jesse Laeuchli
Certified Ethical Hacker
Dr Laeuchli received his PhD from the College of William and Mary, where his dissertation was titled Methods for Estimating the Diagonal of Matrix Functions. His current research interests are in the intersection of Cyber Security, Linear Algebra, and Quantum Computing. He also has an interest in hands on hacking and systems breaking, and has undertaken security reviews and pen tests for a variety of organizations, including the Australian Government.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Defense Innovation Network Quantum Methods for Securing Remote Devices - $136,000 Jesse Laeuchli, Arash Shaghaghi
HERMES EU travel funding - $10,000 Jesse Laeuchli
CSCRC IoT Data Security and Assurance Framework for Intelligent Transport 2023 - $528,000 Arash Shaghaghi, Jesse Laeuchli, Flora Prof Sanjay Jha, Gustavo Batista, Aleksander Ignjatovic
HSE | Cyber Security CRC COVID-19 team – Cyber Security CRC award for support to Australian government contract tracing app.
National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship 2013-2016Â
I am interested in many different applications of numerical linear algebra, particularly to cyber security. I have research in the area of graph analytics, differential privacy, and fundamental algorithms in numerical linear algebra. Most recently I have become interested in the intersection of cyber security and quantum computing, and have recently proposed a series of devices for remote memory attestation using quantum effects.Â
My Research Supervision
Xinzhang Chen