Associate Professor Judy Hart
PhD, Monash University, 2007
Bachelor of Engineering (Materials), Monash University, 2002
Judy completed her PhD in the Department of Materials Engineering at Monash University, where she studied novel processing methods for nanocrystalline TiO2 films for dye-sensitised solar cells. She then moved to the U.K., where she worked on the development of titanate nanotubes as materials for hydrogen storage as a post-doctoral research at the University of Bath. She was then awarded a Ramsay Memorial Fellowship, which she held in the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol. She stayed at the University of Bristol for five years, as a research fellow, post-doctoral researcher and lecturer, before joining the School of Materials Science & Engineering at 麻豆社madou.
Professional Experience
- Senior Lecturer, School of Materials Science & Engineering, 麻豆社madou, 2017 鈥
- Lecturer, School of Materials Science & Engineering, 麻豆社madou, 2013 鈥 2017
- Lecturer, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 2011 鈥 2012
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 2009 鈥 2011
- Ramsay Memorial Fellow, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 2007 鈥 2009
- Post-doctoral Research Officer, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, United Kingdom, 2006 鈥 2007
Judy's research interests are in developing new semiconducting materials, particularly solid solutions, heterostructures and doped materials, for use in renewable energy applications such as photocatalysis and solar cells. This is done using a combination of computational (e.g. density functional theory) and experimental approaches. The focus of this work is understanding relationships between composition and properties and finding effective ways of using computational and experimental techniques in parallel.
Judy is a passionate teacher. She has worked on the development of online resources for teaching materials science and engineering at all levels. She has written on blended teaching in first year materials science and is a co-author of the 1st Australian & New Zealand edition of "Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction".
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
ARC Discovery Project, 鈥淒esigning a photo-electro-catalysis system for selective organic oxidation鈥, 2021-2023
ARC Linkage Project, 鈥淣ew ceramic: Fully stabilised monoclinic ZrO2 by Al2O3 + SiO2 additions鈥, 2020-2023
My Teaching
MATS1192: Design and Application of Materials in Science and Engineering
MATS3001: Micromechanisms of Mechanical Behaviour of Metals
MATS4007: Engineered Surfaces to Resist Corrosion and Wear
MATS6110: Computational Materials Science