Dr Junbum Kwon
Research Interests:
Substantive: Content (Keyword, Topic, Voice, Picture, Video) analysis in mass & social media, ad, and product review, Ad effectiveness: social-issue and comparative ad, Product segmentation, Consumer purchase journey, Internet & Mobile search, Entrepreneurial marketing, Digital health communication
Methodological: Text-mining, Topic model, Machine learning, Deep learning, Econometrics, Structure model, Market-structure analysis, Network analysis, Topological data analysis, Bayesian analysis, Empirical industrial organization, Quasi-experiment, Cognitive science
Industry: IT, High-tech, Internet-of-Things, Wearable, Media, Beauty, Smartphone, TV
PhD, Marketing, University of Toronto
MS Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology
B. Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Information Systems, B. Business Administration, Ajou University
Ìý- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision