
Professor Katrin Meissner

Professor Katrin Meissner

Climate Change Research Centre

My personal webpage can be accessed .

I am interested in abrupt climate change events as well as thresholds and feedbacks in the climate system. I use Earth System Climate Models in conjunction with palaeoclimate records to improve our understanding of the basic mechanisms underlying climate variability and climate change, particularly in the context of terrestrial biogeochemical cycles and ocean circulation.

I am the Director of the . I am also an Associate Investigator of the Australian Research Council's 

+61 2 9385 8962
  • Book Chapters | 2019
    Weaver AJ; Eby M; Wiebe EC; Bitz CM; Duffy PB; Ewen TL; Fanning AF; Holland MM; MacFadyen A; Matthews HD; Meissner KJ; Saenko O; Schmittner A; Wang H; Yoshimori M, 2019, 'The UVic Earth System Climate Model: Model Description, Climatology, and Applications to Past, Present and Future Climates', in Data, Models and Analysis, Routledge, pp. 169 - 236,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Hoegh-Guldberg O; Jacob D; Taylor M; Bindi M; Brown S; Camilloni I; Diedhiou A; Djalante A; Ebi K; Engelbrecht F; Guiot J; Hijioka Y; Mehrotra S; Payne A; Seneviratne S; Thomas A; Warren R; Zhou G; Halim SA; Achlatis M; Alexander LV; Allen M; Berry P; Boyer C; Byers E; Brilli L; Buckeridge M; Cheung W; Craig M; Ellis N; Evans J; Fischer H; Fraedrich K; Fuss S; Ganase A; Gattuso JP; Greve P; Bolaños TG; Hanasaki N; Hasegawa T; Hayes K; Hirsch A; Jones C; Jung T; Kanninen M; Krinner G; Lawrence D; Lenton T; Ley D; Liverman D; Mahowald N; McInnes K; Meissner K; Millar R; Mintenbeck K; Mitchell D; Mix AC; Notz D; Nurse L; Okem A; Olsson L; Oppenheimer M; Paz S; Petersen J; Petzold J; Preuschmann S; Rahman MF; Rogelj J; Scheuffele H; Schleussner C-F; Scott D; Séférian R; Sillmann J; Singh C; Slade R; Stephenson K; Stephenson T; Sylla MB; Tebboth M; Tschakert P; Vautard R; Wartenburger R; Wehner M; Weyer NM; Whyte F; Yohe G; Zhang X; Zougmoré RB, 2018, 'Impacts of 1.5ºC global warming on natural and human systems', in Masson-Delmotte V; Zhai P; Pörtner HO; Roberts D; Skea J; Shukla PR; Pirani A; Moufouma-Okia W; Péan C; Pidcock R; Connors S; Matthews JBR; Chen Y; Zhou X; Gomis MI; Lonnoy E; Maycock T; Tignor M; Waterfield T (ed.), Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty, IPCC Secretariat, pp. 175 - 311,
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Meissner KJ; Montenegro A; Avis C, 2009, 'Paleoceanography', in Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, pp. 448 - 472,
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Meissner K; Montenegro A; Avis CA, 2008, 'Paleoceanography', in Gornitz V (ed.), Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments, edn. Original, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 690 - 696
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Clark PU; Hostetler SW; Pisias NG; Schmittner A; Meissner K, 2007, 'Mechanisms for an ~7-kyr climate and sea-level oscillation during marine isotope stage 3', in Schmittner A; Chiang JCH; Hemmings S (ed.), Ocean Circulation: Mechanisms and Impacts Past and future Changes of Meridional Overturning (Geophysical Monograph), Amer Geophysical Union, pp. 209 - 246
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Meissner K, 2007, 'Conclusion: Reconstructing and Modelling Past Oceans', in Hillaire-Marcel C; de Vernal A (ed.), Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography, Volume 1 (Developments in Marine Geology), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 199 - 812
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Meissner KJ, 2007, 'Conclusion Reconstructing and Modeling Past Oceans', in , pp. 799 - 811,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Dutta D; Sherwood SC; Meissner KJ; Jucker M, 2024, 'Low latitude mesospheric clouds in a warmer climate', Atmospheric Science Letters, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Goosse H; Brovkin V; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Mouchet A; Muscheler R; Nilsson A, 2024, 'Atmospheric Δ14C in the northern and southern hemispheres over the past two millennia: Role of production rate, southern hemisphere westerly winds and ocean circulation changes', Quaternary Science Reviews, 326,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hutchinson DK; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Hogg AMC, 2024, 'East Antarctic warming forced by ice loss during the Last Interglacial', Nature Communications, 15,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Saini H; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Kvale K, 2024, 'Transient Response of Southern Ocean Ecosystems During Heinrich Stadials', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 39,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yeung NKH; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Choudhury D; Ziehn T; Chamberlain MA, 2024, 'Last Interglacial subsurface warming on the Antarctic shelf triggered by reduced deep-ocean convection', Communications Earth and Environment, 5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dutta D; Jucker M; Sherwood SC; Meissner KJ; Sen Gupta A; Zhu J, 2023, 'Early Eocene low orography and high methane enhance Arctic warming via polar stratospheric clouds', Nature Geoscience, 16, pp. 1027 - 1032,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Dutta D; Sherwood SC; Jucker M; Gupta AS; Meissner KJ, 2023, 'Can Polar Stratospheric Clouds Explain Arctic Amplification?', Journal of Climate, 36, pp. 2313 - 2332,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Saini H; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Kvale K, 2023, 'Impact of iron fertilisation on atmospheric CO2 during the last glaciation', Climate of the Past, 19, pp. 1559 - 1584,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Singh T; Jalaludin B; Hajat S; Morgan GG; Meissner K; Kaldor J; Green D; Jegasothy E, 2023, 'Acute air pollution and temperature exposure as independent and joint triggers of spontaneous preterm birth in New South Wales, Australia: a time-to-event analysis', Frontiers in Public Health, 11,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Choudhury D; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Yeung NKH; Chamberlain M; Ziehn T, 2022, 'Marine carbon cycle response to a warmer Southern Ocean: The case of the last interglacial', Climate of the Past, 18, pp. 507 - 523,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Crosta X; Kohfeld KE; Bostock HC; Chadwick M; Vivier AD; Esper O; Etourneau J; Jones J; Leventer A; Müller J; Rhodes RH; Allen CS; Ghadi P; Lamping N; Lange CB; Lawler KA; Lund D; Marzocchi A; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Nair A; Patterson M; Pike J; Prebble JG; Riesselman C; Sadatzki H; Sime LC; Shukla SK; Thöle L; Vorrath ME; Xiao W; Yang J, 2022, 'Antarctic sea ice over the past 130 000 years - Part 1: a review of what proxy records tell us', Climate of the Past, 18, pp. 1729 - 1756,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Goosse H; Barriat PY; Brovkin V; Klein F; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Mouchet A, 2022, 'Changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past two millennia: contribution of climate variability, land-use and Southern Ocean dynamics', Climate Dynamics, 58, pp. 2957 - 2979,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Green RA; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Crosta X; Chandan D; Lohmann G; Peltier WR; Shi X; Zhu J, 2022, 'Evaluating seasonal sea-ice cover over the Southern Ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum', Climate of the Past, 18, pp. 845 - 862,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mackallah C; Chamberlain MA; Law RM; Dix M; Ziehn T; Bi D; Bodman R; Brown JR; Dobrohotoff P; Druken K; Evans B; Harman IN; Hayashida H; Holmes R; Kiss AE; Lenton A; Liu Y; Marsland S; Meissner K; Menviel L; O'farrell S; Rashid HA; Ridzwan S; Savita A; Srbinovsky J; Sullivan A; Trenham C; Vohralik PF; Wang YP; Williams G; Woodhouse MT; Yeung N, 2022, 'ACCESS datasets for CMIP6: Methodology and idealised experiments', Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science, 72, pp. 93 - 116,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Meissner KJ; Oschlies A, 2022, 'Plate tectonics controls ocean oxygen levels', Nature, 608, pp. 480 - 481,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Abram NJ; Henley BJ; Gupta AS; Lippmann TJR; Clarke H; Dowdy AJ; Sharples JJ; Nolan RH; Zhang T; Wooster MJ; Wurtzel JB; Meissner KJ; Pitman AJ; Ukkola AM; Murphy BP; Tapper NJ; Boer MM, 2021, 'Connections of climate change and variability to large and extreme forest fires in southeast Australia', Communications Earth and Environment, 2,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Aguiar W; Meissner KJ; Montenegro A; Prado L; Wainer I; Carlson AE; Mata MM, 2021, 'Magnitude of the 8.2 ka event freshwater forcing based on stable isotope modelling and comparison to future Greenland melting', Scientific Reports, 11,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Bengtson SA; Menviel LC; Meissner KJ; Missiaen L; Peterson CD; Lisiecki LE; Joos F, 2021, 'Lower oceanic 13C during the last interglacial period compared to the Holocene', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 507 - 528,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Choudhury D; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Yeung NKH; Chamberlain M; Ziehn T, 2021, 'Marine carbon cycle response to a warmer Southern Ocean: the case of the Last Interglacial', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dutta D; Sherwood SC; Meissner KJ; Gupta ASEN; Lunt DJ; Tourte GJL; Colman R; Narsey S; Fuchs D; Brown JR, 2021, 'A multimodel investigation of atmospheric mechanisms for driving arctic amplification in warmer climates', Journal of Climate, 34, pp. 5723 - 5740,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Goosse H; Lyu Z; Menviel L; Meissner K; Mouchet A, 2021, 'Influence of Southern Ocean dynamics on Antarctic temperatures and on the global carbon cycle over the past two millennia.', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kageyama M; Sime LC; Sicard M; Guarino MV; De Vernal A; Stein R; Schroeder D; Malmierca-Vallet I; Abe-Ouchi A; Bitz C; Braconnot P; Brady EC; Cao J; Chamberlain MA; Feltham D; Guo C; Legrande AN; Lohmann G; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Morozova P; Nisancioglu KH; Otto-Bliesner BL; O'Ishi R; Buarque SR; Melia DSY; Sherriff-Tadano S; Stroeve J; Shi X; Sun B; Tomas RA; Volodin E; Yeung NKH; Zhang Q; Zhang Z; Zheng W; Ziehn T, 2021, 'A multi-model CMIP6-PMIP4 study of Arctic sea ice at 127 ka: Sea ice data compilation and model differences', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 37 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2021
    King-Hei Yeung N; Menviel L; J Meissner K; Taschetto AS; Ziehn T; Chamberlain M; Yeung N; Meissner K, 2021, 'Land-sea temperature contrasts at the Last Interglacial and their impact on the hydrological cycle', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 869 - 885,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kvale K; Keller DP; Koeve W; Meissner KJ; Somes CJ; Yao W; Oschlies A, 2021, 'Explicit silicate cycling in the Kiel Marine Biogeochemistry Model version 3 (KMBM3) embedded in the UVic ESCM version 2.9', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 7255 - 7285,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Meissner KJ; Brook E; Finkelstein SA; Rae J, 2021, 'Carbon cycle dynamics during episodes of rapid climate change', Environmental Research Letters, 16,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Menviel L; Govin A; Avenas A; Meissner K; Grant K; Tzedakis P, 2021, 'Drivers of the evolution and amplitude of African Humid Periods', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Menviel L; Govin A; Avenas A; Meissner KJ; Grant KM; Tzedakis PC, 2021, 'Drivers of the evolution and amplitude of African Humid Periods', Communications Earth and Environment, 2, pp. 237,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Misra R; Sérazin G; Meissner KJ; Sen Gupta A, 2021, 'Projected Changes to Australian Marine Heatwaves', Geophysical Research Letters, 48,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Otto-Bliesner BL; Brady EC; Zhao A; Brierley CM; Axford Y; Capron E; Govin A; Hoffman JS; Isaacs E; Kageyama M; Scussolini P; Tzedakis PC; Williams CJR; Wolff E; Abe-Ouchi A; Braconnot P; Ramos Buarque S; Cao J; De Vernal A; Vittoria Guarino M; Guo C; Legrande AN; Lohmann G; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Morozova PA; Nisancioglu KH; O'Ishi R; Mélia DSY; Shi X; Sicard M; Sime L; Stepanek C; Tomas R; Volodin E; Yeung NKH; Zhang Q; Zhang Z; Zheng W, 2021, 'Large-scale features of Last Interglacial climate: Results from evaluating the lig127k simulations for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6)-Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4)', Climate of the Past, 17, pp. 63 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Saini H; Kvale K; Chase Z; Kohfeld KE; Meissner KJ; Menviel L, 2021, 'Southern Ocean Ecosystem Response to Last Glacial Maximum Boundary Conditions', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Aguiar W; Prado LF; Wainer I; Liu Z; Montenegro A; Meissner KJ; Mata MM, 2020, 'Freshwater forcing control on early-Holocene South American monsoon', Quaternary Science Reviews, 245, pp. 106498,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bengtson SA; Menviel LC; Meissner KJ; Missiaen L; Peterson CD; Lisiecki LE; Joos F, 2020, 'Lower oceanic 𝛿<sup>13</sup>C during the Last Interglacial compared to the Holocene', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dhame S; Taschetto AS; Santoso A; Meissner KJ, 2020, 'Indian Ocean warming modulates global atmospheric circulation trends', Climate Dynamics, 55, pp. 2053 - 2073,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Green RA; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Crosta X, 2020, 'Evaluating seasonal sea-ice cover over the Southern Ocean from the Last Glacial Maximum', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mengis N; Keller DP; MacDougall A; Eby M; Wright N; Meissner KJ; Oschlies A; Schmittner A; Matthews HD; Zickfeld K, 2020, 'Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10)', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mengis N; Keller DP; Macdougall AH; Eby M; Wright N; Meissner KJ; Oschlies A; Schmittner A; Macisaac AJ; Damon Matthews H; Zickfeld K, 2020, 'Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10)', Geoscientific Model Development, 13, pp. 4183 - 4204,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Missiaen L; Menviel LC; Meissner KJ; Roche DM; Dutay JC; Bouttes N; Lhardy F; Quiquet A; Pichat S; Waelbroeck C, 2020, 'Modelling the impact of biogenic particle flux intensity and composition on sedimentary Pa/Th', Quaternary Science Reviews, 240, pp. 106394,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Saini H; Kvale KF; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Missiaen L, 2020, 'Modelled response of marine ecosystems to Last Glacial Maximum forcing', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Shevenell A; Delaney P; Meissner K; Menviel L; Mix AC, 2020, 'Paleoceanography lessons for a changing world', Oceanography, 33, pp. 13 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yeung NKH; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Taschetto AS; Ziehn T; Chamberlain M, 2020, 'Weak Southern Hemispheric monsoons during the Last Interglacial period', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Bengtson SA; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Sisson SA; Wilkin J, 2019, 'Evaluating the Extent of North Atlantic Deep Water and the Mean Atlantic δ13C From Statistical Reconstructions', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34, pp. 1022 - 1036,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gottschalk J; Battaglia G; Fischer H; Frölicher TL; Jaccard SL; Jeltsch-Thömmes A; Joos F; Köhler P; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Nehrbass-Ahles C; Schmitt J; Schmittner A; Skinner LC; Stocker TF, 2019, 'Mechanisms of millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 change in numerical model simulations', Quaternary Science Reviews, 220, pp. 30 - 74,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kvale KF; Turner KE; Landolfi A; Meissner KJ, 2019, 'Phytoplankton calcifiers control nitrate cycling and the pace of transition in warming icehouse and cooling greenhouse climates', Biogeosciences, 16, pp. 1019 - 1034,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yeung NKH; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Sikes E, 2019, 'Assessing the Spatial Origin of Meltwater Pulse 1A Using Oxygen-Isotope Fingerprinting', Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34, pp. 2031 - 2046,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Asrat A; Braconnot P; Book E; Chiesi C; Evans MN; Gell P; Gillson L; Goosse H; Jian Z; Kaufman DS; Kucera M; Meissner K; Tinner W; Valeo-Garcés BL; Yokoyama Y; Capron E, 2018, 'New data-availability procedures echo PAGES’ long-standing commitment', Past Global Change Magazine, 26, pp. 48 - 48,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fischer H; Meissner KJ; Mix AC; Abram NJ; Austermann J; Brovkin V; Capron E; Colombaroli D; Daniau AL; Dyez KA; Felis T; Finkelstein SA; Jaccard SL; McClymont EL; Rovere A; Sutter J; Wolff EW; Affolter S; Bakker P; Ballesteros-Cánovas JA; Barbante C; Caley T; Carlson AE; Churakova (Sidorova) O; Cortese G; Cumming BF; Davis BAS; de Vernal A; Emile-Geay J; Fritz SC; Gierz P; Gottschalk J; Holloway MD; Joos F; Kucera M; Loutre MF; Lunt DJ; Marcisz K; Marlon JR; Martinez P; Masson-Delmotte V; Nehrbass-Ahles C; Otto-Bliesner BL; Raible CC; Risebrobakken B; Goñi MFS; Arrigo JS; Sarnthein M; Sjolte J; Stocker TF; Alvárez PAV; Tinner W; Valdes PJ; Vogel H; Wanner H; Yan Q; Yu Z; Ziegler M; Zhou L, 2018, 'Erratum to: Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond (Nature Geoscience, (2018), 11, 7, (474-485), 10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0)', Nature Geoscience, 11, pp. 615,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fischer H; Meissner KJ; Mix AC; Abram NJ; Austermann J; Brovkin V; Capron E; Colombaroli D; Daniau AL; Dyez KA; Felis T; Finkelstein SA; Jaccard SL; McClymont EL; Rovere A; Sutter J; Wolff EW; Affolter S; Bakker P; Ballesteros-Cánovas JA; Barbante C; Caley T; Carlson AE; Churakova O; Cortese G; Cumming BF; Davis BAS; De Vernal A; Emile-Geay J; Fritz SC; Gierz P; Gottschalk J; Holloway MD; Joos F; Kucera M; Loutre MF; Lunt DJ; Marcisz K; Marlon JR; Martinez P; Masson-Delmotte V; Nehrbass-Ahles C; Otto-Bliesner BL; Raible CC; Risebrobakken B; Sánchez Goñi MF; Arrigo JS; Sarnthein M; Sjolte J; Stocker TF; Velasquez Alvárez PA; Tinner W; Valdes PJ; Vogel H; Wanner H; Yan Q; Yu Z; Ziegler M; Zhou L, 2018, 'Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °c anthropogenic warming and beyond', Nature Geoscience, 11, pp. 474 - 485,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kvale KF; Turner KE; Keller DP; Meissner KJ, 2018, 'Asymmetric dynamical ocean responses in warming icehouse and cooling greenhouse climates', Environmental Research Letters, 13, pp. 125011,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Menviel L; Spence P; Yu J; Chamberlain MA; Matear RJ; Meissner KJ; England MH, 2018, 'Southern Hemisphere westerlies as a driver of the early deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise', Nature Communications, 9, pp. 2503,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Naughten KA; Meissner KJ; Galton-Fenzi BK; England MH; Timmermann R; Hellmer HH; Hattermann T; Debernard JB, 2018, 'Intercomparison of Antarctic ice-shelf, ocean, and sea-ice interactions simulated by MetROMS-iceshelf and FESOM 1.4', Geoscientific Model Development, 11, pp. 1257 - 1292,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Naughtena KA; Meissner KJ; Galton-Fenzi BK; England MH; Timmermann R; Hellmer HH; Naughten K, 2018, 'Future Projections of Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Based on CMIP5 Scenarios', Journal of Climate, 31, pp. 5243 - 5261,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bagniewski W; Meissner KJ; Menviel L, 2017, 'Exploring the oxygen isotope fingerprint of Dansgaard-Oeschger variability and Heinrich events', Quaternary Science Reviews, 159, pp. 1 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cooper N; Green D; Meissner K, 2017, 'The Australian National Pollutant Inventory Fails to Fulfil Its Legislated Goals', Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 14,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fischer H; Mix AC; Meissner KJ, 2017, 'Lessons learnt from paleoscience on a possible 1.5–2°C warmer world in the future', Past Global Changes Magazine, 25, pp. 116 - 116,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Kvale KF; Meissner KJ, 2017, 'Primary production sensitivity to phytoplankton light attenuation parameter increases with transient forcing', Biogeosciences, 14, pp. 4767 - 4780,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Meissner KJ; Bralower TJ, 2017, 'Palaeoclimate: Volcanism caused ancient global warming', Nature, 548, pp. 531 - 533,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Menviel L; Yu J; Joos F; Mouchet A; Meissner KJ; England MH, 2017, 'Poorly ventilated deep ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum inferred from carbon isotopes: A data-model comparison study', Paleoceanography, 32, pp. 2 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Naughten KA; Galton-Fenzi BK; Meissner KJ; England MH; Brassington GB; Colberg F; Hattermann T; Debernard JB, 2017, 'Spurious sea ice formation caused by oscillatory ocean tracer advection schemes', Ocean Modelling, 116, pp. 108 - 117,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Niemeyer D; Kemena TP; Meissner KJ; Oschlies A, 2017, 'A model study of warming-induced phosphorus-oxygen feedbacks in open-ocean oxygen minimum zones on millennial timescales', Earth System Dynamics, 8, pp. 357 - 367,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Huiskamp WN; Meissner KJ; d’Orgeville M, 2016, 'Competition between ocean carbon pumps in simulations with varying Southern Hemisphere westerly wind forcing', Climate Dynamics, 46, pp. 3463 - 3480,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Alexander K; Meissner KJ; Bralower TJ, 2015, 'Sudden spreading of corrosive bottom water during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum', Nature Geoscience, 8, pp. 458 - 461,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bagniewski W; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Brennan CE, 2015, 'Quantification of factors impacting seawater and calcite δ18O during Heinrich Stadials 1 and 4', Paleoceanography, 30, pp. 895 - 911,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kvale KF; Meissner KJ; Keller DP; Eby M; Schmittner A, 2015, 'Explicit Planktic Calcifiers in the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model, Version 2.9', Atmosphere - Ocean, 53, pp. 332 - 350,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kvale KF; Meissner KJ; Keller DP, 2015, 'Potential increasing dominance of heterotrophy in the global ocean', Environmental Research Letters, 10,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Meissner KJ, 2015, 'Palaeoclimate: The dynamics of cold events', Nature Geoscience, 8, pp. 904 - 906,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Menviel L; Mouchet A; Meissner KJ; Joos F; England MH, 2015, 'Impact of oceanic circulation changes on atmospheric δ13CO2', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, pp. 1944 - 1961,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bralower TJ; Meissner KJ; Alexander K; Thomas DJ, 2014, 'The dynamics of global change at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: A data-model comparison', Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15, pp. 3830 - 3848,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Meissner KJ; Golledge NR; Spence P; Roberts JL; England MH; Jones RT; Carter L; Spence P, 2014, 'Testing the sensitivity of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet to Southern Ocean dynamics: Past changes and future implications', Journal of Quaternary Science, 29, pp. 91 - 98,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fogwill CJ; Turney CSM; Meissner KJ; Golledge NR; Spence P; Roberts JL; England MH; Jones RT; Carter L, 2014, 'Erratum to Testing the sensitivity of the East Antarctic ice sheet to southern ocean dynamics: Past changes and future implications [Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 91-98]', Journal of Quaternary Science, 29, pp. 508 - 508,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Meissner KJ; Bralower TJ; Alexander K; Jones TD; Sijp W; Ward M, 2014, 'The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: How much carbon is enough?', Paleoceanography, 29, pp. 946 - 963,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Menviel L; England MH; Meissner KJ; Mouchet A; Yu J, 2014, 'Atlantic-Pacific seesaw and its role in outgassing CO2 during Heinrich events', Paleoceanography, 29, pp. 58 - 70,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Brennan CE; Meissner KJ; Eby M; Hillaire-Marcel C; Weaver A, 2013, 'Impact of sea ice variability on the oxygen isotope content of seawater under glacial and interglacial conditions', Paleoceanography, 28, pp. 388 - 400,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Huiskamp WN; Meissner KJ, 2013, 'Oceanic carbon and water masses during the Mystery Interval: A model-data comparison study', Paleoceanography, 27,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ridder N; Meissner K; England M, 2013, 'Sensitivity of the oceanic carbon reservoir to tropical surface wind stress variations', Geophysical Research Letters, 40, pp. 2218 - 2223,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Brennan ; Weaver ; Eby M; Meissner K, 2012, 'Modelling oxygen isotopes in the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model for Pre-industrial and Last Glacial Maximum Conditions', Atmosphere - Ocean, 50, pp. 447 - 465,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Kvale K; Zickfeld K; Bruckner ; Meissner K; Tanaka K; Weaver , 2012, 'Carbon dioxide emission pathways avoiding dangerous ocean impacts', Weather, Climate, and Society, 4, pp. 212 - 229,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Meissner K; Eby M; Wiebe EC; McNeil BI, 2012, 'The importance of the terrestrial weathering feedback for multimillennial coral reef habitat recovery', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, pp. Article numberGB3017,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Meissner K; Lippmann T; Sen Gupta AR, 2012, 'Large-scale stress factors affecting coral reefs: open ocean sea surface temperature and surface seawater aragonite saturation over the next 400 years', Coral Reefs, 31, pp. 309 - 319,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Meissner K; McNeil BI; Eby M; Wiebe EC, 2012, 'Multi-millennial coral reef habitat recovery: the importance of the terrestrial weathering feedback', Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, pp. GB3017,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wania R; Meissner K; Eby M; Arora V; Ross ; Weaver A, 2012, 'Carbon-nitrogen feedbacks in the UVic ESCM', Geoscientific Model Development, 5, pp. 1137 - 1160,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Avis CA; Weaver AJ; Meissner K, 2011, 'Reduction in areal extent of high-latitude wetlands in response to permafrost thaw', Nature Geoscience, 4, pp. 444 - 448,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kvale K; Meissner K; Dorgeville M; Matear R; McNeil BI; England MH, 2011, 'The combined impact of CO2-dependent parameterisations of Redfield and Rain ratios on ocean carbonate saturation', Biogeosciences Discussions, 8, pp. 6265 - 6280,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Montenegro A; Spence P; Meissner K; Eby M; Melchin MJ; Johnston ST, 2011, 'Climate simulations of the Permian-Triassic boundary: Ocean acidification and the extinction event', Paleoceanography, 26, pp. PA3207,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Dorgeville M; Sijp WP; England MH; Meissner K, 2010, 'On the control of glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 variations by the Southern Hemisphere westerlies', Geophysical Research Letters, 37, pp. L21703 - L21708,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Fyke J; Carter L; Macintosh A; Weaver AJ; Meissner K, 2010, 'Surface Melting over Ice Shelves and Ice Sheets as Assessed from Modeled Surface Air Temperatures', Journal of Climate, 23, pp. 1929 - 1936,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Ebv M; Zickfeld K; Montenegro A; Archer D; Meissner KJ; Weaver AJ, 2009, 'Lifetime of anthropogenic climate change: Time-scales of CO2and temperature perturbations', IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6, pp. 042015 - 042015,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Eby M; Zickfeld K; Montenegro A; Archer D; Meissner K; Weaver AJ, 2009, 'Lifetime of Anthropogenic Climate Change: Millennial Time Scales of Potential CO2 and Surface Temperature Perturbations', Journal of Climate, 22, pp. 2501 - 2511,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Meissner K; Eby M; Weaver AJ; Saenko OA, 2008, 'CO2 threshold for millennial-scale oscillations in the climate system: implications for global warming scenarios', Climate Dynamics, 30, pp. 161 - 174,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Carlson AE; Clark PU; Haley BA; Klinkhammer GP; Simmons K; Brook EJ; Meissner K, 2007, 'Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas cold event', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104, pp. 6556 - 6561,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Meissner K, 2007, 'Younger Dryas: A data to model comparison to constrain the strength of the overturning circulation', Geophysical Research Letters, 34, pp. L21705-1 - L21705-5,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Meissner K; Clark PU, 2006, 'Impact of floods versus routing events on the thermohaline circulation', Geophysical Research Letters, 33, pp. L15704-1 - L15704-4,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Montenegro A; Eby M; Kaplan JO; Meissner K; Weaver AJ, 2006, 'Carbon storage on exposed continental shelves during the glacial-interglacial transition', Geophysical Research Letters, 33, pp. L08703-1 - L08703-,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Damon Matthews H; Weaver AJ; Meissner K, 2005, 'Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Dynamics under Recent and Future Climate Change', Journal of Climate, 18, pp. 1609 - 1628,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Meissner K; Galbraith ED; Volker C, 2005, 'Denitrification under glacial and interglacial conditions: A physical approach', Paleoceanography, 20, pp. PA3001-1 - PA3001-13,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Matthews HD; Weaver AJ; Meissner KJ; Gillett NP; Eby M, 2004, 'Natural and anthropogenic climate change: Incorporating historical land cover change, vegetation dynamics and the global carbon cycle', Climate Dynamics, 22, pp. 461 - 479,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Matthews HD; Weaver AJ; Eby M; Meissner KJ, 2003, 'Radiative forcing of climate by historical land cover change', Geophysical Research Letters, 30,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Meissner KJ; Schmittner A; Weaver AJ; Adkins JF, 2003, 'Ventilation of the North Atlantic Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum: A comparison between simulated and observed radiocarbon ages', Paleoceanography, 18,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Meissner KJ; Weaver AJ; Matthews HD; Cox PM, 2003, 'The role of land surface dynamics in glacial inception: A study with the UVic Earth System Model', Climate Dynamics, 21, pp. 515 - 537,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Meissner K; Gerdes R, 2002, 'Coupled climate modelling of ocean circulation changes during ice age inception', Climate Dynamics, 18, pp. 455 - 473,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Meissner KJ; Schmittner A; Wiebe EC; Weaver AJ, 2002, 'Simulations of Heinrich Events in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice model', Geophysical Research Letters, 29, pp. 16-1-16-3
    Journal articles | 2002
    Meissner KJ; Schmittner A; Wiebe EC; Weaver AJ, 2002, 'Simulations of Heinrich Events in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice model', Geophysical Research Letters, 29,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Schmittner A; Meissner KJ; Eby M; Weaver AJ, 2002, 'Forcing of the deep ocean circulation in simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum', Paleoceanography, 17, pp. 5-1-5-15,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Weaver AJ; Eby M; Wiebe EC; Ewen TL; Fanning AF; MacFadyen A; Matthews HD; Meissner KJ; Saenko O; Schmittner A; Yoshimori M; Bitz CM; Holland MM; Duffy PB; Wang H, 2001, 'The UVic earth system climate model: Model description, climatology, and applications to past, present and future climates', Atmosphere - Ocean, 39, pp. 361 - 428,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Choudhury D; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Yeung NKH; Chamberlain M; Ziehn T, 2021, Marine carbon cycle response to a warmer Southern Ocean: the case of the Last Interglacial, ,
    Working Papers | 2020
    Green RA; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Crosta X, 2020, Evaluating seasonal sea-ice cover over the Southern Ocean from the Last Glacial Maximum, Copernicus Publications,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Duboc B; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Yeung NKH; Hoogakker B; Ziehn T; Chamberlain M, 2024, Simulated ocean oxygenation during the interglacials MIS 5e and MIS 9e,
    Other | 2024
    Hutchinson D; Meissner K; Menviel L, 2024, Developing the coupled climate model ACCESS-ESM1.5 for the early Eocene,
    Other | 2024
    Saini H; Meissner K; Menviel L; Kvale K, 2024, Impact of iron fertilisation on Southern Ocean ecosystems and global carbon cycle during the last glacial cycle, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Saini H; Meissner KJ; Kvale KF; Menviel L, 2023, Transient response of Southern Ocean ecosystems during Heinrich stadials,
    Preprints | 2022
    Crosta X; Kohfeld KE; Bostock HC; Chadwick M; Du Vivier A; Esper O; Etourneau J; Jones J; Leventer A; Müller J; Rhodes RH; Allen CS; Ghadi P; Lamping N; Lange C; Lawler K-A; Lund D; Marzocchi A; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Nair A; Patterson M; Pike J; Prebble JG; Riesselman C; Sadatzki H; Sime LC; Shukla SK; Thöle L; Vorrath M-E; Xiao W; Yang J, 2022, Antarctic sea ice over the past 130,000 years, Part 1: A review of what proxy records tell us,
    Other | 2022
    Goosse H; Barriat P-Y; Brovkin V; Klein F; Meissner K; Menviel L; Mouchet A, 2022, Contribution of climate variability, land-use and Southern Ocean dynamics to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past two millennia,
    Other | 2022
    Menviel L; Govin A; Avenas A; Meissner K; Grant K; Tzedakis P, 2022, Drivers of the evolution and amplitude of African Humid Periods,
    Preprints | 2022
    Saini H; Meissner KJ; Menviel L; Kvale K, 2022, Impact of iron fertilisation on atmospheric CO2 during the last glaciation,
    Preprints | 2022
    Yeung N; Menviel L; Meissner K; Choudhury D; Ziehn T; Chamberlain M, 2022, Last Interglacial subsurface warming on the Antarctic shelf triggered by reduced deep-ocean convection,
    Preprints | 2020
    Kageyama M; Sime LC; Sicard M; Guarino M-V; de Vernal A; Schroeder D; Stein R; Malmierca-Vallet I; Abe-Ouchi A; Bitz C; Braconnot P; Brady E; Chamberlain MA; Feltham D; Guo C; Lohmann G; Meissner K; Menviel L; Morozova P; Nisancioglu KH; Otto-Bliesner B; O'ishi R; Sherriff-Tadano S; Stroeve J; Shi X; Sun B; Volodin E; Yeung N; Zhang Q; Zhang Z; Ziehn T, 2020, A multi-model CMIP6 study of Arctic sea ice at 127 ka: Sea ice data compilation and model differences,
    Preprints | 2020
    Kvale K; Keller DP; Koeve W; Meissner KJ; Somes C; Yao W; Oschlies A, 2020, Explicit silicate cycling in the Kiel Marine Biogeochemistry Model, version 3 (KMBM3) embedded in the UVic ESCM version 2.9,
    Preprints | 2020
    Mengis N; Keller DP; MacDougall A; Eby M; Wright N; Meissner KJ; Oschlies A; Schmittner A; Matthews HD; Zickfeld K, 2020, Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10),
    Conference Presentations | 2020
    Missiaen L; Menviel L; Meissner KJ; Bouttes N; Roche DM; Dutay J-C; Quiquet A; Lhardy F; Waelbroeck C; Pichat S, 2020, 'Modelling the impact of biogenic particle flux intensity and composition on sedimentary Pa/Th', presented at EGU General Assembly,
    Preprints | 2020
    Otto-Bliesner BL; Brady EC; Zhao A; Brierley C; Axford Y; Capron E; Govin A; Hoffman J; Isaacs E; Kageyama M; Scussolini P; Tzedakis PC; Williams C; Wolff E; Abe-Ouchi A; Braconnot P; Ramos Buarque S; Cao J; de Vernal A; Guarino MV; Guo C; LeGrande AN; Lohmann G; Meissner K; Menviel L; Nisancioglu K; O'ishi R; Salas Y Melia D; Shi X; Sicard M; Sime L; Tomas R; Volodin E; Yeung N; Zhang Q; Zhang Z; Zheng W, 2020, Large-scale features of Last Interglacial climate: Results from evaluating the <i>lig127k</i> simulations for CMIP6-PMIP4,
    Preprints | 2018
    Kvale KF; Turner KE; Landolfi A; Meissner KJ, 2018, Phytoplankton calcifiers control nitrate cycling and the pace of transition in warming icehouse and cooling greenhouse climates,
    Preprints | 2017
    Kvale KF; Meissner KJ, 2017, Primary production sensitivity to phytoplankton light attenuation parameter increases with transient forcing,
    Preprints | 2017
    Naughten KA; Meissner KJ; Galton-Fenzi BK; England MH; Timmermann R; Hellmer HH; Hattermann T; Debernard JB, 2017, Intercomparison of Antarctic ice shelf, ocean, and sea ice interactions simulated by two models,
    Preprints | 2016
    Niemeyer D; Kemena TP; Meissner KJ; Oschlies A, 2016, A model study of warming-induced phosphorus-oxygen feedbacks in open-ocean oxygen minimum zones on millennial timescales,
    Preprints | 2014
    Kvale KF; Meissner KJ; Keller DP; Eby M; Schmittner A, 2014, Explicit planktic calcifiers in the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model,
    Preprints | 2012
    Wania R; Meissner KJ; Eby M; Arora V; Ross I; Weaver AJ, 2012, Carbon-nitrogen feedbacks in the UVic ESCM,
    Preprints | 2011
    Brennan CE; Weaver AJ; Eby M; Meissner KJ, 2011, Modelling oxygen isotopes in the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model,

  • KJ Meissner, L Menviel, F Joos, ARC (Australian Research Council), Discovery Grant, 2018-2020
  • Z Chase, KJ Meissner, HC Bostock, EL Sikes, HA Ren, ARC (Australian Research Council), Discovery Grant, 2018-2020
  • KJ Meissner, 鶹madou Science Goldstar Award, 2017
  • KJ Meissner, 鶹madou Science Silverstar Award, 2016
  • KJ Meissner, 鶹madou Goldstar Award, 2015
  • CS Turney, KJ Meissner, PF Grierson, ARC (Australian Research Council), Discovery Grant, 2013-2015
  • CJ Fogwill, CS Turney, KJ Meissner, ARC (Australian Research Council), Linkage Grant, 2012-2015
  • KJ Meissner, (Australian Research Council), Future Fellowship Level II, 2010-2014
  • A Baker, RN Drysdale, S Frisia, PC Treble, RI Acworth, Q Hu, AI Herries, KJ Meissner, D Fink, (Australian Research Council), Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities, 2011
  • BI McNeil, KJ Meissner, RJ Matear, ARC (Australian Research Council), Discovery Grant, 2011-2013
  • KJ Meissner, NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), Discovery Grant, 2008-2009
  • KJ Meissner, NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), Accelerator Grant, 2008-2009
  • KJ Meissner, CFCAS (Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences), Targeted Project Grant, 2008-2010
  • AJ Weaver, AH Monahan, KJ Meissner, VK Arora, JR Christian, KL Denman, GM Flato, JC Fyfe, D Ianson, OA Saenko, KSK Juniper, (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), , 2009 -2015
  • KJ Meissner, (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), Research Tools and Instruments, 2008
  • KJ Meissner,  (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), University Faculty Award, 2005-2009
  • KJ Meissner,  NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), Discovery Grant, 2005-2008