
Professor Kevin Fox

Professor Kevin Fox


1995 Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of British Columbia.
1992 M.A., University of British Columbia.
1990 M.Com., University of Canterbury.
1989 B.Com., University of Canterbury.
1985 Diploma in Japanese Language, Japan Missionary Language Institute, Tokyo.


Economics and Science Group, from 2015.听
Society for Economic Measurement, elected 2014.
U.S.Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, elected 2011.听
Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, elected 2010.

Business School
School of Economics

Kevin Fox works primarily in the field of economic measurement, with a focus on productivity and prices. After studying Japanese in Tokyo for two years, he studied economics at the University of Canterbury and the University of British Columbia. He joined the School in 1994. He chaired the 16th Series CPI Review Advisory Group in 2009-2010, he is a member of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Methodology Advisory Committee, and has been a consultant for agencies such as the Australian Treasury, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Swiss National Bank, the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, the Asian Development Bank, and the New Zealand Treasury. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Productivity Analysis and President of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.

Research Interests:

  • Econometrics
  • Economic measurement
  • Productivity analysis
  • Environmental economics

Director of听Centre for Applied Economic Research (CAER)

+61 2 9385 3320
Room 3119, Quadrangle Building 鈥 Ref E15
  • Books | 2002
    2002, Efficiency in the Public Sector, Fox KJ, (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Diewert E; Fox K, 2021, 'The Difference Approach to Productivity Measurement and Exact Indicators', in Parmeter C; Sickles R (ed.), Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, pp. 9 - 40,
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2019, 'Productivity indexes and national statistics: Theory, methods and challenges', in The Palgrave Handbook of Economic Performance Analysis, pp. 707 - 759,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Diewert WE; Fox K, 2018, 'Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors', in Grifell-Tatj茅, E; Knox Lovell CA; Sickles RC (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 625 - 661,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Alternative User Costs, Productivity and Inequality in US Business Sectors', in Greene WH; Khalaf LA; Makdissi P; Sickles R; Voia M-C (ed.), Productivity and Inequality. NAPW 2016, Springer, pp. 21 - 69,
    Book Chapters | 2017
    Fox K; Lee LYT, 2017, 'Efficiency Analysis in Uncertain Operating Environments: The Problem with Outliers', in New Directions in Productivity Measurement and Efficiency Analysis, Edward Elgar, pp. 80 - 97,
    Book Chapters | 2010
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2010, 'On Measuring the Contribution of Entering and Exiting Firms to Aggregate Productivity Growth', in Diewert WE; Balk BM; Fixler D; Fox KJ; Nakamura A (ed.), Price and Productivity Measurement - Volume 6: Index Number Theory, Trafford Publishing, Victoria, Canada, pp. 41 - 66
    Book Chapters | 2009
    Fox KJ; Diewert W, 2009, 'The Normalized Quadratic Expenditure Function', in Slottje DJ (ed.), Quantifying Consumer Preferences, Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 149 - 178,
    Book Chapters | 2007
    Fox KJ; Grafton Q; Kompas T; Che TN, 2007, 'Capacity Reduction and Productivity: A Profit Decomposition for the Australian South East Trawl Fishery', in Fisheries Buybacks, Blackwell Publishing, California, pp. 67 - 73,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'Introduction [Efficiency in the Public Sector]', in Fox KJ (ed.), Efficiency in the Public Sector, edn. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, pp. 1 - 7,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'Introduction', in Efficiency in the Public Sector, Springer US, pp. 1 - 7,
    Book Chapters | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'The Output Gap and Growth in Japan', in Fu TT; Huang CJ; Lovell CAK (ed.), Productivity and Economic Performance in the Asia-Pacific Region, edn. 1, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 321 - 341
    Book Chapters | 2001
    Fox KJ; Diewert WE, 2001, 'The Productivity Paradox and the Mismeasurement of Economic Activity', in Okina K; Inoue T (ed.), Monetary Policy in a World Knowledge-based Growth, Quality Change, and Uncertain Measurement, edn. Original, Palgrave, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York, pp. 197 - 197
    Book Chapters | 1999
    Fox KJ; Diewert WE, 1999, 'Is the Asia-Pacific Region Different? Technical Progress Bias and Price Elasticity Estimates for 18 OECD Countries, 1960-1992', in Fu T-T; Huang CJ; Lovell CAK (ed.), Economic Efficiency and Productivity Growth in the Asia Pacific Region, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 125 - 144
  • Edited Books | 2015
    Diewert WE; Balk BM; Fixler D; Fox KJ; Nakamura A, (eds.), 2015, Returns to Scale, Technical Progress and Total Factor Productivity Growth in New Zealand Industries, Trafford Publishing, Victoria, Canada+
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Diewert E; Fox K; Schreyer P, 2022, 'EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS AND THE NEW COMMODITIES PROBLEM', Review of Income and Wealth,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2022, 'Measuring Inflation under Pandemic Conditions', Journal of Official Statistics, 38, pp. 255 - 285,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2022, 'Measuring real consumption and consumer price index bias under lockdown conditions', Canadian Journal of Economics, 55, pp. 480 - 502,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2022, 'Rejoinder: Measuring Inflation under Pandemic Conditions', Journal of Official Statistics, 38, pp. 663 - 668,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2022, 'Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40, pp. 355 - 369,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Brynjolfsson E; Collis A; Diewert E; Eggers F; Fox K, 2020, '鈥淢easuring the Impact of Free Goods on Real Household Consumption"', AEA Papers & Proceedings, 110, pp. 25 - 30,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Diewert E; Fox K, 2019, '鈥淢oney and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity"', Journal of Financial Stability, 42,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Diewert WE; Fox K, 2018, 'Addendum to Output Growth and Inflation Across Space and Time', Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators, pp. 71 - 80,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fox K, 2018, 'A Decomposition of U.S. Business Sector TFP Growth into Technical Progress and Cost Efficiency Components', Journal of Productivity Analysis, pp. 71 - 84,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fox K, 2018, 'What Do We Know About the Productivity Slowdown? Evidence from Australian Industry Data', International Productivity Monitor, pp. 149 - 156,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Fox KJ, 2018, 'THE ET INTERVIEW: PROFESSOR W. ERWIN DIEWERT', Econometric Theory, 34, pp. 509 - 542,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time', Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators, pp. 7 - 40
    Journal articles | 2017
    Elnasri A; Fox KJ, 2017, 'The contribution of research and innovation to productivity', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 47, pp. 291 - 308,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fox KJ, 2017, 'Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue of the Review of Income and Wealth on 鈥淧roductivity Measurement, Drivers and Trends鈥 Iariw-Unsw Special Conference, Sydney, 26鈥27 November 2013', Review of Income and Wealth, 63, pp. S1 - S6,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ; Shimizu C, 2016, 'Commercial Property Price Indexes and the System of National Accounts', Journal of Economic Surveys, 30, pp. 913 - 943,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ; de Haan J, 2016, 'A Newly Identified Source of Potential CPI Bias: Weekly versus monthly unit value price indexes', Economics Letters, 141,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Decomposing productivity indexes into explanatory factors', European Journal of Operational Research, 256, pp. 275 - 291,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Sunk Costs and the Measurement of Commercial Property Depreciation', Canadian Journal of Economics, 49, pp. 1340 - 1366
    Journal articles | 2016
    Fox KJ; Syed IA, 2016, 'Price discounts and the measurement of inflation', Journal of Econometrics, 191, pp. 398 - 406,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Elnasri A; Fox KJ, 2015, 'R&D, Innovation and Productivity: The Role of Public Support', KDI Journal of Economic Policy, 37, pp. 73 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2014, 'Reference technology sets, Free Disposal Hulls and productivity decompositions', Economics Letters, 122, pp. 238 - 242,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fox KJ; Melser D, 2014, 'Non-linear pricing and price indexes: Evidence and implications from scanner data', Review of Income and Wealth, 60, pp. 261 - 278,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ivancic L; Fox KJ, 2013, 'Can dissimilarity indexes resolve the issue of when to chain price indexes?', Economics Letters, 118, pp. 6 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ivancic L; Fox KJ, 2013, 'Understanding Price Variation Across Stores and Supermarket Chains: Some Implications for CPI Aggregation Methods', Review of Income and Wealth, 59, pp. 629 - 647,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Fox KJ, 2012, 'Problems with (dis)aggregating productivity, and another productivity paradox', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 37, pp. 249 - 259,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ; Ivancic L, 2011, 'Scanner Data, Time Aggregation and the Construction of Price Indexes', Journal of Econometrics, 161, pp. 24 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Ivancic L; Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2011, 'Scanner Data, Time Aggregation and the Construction of Price Indexes', Journal of Econometrics, 161, pp. 24 - 35,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2010, 'Malmquist and T枚rnqvist productivity indexes: returns to scale and technical progress with imperfect competition', Journal of Economics, 101, pp. 73 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Fox KJ; Kohli U; Shiu A, 2010, 'Trade Agreements and Trade Opportunities: A flexible approach for modeling Australian export and import elasticities', Review of International Economics, 18, pp. 513 - 530,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2008, 'On the estimation of returns to scale, technical progress and monopolistic markups', Journal of Econometrics, 145, pp. 174 - 193,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Connolly E; Fox KJ, 2006, 'The impact of high-tech capital on productivity: Evidence from Australia', ECONOMIC INQUIRY, 44, pp. 50 - 68,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fox KJ; Connolly E, 2006, 'The Impact of High-Tech Capital on Productivity: Evidence from Australia', Economic Inquiry, 44, pp. 50 - 68
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fox KJ; Grafton Q; Kompas T; Che TN, 2006, 'Capacity Reduction, Quota Trading and Productivity: The Case of a Fishery', Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 50, pp. 189 - 206,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fox KJ; Milbourne R, 2006, 'Is it Harder to Soar with Eagles when you Work with Turkeys?', Australian Economic Papers, 45, pp. 362 - 371,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Fox KJ, 2006, 'A Method for Transitive and Additive Multilateral Comparisons: A Transitive Bennet Indicator', Journal of Economics: Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 87, pp. 73 - 87,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Lawrence D; Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2006, 'The contributions of productivity, price changes and firm size to profitability', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 26, pp. 1 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Dupont D; Fox KJ; Gordon D; Grafton R, 2005, 'Profit and price effects of multi-species individual transferable quotas', Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, pp. 31 - 57,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Fox K; Hill R; Diewert WE, 2004, 'Identifying Outliers in Multi-Output Models', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 22, pp. 73 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Fox KJ, 2004, 'Gstach, D.: Estimating Output-specific Efficiencies', Journal of Economics: Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 81, pp. 100 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Fox KJ; Grafton R; Squires D; Kirkley J, 2003, 'Property Rights in a Fishery: Regulatory Change and Firm Performance', Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 46, pp. 156 - 177,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Fox KJ; Kohli U; Warren RP, 2003, 'Sources of Growth and output Gaps in New Zealand: New Methods and Evidence', New Zealand Economic Papers, 37, pp. 67 - 92,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Fox KJ, 2003, 'An Economic Justification for the EKS Multilateral Index', Review of Income and Wealth, 49, pp. 407 - 413,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'Accounting for Growth and Output Gaps: Evidence from New Zealand', The Economic Record, 78, pp. 312 - 326,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'Measuring Technical Progress in Matching models of the Labour Market', Applied Economics, 34, pp. 741 - 748,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Fox KJ, 2002, 'Stochastic frontier analysis.', ECONOMICA, 69, pp. 680 - 681,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fox KJ; Diewert W, 2000, 'Incentive Indexes for Regulated Industries', Journal of Regulatory Economics, 17, pp. 5 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fox KJ; Grafton R; Squires D, 2000, 'Private Property and Economic Efficiency: A Study of a Common-Pool Resource', Journal of Law and Economics, pp. 679 - 714
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fox KJ, 2000, 'Information-Rich Expressions for Model Selection Criteria', Applied Economics Letters, 7, pp. 59 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fox KJ, 2000, 'Nonparametric Estimation of Returns to Scale: Method and Application', Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics - Revue Canadienne d'Agroeconomie, 48, pp. 341 - 354,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Fox KJ; Diewert WE, 1999, 'Can Measurement Error Explain the Productivity Paradox?', Canadian Journal of Economics - Revue Canadienne D Economique, 32, pp. 251 - 280,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Fox KJ; Milbourne RD, 1999, 'What Determines Research Output of Academic Economists?', The Economic Record, 75, pp. 256 - 267
    Journal articles | 1999
    Fox KJ, 1999, 'Efficiency at Different Levels of Aggregation: Public vs. Private Sector Firms', Economics Letters, 65, pp. 173 - 176,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Fox KJ; Diewert W, 1998, 'The Measurement of Inflation After Tax Reform', Economics Letters, 61, pp. 279 - 284,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Fox KJ; Kohli U, 1998, 'GDP Growth, Terms-of -Trade Effects and Total Factor Productivity', Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 7, pp. 87 - 110,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Fox KJ, 1998, 'Non-Parametric Estimation of Technical Progress', Journal of Productivity Analysis, 10, pp. 235 - 250,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Fox KJ, 1997, 'White noise and other experiments on augmented Dickey-Fuller tests', Applied Economics Letters, 4, pp. 689 - 694,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Hill RJ; Fox KJ, 1997, 'Splicing Index Numbers', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 15, pp. 387 - 389,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fox KJ, 1996, 'Regional consumption patterns - Selvanathan,S, Selvanathan,EA', ECONOMIC RECORD, 72, pp. 175 - 176,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Fox KJ, 1996, 'Specification of functional form and the estimation of technical progress', Applied Economics, 28, pp. 947 - 956,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Owen PD; Fox KJ, 1992, 'Monetary Anticipations and the Demand for Money: Further Tests of the Shock-Absorber Price Equations', Journal of Macroeconomics, 14, pp. 1 - 14,
  • Working Papers | 2022
    Diewert E; Fox K, 2022, Alternative Output, Input and Income Concepts for the Production Accounts, School of Economics, 麻豆社madou Sydney, 2022-05, ,
    Working Papers | 2022
    Fox K; Levell P; O'Connell M, 2022, Multilateral index number methods for Consumer Price Statistics, UK Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence, ,
    Working Papers | 2020
    Working Papers | 2019
    Working Papers | 2019
    Fox K; Diewert E, 2019, Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction Using Scanner Data, ,
    Working Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, A Decomposition of U.S. Business Sector TFP Growth into Technical Progress and Cost Efficiency Components, Springer Nature, 16-04, ,
    Working Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, Alternative User Costs, Rates of Return and TFP Growth Rates for the US Nonfinancial Corpo- rate and Noncorporate Business Sectors: 1960-2014, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, 16-03, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2016/06/pdf_paper_erwin-diewert-16-03AlternativeUserCostsetc.pdf
    Working Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, Decomposing Value Added Growth over Sectors into Explanatory Factors, Oxford University Press (OUP), 16-07, ,
    Working Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, The User Cost of Non-renewable Resources and Green Accounting, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, 16-01, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2016/04/pdf_paper_erwin-diewert-16-01UserCostsofNonrenewable.pdf
    Working Papers | 2016
    Fox KJ; Syed IA, 2016, Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation: Further Results, University of New South Wales, Sydney., 麻豆社madou Business School Research Paper No. 201 6 ECON 05, http://dx.doi.orghttp://research.economics.unsw.edu.au/RePEc/papers/2016-05.pdf
    Working Papers | 2016
    Fox KJ, 2016, Interview of Professor W. Erwin Diewert, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, 16-02, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econ.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2016/06/pdf_paper_erwin-diewert-16-02InterviewofDiewert.pdf
    Working Papers | 2015
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2015, Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time, School of Economics, 麻豆社madou, 2015-04, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econpapers.repec.org/paper/swewpaper/2015-04.htm
    Working Papers | 2014
    Bunting D; Fox KJ, 2014, The Impact of Quarantine Policies on the Quality of Imports, School of Economics, 麻豆社madou, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econpapers.repec.org/paper/swewpaper/2014-01.htm
    Working Papers | 2014
    Elnasri A; Fox KJ, 2014, The Contribution of Research and Innovation to Productivity and Economic Growth, http://dx.doi.orghttp://econpapers.repec.org/paper/swewpaper/2014-08.htm
    Working Papers | 2014
    Fox KJ; Syed IA, 2014, Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation, Australian School of Business Research Paper No. 2014 ECON 05, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2014 ECON 05, http://dx.doi.orghttp://research.economics.unsw.edu.au/RePEc/papers/2014-05.pdf
    Working Papers | 2014
    Schwartz C; Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2014, Consumer Benefits of Infrastructure Services, 2014-17, ,
    Working Papers |
    Fox K; Syed I, Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation: Further Results, 2016-05,
  • Preprints | 2020
    Brynjolfsson E; Collis A; Diewert WE; Eggers F; Fox KJ, 2020, Measuring the Impact of Free Goods on Real Household Consumption,
    Preprints | 2019
    Brynjolfsson E; Collis A; Diewert WE; Eggers F; Fox KJ, 2019, GDP-B: Accounting for the Value of New and Free Goods in the Digital Economy, ,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Diewert WE; Fox K, 2018, 'The Digital Economy, New Products and Consumer Welfare', Bank of England, presented at ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement, Bank of England, 16 May 2018 - 17 May 2018
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors', in Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors, The 15th EWEPA Conference, The School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, London, presented at The 15th EWEPA Conference, The School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, London, -
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data', in Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data, The Society for Economic Measurement Conference, Boston, presented at The Society for Economic Measurement Conference, Boston, -
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare', in The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare, NBER/CRIW Workshop, The NBER Summer Institute, Boston, presented at NBER/CRIW Workshop, The NBER Summer Institute, Boston, -
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2017, 'The demand for money balances and the measurement of productivity', in The demand for money balances and the measurement of productivity, the Bank of England Conference on 鈥淔inancial Services Indices, Liquidity and Economic Activity鈥, Bank of England, London, presented at the Bank of England Conference on 鈥淔inancial Services Indices, Liquidity and Economic Activity鈥, Bank of England, London, -
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors', in Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors, The Society for Economic Measurement, Thessaloniki, presented at The Society for Economic Measurement, Thessaloniki, 06 July 2016 - 08 July 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity', in Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity, Seminar series, University of Queensland, presented at Seminar series, University of Queensland, -
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data', in Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction using Scanner Data, The Society for Economic Measurement Conference, Thessaloniki, presented at The Society for Economic Measurement Conference, Thessaloniki, 06 July 2016 - 08 July 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare', in The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare, The EMG Workshop, 麻豆社madou, Sydney, presented at The EMG Workshop, 麻豆社madou, Sydney, 02 December 2016 - 02 December 2016
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2016, 'The Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare', presented at Economic Measurement Group Workshop, Sydney, 02 December 2016 - 02 December 2016
    Other | 2016
    Fox KJ, 2016, Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue of the Review of Income and Wealth on 鈥淧roductivity Measurement, Drivers and Trends鈥 IARIW-麻豆社madou Special Conference, Sydney, 26鈥27 November 2013, Wiley: 24 months, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2015
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, 2015, 'Money and the Measurement of Total Factor Productivity', presented at IARIW-OECD Conference W(h)ither the SNA?, Paris, 16 April 2015 - 17 April 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Fox KJ, 2007, 'Progress and Challenges in the Measurement of Productivity', in Progress and Challenges in the Measurement of Productivity, Conference on Productivity and Growth in Africa and Asia Prepared for the UNIDO and IDE, Tokyo, presented at Conference on Productivity and Growth in Africa and Asia Prepared for the UNIDO and IDE, Tokyo, 09 October 2007 - 11 October 2007
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Fox KJ, 1997, 'Efficiency in the public sector - Introduction', in Fox KJ (ed.), EFFICIENCY IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, pp. 1 - 7, presented at International Conference on Public Sector Efficiency, AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, 27 November 1997 - 28 November 1997,
    Conference Papers | 1996
    Fox KJ, 1996, 'Measuring technical progress in matching models of the labour market', in Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 1996, Perth, WA, pp. 741 - 748, presented at Econometric Society Australasian Meeting 1996, Perth, WA, 10 July 1996 - 12 July 1996,
    Preprints |
    Brynjolfsson E; Collis A; Diewert WE; Eggers F; Fox KJ, GDP-B: Accounting for the Value of New and Free Goods in the Digital Economy,
    Preprints |
    Bunting D; Fox KJ, The Impact of Quarantine Policies on the Quality of Imports, ,
    Preprints |
    Diewert E; Fox KJ, Alternative Output, Input and Income Concepts for the Production Accounts, ,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ; Haan JD, Weekly versus Monthly Unit Value Price Indexes, ,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ; Shimizu C, Commercial Property Price Indexes and the System of National Accounts, ,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Alternative User Costs, Productivity and Inequality in US Business Sectors,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Decomposing Bjurek Productivity Indexes into Explanatory Factors,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Decomposing Value Added Growth into Explanatory Factors,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Output Growth and Inflation across Space and Time,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Substitution Bias in Multilateral Methods for CPI Construction Using Scanner Data,
    Preprints |
    Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Sunk Costs and the Measurement of Commercial Property Depreciation,
    Preprints |
    Elnasri A; Fox KJ, The Contribution of Research and Innovation to Productivity and Economic Growth,
    Preprints |
    Fox KJ; Syed IA, Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation, ,
    Preprints |
    Fox KJ, Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation: Further Results, ,
    Preprints |
    Schwartz C; Diewert WE; Fox KJ, Consumer Benefits of Infrastructure Services, ,
  • Media | 2021
    Fox K, 2021, Is the inflation dragon coming back?, ,
    Media | 2020
    Diewert E; Fox K, 2020, Can Inflation be Accurately Measured During a Lockdown?, Institute of Labor Economics, ,
    Media | 2020
    Fox K; Diewert E, 2020, How to Produce a Meaningful CPI during COVID-19 Lockdown, 麻豆社madou Business School, ,

  • 2015-2019 Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, 鈥淧roductivity Measurement, Drivers and Trends: A New Analytical Framework, with W.E. Diewert. $551,400.
  • 2014-2017 Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, 鈥淭he Economic Measurement of Property Markets: Prices, Bubbles, Economic Growth and Productivity,鈥 with G. Otto, N. Stapledon, M. Hu, M. Kulish, W.E. Diewert, and I Syed. Industry Partners: RF Capital and CorVal Partners Limited. Total cash Funding: $1,075,000.

  • 2008-2013: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, 'Tackling the Tough Problems in Productivity Measurement: Infrastructure, Services and R&D,' with G. Otto, W.E. Diewert, E. Connolly and D. Parham. Industry Partners: Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Productivity Commission. Total cash funding: $947,322

  • 2007-2010: Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities program, 'Salinity, Uncertainty and Property,' with R.Q. Grafton and R. Keenan: $308,000

  • 2007-2010: Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities program, 'The Benefits and Costs of Bio-security,' with T. Kompas: $380,000

  • 2006-2008: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, for 'Scanner Data in the Consumer Price Index: How to expand and improve their use,' with J. de Haan, P-H. van Mulligan and M. Silver. Industry Partners: Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Central Bureau of Statistics (Netherlands). Total cash funding: $287,000

  • 2005-2007: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, for 'Biosecurity or Trade Barrier? The Economic Costs of Quarantine,' with R.Q. Grafton: $142,402

  • 2005-2007: Australian Research Council Discovery Grant, for 'Measurement and Sources of Productivity Growth under Imperfect Competition,' with W.E. Diewert: $257,000

  • 2005-2007: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, for 'Economic Analysis of an Environmental Challenge: Salinity, Uncertainty and Property,' with R.Q. Grafton and R. Keenan. Industry Partner: Bureau of Rural Sciences. Total cash funding: $180,000

  • 2004-2005: Spanish Ministry of Education Grant: 26,500 Euros

  • 2003-2005: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, for 'Can Electronic Point-of-Sale (POS) Data Improve the Australian Consumer Price Index,' with R.J. Hill. Industry Partner: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Total cash funding: $161,500

  • 2003-2004: Australian Research Council Linkage Grant, for 'Regional Comparisons of Prices, Income and Growth in Australia,' with R.J. Hill. Industry Partner: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Total cash funding: $131,000

  • An illustrative example of the real world impact CAER鈥檚 research is having is the project undertaken by the Economic Measurement Initiative on the use of scanner data in measuring price changes. From the December 2017 quarter, the Australian Bureau of Statistics implemented the recommended methodological changes to maximise the use of transactions data to compile the CPI. This has come about as a result of 麻豆社madou-based research, conducted with the financial support of the Australian Research Council through the Linkage Grants program, in collaboration with the ABS and Statistics Netherlands. For further details, see the following and references therein:
  • ABS (2017), 鈥淎n implementation plan to maximise the use of transactions data in the CPI,鈥 Information Paper 6401.0.60.004, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.听
  • I was part of a team that jointly won a major new UK prize in economics 鈥 the听Indigo Prize 2017.听The Prize challenged entrants to consider how to measure economic activity in a 21st century economy. I collaborated with colleagues from Imperial College, Wellesley College, LUISS (Rome), the Georgetown Centre for Business and Public Policy, and NESTA, to submit an entry titled 鈥淚mproving GDP: Demolishing, Repointing or Extending?鈥. The aim of the competition was to catalyse a debate about how and what factors are currently measured given the evolving economies, technology and skills bases, and what should now be taken into consideration in official economic statistics that measure the health, size and growth of a modern economy.
  • 2020 President, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW).
  • Invited Member, Steering Committee, International Working Group on Price Indices (\Ottawa听Group"), United Nations Statistical Commission
  • Invited Member, UN/IMF/OECD/World Bank/Eurostat Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts, Digitalisation subgroup.听
  • Chair, Panel B of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. (Panel B represents Fellows of the Academy from Accounting, Economics, Economic History, Statistics and Marketing).听
  • President-Elect and Treasurer, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.听
  • Invited Speaker, The Sixth IMF Statistical Forum, Washington DC, IMF HQ2, 19-20 November, 2018.听
  • Invited Speaker, OECD Global Forum on Productivity, Ottawa, 28-29 June 2018.听
  • Invited Speaker, North American Productivity Workshop, University of Miami, 12-15 June 2018.听
  • Invited Speaker, ESCoE Conference on Economic Measurement,听Vancouver, Bank of England, 16-17 May 2018.听
  • Invited Speaker, Productivity Research Network Conference, 11-12 January 2018, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo.听
  • Panellist on the Digital Economy, Industry & Innovation Workshop, Department of Industry, Innovation & Science, 26 September 2017, Canberra.听
  • 鈥淭he Digital Economy, GDP and Consumer Welfare,鈥 Presented at the NBER Summer Institute CRIW Workshop 17-18 July 2017, Cambridge MA.听
  • Financial Services Indices, Liquidity and Economic Activity Conference, Financial Resilience Research Centre and Bank of England, 23-24 May 2017, London.

In the media

May 2020

Institute of Labor Economics
May 2020

May 2020

Financial Times, November 2018.

Business Think, October 2017 Issue.

Business Think, October 2014 Issue.

Media releases

From the December 2017 quarter, the Australian Bureau of Statistics implemented methodological changes to maximise the use of transactions data to compile the CPI. This has come about as a result of 麻豆社madou-based research, conducted with the financial support of the Australian Research Council through the Linkage Grants program, in collaboration with the ABS and Statistics Netherlands. For further details, see the following and references therein:

ABS (2017), 鈥淎n implementation plan to maximise the use of transactions data in the CPI,鈥 Information Paper 6401.0.60.004, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.

From the September 2014 quarter, Statistics New Zealand incorporated retail transactions data into the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The method is a variant of that originally proposed by EMI group members. For further details, see the following, and references therein:

Krsinich, F. (2015), 鈥淚mplementation of Consumer Electronics Scanner Data in the New Zealand CPI,鈥 Statistics New Zealand. Paper presented at the New Zealand Association of Economists conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 3 July.

President, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW).

Invited Member, UN/IMF/OECD/World Bank/Eurostat Intersecretariat Working Group on National Accounts, Digitalisation subgroup.

Chair, Panel B of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. (Panel B represents Fellows of the Academy from Accounting, Economics, Economic History, Statistics and Marketing).

Productivity Measurement Reference Group, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Academic Representative, Economic Data and Analysis Network (EDAN) Governance Committee, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

Advisor, Methodology Advisory Committee, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Advisor, The Treasury, Australian Government.

Council Member, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.

Policy and Advocacy Committee, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

Panel B Committee, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

Australasian Standing Committee, The Econometric Society.

Advisory Council, Society for Economic Measurement.

International Advisory Board, International Productivity Monitor.

Digital Productivity Reference Group, Department of Communications and the Arts, 2016-2017.

Advisory Group on Services Productivity, Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), 2016-2017.

Chair, Advisory Group, 16th Series CPI Review, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009鈥2010.