
Dr Natasha Kumar

Dr Natasha Kumar

Senior Lecturer

BMedSc (Hons1) USYD, PhD USYD

Medicine & Health
School of Biomedical Sciences


My lab investigates cellular and physiological mechanisms used by autonomic systems; cardiovascular, respiratory and glucoregulatory. Physiological reflexes (e.g. baroreflex, chemoreflex, glucose counterregulation) function to maintain homeostasis in the healthy state. They are integrated by neuronal circuits in the brain, and their long term and short term patency is continually regulated by genetic and environmental factors. Pathological regulation can form the basis for disease (respiratory disorders, hypertension, diabetes). How do homeostatic systems - which are vital for survival - adapt to changing environmental conditions? How do environmental challenges contribute to neuronal excitability, physiological processes and drug action?

We have expertise in cutting-edge tools and techniques (molecular methods, mouse genetics, imaging techniques, viral mediated gene rescue and knockdown) that are currently revolutionizing neuroscience. We use these skills to interrogate alterations in autonomic systems following physiological/environmental stress and provide avenues for therapy based on molecular understanding of disease processes.

Qualifications:BMedSc (Hons1) USYD, PhD USYD

PhD and Honours projects/topics available include:

TOPIC - Respiratory chemoreception: Inhibitory neuropeptides in respiratory chemoreceptors: what is their contribution to ventilatory behaviour? How is this role altered during chronic respiratory/environmental stress (e.g. sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, apnea of prematurity).

Project 1: This project will investigate human infant brain chemoreceptor populations. The effects of acute versus chronic intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia on protein expression in these chemoreceptor populations will be determined. Finally, protein expression changes in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), compared to control infants will be investigated.

Project 2:Doeschronic hypercapnia exposure cause neuroinflammation? Implications for sleep apnea and apnea of prematurity

Project 3:Doeschronic hypercapnia exposurealter neuropeptide protein expressionin brain respiratory chemoreceptor populations? Implications for sleep apnea

TOPIC - Glucose counterregulation: Nearly all sympathetic preganglionic neurons that are activated by hypoglycaemia, to execute adrenalin release via adrenal chromaffin cells, are enkephalinergic. In human studies, the similarities between hypoglycemia associated autonomic failure (HAAF) and exercise associated autonomic failure (EAAF) suggest that they share a common pathophysiology. How do endogenous opioid neuropeptides regulate the glucose countergulatory response to hypoglycemia? How is deterioration in the response to hypoglycemia seen in Type 1 diabetic patients also induced by exercise?

Teaching: Contributions to pharmacology teaching for both science and medical students. Particular areas of expertise are autonomic neuroscience, animal behaviour and cardiorespiratory physiology.

Society Memberships & Professional Activities:Society for Neuroscience, American Physiological Society, Australasian Neuroscience Society, Franklin Women.

  • Book Chapters | 2012
    Kumar NN; Bowman BR; Goodchild AK, 2012, 'Combined in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in rat brain tissue using digoxigenin-labeled riboprobe', in Badoer E (ed.), Visualization Techniques. Neuromethods, Humana Press, pp. 31 - 52,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Gonye EC; Dagli AV; Kumar NN; Clements RT; Xu W; Bayliss DA, 2024, 'Expression of Endogenous Epitope-Tagged GPR4 in the Mouse Brain', eNeuro, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rafiei N; Mitchell CS; Tedesco CR; Chen J; Choi EA; Roughley S; Jean-Richard-dit-Bressel P; Kumar NN; McNally GP; Herzog H; Begg DP, 2024, 'Chemogenetic activation ofarcuate nucleus NPY and NPY/AgRP neurons increases feeding behaviour in mice', Neuropeptides, 107,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Kumar NN; Chan YL; Chen H; Oliver BG, 2023, 'Editorial: Effects of environmental toxins on brain health and development', Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 16,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Bulbul L; Power JM; Jones NM; Kumar NN, 2022, 'Long-term hypercapnia does not alter Galanin immunoreactivity in mouse brain respiratory and chemoreceptor regions', FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 36,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Underwood CF; Burke PGR; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; McMullan S; Phillips JK; Hildreth CM, 2022, 'Upregulated Angiotensin Ia Receptors in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Sensitize Neuroendocrine Vasopressin Release and Blood Pressure in a Rodent Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease', Neuroendocrinology, 112, pp. 1200 - 1213,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Dereli AS; Bailey EJ; Kumar NN, 2021, 'Combining multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization with fluorescent immunohistochemistry on fresh frozen or fixed mouse brain sections', Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2021,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kumar NN; Summerell E; Spehar B; Cranney J, 2021, 'Experiences of Honours Research Students and Supervisors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study Framed by Self-Determination Theory', Frontiers in Education, 6,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Menuet C; Connelly AA; Bassi JK; Melo MR; Le S; Kamar J; Kumar NN; McDougall SJ; McMullan S; Allen AM, 2020, 'Prebötzinger complex neurons drive respiratory modulation of blood pressure and heart rate', eLife, 9, pp. 1 - 30,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dereli A; Yaseen Z; Kumar N, 2019, 'Are galaninergic retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons more responsive to long-term hypercapnia?', IBRO Reports, 6, pp. S261 - S261,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Dereli AS; Yaseen Z; Carrive P; Kumar NN, 2019, 'Adaptation of Respiratory-Related Brain Regions to Long-Term Hypercapnia: Focus on Neuropeptides in the RTN', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ul Ain Summan Toor R; Sun QJ; Kumar NN; Le S; Hildreth CM; Phillips JK; McMullan S, 2019, 'Neurons in the intermediate reticular nucleus coordinate postinspiratory activity, swallowing, and respiratory-sympathetic coupling in the rat', Journal of Neuroscience, 39, pp. 9757 - 9766,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Parker LM; Le S; Wearne TA; Hardwick K; Kumar NN; Robinson KJ; McMullan S; Goodchild AK, 2017, 'Neurochemistry of neurons in the ventrolateral medulla activated by hypotension: Are the same neurons activated by glucoprivation?', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 525, pp. 2249 - 2264,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Guyenet PG; Bayliss DA; Stornetta RL; Ludwig MG; Kumar NN; Shi Y; Burke PGR; Kanbar R; Basting TM; Holloway BB; Wenker IC, 2016, 'Proton detection and breathing regulation by the retrotrapezoid nucleus', Journal of Physiology, 594, pp. 1529 - 1551,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Le S; Turner AJ; Parker LM; Burke PG; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; McMullan S, 2016, 'Somatostatin 2a receptors are not expressed on functionally identified respiratory neurons in the ventral respiratory column of the rat', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 524, pp. 1384 - 1398,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Shi Y; Abe C; Holloway BB; Shu S; Kumar NN; Weaver JL; Sen J; Perez-Reyes E; Stornetta RL; Guyenet PG; Bayliss DA, 2016, 'Nalcn is a “leak” sodium channel that regulates excitability of brainstem chemosensory neurons and breathing', Journal of Neuroscience, 36, pp. 8174 - 8187,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kumar NN; Velic A; Soliz J; Shi Y; Li K; Wang S; Weaver JL; Sen J; Abbott SBG; Lazarenko RM; Ludwig MG; Perez-Reyes E; Mohebbi N; Bettoni C; Gassmann M; Suply T; Seuwen K; Guyenet PG; Wagner CA; Bayliss DA, 2015, 'Regulation of breathing by CO2 requires the proton-activated receptor GPR4 in retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons', Science, 348, pp. 1255 - 1260,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Parker LM; Kumar NN; Lonergan T; McMullan S; Goodchild AK, 2015, 'Distribution and neurochemical characterization of neurons in the rat ventrolateral medulla activated by glucoprivation', Brain Structure and Function, 220, pp. 117 - 134,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bowman BR; Kumar NN; Hassan SF; McMullan S; Goodchild AK, 2013, 'Brain sources of inhibitory input to the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 521, pp. 213 - 232,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Pardey MC; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; Cornish JL, 2013, 'Catecholamine receptors differentially mediate impulsive choice in the medial prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex', Journal of Psychopharmacology, 27, pp. 203 - 212,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Parker LM; Kumar NN; Lonergan T; Goodchild AK, 2013, 'Neurochemical codes of sympathetic preganglionic neurons activated by glucoprivation', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 521, pp. 2703 - 2718,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Turner A; Kumar N; Farnham M; Lung M; Pilowsky P; Mcmullan S, 2013, 'Rostroventrolateral medulla neurons with commissural projections provide input to sympathetic premotor neurons: Anatomical And Functional Evidence', European Journal of Neuroscience, 38, pp. 2504 - 2515,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Wang S; Benamer N; Zanella S; Kumar NN; Shi Y; Bévengut M; Penton D; Guyenet PG; Lesage F; Gestreau C; Barhanin J; Bayliss DA, 2013, 'TASK-2 channels contribute to pH sensitivity of retrotrapezoid nucleus chemoreceptor neurons', Journal of Neuroscience, 33, pp. 16033 - 16044,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Zhou C; Douglas JE; Kumar NN; Shu S; Bayliss DA; Chen X, 2013, 'Forebrain HCN1 channels contribute to hypnotic actions of ketamine', Anesthesiology, 118, pp. 785 - 795,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Pardey MC; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; Clemens KJ; 鶹madouwood J; Cornish JL, 2012, 'Long-term effects of chronic oral ritalin administration on cognitive and neural development in adolescent Wistar Kyoto rats', Brain Sciences, 2, pp. 375 - 404,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Parker LM; Tallapragada VJ; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2012, 'Distribution and localisation of Gα proteins in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of normotensive and hypertensive rats: Focus on catecholaminergic neurons', Neuroscience, 218, pp. 20 - 34,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bowman BR; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2011, 'Sources of tonic inhibition to the rostral ventrolateral medulla in the Rattus norvegicus', Autonomic Neuroscience, 163, pp. 113 - 113,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Parker LM; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2011, 'Neurochemically coding functional subpopulations of rat sympathetic preganglionic neurons activated after glucoprivation', Autonomic Neuroscience, 163, pp. 69 - 70,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kumar NN; Allen K; Parker L; Damanhuri H; Goodchild AK, 2010, 'Neuropeptide coding of sympathetic preganglionic neurons; focus on adrenally projecting populations', Neuroscience, 170, pp. 789 - 799,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Goodchild AK; Tallapragada VJ; Hassan S; Kumar NN, 2009, 'P7.8 Role of cAMP dependent effectors and voltage gated calcium channels in the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla and in the spinal cord in the tonic and reflex control of arterial pressure in hypertension and normotension', Autonomic Neuroscience, 149, pp. 111 - 112,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Kumar NN; Ferguson J; Padley JR; Pilowsky PM; Goodchild AK, 2009, 'Differential muscarinic receptor gene expression levels in the ventral medulla of spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar - Kyoto rats: Role in sympathetic baroreflex function', Journal of Hypertension, 27, pp. 1001 - 1008,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2009, 'Identification and distribution of inositol trisphosphate receptor subtypes in catecholaminergic cell groups in rat brainstem and midbrain', FASEB JOURNAL, 23,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Olsen ND; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; Carrive P, 2009, 'P8.7 Evidence of a GABAergic projection from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray in rats', Autonomic Neuroscience, 149, pp. 123 - 123,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Padley JR; Kumar NN; Li Q; Nguyen TBV; Pilowsky PM; Goodchild AK, 2007, 'Central command regulation of circulatory function mediated by descending pontine cholinergic inputs to sympathoexcitatory rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons', Circulation Research, 100, pp. 284 - 291,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Kumar NN; Goodchild AK; Li Q; Pilowsky PM, 2006, 'An aldosterone-related system in the ventrolateral medulla oblongata of spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 33, pp. 71 - 75,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Speirs HJL; Katyk K; Kumar NN; Benjafield AV; Wang WYS; Morris BJ, 2004, 'Association of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 haplotypes, but not HSD3B1 or PTP1B polymorphisms, with essential hypertension', Journal of Hypertension, 22, pp. 931 - 936,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Kumar N; Benjafield AV; Lin RCY; Wang WYS; Stowasser M; Morris BJ, 2003, 'Haplotype analysis of aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) polymorphisms shows association with essential hypertension', Journal of Hypertension, 21, pp. 1331 - 1337
  • Conference Presentations | 2021
    Jones N; Carland J; Daniel B; Finch A; Hanna G; Kumar N, 2021, 'Development of a novel practical class using crickets to demonstrate the pharmacological actions of drugs for third year neuropharmacology students', presented at ASCEPT, Virtual, 29 November 2021 - 02 December 2021
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Jackson KL; Delerue F; Kumar NN; Ittner LM; Head G; Carrive P, 2020, 'Orexin Knockout BPH/2J Hypertensive Mice Still Have Elevated Basal Blood Pressure But Lower Stress Reactivity.', in HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, Vol. 76,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Shi Y; Abe C; Holloway B; Shu S; Kumar N; Weaver J; Sen J; Perez-Reyes E; Stornetta R; Guyenet P; Bayliss D, 2016, 'The background sodium channel NALCN regulates basal excitability of chemosensitive retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons and stimulation of breathing by CO2', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Le S; Turner A; Parker L; Burke P; Kumar N; Goodchild A; McMullan S, 2015, 'Somatostatin 2A receptors are not expressed on functionally identified respiratory neurons in the ventral respiratory column', in JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, AUSTRALIA, Cairns, pp. 232 - 232, presented at 25th Biennial Meeting of the International-Society-for-Neurochemistry Jointly with the 13th Meeting of the Asian-Pacific-Society-for-Neurochemistry in Conjunction with the 35th Meeting of the Australasian-Neuroscience-Society, AUSTRALIA, Cairns, 23 August 2015 - 27 August 2015,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Kumar N; Wang S; Benamer N; Zanella S; Shi Y; Bevengut M; Penton D; Guyenet P; Lesage F; Gestreau C; Barhanin J; Bayliss D, 2014, 'TASK-2 channels contribute to pH sensitivity of retrotrapezoid nucleus chemoreceptor neurons', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Kumar NN; Allen K; Damanhuri H; Parker L; Goodchild AK, 2009, 'NEUROPEPTIDE CODING OF ADRENALLY PROJECTING SYMPATHETIC PREGANGLIONIC NEURONS', in HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, pp. 1499 - 1499, presented at 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the High-Blood-Pressure-Research-Council-of-Australia, AUSTRALIA, Sydney, 01 December 2009 - 03 December 2009,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Bowman BR; Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2008, 'ADENYLATE CYCLASE ISOFORM mRNA EXPRESSION WITHIN THE ROSTRAL VENTROLATERAL MEDULLA IN SPONTANEOUSLY HYPERTENSIVE RATS', in HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. 1102 - 1103, presented at 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the High-Blood-Pressure-Research-Council-of-Australia, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 03 December 2008 - 05 December 2008,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Kumar NN; Goodchild AK, 2008, 'IDENTIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF INOSITOL TRISPHOSPHATE RECEPTOR ISOFORMS IN CATECHOLAMINERGIC CELL GROUPS IN RAT BRAINSTEM', in HYPERTENSION, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. 1110 - 1110, presented at 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the High-Blood-Pressure-Research-Council-of-Australia, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 03 December 2008 - 05 December 2008,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Pilowsky PM; Abbott SB; Burke PGR; Farnham MMJ; Hildreth CM; Kumar NN; Li Q; Lonergan T; McMullan S; Spirovski D; Goodchild AK, 2008, 'Metabotropic neurotransmission and integration of sympathetic nerve activity by the rostral ventrolateral medulla in the rat', in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, pp. 508 - 511,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Kumar NN; Li Q; Goodchild AK; Pilowsky PM, 2004, 'Differential gene expression of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-nitric oxide components in the rat brainstem: SHR vs WKY', in CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING ASIA, SCOTLAND, Glasgow, pp. A15 - A15, presented at 30th International Geographical Congress 2004, SCOTLAND, Glasgow,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Kumar NN; Benjafield AV; Morris BJ, 2002, 'T-344C variant of aldosterone synthase gene is associated with hypertension', in CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING ASIA, AUSTRALIA, MELBOURNE, pp. A43 - A43, presented at 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of High-Blood-Pressure-Research-Council-of-Australia-Inc, AUSTRALIA, MELBOURNE, 25 November 2002 - 29 November 2002,

  • 2018-2020 NN Kumar, J Power, S McMullan, SBG Abbott. Australian Research Council Discovery Project grant.Adaptation of respiratory chemoreception: role of inhibitory neuropeptides. $400,000
  • 2018-2019 NN Kumar Rebecca Cooper Foundation project grant $100,000
  • 2020-2021 NN Kumar NHMRC (65%) and 鶹madou Medicine/MWAC RIS (35%) infrastructure project grant. Zeiss microscope, ApoTome and MicroBrightfield software- fully integrated system $377,566

My Research Supervision

PhD students:

2016 - 2020Ayse Dereli (The role of galanin in long term adaptation of respiratory chemoreception)

2018 -2022- Latifa Bulbul (The role of neuropeptide co-release and co-signalling on the respiratory chemoreflex)

2020 - Yazhou (Susanne) Liu (Investigation of chemoreceptors in post-mortem brain tissue from patients with respiratory disorders)

2023 - Alice (Yunsu) Oh (Investigation of neuropeptide co-transmission in brainstem respiratory pattern generation, respiratory chemoreception, and the effects of hypercapnic/hypoxic conditions on them, in rodents)

Honours students:

2023 - Dana Kim(1st Class Honours awarded)

2021 - Anthony Taylor(1st Class Honours awarded)

2021 - Alice Oh(1st Class Honours awarded)

2020 - Emma O'Rourke(1st Class Honours awarded)

2020 - June Sun(1st Class Honours awarded)

2018 - Zarwa Yaseen (1st Class Honours awarded)

2018 - Alex Ruhoff (Honours - co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)

2018 - Josh Dunn (Honours co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)

2017 - Felicity Duong (Honours - co-supervision with A/Prof Pascal Carrive)

2017 - Giuliana Connor (Honours- co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)

2017 - Meghety Zaitounian(Honours- co-supervision with Dr Nicole Jones)

ILP students:

2019: Erin Wright (ILP mark ranked 2nd out of Medicine cohort)

2019: Fasya Fazlan

My Teaching

Undergraduate teaching

Dr Natasha Kumar completed theFoundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Program in 2016.

Dr Natasha Kumar is Honours convenor for the School of Medical Sciences (Neuroscience specialisation).

Other contributions includepharmacology and neurosciencesteaching for both science and medical students at 鶹madou. Particular areas of expertise are autonomic neuroscience, animal behaviour and cardiorespiratory physiology. I have contributed teaching tothe following courses: PHAR3101 (co-convenor), PHAR3102, PHAR3251, PHAR3202 (co-convenor), NEUR2201, NEUR3211, SOMS4001, NEUR4401, SOMS3001, PHAR3306 (convenor), Neuroscience Honours (convenor).