
Associate Professor Ozren Bogdanovic

Associate Professor Ozren Bogdanovic

Adjunct Associate Professor

2012 鈥 PhD (Molecular Biology) Radboud University Nijmegen - the Netherlands
2004 鈥 BSc / MSc (Molecular Biology) University of Zagreb - Croatia

School of Biotech & Biomolecular Science

Ozren Bogdanovic is a Lab Head at the聽聽Garvan Institute of Medical Research. 聽Ozren聽obtained his PhD from聽聽(Nijmegen, the Netherlands), where he worked on DNA methylation and methyl CpG-binding proteins during early embryogenesis in the lab of聽.聽Ozren then moved to the聽聽(CABD, Seville - Spain) to work with聽听补苍诲听聽on various aspects of embryonic gene regulation. There he led a number of developmental genetics projects and participated in the adaptation of next-generation sequencing technologies to vertebrate embryonic material.聽In 2013 Ozren started his postdoctoral studies at the聽聽in the laboratory of聽聽where he conducted research in the field of developmental and evolutionary epigenomics. His work at UWA includes the discovery of a highly conserved epigenome remodeling event associated with vertebrate body plan formation. Ozren joined the Garvan Institute of Medical Research as a Lab Head in February 2017. At the Garvan Ozren is applying integrative approaches to study the contribution of the epigenome to vertebrate embryogenesis and cancer formation.

+61 (02) 9295 8340
Garvan Institute of Medical Research 384 Victoria Street Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010
  • Book Chapters | 2021
    Bogdanovic O; Vermeulen M, 2021, 'Erratum: Correction to: TET Proteins and DNA Demethylation (Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2021) 2272 (29-44))', in , pp. C1,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Ross SE; Bogdanovic O, 2021, 'Generation and Molecular Characterization of Transient TET1/2/3 Zebrafish Knockouts', in TET Proteins and DNA Demethylation: Methods and Protocols, pp. 281 - 317,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O, 2021, 'TAB-seq and ACE-seq Data Processing for Genome-Wide DNA hydroxymethylation Profiling', in TET Proteins and DNA Demethylation: Methods and Protocols, pp. 163 - 178,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Angeloni A; Fissette S; Kaya D; Hammond JM; Gamaarachchi H; Deveson IW; Klose RJ; Li W; Zhang X; Bogdanovic O, 2024, 'Extensive DNA methylome rearrangement during early lamprey embryogenesis', Nature Communications, 15,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cahn J; Lloyd JPB; Karemaker ID; Jansen PWTC; Pflueger J; Duncan O; Petereit J; Bogdanovic O; Millar AH; Vermeulen M; Lister R, 2024, 'Characterization of DNA methylation reader proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana', Genome Research, 34, pp. 2229 - 2243,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Filipe EC; Velayuthar S; Philp A; Nobis M; Latham SL; Parker AL; Murphy KJ; Wyllie K; Major GS; Contreras O; Mok ETY; Enriquez RF; McGowan S; Feher K; Quek LE; Hancock SE; Yam M; Tran E; Setargew YFI; Skhinas JN; Chitty JL; Phimmachanh M; Han JZR; Cadell AL; Papanicolaou M; Mahmodi H; Kiedik B; Junankar S; Ross SE; Lam N; Coulson R; Yang J; Zaratzian A; Da Silva AM; Tayao M; Chin IL; Cazet A; Kansara M; Segara D; Parker A; Hoy AJ; Harvey RP; Bogdanovic O; Timpson P; Croucher DR; Lim E; Swarbrick A; Holst J; Turner N; Choi YS; Kabakova IV; Philp A; Cox TR, 2024, 'Tumor Biomechanics Alters Metastatic Dissemination of Triple Negative Breast Cancer via Rewiring Fatty Acid Metabolism', Advanced Science, 11,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ballard JOW; Field MA; Edwards RJ; Wilson LAB; Koungoulos LG; Rosen BD; Chernoff B; Dudchenko O; Omer A; Keilwagen J; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Chan E; Zammit R; Hayes V; Aiden EL, 2023, 'The Australasian dingo archetype: de novo chromosome-length genome assembly, DNA methylome, and cranial morphology', GigaScience, 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hastings JF; Latham SL; Kamili A; Wheatley MS; Han JZR; Wong-Erasmus M; Phimmachanh M; Nobis M; Pantarelli C; Cadell AL; O鈥橠onnell YEI; Leong KH; Lynn S; Geng FS; Cui L; Yan S; Achinger-Kawecka J; Stirzaker C; Norris MD; Haber M; Trahair TN; Speleman F; De Preter K; Cowley MJ; Bogdanovic O; Timpson P; Cox TR; Kolch W; Fletcher JI; Fey D; Croucher DR, 2023, 'Memory of stochastic single-cell apoptotic signaling promotes chemoresistance in neuroblastoma', Science Advances, 9,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Marl茅taz F; de la Calle-Mustienes E; Acemel RD; Paliou C; Naranjo S; Mart铆nez-Garc铆a PM; Cases I; Sleight VA; Hirschberger C; Marcet-Houben M; Navon D; Andrescavage A; Skvortsova K; Duckett PE; Gonz谩lez-Rajal 脕; Bogdanovic O; Gibcus JH; Yang L; Gallardo-Fuentes L; Sospedra I; Lopez-Rios J; Darbellay F; Visel A; Dekker J; Shubin N; Gabald贸n T; Nakamura T; Tena JJ; Lupi谩帽ez DG; Rokhsar DS; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL, 2023, 'The little skate genome and the evolutionary emergence of wing-like fins', Nature, 616, pp. 495 - 503,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ross SE; V谩zquez-Mar铆n J; Gert KRB; Gonz谩lez-Rajal 脕; Dinger ME; Pauli A; Mart铆nez-Morales JR; Bogdanovic O, 2023, 'Evolutionary conservation of embryonic DNA methylome remodelling in distantly related teleost species', Nucleic Acids Research, 51, pp. 9658 - 9671,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Angeloni A; Ferguson J; Bogdanovic O, 2022, 'Nanopore Sequencing and Data Analysis for Base-Resolution Genome-Wide 5-Methylcytosine Profiling', , 2458, pp. 75 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Baranasic D; H枚rtenhuber M; Balwierz PJ; Zehnder T; Mukarram AK; Nepal C; V谩rnai C; Hadzhiev Y; Jimenez-Gonzalez A; Li N; Wragg J; D鈥橭razio FM; Relic D; Pachkov M; D铆az N; Hern谩ndez-Rodr铆guez B; Chen Z; Stoiber M; Dong M; Stevens I; Ross SE; Eagle A; Martin R; Obasaju O; Rastegar S; McGarvey AC; Kopp W; Chambers E; Wang D; Kim HR; Acemel RD; Naranjo S; 艁api艅ski M; Chong V; Mathavan S; Peers B; Sauka-Spengler T; Vingron M; Carninci P; Ohler U; Lacadie SA; Burgess SM; Winata C; van Eeden F; Vaquerizas JM; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Onichtchouk D; Brown BJ; Bogdanovic O; van Nimwegen E; Westerfield M; Wardle FC; Daub CO; Lenhard B; M眉ller F, 2022, 'Multiomic atlas with functional stratification and developmental dynamics of zebrafish cis-regulatory elements', Nature Genetics, 54, pp. 1037 - 1050,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Field MA; Yadav S; Dudchenko O; Esvaran M; Rosen BD; Skvortsova K; Edwards RJ; Keilwagen J; Cochran BJ; Manandhar B; Bustamante S; Rasmussen JA; Melvin RG; Chernoff B; Omer A; Colaric Z; Chan EKF; Minoche AE; Smith TPL; Gilbert MTP; Bogdanovic O; Zammit RA; Thomas T; Aiden EL; Ballard JWO, 2022, 'The Australian dingo is an early offshoot of modern breed dogs', Science Advances, 8,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Skvortsova K; Bertrand S; Voronov D; Duckett PE; Ross SE; Magri MS; Maeso I; Weatheritt RJ; G贸mez Skarmeta JL; Arnone MI; Escriva H; Bogdanovic O, 2022, 'Active DNA demethylation of developmental cis-regulatory regions predates vertebrate origins', Science Advances, 8,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wyatt CDR; Pernaute B; Gohr A; Miret-Cuesta M; Goyeneche L; Rovira Q; Salzer MC; Boke E; Bogdanovic O; Bonnal S; Irimia M, 2022, 'A developmentally programmed splicing failure contributes to DNA damage response attenuation during mammalian zygotic genome activation', Science Advances, 8,
    Journal articles | 2022
    de Mendoza A; Nguyen TV; Ford E; Poppe D; Buckberry S; Pflueger J; Grimmer MR; Stolzenburg S; Bogdanovic O; Oshlack A; Farnham PJ; Blancafort P; Lister R, 2022, 'Large-scale manipulation of promoter DNA methylation reveals context-specific transcriptional responses and stability', Genome Biology, 23,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Angeloni A; Bogdanovic O, 2021, 'Sequence determinants, function, and evolution of CpG islands', Biochemical Society Transactions, 49, pp. 1109 - 1119,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Buono L; Corbacho J; Naranjo S; Almuedo-Castillo M; Moreno-Marmol T; de la Cerda B; Sanabria-Reinoso E; Polvillo R; D铆az-Corrales FJ; Bogdanovic O; Bovolenta P; Mart铆nez-Morales JR, 2021, 'Author Correction: Analysis of gene network bifurcation during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (3866), 10.1038/s41467-021-24169-7)', Nature Communications, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Buono L; Corbacho J; Naranjo S; Almuedo-Castillo M; Moreno-Marmol T; de la Cerda B; Sanbria-Reinoso E; Polvillo R; D铆az-Corrales FJ; Bogdanovic O; Bovolenta P; Mart铆nez-Morales JR, 2021, 'Analysis of gene network bifurcation during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish', Nature Communications, 12,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Edwards RJ; Field MA; Ferguson JM; Dudchenko O; Keilwagen J; Rosen BD; Johnson GS; Rice ES; Hillier LD; Hammond JM; Towarnicki SG; Omer A; Khan R; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Zammit RA; Aiden EL; Warren WC; Ballard JWO, 2021, 'Chromosome-length genome assembly and structural variations of the primal Basenji dog (Canis lupus familiaris) genome', BMC Genomics, 22,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ogawa M; Geng FS; Humphreys DT; Kristianto E; Sheng DZ; Hui SP; Zhang Y; Sugimoto K; Nakayama M; Zheng D; Hesselson D; Hodson MP; Bogdanovic O; Kikuchi K, 2021, 'Kr眉ppel-like factor 1 is a core cardiomyogenic trigger in zebrafish', Science, 372,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ross SE; Hesselson D; Bogdanovic O, 2021, 'Developmental Accumulation of Gene Body and Transposon Non-CpG Methylation in the Zebrafish Brain', Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Mendoza A; Poppe D; Buckberry S; Pflueger J; Albertin CB; Daish T; Bertrand S; de la Calle-Mustienes E; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Nery JR; Ecker JR; Baer B; Ragsdale CW; Gr眉tzner F; Escriva H; Venkatesh B; Bogdanovic O; Lister R, 2021, 'The emergence of the brain non-CpG methylation system in vertebrates', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 5, pp. 369 - 378,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Bogdanovic O; Irimia M, 2020, 'Jos茅 Luis G贸mez-Skarmeta (1966-2020)', Nature genetics, 52, pp. 1267 - 1268,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Buono L; Naranjo S; Moreno-Marmol T; de la Cerda B; Polvillo R; D铆az-Corrales F-J; Bogdanovic O; Bovolenta P; Mart铆nez-Morales J-R, 2020, 'Analysis of gene network bifurcation during optic cup morphogenesis in zebrafish', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cultrone D; Zammit N; Self E; Postert B; Han JZR; Bailey J; Warren J; Croucher D; Kikuchi K; Bogdanovic O; Chtanova T; Hesselson D; Grey S, 2020, 'A zebrafish functional genomics model to investigate the role of human A20 variantsin vivo', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Cultrone D; Zammit NW; Self E; Postert B; Han JZR; Bailey J; Warren J; Croucher DR; Kikuchi K; Bogdanovic O; Chtanova T; Hesselson D; Grey ST, 2020, 'A zebrafish functional genomics model to investigate the role of human A20 variants in vivo', Scientific Reports, 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Edwards RJ; Field M; Ferguson J; Dudchenko O; Keilwagen J; Rosen B; Johnston G; Rice E; Hillier L; Hammond J; Towarnicki S; Omer A; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Zammit R; Aiden E; Warren W; Ballard B, 2020, 'Chromosome-length genome assembly and structural variations of the primal Basenji dog (Canis lupus familiaris) genome', bioRxiv, pp. 2020.11.11.379073,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Field MA; Rosen BD; Dudchenko O; Chan EKF; Minoche AE; Edwards RJ; Barton K; Lyons RJ; Tuipulotu DE; Hayes VM; Omer AD; Colaric Z; Keilwagen J; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Smith MA; Aiden EL; Smith TPL; Zammit RA; Ballard JWO, 2020, 'Canfam-GSD: De novo chromosome-length genome assembly of the German Shepherd Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) using a combination of long reads, optical mapping, and Hi-C', GigaScience, 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Geng F-S; de la Calle-Mustienes E; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Lister R; Bogdanovic O, 2020, 'Depletion of Foxk transcription factors causes genome-wide transcriptional misregulation and developmental arrest in zebrafish embryos.', MicroPubl Biol, 2020,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ross S; Angeloni A; de Mendoza A; Bogdanovic O, 2020, 'Pervasive non-CpG methylation at zebrafish mosaic satellite repeats', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ross S; Ross S; Hesselson D; Bogdanovic O, 2020, 'Developmental accumulation of gene body and transposon non-CpG methylation in the zebrafish brain', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ross SE; Angeloni A; Geng FS; de Mendoza A; Bogdanovic O, 2020, 'Developmental remodelling of non-CG methylation at satellite DNA repeats', Nucleic Acids Research, 48, pp. 12675 - 12688,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wyatt C; Pernaute B; Gohr A; Miret-Cuesta M; Goyeneche L; Rovira Q; Bogdanovic O; Bonnal S; Irimia M, 2020, 'A developmentally programmed splicing failure attenuates the DNA damage response during mammalian zygotic genome activation', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    de Mendoza A; Lister R; Bogdanovic O, 2020, 'Evolution of DNA Methylome Diversity in Eukaryotes', Journal of Molecular Biology, 432, pp. 1687 - 1705,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Angeloni A; Bogdanovic O, 2019, 'Enhancer DNA methylation: implications for gene regulation.', Essays Biochem, 63, pp. 707 - 715,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Ross SE; Bogdanovic O, 2019, 'TET enzymes, DNA demethylation and pluripotency', Biochemical Society Transactions, 47, pp. 875 - 885,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Skvortsova K; Masle-Farquhar E; Luu PL; Song JZ; Qu W; Zotenko E; Gould CM; Du Q; Peters TJ; Colino-Sanguino Y; Pidsley R; Nair SS; Khoury A; Smith GC; Miosge LA; Reed JH; Kench JG; Rubin MA; Horvath L; Bogdanovic O; Lim SM; Polo JM; Goodnow CC; Stirzaker C; Clark SJ, 2019, 'DNA Hypermethylation Encroachment at CpG Island Borders in Cancer Is Predisposed by H3K4 Monomethylation Patterns', Cancer Cell, 35, pp. 297 - 314.e8,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Skvortsova K; Tarbashevich K; Stehling M; Lister R; Irimia M; Raz E; Bogdanovic O, 2019, 'Retention of paternal DNA methylome in the developing zebrafish germline', Nature Communications, 10,
    Journal articles | 2019
    de Mendoza A; Hatleberg WL; Pang K; Leininger S; Bogdanovic O; Pflueger J; Buckberry S; Technau U; Hejnol A; Adamska M; Degnan BM; Degnan SM; Lister R, 2019, 'Convergent evolution of a vertebrate-like methylome in a marine sponge', Nature Ecology and Evolution, 3, pp. 1464 - 1473,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Marl茅taz F; Firbas PN; Maeso I; Tena JJ; Bogdanovic O; Perry M; Wyatt CDR; de la Calle-Mustienes E; Bertrand S; Burguera D; Acemel RD; van Heeringen SJ; Naranjo S; Herrera-Ubeda C; Skvortsova K; Jimenez-Gancedo S; Aldea D; Marquez Y; Buono L; Kozmikova I; Permanyer J; Louis A; Albuixech-Crespo B; Le Petillon Y; Leon A; Subirana L; Balwierz PJ; Duckett PE; Farahani E; Aury JM; Mangenot S; Wincker P; Albalat R; Benito-Guti茅rrez 脠; Ca帽estro C; Castro F; D鈥橝niello S; Ferrier DEK; Huang S; Laudet V; Marais GAB; Pontarotti P; Schubert M; Seitz H; Somorjai I; Takahashi T; Mirabeau O; Xu A; Yu JK; Carninci P; Martinez-Morales JR; Crollius HR; Kozmik Z; Weirauch MT; Garcia-Fern脿ndez J; Lister R; Lenhard B; Holland PWH; Escriva H; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Irimia M, 2018, 'Amphioxus functional genomics and the origins of vertebrate gene regulation', Nature, 564, pp. 64 - 70,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Skvortsova K; Iovino N; Bogdanovi膰 O, 2018, 'Functions and mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance in animals', Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 19, pp. 774 - 790,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Lister R, 2017, 'DNA methylation and the preservation of cell identity', Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 46, pp. 9 - 14,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bogdanovi膰 O, 2017, 'Tet proteins: Master regulators of vertebrate body plan formation?', Epigenomics, 9, pp. 93 - 96,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Crisp PA; Ganguly DR; Smith AB; Murray KD; Estavillo GM; Searle I; Ford E; Bogdanovi膰 O; Lister R; Borevitz JO; Eichten SR; Pogson BJ, 2017, 'Rapid recovery gene downregulation during excess-light stress and recovery in arabidopsis', Plant Cell, 29, pp. 1836 - 1863,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Elurbe D; Paranjpe S; Georgiou G; van Kruijsbergen I; Bogdanovic O; Gibeaux R; Heald R; Lister R; Huynen M; van Heeringen S; Veenstra GJ, 2017, 'Regulatory remodeling in the allo-tetraploid frog Xenopus laevis', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Elurbe DM; Paranjpe SS; Georgiou G; van Kruijsbergen I; Bogdanovic O; Gibeaux R; Heald R; Lister R; Huynen MA; van Heeringen SJ; Veenstra GJC, 2017, 'Regulatory remodeling in the allo-tetraploid frog Xenopus laevis', Genome biology, 18, pp. 198,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ford E; Grimmer M; Stolzenburg S; Bogdanovic O; Mendoza AD; Farnham P; Blancafort P; Lister R, 2017, 'Frequent lack of repressive capacity of promoter DNA methylation identified through genome-wide epigenomic manipulation', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Westhorpe F; Tiengwe C; Hunsberger H; Jain G; Wells M; Yu M; Bogdanovic O; Absalon S; Sen P; Madrigal P; Natarajan K, 2017, 'Postdocs, What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?', CELL, 168, pp. 745 - 748,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Zenk F; Loeser E; Schiavo R; Kilpert F; Bogdanovic O; Iovino N, 2017, 'Germ line鈥搃nherited H3K27me3 restricts enhancer function during maternal-to-zygotic transition', Science, 357, pp. 212 - 216,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Smits AH; De La Calle Mustienes E; Tena JJ; Ford E; Williams R; Senanayake U; Schultz MD; Hontelez S; Van Kruijsbergen I; Rayon T; Gnerlich F; Carell T; Veenstra GJC; Manzanares M; Sauka-Spengler T; Ecker JR; Vermeulen M; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Lister R, 2016, 'Active DNA demethylation at enhancers during the vertebrate phylotypic period', Nature Genetics, 48, pp. 417 - 426,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Van Heeringen SJ, 2016, 'ChiP-seq data processing for PcG proteins and associated Histone modifications', Methods in Molecular Biology, 1480, pp. 37 - 53,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Hontelez S; van Kruijsbergen I; Georgiou G; van Heeringen SJ; Bogdanovic O; Lister R; Veenstra GJC, 2016, 'Embryonic transcription is controlled by maternally defined chromatin state (vol 6, 10148, 2015)', NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 7,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Session AM; Uno Y; Kwon T; Chapman JA; Toyoda A; Takahashi S; Fukui A; Hikosaka A; Suzuki A; Kondo M; Van Heeringen SJ; Quigley I; Heinz S; Ogino H; Ochi H; Hellsten U; Lyons JB; Simakov O; Putnam N; Stites J; Kuroki Y; Tanaka T; Michiue T; Watanabe M; Bogdanovic O; Lister R; Georgiou G; Paranjpe SS; Van Kruijsbergen I; Shu S; Carlson J; Kinoshita T; Ohta Y; Mawaribuchi S; Jenkins J; Grimwood J; Schmutz J; Mitros T; Mozaffari SV; Suzuki Y; Haramoto Y; Yamamoto TS; Takagi C; Heald R; Miller K; Haudenschild C; Kitzman J; Nakayama T; Izutsu Y; Robert J; Fortriede J; Burns K; Lotay V; Karimi K; Yasuoka Y; Dichmann DS; Flajnik MF; Houston DW; Shendure J; Dupasquier L; Vize PD; Zorn AM; Ito M; Marcotte EM; Wallingford JB; Ito Y; Asashima M; Ueno N; Matsuda Y; Veenstra GJC; Fujiyama A; Harland RM; Taira M; Rokhsar DS, 2016, 'Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis', Nature, 538, pp. 336 - 343,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Lister R, 2015, 'Of mice and man: Differential DNMT dependence in mammalian ESCs', Cell Stem Cell, 16, pp. 459 - 460,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Hontelez S; Van Kruijsbergen I; Georgiou G; Van Heeringen SJ; Bogdanovic O; Lister R; Veenstra GJC, 2015, 'Embryonic transcription is controlled by maternally defined chromatin state', Nature Communications, 6,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Marcos S; Gonz谩lez-L谩zaro M; Beccari L; Carramolino L; Martin-Bermejo MJ; Amarie O; Mart谋虂n DMS; Torroja C; Bogdanovi膰 O; Doohan R; Puk O; de Angelis MH; Graw J; Gomez-Skarmeta JL; Casares F; Torres M; Bovolenta P, 2015, 'Meis1 coordinates a network of genes implicated in eye development and microphthalmia', Development (Cambridge), 142, pp. 3009 - 3020,
    Journal articles | 2015
    de la Calle Mustienes E; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Bogdanovi膰 O, 2015, 'Genome-wide epigenetic cross-talk between DNA methylation and H3K27me3 in zebrafish embryos', Genomics Data, 6, pp. 7 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bogdanovi膰 O; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL, 2014, 'Embryonic DNA methylation: Insights from the genomics era', Briefings in Functional Genomics, 13, pp. 121 - 130,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Bogdanovi膰 O, 2014, 'Invertebrate epigenomics: The brave new world of the spineless', Briefings in Functional Genomics, 13, pp. 189 - 190,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Fern谩ndez-Mi帽谩n A; Tena JJ; de la Calle-Mustienes E; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL, 2013, 'The developmental epigenomics toolbox: ChIP-seq and MethylCap-seq profiling of early zebrafish embryos', Methods, 62, pp. 207 - 215,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Delfino-Mach铆n M; Nicol谩s-P茅rez M; Gavil谩n MP; Gago-Rodrigues I; Fern谩ndez-Mi帽谩n A; Lillo C; R铆os RM; Wittbrodt J; Mart铆nez-Morales JR, 2012, 'Numb/Numbl-Opo Antagonism Controls Retinal Epithelium Morphogenesis by Regulating Integrin Endocytosis', Developmental Cell, 23, pp. 782 - 795,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Irimia M; Tena JJ; Alexis MS; Fernandez-Mi帽an A; Maeso I; Bogdanovi膰 O; De La Calle-Mustienes E; Roy SW; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Fraser HB, 2012, 'Extensive conservation of ancient microsynteny across metazoans due to cis-regulatory constraints', Genome Research, 22, pp. 2356 - 2367,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bogdanovi膰 O; Veenstra GJC, 2011, 'Affinity-based enrichment strategies to assay methyl-CpG binding activity and DNA methylation in early Xenopus embryos.', BMC Res Notes, 4, pp. 300,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Edwards R; Field M; Ferguson J; Dudchenko O; Keilwagen J; Rosen B; Johnson G; Rice E; Hillier L; Hammond J; Towarnicki S; Omer A; Khan R; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Zammit R; Aiden EL; Warren W; Ballard W, 2021, Chromosome-length genome assembly and structural variations of the primal Basenji dog (Canis lupus familiaris) genome, BioMed Central,
    Working Papers | 2020
    Yadav S; Dudchenko O; Esvaran M; Rosen B; Field M; Skvortsova K; Gopalakrishnan S; Keilwagen J; Cochran B; Manandhar B; Bucknall M; Bustamante S; Rasmussen J; Melvin R; Omer A; Colaric Z; Chan E; Minoche A; Smith T; Gilbert T; Bogdanovic O; Zammit R; Thomas T; Aiden E; Ballard B; Edwards R, 2020, Desert Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) genome provides insights into their role in the Australian ecosystem, Cold Spring Harbor, ,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Church SH; Abedon RB; Ahuja N; Anthony CJ; Ramirez DA; Rojas LM; Albinsson ME; 脕lvarez Trasobares I; Bergemann RE; Bogdanovic O; Burdick DR; Cunha TJ; Damian-Serrano A; D鈥橢l铆a G; Dion KB; Doyle TK; Gon莽alves JM; Gonzalez Rajal A; Haddock SHD; Helm RR; Gouvello DL; Lewis ZR; Magalh茫es BIMM; Ma艅ko MK; de Mendoza A; Moura CJ; Nel R; Perelman JN; Prieto L; Munro C; Oguchi K; Pitt KA; Schaeffer A; Schmidt AL; Sellanes J; Wilson NG; Yamamoto G; Lazo-Wasem EA; Simon C; Decker MB; Coughlan JM; Dunn CW, 2024, Global genomics of the man-o鈥-war (Physalia) reveals biodiversity at the ocean surface,
    Preprints | 2023
    Angeloni A; Fissette S; Kaya D; Hammond J; Gamaarachchi H; Deveson I; Klose R; Li W; Zhang X; Bogdanovic O, 2023, Extensive DNA methylome rearrangement during early lamprey embryogenesis,
    Preprints | 2023
    Ballard JWO; Field MA; Edwards RJ; Wilson LAB; Koungoulos LG; Rosen BD; Chernoff B; Dudchenko O; Omer A; Keilwagen J; Skvortsova K; Bogdanovic O; Chan E; Zammit R; Hayes V; Aiden EL, 2023, The Australasian dingo archetype: De novo chromosome-length genome assembly, DNA methylome, and cranial morphology.,
    Preprints | 2023
    Cahn J; Lloyd JPB; Karemaker ID; Jansen PWTC; Pflueger J; Duncan O; Petereit J; Bogdanovic O; Millar AH; Vermeulen M; Lister R, 2023, Characterization of DNA methylation reader proteins ofArabidopsis thaliana,
    Preprints | 2023
    Ross S; V谩zquez-Mar铆n J; Gert KRB; Gonz谩lez-Rajal 脕; Dinger M; Pauli A; Mart铆nez-Morales JR; Bogdanovic O, 2023, Evolutionary conservation of embryonic DNA methylome remodelling in distantly related teleost species,
    Preprints | 2022
    Marletaz F; de la Calle-Mustienes E; Acemel R; Nakamura T; Paliou C; Naranjo S; Martinez-Garcia P; Cases I; Sleight V; Hirschberger C; Marcet-Houben M; Navon D; Andrescavage A; Skvortsova K; Duckett P; Gonzalez-Rajal A; Bogdanovic O; Gibcus J; Yang L; Gallardo-Fuentes L; Sospedra I; Lopez-Rios J; Darbellay F; Visel A; Dekker J; Shubin N; Gabaldon T; Tena J; Lupianez D; Rokhsar D; Gomez-Skarmeta J, 2022, The little skate genome and the evolutionary emergence of wing-like fin appendages,
    Preprints | 2021
    Baranasic D; H枚rtenhuber M; Balwierz P; Zehnder T; Mukarram AK; Nepal C; Varnai C; Hadzhiev Y; Jimenez-Gonzalez A; Li N; Wragg J; D鈥橭razio F; D铆az N; Hern谩ndez-Rodr铆guez B; Chen Z; Stoiber M; Dong M; Stevens I; Ross SE; Eagle A; Martin R; Obasaju P; Rastegar S; McGarvey AC; Kopp W; Chambers E; Wang D; Kim HR; Acemel RD; Naranjo S; Lapinski M; Chong V; Mathavan S; Peers B; Sauka-Spengler T; Vingron M; Carninci P; Ohler U; Lacadie SA; Burgess S; Winata C; van Eeden F; Vaquerizas JM; G贸mez-Skarmeta JL; Onichtchouk D; Brown BJ; Bogdanovic O; Westerfield M; Wardle FC; Daub CO; Lenhard B; M眉ller F, 2021, Integrated annotation and analysis of genomic features reveal new types of functional elements and large-scale epigenetic phenomena in the developing zebrafish,
    Preprints | 2021
    Skvortsova K; Bertrand S; Voronov D; Duckett PE; Ross SE; Magri MS; Maeso I; Weatheritt RJ; Gomez-Skarmeta JL; Arnone MI; Escriva H; Bogdanovic O, 2021, Active DNA demethylation of developmental cis-regulatory regions predates vertebrate origins,

2017 - Millennium Science Award
2017 - Raine Research Prize
2016 - UWA Early Career Researcher Vice Chancellor鈥檚 Award
2016 - UWA Research Collaboration Award
2015 - UWA Research Collaboration Award
2014 - ECR Award to attend the annual meeting of the Australian Academy of Sciences
2014 - Cell Symposia 鈥 Transcriptional Regulation in Development, Poster Presentation Award聽
2013 - ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)
2013 - EMBO travel grant
2003 - IAESTE internship to work at Friedrich Miescher Institute (Basel, CH)

How a complex, multicellular organism develops from a single fertilized egg is among the most intriguing concepts in biology. This phenomenon is further augmented by the fact that metazoan organisms consist of many distinct cell types that largely differ in their morphology, function and gene expression patterns, yet contain identical genomic DNA. Nowadays, we know that such a vast variety of cell types is generated and maintained by mechanisms that in most cases do not involve alterations in the primary DNA sequence. Such epigenetic mechanisms include (but are not limited to): DNA methylation, post-translational modifications of histone tails, long non-coding RNA and nucleosome positioning. The development of massively parallel DNA sequencing technologies has facilitated the generation of precise epigenome maps corresponding to myriad cell-lines, tissues and disease samples with the aim of deciphering the epigenomic component of diverse cellular forms and functions.

The research in the Bogdanovi膰 lab aims to understand the contributions of the epigenome to embryonic development, cell differentiation and disease. We are particularly interested in how DNA methylation patterns are established, maintained and altered during those processes. Our interest in DNA methylation stems from the fact that this epigenetic mark can be stably propagated through cell division and that the presence or absence of DNA methylation correlates well with the activity of regulatory regions. Finally, a vast wealth of studies has demonstrated strong links between DNA methylation and various disease phenotypes suggestive of its potential applicability as a biomarker.

My Research Supervision