
Associate Professor Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux

Associate Professor Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux

Associate Professor
School of Mathematics & Statistics

? ? More details on my ??




I have been an Associate Professor of Data Science and Statistics at the University of New South Wales since 2020. Previously, I was:

  • Senior Lecturer of Statistics at the University of New South Wales (2017-2019);
  • Professor of Statistics at , the French National School of Statistics and Information Analysis (2015-2017);
  • Associate Professor of Statistics at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al, Department of Mathematics and Statistics (2011-2016);
  • Assistant Professor of Statistics at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al, (2009-2011);
  • Assistant Professor of Statistics at Grenoble Alps University, (2003-present);
  • Affiliate Researcher at , in the Functional and Metabolic Neuroimaging team (2007-2010).


  • MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience, , France, 2007.
  • PhD in Statistics, and Universit¨¦ de Montpellier, Canada and France, 2003.
  • MSc in Biostatistics, Universit¨¦ de Montpellier, France, 1998.
  • BSc in Pure Mathematics and Physics, , France, 1996.


  • Postdoctoral Fellow, , McGill University, Canada, 2003.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre de Recherches Math¨¦matiques (), Canada, 2003.



Research Goals

  • Develop statistical tools that are used inside and outside our community;
  • Use tools of Pure Mathematics to propose or improve new statistical methods;
  • Build computer packages that permit the widespread of these new methods;
  • Collaborate with researchers in Australia and Overseas.

Research in Detail

My main current research interests are in the four following inter-related topics.

  • Dependence Measures:?We plan to devise novel and easy to use statistical methods for better analyses of dependencies between random elements of various types, with emphasis on big data. Challenges arising in the big 3V's-environment (Volume, Variety, Velocity) will be mainly addressed by taking advantage of results from complex analysis. We plan to develop a unifying methodology that relies on the complex-valued characteristic function, which will allow dependence between any number of random elements, even big, to be apprehended.
  • NeuroImaging Genetics:?This new field of scientific research?refers to the use of anatomical or physiological brain imaging technologies (fMRI, EEG, DTI) as phenotypic assays to evaluate genetic variation. I plan to develop new statistical methods, in close connection with neuroscientists?(, ), to help to understand these very interesting problems.
  • Big Data and Internet of Things:?We are now overwhelmed with data. Moreover, big data sets typically involve mathematical objects much richer than simple random variables, hence showing relationships of much more intricate nature. These data can come in multiple forms, or as streams in real-time. The latter is particularly true for data recorded using sensors attached to?physical devices. When all these objects are connected together through the Internet, they form an Internet of Things (IoT). Recently,?a tiny and affordable computer that can be equipped with many cheap and various sensors, the Raspberry Pi, has gained popularity. I plan to develop new computing tools to control the Pi and propose new statistical tools to analyse data acquired using this credit-card size computer.
  • Statistical Inference for Complex Random Vectors:?Almost all current statistical modelling techniques are designed for real-valued data.?Though, complex-valued random vectors are common in some important applications of big data. For instance, in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the raw data returned by the scanner are complex numbers. For steam generator tubes in nuclear power plants, defects are periodically checked by means of complex Eddy-current probes measurements. It is thus important to build a complete theory of statistical inference for complex-valued random vectors.

Research Grants

  • Â鶹Éçmadou Research Infrastructure Scheme (2020-2021);
  • NSERC individual competition discovery grant program (2014-2019);
  • Mitacs Accelerate Research Internships Program (2013);
  • NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grants Program (principal investigator) (2013).

Current Student Projects (PostDoc, PhD and Honours)

  • Rianti?Siswi Utami, Ph.D. student (2020-), joint supervision with Prof. J. Olivier.
  • Guillaume Boglioni-Beaulieu, Ph.D. student (2017-), joint supervision with Prof B. Avanzi and Prof B. Wong (from Â鶹Éçmadou Business School).

Supervision Opportunities/Areas

I will be happy to supervise you in any specific areas in which you have an interest: both in theoretical/applied statistics, with any application you may have in mind (such as but not limited to: Big data, Neuroscience, Medicine, Internet of Things, etc.), and to develop computer software packages to promote your research.?

Advice for Prospective Students

I am looking to work with enjoyable, hard-working, passionate, and autonomous students. ?Have a look at my Expertise, my Publication records, and my Personal web page to see the kind of things I have been interested in. Feel free to come and discuss any research related matter!



Courses I Teach


  • ZZSC5905:?Statistical Inference for Data

Recent years

  • DATA3001:?Data Sciences & Decisions in Practice, at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney
  • MATH3821: Statistical Modelling and Computing, at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney
  • MATH1041: Statistics for Life and Social Science, at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney
  • MATH5806: Applied Regression Analysis, at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney
  • MBDSTA02: Statistical Inference and Hypothesis testing, at ENSAI
  • R/Shiny: ? ? ? Interactive Web Apps, at ENSAI
  • MBDINF14: Programming with Big Data in R using Distributed Memory,?at ENSAI
  • STT1700: ? ?Introductory Statistics, at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al
  • STT2400: ? ?Linear regression,?at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al
  • STT6415: ? ?Regression Analysis,?at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al
  • STT2700: ? ?Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis,?at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al
  • STT6300: ? ?Large Sample Techniques,?at Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al

Professional affiliations and service positions

  • Editorial board, PratiqueR collection (French), Edition Diffusion Presse Sciences. 2013 - present.
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Statistical Software. 2017?- present

Consulting to Industry, Commerce, and Government

I have provided consulting and contract research activities for (Deep Learning techniques to predict credit default); (prediction of recanalization after thrombolysis for patients with acute stroke); (study of benefits of probiotic fermented milk); (sample size computation for a clinical study on drug eluting stents); etc.


  • ?Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al Faculty of Advanced Studies Provost Honor List (2003).

My Expertise

Asymptotics, Big Data, Biostatistics, Bootstrap, Complex random fields, Data Science, Developing R packages, Hypothesis testing?theory, Independent Component Analysis, Linear regression methods, Model selection, Multiple testing, Multivariate statistics, Neuroscience, Reproducible research, Sample size determination, Stochastic processes, Teaching, Time series analysis.

02 9385 7029
School of Mathematics and Statistics Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney NSW 2052 The Red Centre Room 2050
  • Books | 2016
    Lafaye de Micheaux ; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B , 2016, Perangkat Lukan R - Dasar-dasar Pemrograman dan Analisis Statistika, University Sebalas Maret
    Books | 2015
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B ; Li, Q ; Pan, D ; Tang, N , 2015, R Èí¼þ¼°Í³¼Æ·ÖÎö, Higher Education Press, China
    Books | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet, R ; Liquet, B , 2014, Le logiciel R : Ma?triser le langage, effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer Verlag France
    Books | 2014
    Micheaux PLD; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, The R Software Fundamentals of Programming and Statistical Analysis, Springer Science & Business
    Books | 2011
    Micheaux PLD; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2011, Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses statistiques, Springer Science & Business Media
  • Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Analyse de variance ¨¦l¨¦mentaire', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Importation-exportation et production de donn¨¦es', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Intervalles de confiance et tests d'hypoth¨¨ses', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Maintenance des sessions', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Manipulation de donn¨¦es, fonctions', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Math¨¦matiques de base: calcul matriciel, int¨¦gration, optimisation', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Programmation en R', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Quelques jeux de donn¨¦es et probl¨¦matiques', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'R et sa documentation', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'R¨¦gression lin¨¦aire simple et multiple', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Statistique descriptive', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Techniques pour tracer des courbes et des graphiques', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Droulhet R; Liquet B, 2014, 'Les concepts de base, l'organisation des donn¨¦es', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2014, 'Variables al¨¦atoires, lois et simulations: une meilleure compr¨¦hension gr?ce aux sp¨¦cificit¨¦s de R', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2014
    lafaye de micheaux ; drouilhet R; liquet B, 2014, 'Pr¨¦sentation du logiciel R', in Le logiciel R Ma?triser le langage - Effectuer des analyses (bio)statistiques, Springer
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'A Better Understanding of Random Variables, Distributions and Simulations Using R Specificities', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 381 - 415,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'A Few Data Sets and Research Questions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 29 - 33,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Appendix: Installing R and R Packages', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 531 - 538
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Basic Concepts and Data Organisation', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 37 - 61,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Basic Mathematics: Matrix Operations, Integration and Optimization', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 313 - 337,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 417 - 453,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Data Manipulation, Functions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 85 - 140,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Descriptive Statistics', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 339 - 380,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Drawing Curves and Plots', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 151 - 192,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Elementary Analysis of Variance', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 503 - 530,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Importing, Exporting and Producing Data', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 63 - 83,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Introducing R', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 3 - 27,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Managing Sessions', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 283 - 309,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Programming in R', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 193 - 282,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'R and Its Documentation', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 141 - 150,
    Book Chapters | 2013
    de Micheaux PL; Drouilhet R; Liquet B, 2013, 'Simple and Multiple Linear Regression', in R SOFTWARE: FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS, SPRINGER, pp. 455 - 501,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Garc¨ªa-Portugu¨¦s E; de Micheaux PL; Meintanis SG; Verdebout T, 2024, 'NONPARAMETRIC TESTS OF INDEPENDENCE FOR CIRCULAR DATA BASED ON TRIGONOMETRIC MOMENTS', Statistica Sinica, 34, pp. 567 - 588,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Achard S; Coeurjolly JF; de Micheaux PL; Lbath H; Richiardi J, 2023, 'Inter-regional correlation estimators for functional magnetic resonance imaging', NeuroImage, 282,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Desgagn¨¦ A; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F, 2023, 'Goodness-of-fit tests for Laplace, Gaussian and exponential power distributions based on ¦Ë-th power skewness and kurtosis', Statistics, 57, pp. 94 - 122,
    Journal articles | 2023
    LODI M; POTERIE A; EXARCHAKIS G; BRIEN C; LAFAYE DE MICHEAUX P; DERUELLE P; GALLIX B, 2023, 'Prediction of cesarean delivery in class III obese nulliparous women: An externally validated model using machine learning', Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction, 52,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Desgagn¨¦ A; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F, 2022, 'A comprehensive empirical power comparison of univariate goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 92, pp. 3743 - 3788,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Geenens G; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2022, 'The Hellinger Correlation', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117, pp. 639 - 653,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Henze N; Lafaye De Micheaux P; Meintanis SG, 2022, 'Tests for circular symmetry of complex-valued random vectors', Test, 31, pp. 488 - 518,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Avanzi B; Beaulieu GB; de Micheaux PL; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2021, 'A counterexample to the existence of a general central limit theorem for pairwise independent identically distributed random variables', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 499, pp. 124982,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Avanzi B; Boglioni Beaulieu G; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2021, 'A counterexample to the existence of a general central limit theorem for pairwise independent identically distributed random variables', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 499,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Beaulieu GB; De Micheaux PL; Ouimet F, 2021, 'Counterexamples to the classical central limit theorem for triplewise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin', Dependence Modeling, 9, pp. 424 - 438,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Garc¨ªa-Portugu¨¦s E; Micheaux PLD; Meintanis SG; Verdebout T, 2021, 'Nonparametric tests of independence for circular data based on trigonometric moments', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Leightner J; Inoue T; de Micheaux PL, 2021, 'Variable Slope Forecasting Methods and COVID-19 Risk', JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Micheaux PL; Mozharovskyi P; Vimond M, 2021, 'Depth for Curve Data and Applications', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116, pp. 1881 - 1897,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Micheaux PL; Ouimet F, 2021, 'A study of seven asymmetric kernels for the estimation of cumulative distribution functions', Mathematics, 9,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Achard S; Coeurjolly J-F; Micheaux PLD; Richiardi J, 2020, 'Inter-regional correlation estimators for functional magnetic resonance imaging', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Desgagn¨¦ A; Micheaux PLD; Ouimet F; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2020, 'A comprehensive empirical power comparison of univariate goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution', Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (2022), 92 (18), 3743-3788
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ducharme GR; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2020, 'A goodness-of-fit test for elliptical distributions with diagnostic capabilities', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 178, pp. 104602,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Duchesne P; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Tagne Tatsinkou JF, 2020, 'On strong consistency and asymptotic normality of one-step Gauss-Newton estimators in ARMA time series models', Statistics, 54, pp. 1030 - 1057,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Henze N; Micheaux PLD; Meintanis SG, 2020, 'Tests for circular symmetry of complex-valued random vectors', Test, 35,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Micheaux PLD; Ouimet F; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2020, 'A study of seven asymmetric kernels for the estimation of cumulative distribution functions', Mathematics, 9,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lafaye De Micheaux P; Liquet B; Sutton M, 2019, 'PLS for Big Data: A unified parallel algorithm for regularised group PLS', Statistics Surveys, 13, pp. 119 - 149,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Desgagn¨¦ A; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2018, 'A powerful and interpretable alternative to the Jarque¨CBera test of normality based on 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis, using the Rao's score test on the APD family', Journal of Applied Statistics, 45, pp. 2307 - 2327,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Desgagn¨¦ A; Micheaux PLD; Ouimet F; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2018, 'Asymptotic law of a modified score statistic for the asymmetric power distribution with unknown location and scale parameters', Statistics (2023), 57 (1), 94-122
    Journal articles | 2018
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F, 2018, 'A uniform L1 law of large numbers for functions of i.i.d. random variables that are translated by a consistent estimator', Statistics and Probability Letters, 142, pp. 109 - 117,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bur¨¦ L; Boucher LM; Blumenkrantz M; Schob S; De Micheaux PL; Reinhold C; Gallix B, 2017, 'Can magnetic resonance spectroscopy differentiate malignant and benign causes of lymphadenopathy? An in-vitro approach', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0182169,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fan Y; de Micheaux PL; Penev S; Salopek D, 2017, 'Multivariate nonparametric test of independence', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 153, pp. 189 - 210,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Micheaux PLD; Liquet B; Sutton M, 2017, 'A Unified Parallel Algorithm for Regularized Group PLS Scalable to Big Data', ArXiv,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Delorme P; de Micheaux PL; Liquet B; Riou J, 2016, 'Type-II generalized family-wise error rate formulas with application to sample size determination', Statistics in Medicine, 35, pp. 2687 - 2714,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ducharme GR; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Marchina B, 2016, 'The complex multinormal distribution, quadratic forms in complex random vectors and an omnibus goodness-of-fit test for the complex normal distribution', Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 68, pp. 77 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Duchesne P; Lafaye De Micheaux P; Tagne Tatsinkou J, 2016, 'Estimating the mean and its effects on Neyman smooth tests of normality for ARMA models', Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44, pp. 241 - 270,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Liquet B; De Micheaux PL; Hejblum BP; Thi¨¦baut R, 2016, 'Group and sparse group partial least square approaches applied in genomics context', Bioinformatics, 32, pp. 35 - 42,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Wen W; Thalamuthu A; Mather KA; Zhu W; Jiang J; De Micheaux PL; Wright MJ; Ames D; Sachdev PS, 2016, 'Distinct Genetic Influences on Cortical and Subcortical Brain Structures', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 32760 - 32760,
    Journal articles | 2016
    de Micheaux PL; Tran VA, 2016, 'PoweR: A reproducible research tool to ease monte carlo power simulation studies for goodness-of-fit tests in R', Journal of Statistical Software, 69, pp. 1 - 44,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Bilodeau M; de Micheaux PL; Mahdi S, 2015, 'The R package groc for generalized regression on orthogonal components', Journal of Statistical Software, 65, pp. 1 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Haddadi A; Ledmani M; Gainier M; Hubert H; De Micheaux PL, 2014, 'Comparing the APACHE II, SOFA, LOD, and SAPS II scores in patients who have developed a nosocomial infection', Bangladesh Critical Care Journal, 2, pp. 4 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Lafaye De Micheaux P; Liquet B; Marque S; Riou J, 2014, 'Power and sample size determination in clinical trials with multiple primary continuous correlated endpoints', Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 24, pp. 378 - 397,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Desgagn¨¦ A; De Micheaux PL; Leblanc A, 2013, 'Test of normality against generalized exponential power alternatives', Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 42, pp. 164 - 190,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Duchesne P; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2013, 'Distributions for residual autocovariances in parsimonious periodic vector autoregressive models with applications', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 34, pp. 496 - 507,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Marteau P; Guyonnet D; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Gelu S, 2013, 'A randomized, double-blind, controlled study and pooled analysis of two identical trials of fermented milk containing probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis CNCM I-2494 in healthy women reporting minor digestive symptoms', Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 25,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Nicoli F; Lafaye De Micheaux P; Girard N, 2013, 'Perfusion-weighted imaging-derived collateral flow index is a predictor of MCA M1 recanalization after IV thrombolysis', American Journal of Neuroradiology, 34, pp. 107 - 114,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; L¨¦ger C, 2012, 'A law of the single logarithm for weighted sums of arrays applied to bootstrap model selection in regression', Statistics and Probability Letters, 82, pp. 965 - 971,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Micheaux PLD; Lemaire V, 2012, 'Sample Size Determination and Statistical Hypothesis Testing for Core Centration in Press Coated Tablets', Open Journal of Statistics, 02, pp. 269 - 273,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bordier C; Dojat M; Micheaux PLD; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2011, 'Temporal and Spatial Independent Component Analysis for fMRI data sets embedded in a R package', Journal of Statistical Software, 44, pp. 9,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Bordier C; Dojat M; de Micheaux PL, 2011, 'Temporal and spatial independent component analysis for fMRI data sets embedded in the analyzeFMRI R package', Journal of Statistical Software, 44, pp. 1 - 24,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Tabelow K; Clayden JD; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Polzehl J; Schmid VJ; Whitcher B, 2011, 'Image analysis and statistical inference in neuroimaging with R', NeuroImage, 55, pp. 1686 - 1693,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Duchesne P; Lafaye De Micheaux P, 2010, 'Computing the distribution of quadratic forms: Further comparisons between the Liu-Tang-Zhang approximation and exact methods', Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, pp. 858 - 862,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Bilodeau M; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2009, 'A-dependence statistics for mutual and serial independence of categorical variables', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, pp. 2407 - 2419,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Coeurjolly J-F; Drouilhet R; Micheaux PLD; Robineau J-F, 2009, 'asympTest: an R package for performing parametric statistical tests and confidence intervals based on the central limit theorem', ArXiv,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Coeurjolly JF; Drouilhet R; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Robineau JF, 2009, 'asympTest: A simple R package for classical parametric statistical tests and confidence intervals in large samples', R Journal, 1, pp. 26 - 30,
    Journal articles | 2009
    De Micheaux PL; Liquet B, 2009, 'Convergenceconcepts: An R package to investigate various modes of convergence', R Journal, 1, pp. 18 - 25,
    Journal articles | 2009
    De Micheaux PL; Liquet B, 2009, 'Teacher's corner understanding convergence concepts: A visual-minded and graphical simulation-based approach', American Statistician, 63, pp. 173 - 178,
    Journal articles | 2009
    de Micheaux PL; Liquet B, 2009, 'Understanding Convergence Concepts: A Visual-Minded and Graphical Simulation-Based Approach', AMERICAN STATISTICIAN, 63, pp. 173 - 178,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cenier T; Amat C; Litaudon P; Garcia S; Lafaye De Micheaux P; Liquet B; Roux S; Buonviso N, 2008, 'Odor vapor pressure and quality modulate local field potential oscillatory patterns in the olfactory bulb of the anesthetized rat', European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, pp. 1432 - 1440,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Beran R; Bilodeau M; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2007, 'Nonparametric tests of independence between random vectors', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, pp. 1805 - 1824,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Dubois M; Lafaye De Micheaux P; No? MP; Valdois S, 2007, 'Preorthographical constraints on visual word recognition: Evidence from a case study of developmental surface dyslexia', Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24, pp. 623 - 660,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bilodeau A; de Micheaux PL, 2005, 'A multivariate empirical characteristic function test of independence with normal marginals', JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS, 95, pp. 345 - 369,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Bilodeau M; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2005, 'A multivariate empirical characteristic function test of independence with normal marginals', Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 95, pp. 345 - 369,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Ducharme GR; De Micheaux PL, 2004, 'Goodness-of-fit tests of normality for the innovations in ARMA models', Journal of Time Series Analysis, 25, pp. 373 - 395,
  • Working Papers | 2020
    Avanzi B; Boglioni Beaulieu G; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2020, A counterexample to the central limit theorem for pairwise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin, ,
    Working Papers | 2018
    Geenens G; Lafaye de Micheaux P, 2018, The Hellinger Correlation, ,
  • Preprints | 2020
    Avanzi B; Beaulieu GB; de Micheaux PL; Ouimet F; Wong B, 2020, A counterexample to the central limit theorem for pairwise independent random variables having a common arbitrary margin, ,
    Conference Papers | 2020
    Lafaye De Micheaux P; Meintanis S; Verdebout T, 2020, 'Tests for Independence Involving Spherical Data', in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, pp. 295 - 304,
    Preprints | 2018
    Geenens G; de Micheaux PL, 2018, The Hellinger Correlation, ,
    Conference Abstracts | 2014
    Lafaye de Micheaux P; Liquet B; Sachdev PS; Thalamuthu A; Wen W, 2014, 'New statistical tools to study heritability of the brain', in Proceedings of the Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2014, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian Statistical Conference in conjunction with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting 2014, Sydney, Australia, 07 July 2014 - 10 July 2014
    Preprints |
    Avanzi B; Boglioni Beaulieu G; Lafaye de Micheaux P; Wong B, A Counterexample to the Central Limit Theorem for Pairwise Independent Random Variables Having a Common Absolutely Continuous Arbitrary Margin, ,