
Dr Poppy de Souza

Dr Poppy de Souza

Postdoctoral Fellow
Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
Big Anxiety Research Centre

Dr Poppy de Souza (she/her) is an interdisciplinary researcher with a diverse portfolio career that leans across cultural, creative and critical research and practice. With a background in critical media and cultural studies, visual culture research and community arts & cultural development, both her practice and researchexplores the aesthetics, ethics, and politics of 'voice' and 'listening' in conditions of inequality and injustice with a focus on sites and practices of resistance and transformation.More recently, she has examined the relationship between sound, listening and racial (in)justice; sonic and sensory methodologies; acoustic violence and the 'white ear'; the conditions of listening in settler colonial contexts; and community-led media practices.

Poppy's current program of research is focused on a range of projects and collaborations on the politics of listening across thresholdsof experience, often working from/with lived experience. This includes:a co-creative project exploringcreative possibilities for collective listening, witnessing, care and connection in the wake of pandemic grief (and beyond) framed around the orienting concept of; a book projectwith (La Trobe), provisionally titledSensing the Carceral State, which builds on their joint work, including sensory approaches to analysing the violence of (and resistance to) prisons, policing, and borders in the context of settler-colonial Australia;a new art-research collaborationMapping Migratory Meeals at the Ends of the World (MMMEOW!) which explores the relationships between transnational food cultures, migration and the politics of listening (with , 鶹madou, M Badham, RMIT, and S Suliman, Griffith). Poppy is a co-Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council Discovery Project(led by Griffith University, DP240103048) and currentlyBridging Hope Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Big Anxiety Research Centre (BARC).


A significant gift from the (BHCF) has supported the first philanthropy funded Research Fellow position at the 鶹madou Big Anxiety Research Centre (BARC). This position will play a pivotal role in developing innovative tools and programs to help support those dealing with mental health issues while broadening the Centre’s reach into diverse communities across Australia and internationally. BARC will join BHCF’s International Art Therapy Alliance, leveraging on their extensive networks with cultural organisations within China, such as The Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Bridging Hope Charity Foundation is committed to connecting mental health with the arts to make a culturally vibrant and healthy society..

  • Book Chapters | 2021
    de Souza P, 2021, 'What Does (In)justice Sound Like? On listening, acoustic violence and the booing of Adam Goodes', in Dreher T; Griffiths MR; Laurie T (ed.), Unsettled Voices Beyond Free Speech in the Late Liberal Era, Routledge, pp. 68 - 82
    Book Chapters | 2019
    Dreher T; De Souza P, 2019, 'Beyond marginalised voices: Listening as participation in Multicultural media', in Thomas T; Kruse M; Stehling M (ed.), Media Participation in Post-Migrant Societies, Rowman & Littlefield International, London; New York, pp. 165 - 180
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Dreher T; De Souza P, 2018, 'Locating Listening', in Ethical Responsiveness and the Politics of Difference, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 21 - 40,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Dreher T; de Souza P, 2018, 'Locating Listening', in Ethical Responsiveness and the Politics of Difference, Springer Nature, pp. 21 - 39,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    McCallum K; Dreher T; Deas M; de Souza P; Joseph S; Skogerbø E, 2024, 'Making public or quiet listening? Media logics and public inquiries into the abuse of children', Media International Australia,
    Journal articles | 2024
    de Souza P; Dreher T, 2024, 'Resistance, reclamation and repair: the Parragirls feminist archive and reparative media practices in the wake of institutional harm and media damage', Feminist Media Studies, 24, pp. 783 - 799,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Russell E; de Souza P, 2023, 'Counter-mapping the mobile border: Racial surveillance and data justice in spaces of disappearance', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 41, pp. 494 - 512,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Russell EK; de Souza P, 2023, 'Soundmapping hotel detention', Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space,
    Journal articles | 2023
    de Souza P; Russell EK, 2023, 'Sensing the border(s): Sound and carceral intimacies in and beyond indefinite detention', Crime, Media, Culture, 19, pp. 20 - 39,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Anderson H; Backhaus B; Bedford C; De Souza P, 2022, '‘Go join that radio station up there’: The role of Australian community radio in journalism education and training', Australian Journalism Review, 44, pp. 171 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Souza P; Dreher T, 2021, 'Dwelling in Discomfort: On the conditions of listening in settler colonial Australia', Borderlands Journal, 20, pp. 30 - 60,
    Journal articles | 2021
    de Souza P, 2021, 'Beyond the Horizon of the State: Listening to offshore detention’s longue durée', Law Text Culture, 24, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2020
    de Souza P, 2020, 'Beyond the Horizon of the State: Listening to offshore detention's longue duree', LAW TEXT CULTURE, 24, pp. 79 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2020
    de Souza P, 2020, 'Sonic Archives of Breathlessness', International Journal of Communication, 14,
    Journal articles | 2018
    MacDowall LJ; de Souza P, 2018, '‘I’d Double Tap That!!’: street art, graffiti, and Instagram research', Media, Culture and Society, 40, pp. 3 - 22,
    Journal articles | 2018
    de Souza P, 2018, 'What does racial (in)justice sound like? On listening, acoustic violence and the booing of Adam Goodes', Continuum, 32, pp. 459 - 473,
  • Reports | 2016
    de Souza PL; Edmonds, F ; McQuire S; Evans MM; Chenhall R, 2016, Aboriginal Knowledge, Digital Technologies and Cultural Collections: Policy, Protocols, Practice, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne Networked Society Institute Research Paper, Research Paper #4,

I am a co-Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project(led by Griffith University). 1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2026.ARC Discovery Projects - (DP240103048) (Total project value: $386,187)