Professor Ramaswami Harindranath
Ramaswami Harindranath (Hari) received his PhD in Mass Communications at the University of Leicester, UK. He has taught in several universities in the UK, India, Malaysia, and Australia, has held visiting fellowships at Helsinki, Oxford, London (SOAS), and Brown universities, and has given invited lectures in China, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Belgium, Australia, Singapore, the UK, and the United States.
Hari鈥檚 main areas of research interest include global media, economy and cultures; postcoloniality and decoloniality; online documentaries and audiences; South Asian media cultures; digital technologies and socio-cultural change; mobility, multiculturalism and citizenship; diasporic and transnational cultural formations; and 鈥榬ace鈥, class and representation. He has worked on projects funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK), the Australian Research Council, and Marsden (New Zealand). Hari鈥檚 major publications include Approaches to Audiences (1998), The 鈥楥rash鈥 Controversy (2001), Perspectives on Global Cultures (2006), Transnational Lives & the Media (2007), Audience-Citizens (2009), and Studying Digital Media Audiences (2017). He is currently completing a manuscript entitled Southern Discomfort, which re-assesses the concept and politics of the Global South.
He is one of the editors of the journal Postcolonial Studies, and is on the Advisory Board of the journal Nordicom Review and the Anthem book series, Citizenship and National Identities.
Hari has a long track record of successfully supervising local and international PhD candidates as well as Masters by Research and Honours students completing theses on a wide range of topics in media and cultural studies.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision