
Dr Sheela Kumaran

Dr Sheela Kumaran


2020聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽PhD (Public Health),聽Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.

2011聽 聽 聽 聽 聽M Phil. Optometry, Elite School of Optometry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India.

2009聽 聽 聽 聽 聽B S Optometry, Elite School of Optometry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India.


2015 聽聽聽 Fellowship in British Dispensing Optics (O/S), UK


2022 -聽聽Member, International Society for Quality of Life Research

2021 -聽 Member, Age and Ageing Clinical Academic Group, Sydney Partnership for Health Education Research and Enterprise

2021 -聽 Proxy, Vision 2020 Australia Global Committee

2021 -聽 Member, 麻豆社madou, Ageing Futures Institute

2017 -聽 Member in training, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Medicine & Health
School of Optometry and Vision Science

Dr Sheela Kumaran is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, 麻豆社madou Sydney, with undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Optometry and a PhD in Public Health. She has extensive experience in clinical low vision practice and teaching. Her research primarily focuses on voicing the patient鈥檚 perspective of vision-related quality of life impacts of various eye conditions and their real-world implications as well as orchestrating reliable measurement of latent traits using advanced psychometric techniques and computer adaptive testing systems. She has a special interest in improving outcomes for older adults with visual impairment and has contributed to the recent Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission reports from a health economic perspective. She is currently leading research funded by the Macular Disease Foundation Australia, investigating the impacts of age-related macular degeneration on quality of life and developing new programs of health systems and outcomes research together with national and international collaborators.

  • Journal articles | 2025
    Anantharaman D; Meyer C; Keay L; Kumaran S; Dawes P, 2025, 'Topical review: Challenges and solutions for eye care in long-term care', Optometry and Vision Science,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Baral P; Kumaran S; Stapleton F; Pesudovs K, 2025, 'A systematic review assessing the quality of patient reported outcome measures in ocular surface disease', Ocular Surface, 35, pp. 31 - 56,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Dawes P; Reeves D; Yeung WK; Holland F; Charalambous AP; David R; Helmer C; Keay L; Kumaran S; Leighton RE; Little J-A; Martins RN; Piano M; Politis A; Pye A; Robinson G; Russell G; Sheikh S; Sohrabi HR; Thodi C; Gallant K; Nasreddine Z; Leroi I, 2025, 'Development and validation of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment for People with Vision Impairment (MOCA-VI).', Psychol Assess, 37, pp. 114 - 122,
    Journal articles | 2025
    Meyer C; El-Saifi N; Rose N; Bail K; Browning C; Cenin D; Ahumada-Canale A; Campbell M; England T; Ferguson M; Gu Y; Harrison R; Heine C; Keay L; Kumaran S; Leroi I; Liew G; Martini A; Martins R; Newall J; Raichand S; Scanlan E; Sohrabi HR; Toomey M; Westbrook J; Dawes P, 2025, 'Protocol for a Field Trial of a Hearing and Vision Support Intervention for People Living in Long-Term Care in Australia', Health Expectations, 28,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Kumaran SE; Khadka J; Rakshit A; Hussaindeen JR; Pesudovs K, 2024, 'Constructing country-specific quality-of-life item banks for adults with amblyopia and strabismus in Australia and India', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 107, pp. 723 - 730,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Milte R; Ratcliffe J; Kumaran S; Hutchinson C; Chen G; Kaambwa B; Khadka J, 2024, 'Public Attitudes for Quality and Funding of Long-Term Care: Findings from an Australian Survey', Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hutchinson C; Ratcliffe J; Crocker M; Kumaran S; Milte R; Khadka J, 2023, ''Knowledge is everything?' How well do the general public understand aged care and how does this affect their attitudes towards quality of care and future funding?', Ageing and Society, 43, pp. 2095 - 2117,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Feo R; Kumaran S; Conroy T; Heuzenroeder L; Kitson A, 2022, 'An evaluation of instruments measuring behavioural aspects of the nurse鈥損atient relationship', Nursing Inquiry, 29,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kumaran SE; Rakshit A; Hussaindeen JR; Khadka J; Pesudovs K, 2021, 'Does non-strabismic amblyopia affect the quality of life of adults? Findings from a qualitative study', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 41, pp. 996 - 1006,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ratcliffe J; Khadka J; Kumaran S; Kaambwa B, 2021, 'What price quality in aged care? Findings from a national survey of more than 6500 income taxpayers', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. 307 - 310.e1,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kumaran SE; Khadka J; Baker R; Pesudovs K, 2019, 'Functional limitations recognised by adults with amblyopia and strabismus in daily life: a qualitative exploration', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 39, pp. 131 - 140,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Sarika G; Venugopal D; Sailaja M; Evangeline S; Krishna Kumar R, 2019, 'Barriers and enablers to low vision care services in a tertiary eye care hospital: A mixed method study', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 67, pp. 536 - 540,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kumaran SE; Khadka J; Baker R; Pesudovs K, 2018, 'Patient-reported outcome measures in amblyopia and strabismus: a systematic review', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 101, pp. 460 - 484,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kumaran SE; Balasubramaniam SM; Kumar DS; Ramani KK, 2015, 'Refractive error and vision-related quality of life in South Indian Children', Optometry and Vision Science, 92, pp. 272 - 278,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Balasubramaniam SM; Kumar DS; Kumaran SE; Ramani KK, 2013, 'Factors affecting eye care-seeking behavior of parents for their children', Optometry and Vision Science, 90, pp. 1138 - 1142,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Senthilkumar D; Balasubramaniam SM; Kumaran SE; Ramani KK, 2013, 'Parents' awareness and perception of children's eye diseases in Chennai, India', Optometry and Vision Science, 90, pp. 1462 - 1466,
  • Conference Papers | 2022
    Keay L; Dillon L; Prentice K; Jakobsen K; Rogers K; Martin J; Ivers R; Tiedemann A; Sherrington C; Ramulu PY; McCluskey PJ; Jan S; Chandra A; Kumaran S; Liu XJ; Clemson L, 2022, 'PrevenTing Falls in a high-risk, low vision population through specialist ORientation and Mobility services: the PlaTFORM randomised trial', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC,
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Kumaran S; Carnt N; Yeo SLS; Pesudovs K, 2021, 'Application of Rasch model to score the SF-36 instrument administered to a sample with acanthamoeba keratitis', Virtual, presented at ARVO, Virtual
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Pesudovs K; Khadka J; Senthil MP; Kandel H; Kumaran SE; Fenwick EK; Braithwaite T; Lamoureux EL, 2019, 'The Eye-tem Bank - comprehensive measurement of ophthalmic quality of life', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, CANADA, Vancouver, presented at Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), CANADA, Vancouver, 28 April 2019 - 02 May 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Kumaran SE; Khadka J; Baker R; Rakshit A; Hussaindeen JR; Swaminathan M; Fenwick E; Lamoureux E; Pesudovs K, 2018, 'Amblyopia and strabismus-specific quality of life 'item banks' for adults living in Australia and India - item generation and comparison', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, HI, Honolulu, presented at Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), HI, Honolulu, 29 April 2018 - 03 May 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2018
    Pesudovs K; Khadka J; Senthil MP; Kandel H; Kumaran SE; Fenwick E; Lamoureux EL, 2018, 'Disease-specificity and internationalisation of ophthalmic quality of life item banks', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, HI, Honolulu, presented at Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), HI, Honolulu, 29 April 2018 - 03 May 2018,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Pesudovs K; Khadka J; Senthil MP; Kandel H; Kumaran SE; Fenwick E; Lamoureux EL, 2017, 'The Eye-tem Bank project: an update on development and validation', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC, MD, Baltimore, presented at Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO) - Imaging in the Eye, MD, Baltimore, 06 May 2017 - 11 May 2017,

Research grants:

  1. Piers Dawes, Nancy Pachana, Iracema Leroi, Lisa Keay, Hamid Sohrabi, Yuanyaun Gu, Angelita Martini, Marianne Coleman, Carly Meyer, Chyrisse Heine, Sheela Kumaran, John Newall, Brenda Gannon, Sabrina Lenzen, Judy Lowthian, 鈥樎槎股鏼adou hearing and vision care to improve quality of life for people with dementia and carers鈥, 2022 MRFF Dementia Ageing and Aged Care Mission, $1,361,892, 2023-2026
  2. Lisa Keay, Konrad Pesudovs, Sheela Kumaran, Macular Disease Social Impact Study, Macular Disease Foundation Australia, $127,143, 2022-2024
  3. Sheela Kumaran, Konrad Pesudovs, Lisa Keay, Gerald Liew, Measuring the breadth and the depth of the quality-of-life impacts of age-related macular degeneration, The Macular Disease Foundation Australia Research Grant, $49,674, 2021-2023

Competitive Education Funding

  1. The Australian government research training program scholarship [International postgraduate research scholarship (IPRS)], $130,864, 2016-2020
  2. Australian Postgraduate Award (Full-time), $26,288 per annum indexed annually, 2016 鈥 2019
  3. 鈥楤est research project鈥 scholarship, One sight Foundation, Luxottica, USA, INR100,000, 2011
  4. Johnson & Johnson contact lens scholarship award, INR 15,000, 2007-2008

Other grants:

  1. Travel grant,聽The association for research in vision and ophthalmology (ARVO),聽 USD 1100, 2018
  2. Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) development grant, AUD 800, 2017
  3. Travel Grant, ARVO 鈥 Asia, 2017

Academic awards

Academic excellence (postgraduate research) international students award from His Excellency, the Governor of South Australia, Study Adelaide, Australia, 2019

The Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship, 2016

Australian Postgraduate Award, 2016

Research higher degree student publication award (AUD 500), Flinders University, 2019

Research higher degree student publication award (AUD 400), Flinders University, 2017

Sri R Sivaraman memorial endowment prize for the 鈥楤est Research Project鈥, 2011

Luxottica excellence award for 鈥楻esearch Methodology鈥, 2011

Best scientific presentation in 鈥楲ow vision鈥 in ESO International Vision Science and Optometry Conference, 2010

Sri V Venugopal memorial prize for 鈥楤est outgoing student 2009鈥 (along with 10 other awards)

University Service

2021 - 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Member, 麻豆社madou Human Research Ethics Advisory Panel 鈥 D Biomedical

2020-2021聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Steering committee member, Grad diploma Orientation and Mobility Course

Journal reviewer

12 journals including Optometry and Vision Science, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, Clinical and Experimental Optometry, Ocular Surface, Ophthalmic Epidemiology


  1. Hutchinson C, Ratcliffe J, Crocker M, Kumaran SE, Milte R and Khadka J, 鈥淜nowledge is everything?鈥 How well do the general public understand aged care and how does this affect their attitudes towards quality of care and future funding? Ageing & Society. 2021 Oct 20:1-23.
  2. Kumaran SE, Rakshit A, Hussaindeen JR, Khadka J & Pesudovs K. Does non-strabismic amblyopia affect the quality of life of adults? Findings from a qualitative study. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2021; 41: 996-1006.
  3. Ratcliffe J, Khadka J, Kumaran S & Kaambwa B. What price quality in aged care? Findings from a national survey of more than 6500 income taxpayers. Med J Aust 2021; 215: 307-310.e301.
  4. Feo R, Kumaran S, Conroy T, Heuzenroeder L & Kitson A. An evaluation of instruments measuring behavioural aspects of the nurse-patient relationship. Nurs Inq 2021: e12425.
  5. Kumaran SE, Khadka J, Baker R and Pesudovs K, 鈥楩unctional limitations recognised by adults with amblyopia and strabismus in daily life: a qualitative exploration.鈥 Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2019 May; 39(3): 131-140.
  6. Gopalakrishnan S, Venugopal D, Sailaja MVS, Kumaran SE, Ramani KK. Barriers and enablers to low vision care services in a tertiary eye care hospital: A mixed method study. Indian journal of ophthalmology. 2019 Apr;67(4):536-40.
  7. Kumaran SE, Khadka J, Baker R and Pesudovs K, 鈥楶atient reported outcome measures in amblyopia and strabismus 鈥 a systematic review鈥. Clin Exp Optom. 2018 Jul;101(4):460-484
  8. Kumaran SE, Balasubramaniam SM, Kumar DS, and Krishna Kumar R 鈥楻efractive Error and Vision-Related Quality of Life in South Indian Children鈥. Optom Vis Sci. 2015 Mar; 92(3):272-8.
  9. Kumar DS, Balasubramaniam SM, Kumaran SE and Krishna Kumar R 鈥楶arents鈥 Awareness and Perception of Children鈥檚 Eye Diseases in Chennai, India鈥. Optom Vis Sci. 2013 Dec; 90(12):1462-6.
  10. Balasubramaniam SM, Kumar DS, Kumaran SE and Ramani KK 鈥楩actors affecting eye care-seeking behavior of parents for their children鈥. Optom Vis Sci. 2013 Oct; 90(10):1138-42

Scientific reports

  1. Ratcliffe J, Chen G, Khadka J, Kumaran S, Hutchinson C, Milte R, Savvas S, Batchelor F (2020). Australia鈥檚 aged care system: the quality of care experience and community expectations. Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University, South Australia.
  2. Khadka J, Ratcliffe J, Chen G, Kumaran S, Milte R, Hutchinson C, Milte R, Savvas S, Batchelor F (2020). A new measure of quality of care experience in aged care: psychometric assessment and validation of the Quality of Care Experience (QCE) questionnaire. Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University, South Australia.聽
  3. Noone, J., Writer, T., Kumaran, S.E., Ly, A., & Keay, L. (2020). Macular Disease Foundation of Australia Social Impact Survey: Baseline report. Sydney: Centre for Social Impact.