Dr Susanne Schmeidl
Susanne Schmeidl, a Fulbright Scholar, holds an MA and PhD in sociology from The Ohio State University (USA) and a Bachelor (Honours) in social pedagogy/social work (University of Applied Sciences N眉rnberg). Prior to joining 鲍狈厂奥听Sydney in 2017, she worked for over two decades as a scholar-practitioner with a variety of organizations聽at the intersection of security and development (e.g.; the UN Refugee Agency, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University; Swiss Peace Foundation; the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation). She also co-founded and worked with two civil society organisations in Afghanistan.聽 Susanne is active in the development and peace community in Sydney and sits on the Board of Peacifica聽[https://www.peacifica.org/].
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
A聽critical peace studies and forced migration researcher, her research has focussed in the following areas:聽understanding drivers of conflict and forced displacement, early warning and conflict prevention, participatory and inclusive peacebuilding, and development in (post)conflict contexts.