Professor Timothy Schmidt
BSc (Hons 1M), The University of Sydney, 1998
PhD, Cambridge University, 2002
Professor Timothy Schmidt is the Head of the School of Chemistry and was educated at The University of Sydney, winning the University Medal for Theoretical Chemistry in 1997. He undertook his PhD at The University of Cambridge in the field of femtosecond spectroscopy under the supervision of the late Dr Gareth Roberts. He was a postdoctoral research associate of Prof. Dr John Paul Maier, FRS in Basel, Switzerland, where he researched highly unsaturated hydrocarbon molecules of astrophysical relevance. Tim returned to Australia in 2003 to take up a position at CSIRO researching artificial photosynthesis. He was appointed as a lecturer in the School of Chemistry at The University of Sydney in 2004 and there rose to Associate Professor before moving to 鶹madou in 2014 as Professor and ARC Future Fellow. At 鶹madou he is Research Director of the School of Chemistry and Chief Investigator of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science. Professor Schmidt has been the recipient of a number of awards for his research including the Coblentz Award (2010) for contributions to the science of molecular spectroscopy.
Keywords: Astrochemistry, Laser Spectroscopy, Ultrafast, Femtosecond, Singlet Fission, Triplet-Triplet Annihilation, upconversion, Transient Absorption, Quantum Chemistry, ab initio
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
"Resolving the interstellar carbon crisis with multi-laser spectroscopy",ARC Discovery Grant (DP190103151), 2019-21, $403k
"Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science", ARC Centre of Excellence (CE170100026), 2017-23, $31.9M
"Shared Laser Consortium", ARC LEIF (LE180100060), 2018, $983k
"Time-resolved terahertz and optical spectroscopy facility", ARC LEIF (LE160100107), 2016, $415k
"Precision Luminescent Greenhouse Films", ARC Linkage Grant (LP160100575), 2016-18, $330k
"Reactive Intermediates in Atmospheric and Combustion Chemistry ", ARC Discovery (DP150102779), 2015-18, $649k
The Broida Prize 2015 (International Symposium on Free Radicals)
Coblentz Award 2010
RACI Physical Chemistry Lectureship (Inaugural, 2009)
Fellow, Royal Australian Chemistry Institute
Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales
RACI Physical Chemistry Medal 2021
Liversidge Lecture of the Royal Society of New South Wales 2022
- Exciton Science
- Astrochemistry
- Electronic Structure
National Science Week Talk: https://youtu.be/OuwlG6eF_Xc
My Teaching
CHEM 1031/1051: Higher Chemistry (1st year).
CHEM2011: Physical Chemistry - Molecules, Energy and Change