
Associate Professor Vedna Jivan

Associate Professor Vedna Jivan

Associate Professor
Law & Justice
School of Law, Society & Criminology

Vedna Jivan re-joined Â鶹Éçmadou Law in 2018 as the founding director of Â鶹Éçmadou's PLT Program. Vedna was admitted to the legal profession in 1995 and worked at Kingsford Legal Centre for eight years. Vedn'as teaching career spans over 20 years, across a range of programs, and pedagogies. Her previous roles have included senior solicitor/clinical supervisor and PLT Director and Senior Lecturer at UTS Law where she taught for 14 years.

Vedna has a strong commitment to social justice and the practical realisation of human rights. She has worked as a consultant for various international organisations including UN Women, UNDP, and the Asian Development Bank. She has also published and presented widely in the areas of anti-discrimination, gender equality and tort law. Vedna also has an interest in innovation in practice education. Her commitment to social justice and education has been recognised nationally and she is a recipient of the Australian Universities Teaching Award and Â鶹Éçmadou Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (KLC). Vedna is the Chair of the NSW Legal Aid Commission Human Rights Committee and on the Heads of Courses Committee, Australasian Professional Legal Education Council (APLEC).

  • Books | 2021
    Forster C; Jivan V, 2021, Sex As a Protected Ground in International and Domestic Law
    Books | 2009
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2009, Gender equality laws: global good practice and a review of five southeast asian countries, 1st, UNIFEM East and South East Asian Office, Bangkok, Thailand
    Books | 2007
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2007, Translating CEDAW into Law: CEDAW Legislative Compliance in Nine Pacific Island Countries, Original, UNDP Pacific Centre: UNIFEMPacific Regional Office, Suva, Fiji
    Books | 2003
    Forster CM; Jivan V; Mehra M; Jalal I, 2003, A Digest of Case Law on the Human Rights of Women, Original, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Changmai
  • Book Chapters | 2014
    Forster CM, 2014, 'Fair Go for Fair Work? Gender, the Right to Request Flexible Work Arrangements and the Paid Parental Leave Scheme', in Sagade J; Jivan V; Forster C (ed.), Feminism in the Subcontinent and Beyond: Challenging Laws, Changing Laws, Eastern Book Company, India, pp. 309 - 331,
  • Journal articles | 2017
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2017, 'Abortion Law in NSW: Shifting from Criminalisation to the Recognition of the Reporoductive Rights of Women and Girls', Journal of Law and Medicine, 24, pp. 850 - 863,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2009, 'Challenging connventions: in pursuit of greater legislative compliance with CEDAW in the Pacific', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 10, pp. 655 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2007, 'Making the Unaccountable Accountable: Achieving Corporate Compliance with Human Rights Norms', Torts Law Journal, 15, pp. 263 - 283
    Journal articles | 2005
    Forster CM; Jivan V, 2005, 'What would Ghandi Say? Reconciling Universalism, Cultural Relativism and Women`s Use of CEDAW', Singapore Year Book of International Law, 9, pp. 103 - 123
    Journal articles | 2005
    Forster CM, 2005, 'Opportunity Lost: In Search of Justice for Victims of Sexual Assault', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 28, pp. 758 - 779,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Jivan V, 1998, 'Credit Act Test Case Resolved', On the Record, pp. 16 - 16