Dr Yu Jing
Senior Lecturer
- Doctor of Philosophy, Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Master of Engineering, Petroleum Engineering,University of New South Wales, Australia
- Bachelor of Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, China
Mineral and Energy Resources Engineering
Dr Yu Jing is Scientia Senior Lecturer in School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering at鶹madou.Her research focuses oncharacterising subsurfaceformation rocks to gain insight into the underground fluids flow behaviours, such as natural gas, oil and groundwater. She is particularly interested in pore-scale characterisation of rocks with the application of micro-CT imaging, and modelling multiphysics flow transport in underground formations.
Professional involvement:
- Associate Editor, Journal of Energy Engineering
- Communication officer of InterPore Australian Chapter
- Member of theAustralasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)
- Member ofSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- Member of International Society of Porous Media (InterPore)
- Member of European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
+61-2-9385 0789
Room 218, Tyree Energy Technologies Building
鶹madou Sydney
NSW 2052 Australia
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 鶹madou-Chinese Academy of Sciences Collaboration Grant - Stage 1, "Compressed air energy storage in porous media", Lead-CI, $20,000.
- National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) 2024, “decarbonisation of the energy and resources sectors”, co-CI, $125,000
- ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Beamtime grant 2023, co-CI, in-kind $98,300.
- International Partnership Seed Grant 2023, co-CI, $5,000
- GROW Early Career Academics Grant 2023, Lead CI, “Multiscale modelling of rainfall infiltration through waste rock dumps at open cut mines”, $45,000.
- ARC Research Hub for Fire Resilience Infrastructure, Assets and Safety Advancements (FRIASA) 2023-2028, CI, $4.9 million.
- ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Beamtime grant 2022, Lead CI, in-kind $131,100.
- GROW Early Career Academics Grant 2022, Lead CI, “Pore-scale study of groundwater contaminant transport in coal seam gas and groundwater systems”, $39,900.
- International Partnership Seed Grant 2022, Lead CI, $5,000.
- International collaboration seed grant funded by China University of Mining and Technology, Lead CI, $25,000 CNY ($5,000)
- GROW Early Career Academics Grant 2021, Lead CI, “Pore-scale study of groundwater contaminant transport in coal seam gas and groundwater systems”, $31k.
- International Partnership Seed Grant 2021, CI, $5,000.
- ACARP, “Direct measurements of effective diffusion coefficient of coal”, 2020-2021, $175,000
- Asian-Australian Leadership AwardFinalist in Education, Science &Medicine (2024)
- The Rising Stars, Asian Deans' Forum (2023)
- Equity & Diversity Excellence Award - 鶹madou (2020)
- Future Women Leaders Conference Award- 鶹madou(2019)
- Scientia Fellowship- 鶹madou (2019)
- Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship- 鶹madou (2017)
- Best Presentation in Postgraduate Research Symposium- 鶹madou (2017)
- Australian Postgraduate Awards - 鶹madou (2016)
- Digital core analysis
- Characterisation of fractured formation rocks
- Flow simulation of underground fluids (e.g. natural gas, groundwater) in formation rocks
- Micro-CT imaging of formation rocks
- Geostatistics acquisition of formation rocks
For details, please check our research website:www.mutris.unsw.edu.au
Stanley, S.(4 Jan 2018). "Testing a New Tool That Illuminates Tiny Fractures in Coal", AGU Earth and Space Science News.Eos, 98.
Retrieved from
My Research Supervision
- Yuyao Zhang, PhD: Reactive transport modelling in porous media
- Aaron Uthaia Kumaran, PhD: CO2 geosequestration in coal seams
- Michael Allan, PhD: Development of recovery strategies for critical metals from mine tailings and acid mine drainage
- Meng Yuan, PhD: Multicomponent gas diffusion modelling in coal
- Wen Xi, PhD: Gas-water two-phase flow dynamics in coal
- Lkhamsuren Baatari, PhD:Experimental study of gas diffusion in coal
- Seonik Cho, Taste of Research, 'Feasibility study of Australian abandoned coal mines repurposed for geothermal energy"
My Teaching
- ENGG1300, Engineering Mechanics, Summer Term
- MERE4951/9451, MERE Thesis Project, T1-T3
- GSOE9820 Project Management, T3
- Verticallly Integrated Program, 'Deep Earth Storage', T1-T3