
Â鶹Éçmadou is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and supportive research environment that empowers researchers to make meaningful contributions to the fields of business and economics. We’re committed to supporting our research community with world-class infrastructure, data management tools and financial assistance across all research programs. From innovative simulation laboratories to extensive grant programs, our enviable research environment will support you in delivering research with purpose.

Our commitment to excellence is further reflected in our state-of-the-art facilities, including the cutting-edge Business Experimental Research Laboratory (). We provide the tools, resources and collaborative opportunities that enable you to conduct high-quality research with a real-world impact.

In today’s interconnected world, research demands access to vast repositories of data. At the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School, we understand the value of comprehensive databases in facilitating groundbreaking research. With subscriptions to financial databases sourced from premier global providers, researchers have access to all the insights needed to drive innovation and inform decision-making.

These databases are an invaluable resource across a range of business disciplines. By leveraging their vast insights, researchers can delve into complex financial trends, market analysis and industry-specific data. Whether investigating consumer behaviour or analysing market dynamics, our database resources provide a solid foundation for your research journey.

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In the pursuit of knowledge, collaboration is key. Through our partnership with the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) eLibrary, researchers at the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School gain access to an extensive collection of over 867,000 research papers spanning 30 disciplines. Our university business research papers are hosted by SRRN and we’re proud to be part of a network devoted to the rapid worldwide distribution of impactful research.

This repository is a global hub where researchers can share insights, exchange ideas and contribute to the wider advancement of knowledge. Being part of this network strengthens academic discourse and connects researchers with a global community of scholars who share similar passions.

A strong research foundation requires access to comprehensive resources. When you join the Business School as a researcher, you’ll gain access to one of Australia’s foremost research libraries – – and have the tools you need to navigate a vast sea of knowledge.

With a wealth of scholarly business journals, reports and reference materials at your fingertips, you can dive into your chosen field of study and tackle business research projects with ease.

Research gains its true value when it can address real-world challenges and impact industries. At the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School, we believe in bringing research to life through tangible stories, data-driven analysis and evidence-based opinions., our digital research platform, serves as a bridge between Business School academia and broader industries, fostering collaboration and facilitating the exchange of ideas between business research partners.

This dynamic platform showcases research-driven insights that resonate with industry leaders and key decision-makers. By presenting research in an accessible and engaging way, BusinessThink allows industries to tap into the wealth of knowledge generated within our research community. At the same time, researchers can see their work translated into actionable solutions that address the pressing challenges facing modern businesses.


Welcome to the forefront of research innovation: the ). Our state-of-the-art business research lab is a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of research methodologies. BizLab is a hub for researchers from multiple disciplines within the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School, where they conduct cross-disciplinary human subject experiments that explore decision-making in business and economics.

The cornerstone of BizLab’s capabilities lies in its cutting-edge facilities, cleverly designed to support sophisticated experiments. With 48 touch screen workstations, researchers can engage with participants in controlled environments, meticulously studying their decisions and behaviours. But BizLab goes beyond traditional research set-ups – it ventures into the realm of human simulations where researchers can model and predict real-world impacts with unprecedented accuracy.

To augment these capabilities, BizLab has instruments for bio-physiological measurement. These tools include high-tech eye trackers that capture eye movements rapidly, EEG equipment for concurrent skin-conductance measurement, and EKG and EEG monitoring. With so many data-collection tools at your disposal, research outcomes are enriched, and researchers can derive deeper insights into the interplay between human cognition and decision-making.

Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), which have become increasingly relevant in today’s business landscape, are also at the heart of BizLab’s offering. These technologies open new avenues for exploring decision-making in immersive environments that mirror real-world scenarios.

Researcher support

At the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School, we believe that fostering a culture of collaboration and mentorship is essential to nurturing excellence in research. We are always committed to supporting researchers – and that extends far beyond just providing state-of-the-art facilities. We are forging an environment that encourages engagement, exploration and long-term growth.

One of the hallmarks of our researcher support system is the opportunity to collaborate with – and be mentored by – world-renowned business researchers. Our research community thrives on diversity, which is why we bring together experts from various disciplines to tackle complex challenges. Through collaborative initiatives and interdisciplinary projects, researchers have the chance to tap into a wealth of knowledge that goes beyond traditional boundaries.

eJournal of Tax Research

Our peer-reviewed eJournal of Tax Research publishes submissions on tax related issues from researchers who are international leaders in their fields.

Australian Journal of Management

We publish innovative research that covers cross-disciplinary approaches to general management in the Â鶹Éçmadou Business School’s peer-reviewed Australian Journal of Management.