
Selected publications

Woman in library
    • Alix-Garcia, Jennifer, Sarah Walker, Volker Radeloff, and Jacek Kozak. "Tariffs and Trees: the Effects of the Austro-Hungarian Customs Union on Specialization and Land Use Change." Journal of Economic History.
    • Bichler, Martin, Vladimir Fux, and Jacob K. Goeree. "Linear Payment Rules for Combinatorial Exchanges." INFORMS Information Systems Research.
    • Bose, Gautam, Evgenia Dechter, and Gigi Foster. "Behavioural Coordination as an Individual Best-Response to Punishing Role Models." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Cho, Stanley and Julian Diaz. "Skill Premium Divergence: the Roles of Trade, Capital and Demographics." Economic Theory.
    • Grosjean, Pauline and Rose Khattar. "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah? The Long-Run Consequences of Male-Biased Sex Ratios." The Review of Economic Studies.
    • Lütkepohl, Helmut, George Milunovich, and Minxian Yang. "Inference in Partially Identified Heteroskedastic Simultaneous Equations Models." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Way, Rupert, Fabrizio Lillo, François Lafond, Valentyn Panchenko, and J. Doyne Farmer. "Wright Meets Markowitz: How Standard Portfolio Theory Changes When Assets Are Technologies Following Experience Curves." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • Aghion, Philippe, Ernst Fehr, Richard Holden, and Tom Wilkening. "The Role of Bounded Rationality and Imperfect Information in Subgame Perfect Implementation—an Empirical Investigation." Journal of the European Economic Association.
    • Agranov, Marina, Jacob K. Goeree, Julian Romero, and Leeat Yariv. "What Makes Voters Turn Out: the Effects of Polls and Beliefs." Journal of the European Economic Association.
    • Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Sarah Walker, Anne Bartlett, Harun Onder, and Apurva Sanghi. "Do Refugee Camps Help or Hurt Hosts? The Case of Kakuma, Kenya." Journal of Development Economics.
    • Blake, Khandis R., Brock Bastian, Thomas F. Denson, Pauline Grosjean, and Robert C. Brooks. "Income Inequality Not Gender Inequality Positively Covaries with Female Sexualization on Social Media." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
    • Beath, Andrew, Ariel BenYishay, Giovanna d'Adda, Pauline Grosjean, and Roberto A. Weber. "Can Vouchers Reduce Elite Capture of Local Development Projects? Experimental Evidence From the Solomon Islands." Journal of Public Economics.
    • Castex, GonzaloԻEvgenia Dechter. "A Model of Labor Supply, Fixed Costs and Work Schedules." Journal of Monetary Economics.
    • Prasada, D. V. P. and Gautam Bose. "Rational Conflict and Pre-Commitment to Peace." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Dobrescu, Loretti, X. Fan, H. Bateman,B. Newell, Andreas Ortmann and S. Thorp. "Retirement Savings: a Tale of Decisions and Defaults." The Economic Journal.
    • Ederer, Florian P., Richard Holden, and Margaret A. Meyer. "Gaming and Strategic Opacity in Incentive Provision." RAND Journal of Economics.
    • Foster, Gigi, Paul Frijters, Markus Schaffner, and Benno Torgler. "Expectation Formation in an Evolving Game of Uncertainty: New Experimental Evidence." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Gillitzer, Christian and Nalini Prasad. "The Effect of Consumer Sentiment on Consumption: Cross-Sectional Evidence From Elections." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
    • Ghosh, Arghya, Hodaka Morita, and Xuan Nguyen. "Technology Spillovers, Intellectual Property Rights, and Export-Platform FDI." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Goeree, Jacob K., Philippos Louis, and Jingjing Zhang. "Noisy Introspection in the 11-20 Game." The Economic Journal.
    • Gratton, Gabriele, Richard Holden, and Anton Kolotilin. "When to Drop a Bombshell." The Review of Economic Studies.
    • Gunawan, David, Mohamad A. Khaled, and Robert Kohn. "Mixed Marginal Copula Modeling." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
    • Kawai, Keiichi, Ruitian Lang, and Hongyi Li. "Political Kludges." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
    • Kolotilin, Anton. "Optimal Information Disclosure: a Linear Programming Approach." Theoretical Economics.
    • Li, Shengyu. "A Structural Model of Productivity, Uncertain Demand, and Export Dynamics." Journal of International Economics.
    • Milunovich, George and Minxian Yang. "Simultaneous Equation Systems with Heteroscedasticity: Identification, Estimation, and Stock Price Elasticities." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
    • Prasada, D V. P. and Gautam Bose. "Rational Conflict and Pre-Commitment to Peace." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Spiliopoulos, Leonidas and Andreas Ortmann. "The BCD of Response Time Analysis in Experimental Economics." Experimental Economics.
    • Raimondos, Pascal, & Woodland, Alan. "Reciprocity, World Prices and Welfare." Journal of International Economics.
    • Stafford, Tess. "Accounting for Outside Options in Discrete Choice Models: an Application to Commercial Fishing Effort." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
    • BenYishay, Ariel, Pauline Grosjean, and Joe Vecci. "The Fish Is the Friend of Matriliny: Reef Density and Matrilineal Inheritance." Journal of Development Economics.
    • Battistin, Erich, Michele De Nadai, and Daniela Vuri. "Counting Rotten Apples: Student Achievement and Score Manipulation in Italian Elementary Schools." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Bedard, Nicholas. "The Strategically Ignorant Principal." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Bose, Gautam and Kevin Lang. "Monitoring for Worker Quality." Journal of Labor Economics.
    • Chatterjee, Arpita. "Endogenous Comparative Advantage, Gains From Trade and Symmetry-Breaking." Journal of International Economics.
    • Couttenier, Mathieu, Pauline Grosjean, and Marc Sangnier. "The Wild West IS Wild: the Homicide Resource Curse." Journal of the European Economic Association.
    • DeVaro, Jed, Nan Maxwell, and Hodaka Morita. "Training and Intrinsic Motivation in Nonprofit and for-Profit Organizations." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Fiebig, Denzil et al. "Consideration Sets and Their Role in Modelling Doctor Recommendations About Contraceptives." Health Economics.
    • French, Scott. "Revealed Comparative Advantage: What Is It Good for?" Journal of International Economics.
    • Gibbs, Christopher. "Forecast Combination, Non-Linear Dynamics, and the Macroeconomy." Economic Theory.
    • Gibbs, ChristopherԻMariano Kulish. "Disinflations in a Model of Imperfectly Anchored Expectations." European Economic Review.
    • Ghosh, Arghya, Takao Kato, and Hodaka Morita. "Incremental Innovation and Competitive Pressure in the Presence of Discrete Innovation." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Goeree, Jacob, and Jingjing Zhang. "One Man, One Bid." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro, Benoît Julien, and Chengsi Wang. "Strategic Advertising and Directed Search." International Economic Review.
    • Kolotilin, Anton, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Andriy Zapechelnyuk, and Ming Li. "Persuasion of a Privately Informed Receiver." Econometrica.
    • Kulish, Mariano, James Morley, and Tim Robinson. "Estimating DSGE Models with Zero Interest Rate Policy." Journal of Monetary Economics.
    • Laslier, Jean-François, Matías Núñez, and Carlos Pimienta. "Reaching Consensus Through Approval Bargaining." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Lee, Seojeong. "A Consistent Variance Estimator for 2SLS When Instruments Identify Different LATEs." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics.
    • Goeree, Jacob, Charles A. Holt, and Angela M. Smith. "An Experimental Examination of the Volunteer's Dilemma." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Li, Hongyi. "Developing Shared Knowledge in Growing Firms." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.
    • Li, Jiangtao and Rui Tang. "Every Random Choice Rule Is Backwards-Induction Rationalizable." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Maitra, Pushkar, Sandip Mitra, Dilip Mookherjee, Alberto Motta, and Sujata Visaria. "Financing Smallholder Agriculture: an Experiment with Agent-Intermediated Microloans in India." Journal of Development Economics.
    • Meroni, Claudia and Carlos Pimienta. "The Structure of Nash Equilibria in Poisson Games." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Akerlof, Robert and Richard Holden. "Movers and Shakers." The Quarterly Journal of Economics.
    • Ara, Tomohiro and Arghya Ghosh. "Tariffs, Vertical Specialization and Oligopoly." European Economic Review.
    • Bateman, Hazel, Loretti Dobrescu, Ben R. Newell, Andreas Ortmann, and Susan Thorp. "As Easy as Pie: How Retirement Savers Use Prescribed Investment Disclosures." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Burlando, Alfredo and Alberto Motta. "Legalize, Tax, and Deter: Optimal Enforcement Policies for Corruptible Officials." Journal of Development Economics.
    • Carbajal, Juan Carlos and Jeffrey C. Ely. "A Model of Price Discrimination Under Loss Aversion and State-Contingent Reference Points." Theoretical Economics.
    • De Nadai, Michele and Arthur Lewbel. "Nonparametric Errors in Variables Models with Measurement Errors on Both Sides of the Equation." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Doiron, Denise and Hong I. Yoo. "Temporal Stability of Stated Preferences: the Case of Junior Nursing Jobs." Health Economics.
    • Fox, Kevin J. and Iqbal A. Syed. "Price Discounts and the Measurement of Inflation." Journal of Econometrics.
    • French, Scott. "The Composition of Trade Flows and the Aggregate Effects of Trade Barriers." Journal of International Economics.
    • Gabaix, Xavier, David Laibson, Deyuan Li, Hongyi Li, Sidney Resnick, and Casper de Vries. "The Impact of Competition on Prices with Numerous Firms." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Goeree, Jacob, and Alexey Kushnir. "Reduced Form Implementation for Environments with Value Interdependencies." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Goeree, Jacob, and Luke Lindsay. "Market Design and the Stability of General Equilibrium." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Han, Han, Benoit Julien, Asgerdur Petursdottir, and Liang Wang. 2016. "Equilibrium Using Credit or Money with Indivisible Goods." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Ishikawa, Jota, Hodaka Morita, and Hiroshi Mukunoki. "Trade Liberalization and Aftermarket Services for Imports." Economic Theory.
    • Lee, Seojeong. "Asymptotic Refinements of a Misspecification-Robust Bootstrap for GEL Estimators." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Mookherjee, D and Alberto Motta. "A Theory of Interactions Between MFIs and Informal Lenders." Journal of Development Economics.
    • Morley, James and Aarti Singh. "Inventory Shocks and the Great Moderation." Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
    • Scharth, Marcel and Robert Kohn. "Particle Efficient Importance Sampling." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Ambrus, Attila, Ben Greiner, and Parag A. Pathak. "How Individual Preferences Are Aggregated in Groups: an Experimental Study." Journal of Public Economics.
    • Battistin, Erich and Michele De Nadai. "Identification and Estimation of Engel Curves with Endogenous and Unobserved Expenditures." Journal of Applied Econometrics.
    • Berndt, Ernst R., Robert S. Gibbons, Anton Kolotilin, and Anna L. Taub. "The Heterogeneity of Concentrated Prescribing Behaviour: Theory and Evidence From Antipsychotics." Journal of Health Economics.
    • Bouton, Laurent and Gabriele Gratton. "Majority Runoff Elections: Strategic Voting and Duverger's Hypothesis." Theoretical Economics.
    • Burlando, Alfredo and Alberto Motta. "Collusion and the Organization of the Firm." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
    • Carbajal, Juan Carlos and Rudolf Müller. "Implementability Under Monotonic Transformations in Differences." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Dobrescu, Loretti. "To Love or to Pay: Savings and Health Care in Older Age." Journal of Human Resources.
    • Doucet, A., M. K. Pitt, G Deligiannidis, and Robert Kohn. "Efficient Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo When Using an Unbiased Likelihood Estimator." Biometrika.
    • Eo, Yunjong and James Morley. "Likelihood-Ratio-Based Confidence Sets for the Timing of Structural Breaks." Quantitative Economics.
    • Ghosh, Arghya and Kieron Meagher. "The Politics of Infrastructure Investment: the Role of Product Market Competition." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Itoh, Hideshi and Hodaka Morita. "Formal Contracts, Relational Contracts, and the Threat-Point Effect." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
    • Kawai, Keiichi. "Reputation for Quality and Adverse Selection." European Economic Review.
    • Kawai, Keiichi. "Sequential Cheap Talks." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Kishor, N K. and James Morley. "What Factors Drive the Price–Rent Ratio for the Housing Market? a Modified Present-Value Analysis." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • Kolotilin, Anton. "Experimental Design to Persuade." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Lee, Kevin, James Morley, and Kalvinder Shields. "The Meta Taylor Rule." Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
    • Schweinberger, Albert, and Alan Woodland. "Entrepreneurship and Conflict Generating Product Price Changes." European Economic Review.
    • Stafford, Tess. "Indoor Air Quality and Academic Performance." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
    • Stafford, Tess. "What Do Fishermen Tell Us That Taxi Drivers Do Not? an Empirical Investigation of Labor Supply." Journal of Labor Economics.
    • Wang, Jianxin and Minxian Yang. "How Well Does the Weighted Price Contribution Measure Price Discovery?." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • Akhmet, Marat, Zhanar Akhmetova, and Mehmet O. Fen. "Chaos in Economic Models with Exogenous Shocks." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Cassar, Alessandra, Giovanna d'Adda, and Pauline Grosjean. "Institutional Quality, Culture, and Norms of Cooperation: Evidence From Behavioural Field Experiments." The Journal of Law and Economics.
    • Castex, Gonzalo and Evgenia Dechter. "The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination." Journal of Labor Economics.
    • De Sinopoli, Francesco, Claudia Meroni, and Carlos Pimienta. "Strategic Stability in Poisson Games." Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Doiron, Denise, Denzil Fiebig, and Agne Suziedelyte. "Hips and Hearts: the Variation in Incentive Effects of Insurance Across Hospital Procedures." Journal of Health Economics.
    • Ellison, Glenn and Richard Holden. "A Theory of Rule Development." Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization.
    • Fiorini, Mario and Michael Keane. "How the Allocation of Children's Time Affects Cognitive and Noncognitive Development." Journal of Labor Economics.
    • Gratton, Gabriele. "Pandering and Electoral Competition." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Greiner, Ben, Mary Caravella, and Alvin Roth. "Is Avatar-to-Avatar Communication as Effective as Face-to-Face Communication? an Ultimatum Game Experiment in First and Second Life." Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Grosjean, Pauline. "A History of Violence: the Culture of Honor and Homicide in the US South." Journal of the European Economic Association.
    • Guadalupe, Maria, Hongyi Li, and Julie Wulf. "Who Lives in the C-Suite? Organizational Structure and the Division of Labor in Top Management." Management Science.
    • Hummel, Patrick and Richard Holden. "Optimal Primaries." Journal of Public Economics.
    • Kartik, Navin, Olivier Tercieux, and Richard Holden. "Simple Mechanisms and Preferences for Honesty." Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • Lee, Seojeong. "Asymptotic Refinements of a Misspecification-Robust Bootstrap for Generalized Method of Moments Estimators." Journal of Econometrics.
    • Liu, Yuelin and James Morley. "Structural Evolution of the Postwar U.S. Economy." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • Pimienta, Carlos. "Bayesian and Consistent Assessments." Economic Theory.
    • Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis and Alan Woodland. "Steepest Ascent Tariff Reform." Economic Theory.
    • Tran, Chung and Alan Woodland. "Trade-Offs in Means Tested Pension Design." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • van den Berg, Bernard, Denzil Fiebig, and Jane Hall. "Well-Being Losses Due to Care-Giving." Journal of Health Economics.
    • Zhang, Le and Andreas Ortmann. "The Effects of the Take-Option in Dictator-Game Experiments: a Comment on Engel's (2011) Meta-Study." Experimental Economics.
    • Bidner, Chris and Patrick Francois. “The Emergence of Political Accountability.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics.
    • Bolton, Gary, Ben Greiner, and Axel Ockenfels. “Engineering Trust: Reciprocity in the Production of Reputation Information.” Management Science.
    • Buchmueller, Thomas, Denzil Fiebig, Glenn Jones, and Elizabeth Savage. “Preference Heterogeneity and Selection in Private Health Insurance: the Case of Australia.” Journal of Health Economics.
    • Cagliarini, Adam and Mariano Kulish. “Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models with Predictable Structural Changes.” Review of Economics and Statistics.
    • Cassar, Alessandra, Pauline Grosjean, and Sam Whitt. “Legacies of Violence: Trust and Market Development.” Journal of Economic Growth.
    • Chatterjee, Arpita, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, and Jade Vichyanond. “Multi-Product Firms and Exchange Rate Fluctuations.” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
    • DeVaro, Jed and Hodaka Morita. “Internal Promotion and External Recruitment: a Theoretical and Empirical Analysis.” Journal of Labor Economics.
    • Dobrescu, Loretti, Michael Luca, and Alberto Motta. “What Makes a Critic Tick? Connected Authors and the Determinants of Book Reviews.” Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization.
    • Ellis, Randall P., Denzil Fiebig, Meliyanni Johar, Glenn Jones, and Elizabeth Savage. “Explaining Health Care Expenditure Variation: Large-Sample Evidence Using Linked Survey and Health Administrative Data.” Health Economics.
    • Jones, Callum and Mariano Kulish. “Long-Term Interest Rates, Risk Premia and Unconventional Monetary Policy.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
    • Kolotilin, Anton, Hao Li, and Wei Li. “Optimal Limited Authority for Principal.” Journal of Economic Theory.
    • Kotsogiannis, Christos and Alan Woodland. “Climate and International Trade Policies When Emissions Affect Production Possibilities.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
    • Morita, Hodaka and Maroš Servátka. “Group Identity and Relation-Specific Investment: an Experimental Investigation.” European Economic Review.
    • Saggi, Kamal, Alan Woodland, and Halis Yildiz. “On the Relationship Between Preferential and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: the Case of Customs Unions.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
    • Spiliopoulos, Leonidas. “Beyond Fictitious Play Beliefs: Incorporating Pattern Recognition and Similarity Matching.” Games and Economic Behaviour.
    • van Koten, Silvester and Andreas Ortmann. “Structural Versus Behavioural Remedies in the Deregulation of Electricity Markets: an Experimental Investigation Motivated by Policy Concerns.” European Economic Review.
    • Yoo, Hong Il and Denise Doiron. “The Use of Alternative Preference Elicitation Methods in Complex Discrete Choice Experiments.” Journal of Health Economics.