
Gateway Equity Target

Transforming our undergraduate community.


Â鶹Éçmadou is committed to having an undergraduate community that is reflective of the broader Australian population and enabling access, participation, and graduate success for students from equity cohorts.

The Gateway Equity target sets out that 25% of commencing domestic undergraduate students are from a low-socioeconomic background and/or socio-educationally disadvantaged school (Gateway partner school) by 2027.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Â鶹Éçmadou has long acknowledged that entrenched socio-economic inequality unfairly impacts access to university and career opportunities for young people from historically underrepresented backgrounds in higher education.

    Â鶹Éçmadou’s 2025 Strategy initially set a target for 15% of the undergraduate cohort to be from a low-socioeconomic background. By 2022, accelerated progress towards this target provided the foundation for a more ambitious commitment.

    The Gateway Equity Target recognises that educational opportunities are heavily linked to socio-educational (school) advantage and socio-economic (home) status, with the two often interrelated.

  • The Gateway Equity Target explicitly measures students enrolling at Â鶹Éçmadou who are from a low-SES background and or Gateway school. However, by including Gateway schools in the target, Â鶹Éçmadou will support students from other equity groups who attend these schools at higher rates. These include students from Regional and Remote areas, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Migrant and Refugee (CALDMR) communities, and students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.Ìý

  • Â鶹Éçmadou has a 2025 access target for students from Low SES backgrounds (15%), Regional and Remote areas (8%) and Indigenous students (1.6%).

  • Figure 1. Percentage of commencing Â鶹Éçmadou new to academic career undergraduate domestic students who are from a socio-educationally disadvantaged school and/or low-SES background 2018 to 2022 and projections to meet the target of 25 per cent by 2027.
  • It is well-researched that a significant structural barrier to higher education is the ATAR, and evidence suggests that academic performance levels out across equity groups once students are at university.

    In 2021, students who enrolled via the Gateway Admission Pathway performed similarly to the broader domestic undergraduate cohort in their first-year cumulative weighted average mark (WAM). They also collectively passed 93% of all subjects they undertook, the same rate as 2021’s broader domestic undergraduate cohort. This data demonstrates that, despite entering University with an adjusted ATAR requirement, students who have entered via the Gateway Admission Pathway have succeeded academically once at university.

  • A reinvigorated commitment to widening participation in higher education and access to Â鶹Éçmadou necessitates a holistic plan of support across the student lifecycle. We will take an incremental and phased approach to ensure incoming students have a positive student experience that considers their specific requirements, and that academic and professional staff receive the appropriate support and resources required to develop and advance the below key components that will lead us to reach the Target.

Eight key components

1. Gateway Admission Pathway and Program

Increase existing pre-tertiary outreach through the Gateway Program and reform the Gateway Admission Pathway to include early offers regardless of a student's ATAR result, in addition to existing early conditional offers.

2. Alternative entry options

Provide transition pathways and diploma options for students who attain lower ATARs.

3. Scholarships

Increase the number of scholarships for students enrolling through the Gateway Admission Pathway.

4. Support programs

Review and reinvigorate orientation and transition support programs for first-year students including academic, peer support and well-being components.

5. Academic support

Prioritise academic support at the discipline level for first-year students who enrol through the Gateway Admission Pathway.

6. Resources

Enhance inclusive teaching-and-learning-focused resources, training, practices, and initiatives for staff to improve the student experience.

7. Work integrated learning

Tailor our work-integrated learning and employability programs to better meet the needs of equity cohorts.

8. Staff training

Facilitate training to increase understanding of the strategic priorities associated with the Gateway Equity Target and amplify the needs, voices, and experiences of our increasingly diverse student cohort.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please email access_equity_inclusion@unsw.edu.au.