
Our lab investigates cellular and physiological mechanisms used by autonomic systems; cardiovascular, respiratory and glucoregulatory. Physiological reflexes (e.g. baroreflex, chemoreflex, glucose counter regulation) function to maintain homeostasis in the healthy state.

They are integrated by neuronal circuits in the brain, and their long-term and short-term functionality is continually regulated by genetic and environmental factors.

Pathological regulation can form the basis for disease (respiratory disorders, hypertension, diabetes). How do homeostatic systems - which are vital for survival - adapt to changing environmental conditions? How do environmental challenges contribute to neuronal excitability, physiological processes and drug action?

We have expertise in cutting-edge tools and techniques (molecular methods, mouse genetics, multiplex fluorescence imaging, viral mediated gene expression) that are currently revolutionizing neuroscience. We which we use to interrogate alterations in autonomic systems following physiological/environmental stress to provide avenues for therapy based on molecular understanding of disease processes.

Current projects

  • Investigating chemoreceptor neuropathology in Parkinson's Disease
  • Neuropeptides that facilitate carbon dioxide-stimulated breathing via projections to the rodent respiratory pattern generator
  • Chemical codes and functional roles of chemoreceptor projections to the respiratory pattern generator
  • Investigation of neuroplasticity in respiratory related regions of the brain and spinal cord (phrenic motor nucleus) in response to chronic and / or intermittent hypercapnia
  • Identification of brain chemoreceptors in a piglet model of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Highlighted publications

  1. Dereli AS; Oh AYS; McMullan S; Kumar NN, 2024, 'Galaninergic and hypercapnia-activated neuronal projections to the ventral respiratory column', Brain Structure and Function,
  2. Kumar NN; Summerell E; Spehar B; Cranney J, 2021, 'Experiences of Honours Research Students and Supervisors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study Framed by Self-Determination Theory', Frontiers in Education, 6,
  3. Menuet C; Connelly AA; Bassi JK; Melo MR; Le S; Kamar J; Kumar NN; McDougall SJ; McMullan S; Allen AM, 2020, 'Prebötzinger complex neurons drive respiratory modulation of blood pressure and heart rate', eLife, 9, pp. 1 - 30, Ìý
  4. Dereli AS; Yaseen Z; Carrive P; Kumar NN, 2019, 'Adaptation of Respiratory-Related Brain Regions to Long-Term Hypercapnia: Focus on Neuropeptides in the RTN', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13,
  5. Kumar NN; Velic A; Soliz J; Shi Y; Li K; Wang S; Weaver JL; Sen J; Abbott SBG; Lazarenko RM; Ludwig MG; Perez-Reyes E; Mohebbi N; Bettoni C; Gassmann M; Suply T; Seuwen K; Guyenet PG; Wagner CA; Bayliss DA, 2015, 'Regulation of breathing by CO2 requires the proton-activated receptor GPR4 in retrotrapezoid nucleus neurons', Science, 348, pp. 1255 - 1260,

Our experts

Dr Natasha Kumar - Group Leader

Dr Natasha Kumar completed BMedSc (Hons1, 2002), and her PhD (2003-2007) at USYD Physiology. As an integrative neuroscientist, her postdoctoral research (2007-2011, Macquarie University; 2011-2016, University of Virginia, USA), investigated glucose sensing and CO2 sensing brainstem neurons and signalling networks. She was appointed to a teaching and research position (Lecturer) at Â鶹Éçmadou Sydney, School of Biomedical Sciences in 2016 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2019. Currently, her lab investigates central chemoreception, and the potential for drugs that activate pH sensing neurons to help those afflicted by respiratory disorders, such as sleep apnea, COPD, apnea of prematurity.


Team members

  • Yazhou (Susanne) Liu – PhD student
  • Alice (Yunsu) Oh – PhD student
  • Dana Kim – PhD student
  • Justin Wang – SBMS Honours student

Associated academics

  • Nicole Jones
  • John Power
  • Pascal Carrive
  • Jane Butler
  • Claire Shepherd

PhD students

2016 - 2020Ìý- Ayse Dereli (The role of galanin in long term adaptation of respiratory chemoreception)

2018 -2022 - Latifa Bulbul (The role of neuropeptide co-release and co-signalling on the respiratory chemoreflex)

2020 - Yazhou (Susanne) Liu (Investigation of chemoreceptors in post-mortem brain tissue from patients with respiratory disorders)

2023 - Alice (Yunsu) Oh (Investigation of neuropeptide co-transmission in brainstem respiratory pattern generation, and respiratory chemoreception, in rodents)

Honours students:

2023 - Dana KimÌý(1st Class Honours awarded)

2021 - Anthony TaylorÌý(1st Class Honours awarded)

2021 - Alice OhÌý(1st Class Honours awarded)

2020 - Emma O'RourkeÌý(1st Class Honours awarded)

2020 - June SunÌý(1st Class Honours awarded)

2018 - Zarwa Yaseen (1st Class Honours awarded)

2018 - Alex Ruhoff (Honours - co-supervision with A/Prof Nicole Jones)

2018 - Josh Dunn (Honours co-supervision with A/Prof Nicole Jones)

2017 - Felicity Duong (Honours - co-supervision with Prof Pascal Carrive)

2017 - Giuliana Connor (Honours- co-supervision with A/Prof Nicole Jones)

2017 - Meghety ZaitounianÌý(Honours- co-supervision with A/Prof Nicole Jones)

ILP students:Ìý

2019: Erin Wright (ILP mark ranked 2nd out of Medicine cohort)

2019: Fasya Fazlan

Research Theme

Neuroscience |ÌýCardiovascular and Metabolic Disease |