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Smartphone gaming induces dry eye symptoms in school-aged children

Smartphone use by children has become ubiquitous. Studies conducted in adults show that smartphone viewing adversely affects the ocular surface, causing discomfort, eye strain, sore eyes, and dry eyes, and altered tear film function and blinking.

Estimating 3D spatiotemporal point of regard: a device evaluation

SOVS Paper of the week: Many parents are concerned that too much homework or playing on digital devices (near-work) may contribute to short-sightedness (myopia).

The effect of hydroxypropyl-guar nanoemulsion on dry eye symptoms

Artificial tears are the mainstay of dry eye therapy. However, there is a lack of quality research informing whether different artificial tears have advantages over others or placebo drops for the relief of signs and symptoms of dry eye.

Multispectral pattern recognition measures change in drusen area

Researchers at SOVS and The Centre for Eye Health show their multispectral pattern recognition can detect disease changes in drusen in patients with age-related macular degeneration better than current commercially available clinical tools.

Prevalence and related factors of myopic retinopathy

We know that in developed countries, near-sightedness causes an increased risk of vision loss later in life due to macular degeneration, glaucoma, and vitreoretinal degenerations.

Dupilumab-associated ocular manifestations

Dupilumab is a first-in-class biologic utilised in the treatment of multiple atopic diseases, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis.

Subjective Responses to Various Filling Solutions

Scleral contact lenses are used with great success to improve vision, particularly in eye conditions where it is difficult to achieve acceptable correction with spectacles or regular contact lenses.

The role of melanocytes in the human choroidal microenvironment

In this study we shed light on pigmented cells inside the human eye (choroid melanocytes), showing they not only absorb light but are important in maintaining the complex choroidal microenvironment, including responses to inflammation.

Systematic review of diabetic eye disease practice guidelines

Diabetes is projected to affect over 578 million people by 2030, and one third of them will likely develop some form of diabetic eye disease, a leading cause of vision loss among middle-aged adults in Australia and around the world.

Nominated on Editor鈥檚 Choice in Clinical & Experimental Optometry

Vision impairment can have a significant impact on the wellbeing and quality of life of those experiencing this. However, current referral patterns do not represent a holistic patient鈥恈entric approach.

Dry eye is a chronic inflammatory disorder

The significant rise of chronic disease from the mid-twentieth century threatens to overwhelm public health systems in an increasing number of countries and is now considered an epidemic.

High throughput microplate assays to evaluate lipid inducing effects

High throughput microplate assays to evaluate lipid inducing effects of biological agents on meibomian gland epithelial cells and possibly other lipid-producing cells.

Physical and Visual Evaluation of Filters for Direct Observation of the Sun

We investigated the compliance of 43 commercially available solar filters (eclipse glasses) with the ISO 12312-2:2015 standard by measuring their spectral transmittances (280鈥2000 nm) and calculating their luminous, solar UVA, UVB, and IR transmittances.

Using Updated PubMedNew Features and Functions to Enhance Literature Search

Efficient literature searching and critical appraisal of clinical literature are two critical skills defining the practice of evidence-based medicine.

Visuospatial Attention Allocation as an Indicator of Cognitive Deficit

In this study, we focused on the effect of TBI on the ability to allocate attention in vision (i.e., the use of endogenous and exogenous visual cues) by systematically reviewing previous literature on the topic.

Genes predispose to severe #AK

In this paper Carnt et al, investigated 58 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPS) across 18 genes thought to be important in ocular surface defense and inflammatory pathways, in 105 patients with contact lens associated Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK).

Asymptomatic people with SARS-CoV-2 play a critical role

Asymptomatic people with SARS-CoV-2 play a critical role in the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 as an unseen carrier of COVID-19.

Your optometrist went to overseas school: should you care?

Researchers from 麻豆社madou and four other Australian and New Zealand universities completed a historical analysis of the written exam set by the Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand (OCANZ).

Vision impairment provides new insight into self-motion perception

Wilson Luu; Barbara Zangerl; Michael Kalloniatis; Stephen Palmisano; Juno Kim

Assessment of contact lens wearers鈥 attitude toward contact lens

Several conflicting reports have been spread regarding COVID-19 virus transmission and the safety of contact lens (CL) wear during the pandemic.

A Cross-Sectional Study of Sub-Basal Corneal Nerve Reduction

A recent study showed that corneal nerves in the sub-basal plexus were reduced in patient with cancer who were treated with oxaliplatin or paclitaxel, two neurotoxic chemotherapy drugs which can commonly cause nerve damage in the hands and feet.

Dry eye symptoms in children: can we reliably measure them?

With increasing use of smartphones and digital devices by children, dry eye is becoming more of a problem even in younger kids.

Understanding clinical and immunological features

Bacterial keratitis is a leading cause of monocular corneal blindness, and contact lens wear is a significant risk factor associated with BK.

Sleeping late is a risk factor for myopia development amongst school-aged c

Are late sleepers more susceptible to myopia? Read the latest paper from our PhD student Xiao Nicole Liu and her supervisors Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg and Associate Professor Thomas John Naduvilath

A strategy for seeding point error assessment for retesting (SPEAR)

SOVS Paper of the Week: Researchers, Dr Jack Phu and Professor Michael Kalloniatis propose a systematic approach to seeding point error assessment for the new SITA Faster paradigm, helping clinicians improve the overall fidelity of the visual field test result.

Effect of blue鈥恇locking lenses on colour contrast sensitivity

SOVS Paper of the Week: Blue-blocking lenses (BBLs) are being marketed by several ophthalmic lens manufacturers as protection against the damaging effects of blue light by selectively attenuating blue light.

A Syndemic Perspective on the Management of Non-communicable Diseases

SOVS Paper of the Week: The effects of a pandemic intensify due to its diverse nexus of intertwined biological and socioecological factors.

Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Biphenylglyoxamide-Based

SOVS Paper of the Week: We are already in the middle of the next pandemic - infections that are impossible to treat with current antibiotics. To overcome this, we are developing new antimicrobials, and this is the latest from PhD student Tom Yu.

Poly鈥愇碘怢ysine or Mel4 Antimicrobial Surface Modification on a Novel Peptide

SOVS Paper of the Week: We recently published a paper on our research with the team of Professor Rachel Williams at the University of Liverpool, UK. https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/life-course-and-medical-sciences/staff/rachel-williams/publications/

Clinical utility of irx3 in keratoconus

Researchers at the University of New South Wales and the Centre for Eye Health assess the repeatability of lower鈥 and higher鈥恛rder aberration measurements in patients with keratoconus using the irx3 wavefront aberrometer.

Recipient and instructor perspectives of an adapted exercise-based fall

We investigated how simple adaptations can improve accessibility of a #fallprevention program for older adults with #visionimpairment.

U-Net Segmented Adjacent Angle Detection (USAAD)

One of the pleasures of working with the cornea is its accessibility and transparency 鈥 this means that, unlike elsewhere in the body, images can be captured in a non-invasive way in order to evaluate cells, blood vessels and nerves.

New disinfection systems to overcome PPE shortages

Congratulations to Professor Mark Willcox and team who have had their project entitled "New disinfection systems to overcome PPE shortages and provide long term protection against infection in Hospitals and Public Settings鈥 funded by a 麻豆社madou Research

Is Pakistan prepared for the COVID-19 epidemic?

Latest paper from PhD Student Mahjabeen Khan: The novel coronavirus virus pandemic COVID-19 is having a major affect on everyone including frontline health workers.

Prevalence and seasonal variation of Acanthamoeba in domestic tap water

SOVS Paper of the Week: Amoeba are free living protozoa, a bit like us. They are found in domestic water everywhere, so in this time of frequent hand washing, contact lens wearers remember to dry your hands before touching lenses.

Bacterial biofilm in silver-impregnated contact lens cases

This study examined the effectiveness of current recommended cleaning procedures in removing biofilms of pathogenic bacteria from storage cases containing silver.

Bacterial contamination of intravitreal needles by the ocular surface

SOVS Paper of the Week: The aging of the population in many industrialised countries will result in an increased burden of aging-related ocular diseases, particularly age-related macular degeneration.

Compliance behaviour change in contact lens wearers

SOVS Paper of the Week: This study looked at these behaviours in contact lens wearers and in a randomised controlled trial examined whether providing a visual reminder on their storage cases as a prompt to avoid water could change wearer behaviour.

Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides and Ciprofloxacin against Pseudomonas

SOVS Paper of the Week: Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides and Ciprofloxacin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

Alteration of the pattern of regenerative corneal subbasal nerves

SOVS Paper of the Week: Alteration of the pattern of regenerative corneal subbasal nerves after laser in-situ keratomileusis surgery

A Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Two Lipid-Based Lubricant Eye Drops

SOVS Paper of the Week: Dry eye is a common condition causing symptoms of discomfort that can limit daily activities and work productivity.

Scientia Professor Fiona Stapleton

Dr Maria Markoulli and Associate Professor Isabelle Jalbert highlighting Scientia Professor Fiona Stapleton: leading academic and world鈥恟enowned epidemiologist of contact lens鈥恟elated eye disease.

Determining Significant Elevation of Intraocular Pressure

SOVS Paper of the Week: Self-monitoring of intraocularpressure by patients at home is now readily accessible

The COVID-19 pandemic: Important considerations for CL Practitioners.

SOVS Paper of the Week: L Jones, K Walsh, M Willcox, P Morgan, J Nichols. The COVID-19 pandemic: Important considerations for CL Practitioners.

Tear samples could help detect diabetes complication

You鈥檝e heard of blood tests and stool samples. Tear samples might be the next screening method to enter your doctor鈥檚 office, suggests a new study from 麻豆社madou Sydney.

AI may help in early glaucoma detection

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising healthcare for its potential in image-based diagnosis, disease prognostication, and risk assessment. In ophthalmology, AI is also becoming common for screening, image interpretation, early diagnosis, and synthesizing large amounts datasets.

Research spotlight: Comparison of central corneal thickness measurements

Measuring corneal thickness is an important part of assessing the health of an eye. This procedure is more technically known as pachymetry. It can help to identify and monitor eye diseases including glaucoma and keratoconus which may cause permanent vision loss or even blindness.

Does "Pre-Perimetric Glaucoma Exist?

Researchers at the Centre for Eye Health have been developing and evaluating new methods for visual field testing to detect losses in glaucoma earlier than current clinical tests.

Electrophysiological and Psychophysical Studies of Meridional Anisotropies

What鈥檚 interesting about children with normal 20/20 visual acuity? That was one of the hot topics at the ARVO Annual Meeting last year and it also received the ARVO Publication Grant this year.

Predictive Potential of Eyelids and Tear Film in Determining Symptoms

Contact lens discomfort probably occurs due to reduced compatibility between the contact lens and the ocular environment, especially the eyelids and tear film.

RNA-Seq analysis and comparison of corneal epithelium in keratoconus

Our analysis of KC epithelium showed significant changes for genes involved in communication and junctions between epithelium, and in cell signalling.