
A research project comprises an in-depth study of a relevant public health, global health, health management or infectious diseases intelligence issue, with the opportunity to develop your research method knowledge and skills in the context of real-world research or evaluation.

Projects will vary in their aims, scope and design. During the course of the project, candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to:

  • identify and define a significant issue
  • systematically collect relevant, up-to-date information about the issue
  • analyse, interpret and discuss the information
  • draw conclusions, make recommendations
  • write a report which is consistent with academic standards at Masters level.

The overall learning experience for students is independent research with supervision by one or more academic supervisors. Projects are either negotiated, student-led proposals or selected from projects proposed by academic supervisors. It is important that you set yourself realistic goals for the project and not attempt to undertake work that would be appropriate for a research Master’s thesis. Three project options are available:

  1. – 6 UOC
    The time commitment for the 6 UOC research project should correspond to a study load of approximately 150 hours over the enrolled term.
  2. – 12 UOC
    The time commitment for the 12 UOC research project should correspond to a study load of approximately 300 hours over the enrolled term/s. A 12 UOC project can be taken part time over two terms.
  3. – 18 UOC
    The time commitment for the 18 UOC research project should correspond to a study load of approximately 450 hours over the enrolled term/s. An 18 UOC project can be taken part time over two or three terms.
  • Research projects are available to students enrolled in the Master of Public Health, Master of Global Health, Master of Health Leadership and Management or Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence, or associated dual and extension postgraduate coursework programs, who achieve a WAM of 75 or above after completion of at least 18 UOC of their program.

    Students who wish to undertake a research degree will need to complete a 12 or 18 UOC research project course to be considered for entry into the PhD program.

  • The first step is to read the Research Project Guidelines for Students, Supervisors and Examiners booklet, which has important information for students considering or enrolling in a research project. It includes guidance about the scope of the project and what students should aim to achieve; how to plan the project; responsibilities of student, supervisor and co-supervisor; what assessors will be looking for, and other important considerations.

  • The earlier you begin preparing for the project, the easier it is to complete the project within the period of enrolment. Candidates who start planning a project early will be able to select relevant elective courses and may undertake some preparation through their assignments. By the time you have completed half the course work required in your program, you should have identified your topic area and approached academics about their capacity to supervise your project so you are ready to enrol in the project well ahead of the start of term. You may wish to consider one of the advertised projects. You are encouraged to consider the knowledge and skills that you would like to acquire during the project before you start contacting potential supervisors (see Early Stage Research Project Planning). Projects that require ethics approval must have the approval prior to submitting your application for enrolment. Obtaining ethics approvals takes time, which is an important reason to start planning early. In the term prior to enrolment, you will need to draft your proposal with the input of your supervisor/s and obtain feedback and approval from the Research Coordinator prior to enrolment.

  • Enrolment in the research project is completed via process that involves eligibility checks and review of applications and project proposals by academic staff. Students are not able to enrol themselves via myÂ鶹Éçmadou. Before you can be enrolled in a research project, please follow the following steps:

    1. Read the course guidelines, including sections on eligibility, supervisors and project proposals.
    2. Complete the to check you meet the enrolment requirements.
    3. Contact academics regarding their capacity to supervise and potential projects (see Early Stage Research Project Planning).
    4. Complete the relevant qualitative research project proposal template, or quantitative research project proposal template, with your supervisor/s. The proposal must be signed by supervisor/s and uploaded to the application form.
    5. Complete the online research project application form (link will be released in Nov 2024), including upload of proposal and evidence of relevant ethics approvals. Students are strongly encouraged to submit the application form at least two weeks prior to the start of the term the student plans to enrol, or in December for enrolments in Term 1 the following year.
    6. Following review by the Research Projects Coordinator, you may be required to submit a revised proposal and/or other study documentation via the forthcoming online revised research project application form.

    The deadline for the submission of the final version of the proposal is the Monday of O Week in the term the student is to be enrolled.

    Once the application and project proposal have been approved by the Research Project Coordinator, you will receive an email advising on the next steps to enrol in the research project.

    • At enrolment, students and supervisors will be provided with the course rubric.
    • Students and supervisors will need to nominate the appropriate reporting guidelines for their study design/methods from the  (e.g. CONSORT, STROBE, RECORD, PRISMA) or alternative framework for reporting if there are no published guidelines available (e.g. journal submission guidelines). 
    • Students and supervisors should review the course rubric at enrolment to plan to address all components in the final report, including the 300-500 word critical reflection on research knowledge and skill development.ÌýÌý
    • Students are expected to draft their final report in accordance with the nominated reporting guidelines/framework and the course rubric.
    • Research projects are to be submitted through Turnitin via Moodle by the due date.
    • You need to email the project report, Turnitin report report and your nominated reporting guidelines to your supervisor/s and examiner for marking.
    • The due date for all research projects is the last day of the study period of the term (or last term) that you have enrolled in the research project (please refer to the for dates). Research projects that are not submitted by this deadline will receive the same late submission penalties as all other postgraduate courses.
    • Students requiring an extension to the submission of their research project will need to submit an application for special considerationÌýÌýprior to the submission deadline and provide supporting documentation in support of their application. This request will be considered by your research project supervisor.
    • Students who submit their research project late should understand that this may delay the completion of their degree if it is the final term of study.
    • Examiners will use the rubric as a guide for marking the final report.
  • All enquiries about Research Projects should be emailed to: mh.pgresproject@unsw.edu.au

    Eligibility for the Research Project courses to be confirmed via .

    Associate Professor Kathleen Falster, Research Projects Coordinator. Dr Robyn Taylor, Research Projects Co-Coordinator.

  • Examiners will be asked to use two documents to guide their assessment of the final research report: 

    • The course rubric, which includes guidance for marking each section of the final report.
    • The student nominated reporting guidelines from the (e.g. CONSORT, STROBE, RECORD, PRISMA) or alternative framework for reporting if there are no published guidelines available (e.g. journal submission guidelines). 

Research project topics

Students can elect to take a Research Project as part of their coursework degree. The project comprises an in-depth study of a public health, health management or international health issue or topic.
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