MyCoast NSW Study

The MyCoast NSW Study explores what the New South Wales community understands about coastal erosion and coastal inundation, as well as the driving forces behind these hazards: sea level rise and severe coastal storms. In this context, it highlights community knowledge, perceptions, values and attitudes of NSW coastal communities in relation to ‘their coast’ and key themes related to associated management issues and strategies. Â
The purpose of the MyCoast NSW Study was to provide an evidence-based platform that will assist local governments and coastal management professionals in the future development of suitable and effective educational strategies and programs to help improve the ability of NSW coastal communities to adapt sustainably to the risk of coastal erosion and inundation.
Resources on this Website
The outputs of the MyCoast NSW Study include a number of resources that are freely available on this website:
Ongoing Survey
The MyCoast NSW Study is still active. Please feel free to do the survey questionnaire and/or encourage others to do so (allow 20 minutes) at:
This project was funded under the joint State and Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the New South Wales Government, unless the views expressed in the Project Materials have been publicly supported by the Government or a government agency.
MyCoast NSW Study
Project Evaluation and Feedback
We are interested in knowing what you think of the MyCoast NSW Study and the resources available on this page. Please let us know by filling out a very short anonymous survey.