
Distribution and numbers

The distribution of the platypus in Australia spans from Cooktown in northern Queensland to Tasmania.

landscape of river and trees in Western Australia

Historic distribution

The distribution of the platypus in Australia spans from Cooktown in northern Queensland to Tasmania (Figure 1). In Queensland, platypuses are primarily distributed in eastern flowing rivers and waterways, but their distribution is limited elsewhere in the state. In New South Wales, platypuses are more common on the eastern side of the Great Dividing Range but do extend into western-flowing rivers and waterways of the Murray-Darling Basin听(Grant & Fanning 2007).听Platypuses are reasonably widespread throughout Victoria and Tasmania, occupying 26 of 31 river systems in Victoria (84%) and 15 of 19 river systems in Tasmania (79%), but there is evidence for population declines near metropolitan areas听(Grant & Denny 1991). Platypuses are considered vulnerable in South Australia, with sporadic records throughout the Mount Lofty Ranges, Adelaide Hills, and the Yorke Peninsula (Figure 1). There is also an introduced population on Kangaroo Island听(Grant & Denny 1991).听

Change in distribution

To assess platypus distribution, we collated 16,797 distributional data points from the Atlas of living Australia state atlas databases (ACT Wildlife Atlas Records;听BioNet Atlas of NSW Wildlife;听Tasmania Natural Values Atlas; Victorian Biodiversity Atlas; WildNet Queensland Wildlife Data; Biological Databases of South Australia),听iNaturalist, museum records (Victorian Museum,听Queensland Museum,听The Australian Museum听and the 听Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History),听trove, and听platypusSPOT. For analysis, each distributional data point was assigned to a sub-catchment (HydroBASIN Level 7 sub-catchment;听Lehner et al. (2008)). We assessed presence in a sub-catchment based on records, assuming no sightings were indicative of the absence of platypuses while acknowledging problems associated with false positives and false negatives.

Over the last 250 years (1770-2020), platypuses have been recorded in 288 sub-catchments (885,096 km2) across eastern Australia (Figure 2a). There are 412 sub-catchments (1,103,410 km2) within the current IUCN distribution where platypuses potentially occur (Figure 2b). However, the current IUCN distribution for platypuses fails to incorporate areas where platypuses have recently (since 1990) been recorded. We provide an updated distribution for the platypus (Figure 1) which considers hydrologic features by including sub-catchments (HydroBASIN Level 6 sub-catchment;听Lehner et al. (2008)) with recent (>=1990) platypus records and those which fall within the currently used distribution and also include three sub-catchments along the Murray River which connects the proposed distribution (two of which have had sightings between 1970 and 1980).

There are increasing reports of localized declines and extinctions of platypuses, but these are inconsistent across the range and difficult to quantify due to scarcity and uncertainty of empirical historical data, particularly estimates of abundances. Relying on reported observations, we quantify changes in platypus distribution using all records (1770-2020) and those over the last three generations (30 years; 1990-2020). We classify data into four periods: <1990, 1990-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-2020 (Figure 3). Increases in the number of sub-catchments over time are attributable to increased reporting rather than an increase in the distribution of the platypus (Table 1). Despite new areas with more recent platypus sightings, platypus sightings have also declined from several sub-catchments. To assess overall change, we calculated the number of sub-catchments within each period, which didn't contain any platypus records in subsequent periods.

Since 1770, platypuses have been recorded in a total of 288 sub-catchments (885,096 km2; Table 1). By 1990, there were 20 sub-catchments that no longer had platypus records in the subsequent periods, representing a distribution loss of 42,418 km2听(Table 1). Between 1990 and 1999, 17 sub-catchments lost record continuity (49,355 km2) and between 2000 and 2009, there were an additional 62 sub-catchments that didn't record a platypus in the subsequent period (150,564 km2). The total potential distribution loss of platypuses since the 1990-1999 period was 199,919 km2, representing a 22.6% decline in the total area that platypuses have been reported.

As platypuses are restricted to waterbodies, we estimated change in the length of river occupied by platypuses across this distribution. Rivers were defined to start at every pixel where the accumulated upstream catchment area exceeds 10 km2, or where the long-term average natural discharge exceeds 100 litres per second听(Grill et al. 2019). We assumed that if a platypus was recorded within a sub-catchment, it could occupy all rivers within that sub-catchment. We calculated the length of rivers for each sub-catchment and compared changes since 1990 (Table 1), which indicate a decline of 22.3% in the length of rivers occupied by platypuses in the 1990-1999 period. Given increased fragmentation of rivers due to in-stream barriers, land-use change, and some evidence of localized declines in platypus numbers, the assumption that they occupy all rivers in a given sub-catchment with a record likely underestimates declines in length of occupied rivers.

Discerning between extinction of a species in an area and inappropriate survey effort for detection can be supported with probabilistic models which consider record continuity (Bino et al. 2020),听supporting improved monitoring efforts. A lower number of records in the 2010-2020 period compared to the 2000-2009 period may account for some declines. However, given increased accessibility of reporting and records in 18 additional sub-catchments where platypuses had not been reported, it is possible that platypuses no longer occupy the sub-catchments they were not reported since 2010, but this warrants further investigation. Estimated declines may be greater but cannot be quantified given the significant knowledge gaps (i.e., areas without any platypus observations) across much of the species potential range (Figure 2b). Some sightings in South Australia (Yorke Peninsula and Fleurieu Peninsula) and western Victoria were possibly false identifications, given platypuses are assumed to no longer occupy these areas, warranting systematic confirmation. The inclusion of likely false positive data in this analysis may mask further declines in some sub-catchments.

Historical numbers

Historical accounts of platypuses and numerical data from the fur trade suggest that platypuses were abundant at the end of the 19th听century (Table 3). In the Sydney markets, 9315 skins were sold between 1891 and 1899听(Hawke et al. 2019a). Sportsmen reportedly shot hundreds and sometimes thousands of platypuses, given that each garment or rug normally required more than 50 platypus skins. One furrier stated he had sold over 29,000 skins before the first world war听听(Hawke et al. 2019a).

Table 3. Quantitative historical records of platypus numbers (> 10) from digitized newspaper articles.



Number of platypus




Shoalhaven River


鈥渋n a few hours鈥



Severn River


鈥渙n an expedition鈥



Murrumbidgee River


鈥渋n one day鈥



Yarra River


鈥渋n a day鈥



Georges River

8-10 & 15

鈥渁t once鈥



Morwell River


鈥渋n two pools鈥



Snowy River


鈥渁t once鈥



Gloucester River


鈥渁t once鈥


Historical qualitative literature also highlights how populations declined in response to the fur trade. Platypuses were described in records as highly abundant before the 1890s, then records suggest that they began to decline (Table 4).

Table 4. Qualitative historical records of platypuses from digitized newspaper articles.







Pike鈥檚 Creek

鈥淧latypus found in nearly every water hole鈥



Yass River

鈥淭he platypus is also found in the banks of the stream in very large numbers鈥



Campbell鈥檚 River

鈥淚mmense numbers of platypus are found鈥



Not reported

鈥淪till common in most rivers and creeks of NSW and in some districts found in considerable numbers鈥




鈥減latypus are now nearly extinct鈥



Not reported

鈥渇ormerly found in some of the few permanent streams of SA, has disappeared from this country, and in other exists in rapidly diminishing numbers鈥



New England Region

鈥渉e has not seen in his district a wallaroo or platypus for fifteen years鈥here they once abounded in thousands鈥



Not reported

鈥渘umbers are steadily decreasing, and if they continue to do so there is danger of extermination at no very distant date鈥



Not reported

鈥淭hey were numerous, and now they are only a few to be seen鈥



Not reported

鈥渂ut the platypus and the opossum are rapidly becoming extinct鈥



Moorabool River

鈥渂ecoming almost extinct, and is rarely met within the vicinity of large towns鈥



Not reported

鈥渢hese animals are being slaughtered every day and their skin sold鈥. 鈥渢hese animals are very scare鈥



Not reported

鈥渟till very scare, and in some districts quite extinct鈥



Not reported

鈥渢he platypus is all but extinct鈥



Not reported

鈥渂ecome almost extinct鈥欌



Not reported

鈥樷檕nce so common in some of our creeks and rivers, is also becoming a rarity鈥欌



Not reported

鈥渢he platypus is nearly extinct鈥



Not reported

鈥淭he platypus is not a disappearing species but an increasing one鈥



Not reported

鈥渢hey are far more numerous than they were ten years ago鈥




鈥淚t has been many years since one of these animals has been seen locally鈥




鈥淔or the first time in 20 years a platypus has been caught鈥




鈥淭his is the first one seen in the locality for a full decade, though at one time they were numerous鈥



Macquarie River

鈥渋t is years since a platypus has ever been caught in any of the western rivers; it is a long time since a platypus has been seen on the Macquarie, although in days gone by they were to be found there in hundreds鈥



Murrumbidgee River, Wagga

鈥淭his is the first platypus seen in the district for a great many years鈥欌



Murray River, Echuca

鈥淭his must be one of the very few left in the country鈥

The fur trade likely had a significant impact on population numbers听(Hawke et al. 2019a; Hawke et al. 2019b). Populations may have recovered in some areas after protection in 1912 (e.g., 22 platypuses captured near Princes Bridge in 1908, 16 years after the species received legal protection in Victoria). At the time, there was also widespread land clearing in south eastern Australia听(Walker et al. 1993), along with river regulation through the building of dams听(Kingsford et al. 2011)听and diversion of water. These synergistic human-driven threats in conjunction with low finite growth rate (位=1.075 and 位=1.0047)听(Bino et al. 2015; Fox et al. 2004, respectively),听based on current estimates of juvenile recruitment听(Grant et al. 2004; Serena et al. 2014)听and survival (juvenile females 桅 = 0.27 卤 0.04sd, juvenile males 桅 = 0.13 卤 0.02sd)听(Bino et al. 2015), continue to drive declines.

Contemporary numbers

Knowledge of platypus abundance across the distribution of the species is limited. They are generally considered common, but there is mounting evidence of localised declines and extinctions听(Bino et al. 2019; Hawke et al. 2019a; Woinarski et al. 2014). There are few studies able to assess changes in populations trends, most of which have been undertaken at relatively localised scales, highlighting knowledge gaps across the range. We compiled available platypus literature (peer reviewed articles, reports, theses; 220 sources), resulting in 127 studies that undertook surveys or used platypus samples that could be assigned to a river region (Geoscience Australia 1997). Studies mainly focused on populations in Tasmania, the greater Melbourne area, and south eastern NSW (Figure 6).

Some of these studies provided data for estimating catch per unit effort (catch per hour) or density (since 1990). The number of platypuses captured per hour during surveys ranged from 0.004-0.64 (mean = 0.19 卤 0.15sd). Differences among states also reflects capture methods, as fyke nets have more commonly been deployed in Victorian and Tasmanian studies, compared to studies conducted in NSW, which have most often used gill nets to sample larger water bodies.

Some of these studies provided data for estimating catch per unit effort (catch per hour) or density (since 1990). The number of platypuses captured per hour during surveys ranged from 0.004-0.64 (mean = 0.19 卤 0.15sd). Differences among states also reflects capture methods, as fyke nets have more commonly been deployed in Victorian and Tasmanian studies, compared to studies conducted in NSW, which have most often used gill nets to sample larger water bodies.

Figure 6. The distribution and number of studies (peer reviewed articles, reports, and theses) across the distribution of the platypus.

Figure 7. The average catch per hour (卤 SD) of platypuses across years (1992-2018) for a) different states: NSW (blue), VIC (orange) and Tasmania (grey) and b) different net type: mesh nets (red ), fyke nets (blue), and combined nets (green).