Scientific publications

Barney Tan
Ng, E., Tan, B., Sun, Y., & Meng, T. (2023). The strategic options of fintech platforms: An overview and research agenda. Information Systems Journal, 33(2), 192–231.
Au, C. H., Tan, B., & Ge, C. (2023). Fighting fire with fire: the use of an auxiliary platform to address the inherent weaknesses of a platform-based business. Internet Research.
Ibello, G., Tan, B., Guo, Z., & Leong, C. (2023, May 15). CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: A PRELIMINARY REVIEW AND RESEARCH AGENDA. ECIS 2023 Research-in-Progress Papers.
Felix Tan
Zhuang, K. V., Choo, B., Gerard, G., Lee, C. S., Tan, F., & Llamzon, R. (2025). Towards Inclusive Digital Transactions: Disability and The Case of Singapore’s Singpass App. Proceedings of the 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2410–2419.
Zhu, Z., Zhang, N., & Tan, F. T. C. (2024). Beyond a technological tool: How a platform as a meta-organization enables a successful public service project in China. Information & Management, 61(4).
Llamzon, R. B., Tan, F., Zhuang, K. V., Choo, B., Lee, C. S., & Goggin, G. (2024). Smart for All: The Development of Singpass Towards an Inclusive Smart Nation Platform. ICIS 2024 Proceedings.
Llamzon, R., Tan, F., & Carter, L. (2023, July 8). Policy as Alignment Apparatus: A Case Study of Cascading Policy Effects on a Healthcare Information System Implementation. PACIS 2023 Proceedings.
He, Y., Tan, F., Leong, C., Huang, J., & Junio, D. R. O. (2023). Realising innovation and sustainability: A case study of Macau SAR’s smart city development capabilities. Journal of Urban Affairs.
Kumari, S., Venkatesh, V. G., Tan, F. T. C., Bharathi, S. V., Ramasubramanian, M., & Shi, Y. (2023). Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence on agriculture supply chain: a comprehensive review and future research directions. Annals of Operations Research.
Carmen Leong
Hua, W., Leong, C., & Kuan, K. (2024). Designing Digital Inclusion: The Role of Local Champions. ACIS 2024 Proceedings.
Hua, W., Leong, C., & Tan, B. (2023, July 8). Rapid Intrapreneurship with a Human Touch. PACIS 2023 Proceedings.
Leong, C., Lin, S., Tan, F., & Yu, J. (2023). Coordination in a Digital Platform Organization. Information Systems Research.
Zhou, Y. V., Leong, C., & Guo, Z. (2023, December 11). What is fair enough? Reconciling complementors’ needs for fairness management on digital platforms. ICIS 2023 Proceedings.
Chung-Li Tseng
Huang, W., Nguyen, J., Tseng, C. L., Chen, W., & Kirshner, S. N. (2024). Pride or guilt? Impacts of consumers’ socially influenced recycling behaviors on closed-loop supply chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 26(6), 2067-2084.
Ren, H., Tseng, C. L., Wen, F., Wang, C., Chen, G., & Li, X. (2024). Scenario-based optimal real-time charging strategy of electric vehicles with Bayesian long short-term memory networks. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy.
Balaguer-Mercado, A., Kirshner, S. N., & Tseng, C. L. (2024). Temporal distance in dual sourcing: A behavioural investigation. Managerial and Decision Economics, 45(8), 5757-5766.
Zhang, K., Llamzon, R., Tseng, C. L., & Chen, W. (2024, August). The effect of AI-delivered patient education on patients' willingness to participate in hand hygiene: The mediating role of role stress. Proceedings of the 2024 7th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (pp. 410-415).
Qin, Q., Tseng, C., Chen, W., & Tseng, C. L. (2023). Best practices for implementing biosafety inspections in a clinical laboratory: Evidence from a multi-site experimental study. PLoS ONE, 18(10 October).
Wu, C., Hong, H., Tseng, C., Wen, F., Wu, Q., & Shahnia, F. (2023). Economic dispatch of CAES in an integrated energy system with cooling, heating, and electricity supplies. Energy Conversion and Economics, 4(1), 61–72.
Chen, W., Tseng, C. L., & Tseng, C. (2023). The Impact of Healthcare Delivery Complexity on Practices for Clinical Quality Improvement: A Case of Healthcare Workers’ Hand Hygiene Compliance. Service Science, 15(4), 283–301.
Balaguer-Mercado, A., Kirshner, S. N., & Tseng, C. L. (2023). Sustainable Supplier Selection under Financial Hardships: The Conflicting Impact of Spatial and Temporal Psychological Distances. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(12), 9561.
Eric Lim
Lim, E. T., Yu, J. J., Cai, S., & Tuunainen, V. (2023). Blockchain Innovations: Technological Applications and Management Challenges. Information & Management, 103756.
Hu, Y., Zheng, S., Chong, A., Lim, E.T.K., and Tan, C.W. (2023) Preparing Ecosystems for Platformization: Insights from Multiple Case Studies. Information Systems Journal, Forthcoming.
Fu, S., Cai, Z., Lim, E.T.K., Liu, Y., Tan, C.W., Lin, Y., and Deng, S. (2023) Unraveling the Impact of Mobile Application Usage on Users’ Health Status: Insights from the Conservation of Resources Theory. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (24:2), pp. 452-489.
Li, Y., Liu, F., Lim, E.T.K., Tan, C.W., and Liu, Y. (2023) Infectious Confidence: Unraveling the Effects of Confidence Contagion on Overfunding in Equity Crowdfunding. MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.