Groundwater field equipment

The Water Research Laboratory has extensive field equipment for use in groundwater investigations. Equipment ranges from specific to general use, with a multitudeÌýof tools to aid in: bore design, aquifer delineation and testing, acid sulfate soil investigation, drilling and hydro-stratigraphic profiling, down-hole geophysical investigation, electrical imaging, resistivity imaging and groundwater quality testing.
- Mobile lab for accurate on-site analysis
- Small and large flow cells
- ORION EC, pH, Eh, DO, and temperature meters
- 60 & 100 m GRUNDFOS submersible pumps
- Teflon bailers and water foot valves
- Whale submersible pumps
- Single and 5 channel peristaltic pumps
- Air lifting and slug testing equipment
- Portable 240 V generators
- SAS 4000 terrameter and LUND switch box
- Selection of cables and electrodes
- GEOVISTA borehole logger
- EM39, natural gamma and spectral gamma electrodes
- Heat Pulse Flow Meter
- Geoprobe 7822DT
- Hand auguring probes
- Access to a range of jet, rotary and percussion rigs
- Experience with vibro-coring
- HQ minimally disturbed coring system
- Multi-port mini piezometer construction
- Selection of electronic water level dip meters
- Wide selection of pressure transducers
- KENT down-hole EC probe
- Climate station including barometric pressure
- Single and dual channel HYDROKIT data loggers