Employment and enterprise of young migrant women

The project is funded by Australian Research Council and led by academic researchers from University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University. In partnership with Liverpool City Council, CORE Community Services, Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre, Navitas, Liverpool Neighbourhood Centre, Curious Works and 15/15 Film Festival, the project seeks to make use of place-based perspectives to map the workforce and business landscape of the Southwest Sydney region.
It will identify the types of industry and social enterprises, potential employment and enterprise opportunities, and local organisations’ capacity to work with newly arrived migrant women in the context of socio-economic recovery from the COVID19 pandemic. Using a strengths-based approach, a survey and interviews will help understand young migrant women’s potential, interests, skills, and knowledge gaps in career advancement. Informed by data from the findings, the project will co-create an online career hub co-hosted with Partner Organisations which will be of long-term benefit to newly arrived communities.
Be part of our project
We are now seeking migrant women (18-40 years old residing in Western Sydney area) to complete a short survey and participate in a one-on-one, confidential interview.
Participate in an exciting survey and get a chance to win a $50 gift voucher.
Participate in an online one-on-one confidential interview and receive a $50 gift voucher.