Ongoing research

We are now seeking newly arrived young migrant women (18-40 years old residing in Western Sydney area) to complete a short survey and participate in a one-on-one, confidential interview. The survey and interview will help us understand young migrant women’s potential, interests, skills, and knowledge gaps in career advancement. Informed by data from the findings, the project will co-create an online career hub co-hosted with community partner organisations which will be of long-term benefit to newly arrived communities.
- Interview
- Survey
The interviews seek to understand the employment needs of young migrant women participate in the interview and receive a $50 gift voucher as a token of appreciation.
We are looking for woman-identifying, 18-40 years old residing in Western Sydney area and from culturally and linguistically diverse background. The interviews are organised to understand newly arrived young migrant women’s employment needs and job aspirations. Each participant will get a Gift voucher for their participation The interviews will be One-on-one and confidential.
Interpreters are provided for the interviews if required.
Participate in the survey and get a chance to win a $50 gift voucher.
The survey seeks to understand newly arrived young migrant women’s employment needs and job aspirations. If you are woman-identifying, aged 18-40 years old residing in Western Sydney area and from culturally and linguistically diverse background, please help complete this survey. The survey has been approved by University of New South Wales Human Research Ethics Committee.Â
All participants who complete this survey may choose to enter a draw to win a $50 gift voucher.