

Recent publications are listed below or use the following link:

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Selomulya C; Fang Y; Wang Y, 2024, 'Chapter 17 Food powder rehydration', in Handbook of Food Powders, Elsevier, pp. 295 - 316, 

Selomulya C; Fang Y; Wang Y, 2023, 'Food powder rehydration', in Handbook of Food Powders: Chemistry and Technology, Second Edition, pp. 295 - 316, 

Wang Y; Kim W; Naik RR; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Chapter 5 Functionality of plant-based proteins', in Engineering Plant-Based Food Systems, Elsevier, pp. 79 - 96, 

Selomulya C; Wang Y; Kim W; Naik R, 2022, 'Functionality of plant-based proteins', in Engineering Plant-Based Food Systems, Academic Press, pp. 79 - 96, 

Lin R; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Physical Properties of Dairy Powders', in Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Third edition), Academic Press, pp. 504 - 520, 

Wang Y; Wang B; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Chapter14 Dairy encapsulation systems by atomization-based technology', in Food Engineering Innovations Across the Food Supply Chain, Elsevier, pp. 247 - 260, 

Selomulya C; Wang Y, 2021, 'Dairy encapsulation systems by atomisation-based technology', in Food Engineering Innovations Across the Food Supply Chain, Academic Press, pp. 247 - 260, 

Kim W; Zia MB; Naik RR; Ho KKHY; Selomulya C, 2025, 'Effects of polyphenols from Tasmannia lanceolata on structural, emulsifying, and antioxidant properties of pea protein', Food Chemistry, 464, pp. 141589, 

Saidi L; Wang Y; Wich PR; Selomulya C, 2025, 'Polysaccharide-based edible films — strategies to minimize water vapor permeability', Current Opinion in Food Science, 61, 

Lao Y; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Exploring the oil-water interfacial behaviour of pea protein-guar gum/gellan gum mixtures relating to stability and in vitro protein digestion of model pea milk system', International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 282, pp. 136749, 

Kim W; Yiu CCY; Wang Y; Zhou W; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Toward Diverse Plant Proteins for Food Innovation', Advanced Science, 11, pp. e2408150, 

Mathew HC; Kim W; Wang Y; Clayton C; Selomulya C, 2024, 'On treatment options to improve the functionality of pea protein', JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 101, pp. 927 - 948, 

Naik RR; Ye Q; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Insights into multi-component digestion and antioxidant release from plant protein-seaweed-based Maillard conjugate-MRP systems', Future Foods, 9, pp. 100380, 

Lao Y; Ye Q; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Modulating Digestibility and Mitigating Beany Flavor of Pea Protein', Food Reviews International, 40, pp. 1 - 30, 

Kim W; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Emerging technologies to improve plant protein functionality with protein-polyphenol interactions', Trends in Food Science and Technology, 147, pp. 104469, 

Ye Q; Kwon S; Gu Z; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Stable nanoemulsions for poorly soluble curcumin: From production to digestion response in vitro', Journal of Molecular Liquids, 394, pp. 123720, 

Naik RR; Tan S; Selomulya C, 2024, 'Beyond Calcium: Current Trends of Supplementation for Bone Health', Food Reviews International, 

Naik RR; Ye Q; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Assessing the effect of Maillard reaction products on the functionality and antioxidant properties of Amaranth-red seaweed blends', Food Research International, 175, 

Kim W; Wang Y; Vongsvivut J; Ye Q; Selomulya C, 2023, 'On surface composition and stability of β-carotene microcapsules comprising pea/whey protein complexes by synchrotron-FTIR microspectroscopy', Food Chemistry, 426, pp. 136565, 

Lao Y; Ye Q; Wang Y; Vongsvivut J; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Quantifying the effects of pre-roasting on structural and functional properties of yellow pea proteins', Food Research International, 172, pp. 113180, 

Wang Y; Kim W; Naik RR; Spicer PT; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Tuning the pea protein gel network to mimic the heterogeneous microstructure of animal protein', Food Hydrocolloids, 140, pp. 108611, 

Kim W; Wang Y; Ma M; Ye Q; Collins VI; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Secondary structure characterization of mixed food protein complexes using microfluidic modulation spectroscopy (MMS)', Food Bioscience, 53, pp. 102513, 

Kim W; Wang Y; Ye Q; Yao Y; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Enzymatic cross-linking of pea and whey proteins to enhance emulsifying and encapsulation properties', Food and Bioproducts Processing, 139, pp. 204 - 215, 

Yiu CC-Y; Liang SW; Mukhtar K; Kim W; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2023, 'Food Emulsion Gels from Plant-Based Ingredients: Formulation, Processing, and Potential Applications', Gels, 9, 

Lim KS; Adhikari B; Xiao J; Chen XD; Selomulya C; Woo MW, 2023, 'A reference-component coordinate system approach to model the mass transfer of a droplet with binary volatiles', Drying Technology, 41, pp. 202 - 221, 

Wang Y; Li Z; Li H; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Effect of hydrolysis on the emulsification and antioxidant properties of plant-sourced proteins', Current Opinion in Food Science, 48, pp. 100949, 

Naik RR; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Spray-drying to improve the functionality of amaranth protein via ultrasonic-assisted Maillard conjugation with red seaweed polysaccharide', Journal of Cereal Science, 108, pp. 103578, 

Ye Q; Ding M; Zhang P; Wu P; Wang Y; Selomulya C; Chen XD, 2022, 'Visual Monitoring of Disintegration of Solid Oral Dosage Forms in Simulated Gastric Fluids Using Low-Field NMR Imaging', AAPS PharmSciTech, 23, pp. 246, 

Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Food rheology applications of large amplitude oscillation shear (LAOS)', Trends in Food Science and Technology, 127, pp. 221 - 244, 

Naik RR; Wang Y; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Prediction of zeta potential of amaranth protein isolate via artificial neural networks using the electrostatic surface potential of 11S proglobulin', Measurement: Food, 7, pp. 100053, 

Luong VT; Wang Y; Zurrer T; Scott JA; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Magnesium Citrate Powders from Waste Bitterns via Crystallization and Spray Drying', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 61, pp. 9950 - 9961, 

Nosratpour M; Kochan K; Ma J; Wang Y; Wood BR; Haritos VS; Selomulya C, 2022, 'Fatty acid distribution and polymorphism in solid lipid particles of milkfat and long chain omega-3 fatty acids', Food Chemistry, 381, pp. 132245, 

Lim KS; Fu N; Xiao J; Chen XD; Selomulya C; Woo MW, 2022, 'Understanding the impact of convective ethanol humidity on the precipitation behaviour of dissolved lactose in a water droplet', Chemical Engineering Science, 254, pp. 117616,Â