
Emergency procedures

It is in your own interest to make sure you are aware of all procedures that should be taken in the event of an emergency, such as fire, explosion or chemical hazard. You should also be familiar with the use and location of all safety equipment such as fire extinguishers.

For specific information on what should be done in an emergency refer to the Â鶹Éçmadou Emergency Procedures Flipchart which is located in all areas on campus.

Emergency management plan

Prepare for the unexpected with our comprehensive emergency management plan. Safety and readiness at your fingertips.

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Upon hearing a continuous alarm (fire alarm bell) or a request to evacuate the building, all occupants of the building must leave in an orderly manner by the nearest exit as detailed in the section below.  In the case of an alarm, it should not be assumed that the alarm is being tested or has developed a fault.  The Fire Wardens will coordinate evacuation.  The Fire Wardens will ensure that all areas of the building have been evacuated and will inform Security about the evacuation. 

Specific evacuation instructions

  • If possible, and safe to do so, switch off electrical devices, close windows and doors if you are the last to leave.
  • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.   
  • If a casualty is found, assess his/her condition and administer appropriate first aid.  Inform First Aid
    Officers and Security.
  • Proceed quickly (do not run) to the nearest exit or as directed by the Building Warden.
  • Do not use the lifts
  • On exiting the building, proceed as directed to the marshalling areas:
  • Do not re-enter the building unless you are told it is safe to do so.

EWIS Response operating instructions

Persons with disabilities

During emergencies, designated Floor Wardens will direct able-bodied persons to assist persons with disabilities to leave the building or area in question. It is not expected that people with mobility problems should evacuate a building by staircase during an evacuation drill.

However, you are expected to participate in the drill if possible, for example, by using ramps where available or moving to a fire isolated staircase and waiting there until the alarm has ceased.

Automated External Defibrillators

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable electronic device used when Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is suspected. The AED makes a diagnosis and provides useful information and instructions via a synthesised voice or visual prompts.