
Current students should refer to  in the first instance for their course outlines. You may find course outlines from previous years via the menu to the right. 

Still can't locate the course outline you are looking for? Request an archived copy by (current students), or graduates can email the School of Psychology.


PSYC1001 - Psychology 1A

PSYC1011 - Psychology 1B

PSYC1022 - Psychology of Addiction

PSYC1023 - Abnormal Psychology

PSYC1024 - Clinical perspectives on Anxiety, Mood and Stress

PSYC1029 - Psychobiology of Sex, Love and Attraction

PSYC1062 - Psychological Science of Wellbeing

PSYC2081 - Learning & Physiological Psychology

PSYC3051 - Physiological Psychology

PSYC3199 - Psychology Work Placement 1

PSYC3299 - Psychology Work Placement 2

PSYC3301 - Psychology and Law

PSYC3341 - Developmental Psychology

PSYC3361 - Psychology Research Internship

PSYC4073 - Psychology Honours Research Project

PSYC4103 - Psychology 4B (6 UOC)