Tuesday, 2 April 2019 - 8:30am to 5:00pm

SLHD EquityFest 2019 aims to highlight the roles of partnerships with each other, our communities, and government and non-government organisations in fostering health equity.
The role of SLHD in the equity space is twofold. We are committed to providing high quality, effective, timely and appropriate health services to those most in need and to creating environments where people live, interact and work that are conducive to health for all. Through SLHD EquityFest we can build on our strengths in health service delivery, celebrate our current research and development work and also consider actions that will create services and environments conducive to health and wellbeing for all.
This is in alignment with one of the District’s Founding Principles: Equity means that everyone has a fair opportunity to enjoy good health and to access the health services they need. Equity issues should be addressed in our direct patient care, our prevention and health promotion and our research. We need to work collaboratively on the social factors that contribute to health inequities and the ways these are perpetuated.
SLHD EquityFest is an opportunity to move forward by raising awareness, creating new avenues and opportunities for working together and to celebrate successes. The 2019 EquityFest will focus on People, Place and Partnerships.
File attachments
- EquityFest 2019 Case Presentation - Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.pdf
- EquityFest 2019 Keynote - Outcomes of working in collaboration.pdf
- EquityFest 2019 Scene Setting - Partnerships NOCRAP Model.pdf
- SLHD Equity Fest 2018_Towards a socially just and resilient Sydney_Allison Heller.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_ Investing the first 1000 days_SHAW.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_ Waterloo NAB_Laura Kelly.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_ Locational Disadvantage_ Hal Pawson.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_ASC Presentation_ASC.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Can Get Health in Canterbury_hawkshaw & Yasmin.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Carers, people with disability and older people_Maria Kokkinakos.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Health Considerations for Urban Devellopment & Renewal SLHD_Kleete Simpson.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Including Older LGBTI People_Deb Donnelly.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Planning, policy, partnerships and programs_ Erla Ronan.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_RedLink Equity_ Margaret Macrae.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Refugee and Asylum Seeker health_Mark Harris.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Sport for Development & Social Change_ Anne Bunde-Birouste.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_SSI Arts, Cultural Participation and Inclusion_Carolina Triana.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Theme Cities_Evelyne de Leeuw.pdf
- SLHD EquityFest 2018_Urban Development, Inner West, Health & Social inclusiveness_Pamela Garrett.pdf