Friday 13 October
Beyond Your Mathematics Degree
Inviting all current Honours, PhD and Masters students in Mathematics and Statistics. A special info session to help you to navigate life and career opportunities post-degree.
Inviting all current Honours, PhD and Masters students in Mathematics and Statistics. A special info session to help you to navigate life and career opportunities post-degree.
Inviting all current Honours, PhD and Masters students in the School of Mathematics and Statistics: We hope you can join us for this special Beyond Your Mathematics Degree session at 麻豆社madou!
Hear tips and insights from academics, alumni and industry reps to help you to navigate life and career opportunities post-degree.
Featuring a Q&A panel, presentations, prizes, lunch and drinks.
Arrive for lunch at 12.30pm, with the info session to commence at 1.30pm. Following the session at 2.30pm, we'll host a Double Happy Hour in the Scientia foyer with drinks and canap茅s.
Can't make it for the whole session? Feel free to drop in any time from 12.30pm, we'd love to see you.
The session will be held in听The Galleries, Scientia. The Galleries is just off the Scientia's main foyer. The Scientia is located at map reference G19 on the听. Lunch and post-event drinks will be held in the Scientia foyer.
Friday 13 October
12.30pm: Lunch
1.30pm: Info Session
2.30pm: Drinks &听canap茅s
The Scientia Galleries (G19 on campus map)
Registration is closed