Please see below for a list of our current Postgraduate Research students.Ìý
´¡Ìýlist of former Postgraduate Research students, with links to their theses, is also available.Ìý
Name | Degree | Profile | Email @unsw.edu.au | Department | Research area | Supervisor(s) |
Muhammad AfifurrahmanÌý | PhD student | m.afifurrahman | Pure | Multiplicative structure of rational functions and their values over global fields | Alina Ostafe and Igor Shparlinski | |
Mehreen Afzaal | PhD student | Ìý | a.afzaal | Statistics | Regression- A Symbolic Data Analysis using Meta-Analysis - A modified approach | Boris Beranger and Jake Olivier |
Kabir Agrawal | PhD student | Ìý | z5163206 | Applied | Ocean current forecast verification with high-resolution satellite altimetry | Shane Keating and Moninya Roughan |
Mst. Bithi Akter | PhD student | Ìý | mst_bithi.akter | Statistics | Universal Copula Modeling | Gery Geenens and Sprio Penev |
Aayush Bhattacharya |
PhD student |
Ìý |
a.bhattacharya | Pure | Establish the new Schur-Weyl duality for I-quantum groups and Hecke algebras in the non-semisimple world |
Jie Du |
Zelong Bi | PhD student | Ìý | zelong.bi | Statistics | Statistical dependence between random vectors of arbitrary dimensions | Gery Geenens andÌýPierre Lafaye de Micheaux |
Josef Bisits | PhD student | Ìý | z5131023 | Applied | Non-linear controls on ocean circulation and mixing in marginal ice zones | Jan ZikaÌý |
Stuart-James Burney | PhD student | Ìý | z5099006 | Applied | Modelling anomalous reactions and anomalous diffusion in complex heterogeneous media | Chris Angstmann |
Daniel Chee | PhD student | Ìý | z5209546 | Statistics | Enhancing interest rate and credit risk modelling using optimal transport theory | Libo Li and Ben Goldys |
Isabela Conde |
PhD student | ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý | z5459068 | Applied | Drivers and impacts of variability in the tropical sea surface temperature distribution | Jan Zika |
Joshua Connor | PhD student | Ìý | z5252926 | Applied | Develop and validate fast, accurate mathematical methods for calculating the surface and interior wake "fingerprint" of submerged moving vessels | Shane Keating and Scott Sisson |
Chandler Corrigan | PhD student | Ìý | z5206374 | Pure | The Analytic Theory of $L$-functions | Liangyi Zhao |
Daniel Czapski | PhD student | Ìý | z5117950 | Pure | Free probability; generalisation of Poisson random processes to non-commutative probability spaces | Dmitriy Zanin and Fedor Sukochev |
Christian De Nicola Larsen |
PhD student |
z5117550 | Pure | Mathematical Modelling of Field Theories |
Arnaud Brothier |
Patrick Donovan | MSC(Research) | Ìý | patrick.donovan | Pure | Ancient Ricci Flow on four-manifolds with symmetries | Tim Buttsworth and Michael Cowling |
Reg Dowse | MSC(Research) | Ìý | r.dowse | Applied | Tilting of mesoscale ocean eddies in the Tasman Sea | Shane Keating and Moninya Roughan |
Daniel Dunmore | PhD student | Ìý | d.dunmore | Pure | Module Categories over Soergel Bimodules | Anna Romanov and Arnaud Brothier |
Thomas Dunmore | PhD student | Ìý | t.dunmore | Pure | Classification of fusion categories; module categories; quadratic categories; Brauer-Picard groupoids | Pinhas Grossman andÌý Anna Romanov |
Benjamin Duthie |
PhD student |
Ìý |
d.duthie | Statistics | Predictive Uncertainty with Incomplete Information for Deep Learning | Scott Sisson |
David Farrell | PhD student | Ìý | david.farrell | Pure | Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory | Dimitriy Zanin and Denis Potapov |
Tasman Fell | MSC(Research) | Ìý | t.fell | Pure | Singular Soergel bimodules and the light leaves basis | Anna Romanov and Jie Du |
Saman Forouzandeh |
PhD student |
z5318340 | Statistics | Users Classification with Network Embedding and Fuzzy Decision Tree |
Pavel Krivitsky and Wenjie Zhang |
Shenghan Gao | PhD student | Ìý | z5373171 | Statistics | Theory and Applications of distributionally robust statistical inference | Spiridon Penev and Leung Lung Chan |
Joshua Graham |
PhD student |
Ìý |
joshua.graham | Pure | Equivariant motivic cohomology and homotopy - extending C2-equivariant motivic cohomology to any finite group G. | Mircea Voineagu and DanielChan |
William Hadden | PhD student | Ìý | z5458618 | Pure | A Machine Learning Approach to Geometric Equations | Tim Buttsworth and Quoc Le Gia |
Joshua Ham | PhD student | Ìý | z5298408 | Pure | Equivariant Motivic/Topological Cell Structures | Mircea Voineagu and Jie Du |
Peter Hanna | PhD student | Ìý | z3254418 | Statistics | Novel feature selection algorithms and their efficient implementation in linear and generalised linear models | Zdravko BotevÌý |
Michael Harm | PhD student | Ìý | z5439694 | Pure | The Ternary Goldbach problem with restricted primes | Igor Shparlinski and Bryce Kerr |
Eva-Maria Hekkelman |
Ìý |
z5369973 |
Pure | Connecting the Density of States with Noncommutative Geometry | Fedor Sukochev |
Boris Zhou Huang | PhD Student | Ìý | z5062113 | Pure | Non-Markovian Mathematic Models on Natural Phenomenon | Christopher AngstmannÌý |
Yingkun (Queenie)Ìý Huang | PhD student | z5173467 | Applied | Robust Semi-Algebraic Optimisation: Theory, Methods, and Applications | Jeya Jeyakumar and Guoyin Li | |
Amuchechukwu Ibenegbu | PhD student | Ìý | z5516899 | Statistics | Spatio-Temporal Disease Mapping of Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Nigeria Using INLA | Rohitash Chandra and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux |
Siddharth Iyer | PhD student | Ìý | z5370011 | Pure | Heilbronn sets and exponential sums | Igor Shparlinski |
Ahmad Hakiim Bin Jamaluddin |
PhD student |
z5323238 | Statistics | Advances in symbolic data analysis |
Scott Sisson and Boris Beranger |
Qian Jin |
PhD student |
Ìý |
z5235218 | Statistics | Statistical Analysis of Medical Scanner Images of the Lungs using Deep Learning Techniques | Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Clara Grazian (USyd) |
Arpit Kapoor | PhD student | Ìý | z5370003 | Statistics | Bayesian Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal modelling with applications in Earth and Environment Sciences | Rohitash Chandra and Sahani PathirajaÌý |
Kevin Kuhl Oliveira | PhD student | Ìý | k.kuhi_oliveira | Applied | ÌýMachine Learning and Operator-Theoretic Methods for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems | Gary Froyland |
Madeleine Kyng |
PhD student |
z3424670 | Pure | Computing zeta functions of algebraic curves over finite fields, specifically to extend a method to handle plane curves with arbitrary singularities | David Harvey |
Samudra LamahewageÌý | PhD student | Ìý | z5394603 | Statistics | Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Resources | Sahani PathirajaÌý |
Jason Lambe | PhD student | Ìý | z5205711 | Statistics | Particle filtering techniques for point processes with incomplete data | Thomas Stindl and Feng Chen |
Yat Long Lee | PhD student | Ìý | z5321396 | Applied | Operator-theoretic and differential geometric approaches to machine learning; Differential and spectral geometry with applications to fluid mixing | Gary Froyland |
Hongzhi Liao | PhD student | z5380281 | Applied | Geometry in Projection Methods and Fixed-Point Theory | Vera Roshchina | |
Jimeng Lu |
PhD student |
z5315704 | Applied | The Uniform Approximation Property of Non-commutative Spaces | Fedor Sukochev |
Yiyi Ma | PhD student | Ìý | z5392067 | Statistics | Data Science and Environment | Scott Sisson and Lucy Marshall |
Anson MacDonald | PhD student | Ìý | z5405001 | Statistics | Particle-Based Variational Inference with Graph and Time-Series Applications | Sahani Pathiraja and Scott Sisson |
Ben Maslen |
PhD student |
z5034729 | Statistics | Development of CNN methods and consequent multivariate modelling of misclassification errors of fish in underwater videos |
David Warton and Gordana Popovic |
Samuel Mason |
PhD student |
Ìý |
z1058231 | Statistics | Spatio-Temporal Species Distribution Models |
David Warton |
Dominic Matan | PhD student | View profile | z5308717 | Pure | Non-commutative Sarkisov program | Daniel Chan |
Anant Mathur |
PhD student |
z5110079 | Statistics | Computational Statistics and Data Science |
Zdravko Botev and Sarat Moka |
Gabriel Nakhl | PhD student | Ìý | z5146197 | Applied | This topic explores the unique characteristics of fractional order differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions. It involves investigating the existence and uniqueness of solutions and developing methods for solving such equations. | Chris Goodrich and Thomas Britz |
YerlanÌýNessipbayev | PhD student | Ìý | z5380332 | Pure | Weak compactness criteria in non commutative symmetric spaces | Dmitriy Zanin and Fedor Sukochev |
Jeremy Nugent | PhD student | Ìý | z3372465 | Pure | Classification of Semi-Degenerate superintegrable systems. | Jonathan Kress |
Greta Paget | PhD student | Ìý | z5163100 | Applied | Atmospheric and oceanographic dynamics of extreme weather events in a future world with net zero carbon emissions. Understanding these future events will inform mitigation and adaptation options for policymakers. | Jan Zika and Sarah Kirkpatrick |
Yun Pan | PhD student | Ìý | z3207280 | Statistics | Statistics of network valued data | Pavel Krivitsky and Feng Chen |
Guoxing Ren | PhD student | Ìý | z5611125 | Statistics | LLM for media and religion | Rohitash Chandra and Eka Shinjikashvili |
Nicholas Peters | PhD student | Ìý | z5548838 | Applied | Operator based techniques for the analysis of dynamical systems | Gary Froyland |
Farwa Saleem | PhD student | Ìý | z5548878 | Pure | Developing modern statistical methods for ecology, will help to address the challenge of measuring treatment effects in multivariate ecological data where individual species may respond differently to treatments | Daniel Chan |
Ryan Seelig | PhD student | z5117505 | Pure | Utilising Jones actions to study forest groups | Arnaud Brothier and Pinhas Grossman | |
Brock Sherlock | PhD student | Ìý | z5207429 | Applied | The mathematics of stochastic transport and signalling in cells | Adelle Coster and Michael Watson |
Agus LeonardiÌýSoenjaya | PhD student | Ìý | z5391137 | Applied | Theoretical and numerical analysis of Landau-Lifshitz-type equations | Thanh Tran |
Abirami Srikumar |
PhD student |
z5116695 | Applied | Theory and application of Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods |
Frances Kuo, Ian Sloan and Alexander Gilbert |
Rianti Siswi Utami |
PhD student |
z5290421 | Statistics | Joint Models of Longitudinal Data and Recurrent Events with Time-varying Covariates and a Dependent Terminal Event | Jake Olivier, Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux and Maarit LaaksonenÌý |
Hopein Christofen Tang | PhD student | Ìý | z5459056 | Pure | Improved Lee distance bound and optimal linear codes over Z4 | Thomas Britz and Catherine Greenhill |
Aneurin Taylor | PhD student | Ìý | z5415919 | Pure | Purple Ramsey: on the largest number m=m(n,s,t) such that there is a red/blue/purple-colouring of the n-clique with m purple edges without containing a red-purple s-clique nor a blue-purple t-clique. | Anita Liebenau |
Noah Vinod | PhD student | Ìý | z5255691 | Applied | Efficient Numerical Methods for the Landau-Lifshitz Equation | Thanh Tran |
Qi (Wenky) Wang | MSC(Research) | Ìý | qi.wang21 | Applied | Algebraic techniques for polynomial optimization | Mareike Dressler |
Lokuliyana Waduge (Dilshan)Ìý Wijesena |
PhD student | Ìý | z5160361 | Pure | Jones Representations of Thompson's Groups | Arnaud Brothier and Daniel Chan |
Coralie Williams | PhD student | Ìý | z5394590 | Statistics | Developing new statistical methods for meta-analysis for ecological and environmental applications and beyond | David Warton and Shinichi Nakagawa |
Haoxuan (Peter) Wu |
PhD student |
z3466329 | Applied | Proposing a fast algorithm to solve Non-convex sparse optimisation problems and demonstrating algorithm on real world problemsÌý |
Guoyin Li |
Hanwen Xuan |
PhD student |
z5113694 | Statistics | Bayesian Extension of Black-Litterman (BL) Asset Allocation Model through Copula Representation |
Feng Chen and Clara Grazian |
Leyao Zha | PhD student | Ìý | l.zha@unsw.edu.au | Pure | Steenrod algebra in equivariant motivic homotopy | Mircea Voineagu and Jie Du |
Shuo Zhang | PhD student | Ìý | shou.zhang5 | Statistics | Credit risk modeling and evaluation, point processes, machine learning and its application in credit risk modeling | Feng Chen and Jinxia Zhu |
Victor Zhang |
PhD student | Ìý | z5258941 | Pure | Diagrammatic Lusztig-Vogan categories | Anna Romanov and Pinhas Grossman |
Yu Zhang | MSC(Research) | Ìý | yu.zhang46 | Applied | ÌýNonlinear ordinary differential equations and problems from fluid flow | Chris Tisdell |
Jiarui Zhao |
PhD student |
Ìý |
z5365201 | Statistics | Pricing compound options in modified stochastic models | Leung Lung Chan, Spirondon Penev and Josef Dick |