
Grants Commencing in 2013

  • T. Boecking, A. Coster, Single-molecule view of actin-tropomyosin flament dynamics (2013: $107,000; 2014: $107,000; 2015: $107,000)

    D.S. Chan, Interactions between non-commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, (2013: $105,000; 2014: $105,000; 2015: $105,000)

    J.M. Murray, B.I. Henry, T.A. Langlands, P J Klasse, Mathematical modelling can provide vital information on the effectiveness and practical implementation of microbicides and vaccines against HIV (2013: $95,000; 2014: $95,000; 2015: $95,000)

  • J.M. Murray, G.P. Symonds, Innovative mathematical modelling to determine incorporation of gene therapy in different cell lineages; Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as a model setting (2013: $55,000; 2014: $112,500; 2015: $115,000; 2016: $57,500)

  • F.Y. Kuo, Liberating the dimension - frontier technologies for very high dimensional problems, (2013: $105,753.00; 2014: $203,944.50; 2015: $199,910.50; 2016: $193,326.50; 2017: $91,607.50)

    G. Li, A new optimization approach for tensor extreme eigenvalue problems: Modern techniques for multi-relational data analysis, (2013: $78,110.00; 2014: $155,375.00; 2015: $153,510.00; 2016: $147,775.00; 2017: $71,530.00)

  • Z. Botev, Adaptive Monte Carlo methods for rare-event probability estimation and Bayesian inference ($5,750)

    F. Chen, Parametric and semiparametric estimation of Hawkes-type point processes ($5,750)

    G. Geenens, Nonparametric copula modelling: theory and applications ($5,750)

    S. Keating (& M. Roughan), Topological, statistical and signal-theoric methods for identifying Lagrangian coherent structures in the east Australian current ($5,750)

  • A. Cai, Mathematical modeling of bioenergetics in the evolution of cell populations ($4,000)

    L. Chan, Pricing and calibration of volatility index-related derivatives ($4,000)

    F. Chen, A novel point process model for recurrent event modelling and its statistical inference ($3,000)

    I. Doust, Spectral theory for operators with complex spectrum ($7,000)

    S. Galbraith, Novel statistical methods for the design and analysis of complex biomedical studies ($6,000)

    B. Jefferies, Integration structures: Theory and integration ($4,000)

    J. Kress, Superintegrability and conformal geometry ($5,000)

    W. McLean (& K. Mustapha), Discontinuous Galerkin method for a fractional PDE with nonsmooth data ($5,000)

    J. Olivier, Evidence based policy using interrupted time series: the use and selection of comparative processes to address threats to internal validity ($4,000)

    S. Penev, Vega approximations and robust calibration ($5,000)

    D. Potapov, Recent progress with BMV conjecture- implications for the perturban theory ($9,000)

    N. Wildberger, Lie sphere geometry, inversive geometry and hyperbolic geometry ($4,000)

  • T. Britz, New directions in combinatorial coding theory ($25,000)

    J. Murray, New mathematical approaches determining features associated with response in viral sequences ($25,000)

  • A. Coster, Insulin action in metabolism - insights from mathematics ($30,000)

  • T. Tran, Numerical methods for elliptic transmission problems with uncertain interfaces, 2013-2014 Group of Eight Australia – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme ($10,000)

Grants Commencing in 2012

  • M.L. Banner, W.L. Peirson, F. Dias, Transitions in wave breaking from deep to shallow water (2012: $130,000; 2013: $120,000; 2014: $110,000)

    D.A. Bright, C.S. Greenhill, A. Ritter, C. Morselli, Illicit drug trafficking: the structure of illicit networks and implications for resilience and vulnerability (2012: $65,000; 2013: $44,000), through Faculty of Medicine

    A.H. Dooley, Group actions in random dynamical systems (2012: $120,000; 2013: $100,000; 2014: $100,000)

    J. Du, Quantum loop algebras and representations of affine q-Schur algebras (2012: $95,000; 2013: $95,000; 2014: $95,000)

    B. Goldys, J.F. Grotowski, T. Tran, Z. Brzezniak, R.W. Chantrell, The mathematics of novel magnetic memory materials (2012: $120,000; 2013: $100,000; 2014: $100,000)

    M. Holzer, F.W. Primeau, R.J. Matear, Global ocean productivity: revealing interaction patterns and nutrient pathways (2012: $100,000; 2013: $80,000; 2014: $80,000)

    V. Jeyakumar, G. Li, M.A. Goberna, New theory and methods for robust global optimisation: modern decision-making under uncertain conditions (2012: $110,000; 2013: $110,000; 2014: $110,000)

    I.H. Sloan, J. Dick, H. Wendland, E.B. Saff, Mathematics in the round - the challenge of computational analysis on spheres (2012: $200,000; 2013: $170,000; 2014: $130,000)

    F. Sukochev, Noncommutative probability and analysis (2012: $320,000; 2013: $182,792; 2014: $200,000)

    D.I. Warton, New approaches to predictive modelling of high-dimensional count data to study climate impacts on ecological communities (2012: $100,000; 2013: $100,000; 2014: $100,000)

    G. Gottwald, G.A. Froyland, Extracting macroscopic variables and their dynamics in multiscale systems with metastable states (2012: $90,000; 2013: $90,000; 2014: $90,000), through University of Sydney

    I.M. Wanless, C.S. Greenhill, R. Aharoni, Extremal problems in hypergraph matchings (2012: $120,000; 2013: $100,000; 2014: $100,000), through Monash University

    C.J. Burden, S.R. Wilson, Novel techniques for statistical and mathematical analyses of sequence data (2012: $120,000; 2013: $100,000; 2014: $100,000), through ANU

  • G.A. Froyland, A probabilistic and geometric understanding of transport and metastability in mathematical geophysical flows (2012: $85,168.50; 2013: $172,015.50; 2014: $172,354; 2015: $166,544; 2016: $81,037)

    D.I. Warton, Advancing tools for the analysis of high-dimensional data in ecology (2012: $77,857; 2013: $155,714; 2014: $155,714; 2015: $155,714; 2016: $79,857)

  • I.M. Suthers, M.B. Lowry, E.L. Johnston, M. Roughan, M.D. Taylor, C.A. Gray, The trophic ecosystem of a purpose-built, offshore artificial reef: do coastal currents supply sufficient nutrients for the local production of fish? (2012: $259,617; 2013: $157,000; 2014: $97,000)

  • F. Sukochev

  • F. Chen, Parametric and semi-parametric estimation of self-exciting point processes ($9,793)

    G. Geenens, Smoothed k-nearest neighbour regression ($9,794)

    D. Potapov, Non-commutative analysis and quantum statistical mechanics ($9,794)

  • D. Chan, Non-commutative curves and surfaces ($4,200)

    L. Chan, Filtering for state-space models ($7,500)

    I. Doust, The geometry of discrete metric spaces ($5,000)

    S. Galbraith, Design and analysis of accelerated longitudinal studies ($6,000)

    H. Grundling, Field algebras for canonical quantum systems ($10,000)

    J. Kress, Higher order nonseparable superintegrability and multivariable hypergeometric functions ($7,000)

    S. Penev, New inference procedures for risk optimization in static and dynamic settings ($8,300)

    N. Wildberger, Hyperbolic triangle geometry ($10,000)

  • A. Coster, Predictive mathematical modelling to define emergent properties of the insulin action pathway ($25,000)

  • J. Murray and B.I. Henry, Mathematical modelling can provide vital information on the effectiveness and practical implementation of microbicides and vaccines against HIV ($30,000)

    Y. Fan, Efficient methods for massively computational Bayesian models ($30,000)

  • D.M. Harvey, Counting solutions to equations over fields of large characteristic (2012: $125,000; 2013: $125,000; 2014: $125,000)

Grants Commencing in 2011

  • X.T. Duong, M. Cowling, A.G. McIntosh, A. Sikora, Harmonic analysis and spectral analysis of differential operators (2011: $180,000; 2012: $170,000; 2013: $170,000)

    J.I. Westbrook, W.T. Dunsmuir, C.M. Duffield, Advancing understanding of health professionals' work and communication patterns and the effectiveness of work reform initiatives (2011: $120,745; 2012: $182,773; 2013: 208,533)

    G.A. Froyland, M. Dellnitz, A. Quas, Innovative mathematics using transfer operators to reveal hidden ordered structures in geographical flows (2011: $113,000; 2012: $105,000; 2013: $105,000)

    R. Quispel, J.A. Roberts, P.H. van der Kamp, C.M. Ormerod, J.J. Duistermaat, F.W. Nijhoff, S.B. Lobb, Discrete integrable systems (2011: $260,000; 2012: $260,000; 2013: $260,000)

    W.K. Schief, Discrete differential geometry: Theory and applications (2011: $20,000; 2012: $20,000; 2013: $20,000)

    I.H. Sloan, F.Y. Kuo, M. Griebel, H. Wozniakowski, Very high dimensional computation - the new frontier in numerical analysis (2011: $160,000; 2012: $150,000; 2013: $150,000)

    F. Sukochev, A.L. Carey, Noncommutative analysis and geometry in interaction with quantum physics (2011: $95,000; 2012: $95,000; 2013: $95,000)

  • F. Chen, Semi-parametric method for a marked point process and its applications in financial data modelling ($9,539)

    G. Geenens, A nonparametric functional method for signature recognition ($9,539)

    D. Potapov, Spectral shift in perturbation theory ($9,537)

  • D. Chan, Moduli spaces on non-commutative algebra ($7,000)

    J. Franklin, Aristotelian Epistemology and the middle level of percepton + The law and reference class problems ($10,000)

    S. Galbraith, Statistical methods for the design and analysis of methylation array and other epigenetic studies ($8,500)

    C.S. Greenhill, Directed graphs and peer-to-peer networks ($6,250)

    M. Holzer, Global interactions in ocean biographical productivity: A novel mathematical approach for determining mechanisms, pathways, and patterns ($15,520)

    J. Kress, Families of superintegrable systems ($8,000)

    W. McLean, Non-smooth data error estimates for fractional diffusion problems ($5,800)

    S. Penev, A new approach in stochastic risk modelling ($6,500)

    D. Salopek, Stochastic integration of cylindrical fractional Brownian motion in UMD spaces ($7,420)

    T. Tran, Advanced computational methods for modelling of multiscale phenomena with scattered data ($5,020)

    N. Wildberger, Relativistic and hyperbolic geometries ($13,000)

  • J. Roberts, Novel perspectives and new frontiers in arithmetic dynamics ($25,000)

    J. Murray, Mathematical modelling of early stages of sexual transmission of HIV and the impact of microbicides and vaccines ($25,000)

  • A. Coster, Predictive mathematical modelling to define emergent properties of the insulin signalling network ($30,000)

    A.H. Dooley, New concepts of randomness for dynamical systems ($30,000)

    J. Du, Representations of Affine Quantum Schur Algebras ($30,000)

    Y. Fan, Adaptive strategies for Monte Carlo methods in Bayesian inference ($30,000)

    B. Goldys, Stochastic Landau-Lifchitz-Gilbert equation: From flows of harmonic maps to theory of novel magnetic materials ($30,000)

    V. Jeyakumar, Innovative approaches to solving optimization problems affected by data uncertainty: New insights from emerging robust optimization methodology ($30,000)

    J. Murray, Dynamical regulation of hepatitis B virus infection by the immune system ($40,000)

  • G. Froyland, The climatic and environmental impacts of ocean circulation: tracking ocean eddies (2010-2011 Group of Eight Australia - Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme) (2011-2012: $12,000)

Grants Commencing in 2010

  • J. Dick (QEII Fellowship), Algebraic methods for Markov Chain Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo (2010: $180,000; 2011: $180,000; 2012: $125,000; 2013: $125,000; 2014: $125,000)

    B. Henry, and S.L. Wearne, New mathematics of fractional diffusion for understanding cognitive impairment at the neuronal level (2010: $90,000; 2011: $90,000; 2012: $90,000)

    V. Jeyakumar, G. Lee, B. Mordukhovich, S. Kim and G. Li (APD), A new improved solution to global optimization over multivariate polynomials: Mathematical principles, numerical methods and selected applications (2010: $75,137; 2011: $75,137; 2012: $75,137; 2013: $60,137)

    A.M. Waite, M. Roughan, C.B. Pattiaratchi, J. Kotta and H. Orav-Kotta, Ocean-reef interactions as drivers of continental shelf productivity in a changing climate (2010: $189,000; 2011: $189,000; 2012: $125,000)

    S. Sisson (QEII Fellowship), Innovations in Bayesian likelihood-free inference (2010: $84,000; 2011: $86,000; 2012: $90,000; 2013: $84,000; 2014: $70,000)

  • J. Murray and G. Symonds, Can an anti-HIV gene in blood stem cells protect from immune depletion by HIV? (2010: $120,000; 2011: $119,000; 2012: $121,000)

    D. Ramp, D.I. Warton, K.M. Jenkins, M.B. Ashcroft, J.R. Gollan, P. Driver, Innovative approaches to identifying regional responses of biodiversity to climate change (2010: $60,000; 2011: $110,000; 2012: $100,000; 2013: $50,000)

    R.H. Grzebieta, A.M. Williamson, J. Olivier, R.F. Job, C.A. Karl, Safety management system for heavy vehicles transport (2010: $100,000; 2011: $89,000; 2012: $150,000; 2013: $161,000; 2014: $110,000)

  • F. Chen, Dividend optimization problems under Markov-regime switching collective risk models ($3,098)

    G. Geenens, A nonparametric functional method for signature recognition ($3,098)

  • S. Ajiev, Function spaces and quasi-linear evolution equations ($5,000)

    F. Chen, Dividend optimization problems under Markov-regime switching collective risk models ($5,000)

    I. Doust, Banach-Stone theorems for BV function algebras ($10,000)

    J. Du, A double hall algrebra approach for quantum Schur-Weyl theory ($10,000)

    G. Geenens, A nonparametric functional method for signature recognition ($5,000)

    B. Goldys, Stochastic conservation laws ($12,000)

    J. Kress, Polynomial algebras of superintegrable systems ($8,000)

    N. Wildberger, A novel algebraic approach to non-Euclidean geometry and inversive geometry ($5,000)

  • G.A. Froyland, New mathematics to detect and track ocean eddies and quantify their environmental impact in the Coral and Tasman Seas (2010: $40,000)

Grants Commencing in 2009

  • A. an Huef and A.D. Simms, Operator algebras associated to groupoids (2009: $95,000; 2010: $80,000; 2011: $80,000)

    M.L. Banner, W.L. Peirson and F. Dias, Forecasting wave breaking in directional seas (2009: $200,000; 2010: $80,000; 2011: $90,000)

    I. Sloan, E. Saff and H. Wendland, Innovations in spherical approximation - construction, analysis and applications (2009: $110,000; 2010: $110,000; 2011: $110,000)

    F.A. Sukochev, Q. Xu and V.V. Peller, Non-commutative analysis and differential calculus (2009: $82,000; 2010: $85,000; 2011: $80,000)

    D.I. Warton, N.R. Andrew and H. Gibb, Predicting the effect of climate change on community structure and function: An assessment using temperate grassland invertebrates (2009: $120,000; 2010: $90,000; 2011: $90,000)

    D.I. Warton, Advances in statistical methods for analysing high dimensional count data (2009: $94,000; 2010: $94,000; 2011: $94,000)

  • Cooper, Beard, Dore, Emery, French, Kelleher, Kent, Lloyd, Purcell, J. Murray (co-investigator), HIV and HCV vaccines and immunopathogenesis (2009-2013: $17,734,213)

    A. Williamson, R. Grzebieta, and J. Olivier, The relationship between fatigue, sleepiness and crash risk while driving (2009-2011: $427,200)

    James, Martin, Kraegen, Chisholm, Cooney, Ye, A. Coster (co-investigator), Pathways to Diabetes Prevention (2009-2013: $10,596,960)

Grants Commencing in 2008

  • S.S Ajiev, Functional and harmonic analysis of function spaces: Synthesis, development and applications (2008: $78,648; 2009: $78,648; 2010: $78,648)

    A.P Bassom (UWA), P.J. Blennerhassett (Â鶹Éçmadou) and C. Davies, The stability of unsteady fluid flows in channels and pipes (2008: $85,000; 2009: $85,000; 2010: $85,000)

    D.S. Chan, Towards Mike Artin's conjecture (2008: $45,000; 2009: $45,000; 2010: $40,000)

    A.H. Dooley, Dynamical systems: Theory and practice (2008: $85,000; 2009: $85,000; 2010: $80,000)

    M.H. England and W.P. Sijp, Coupled ocean-carbon-atmosphere feedbacks in the global climate system (2008: $145,000; 2009: $135,000; 2010: $135,000)

    M.H. England, Genesis of Australian Climate Extremes in the Southern Hemisphere extratropical ocean atmosphere (2008: $315,000)

    B.I. McNeil (QEII Fellowship), An Investigation into Oceanic CO2 Variability and its Influence on Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations (2008: $129,806; 2009: $123,806; 2010: $123,806; 2011: $120,000; 2012: $120,000)

    A. Pitman et al., Where will the species go? Revolutionising projections of species distributions with climate change (2008: $163,225; 2009: $133,000; 2010: $104,486; 2011: $11,986)

    M. Rutkowski, Stochastic Methods for Dynamic Risk Management (2008: $80,000; 2009: $80,000; 2010: $80,000)

    S.A. Sisson and Y. Fan, Innovations in Bayesian inference with applications to climate extremes (2008: $75,000; 2009: $70,000; 2010: $65,000)

    I.M. Suthers and M.E. Baird, Quantifying the role of salps in marine food webs and organic carbon export (2008: $87,708; 2009: $84,650; 2010: $77,426)

  • W. Dunsmuir, S. Galbraith et al., Levels of evidence for surrogate therapeutics ($513,875)

    J. Zaunders, J. Murray, and K. Suzuki, Processes underlying establishment and maintenance of the latent HIV reservoir and potential impact of integrase inhibitors (2008-2010: $305,500)

  • R.T. Kingsford, S.W. Laffan, D.I. Warton, J.A. Merson, R.A. Bradstock, R. Mulley, T.D. Auld and R.S. Chapple, Managing Ecosystem Change in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (2008: $150,000; 2009: $150,000)

  • S. Galbraith, A. Lloyd, B. Cameron, Gene expression correlates of chronic fatigue syndrome (from The Mason Foundation, 2008: $99,500)

    A. Vallely, P. Siba, J. Kaldor and J. Murray (co-investigator), Male circumcision for HIV prevention among at-risk men and women in Papua New Guinea: Acceptability, epidemiological impact, cost-effectiveness and options for implementation (Australian Development Research Awards, 2008-2010: $699,232)

    D. Wilson, A. Hoare, J. Murray, J. Kaldour and M. Law, Evaluating and predicting the epidemiological impact of health policies for reducing HIV in Melanesian and South-East Asian populations (Australian Development Research Awards, 2008-2010: $392,443)

  • D.I. Warton, Advances in statistical methods for analysing community abundance data in the environmental sciences ($30,000)

Grants Commencing in 2007

  • T. Britz, Chromatic polynomials, random graphs, and error-correcting codes: A unified approach to graph colouring problems (APD Fellowship) (2007: $82,518; 2008: $78,698; 2009: $80,850)

    J. Evans, Vulnerability of the Murray-Darling basin Hydrometeorology to human modification (Aust. Res. Fellowship) (2007: $143,000; 2008: $140,000; 2009: $125,000; 2010: $125,000; 2011: $125,000)

    J. Franklin and D.M. Armstrong, Mathematics, the science of real structure: An Australian realist philosophy of mathematics (2007: $40,000; 2008: $35,000; 2009: $35,000)

    G.A. Froyland, M. Dellnitz and A. Treguier, A Dynamical Systems Approach to Mapping Southern Ocean Circulation Pathways (2007: $100,000; 2008: $95,000; 2007: $90,000)

    V. Jeyakumar and M.A. Thera, Quadratic support function technique to solving hard global nonconvex optimization problems (2007: $84,000; 2008: $82,000; 2009: $80,000)

    F.Y. Kuo (QEII Fellowship), Innovative Methods for Very High Dimensional Problems (2007: $141,826; 2008: $139,761; 2009: $122,893; 2010: $122,893; 2011: $122,893)

    J.A.G. Roberts and F. Vivaldi (University of London), Signatures of order, chaos and symmetry in algebraic dynamics (2007: $95,000; 2008: $90,00; 2009: $85,000)

    I. Raeburn (UOW) and A. an Huef, Endomorphisms, transfer operators and Hilbert modules (2007: $150,131; 2008: $135,000; 2009: $120,000)

  • M.L. Banner, Nonlinear wave group evolution to breaking - innovative measurements and analysis (2007: $9,183)

  • A. Pitman et al., Reengineering a dynamic vegetation model to explore the stability of Australian terrestrial carbon (2007: $57,883; 2008: $63,856; 2009: $70,182)

  • M.H. England, Multiple equilibria in the Southern Ocean thermohaline circulation and links to global climate (from the Department of Environment and Water Resources, 2007-2008: $25,196)

    J. Franklin and S.A. Sisson, Evaluating frameworks for dealing with low probability - high consequence events (from the Australian Centre of Excellence for Risk Analysis, 2007-8: $33,000)

    A. Kelleher, J. Murray, J. Zaunders, S. Emery and D.A. Cooper, A pilot study of the differential effects of a HAART regime including MK-0518 commenced at primary or during chronic infection on viral reservoirs (from Merck Research Laboratories, 2007: $450,000)

    S. Penev and D. Leonte, Analysis of water quality measurements (from the Sydney Catchment Authority, 2007-8: $150,000)

    M. Roughan, Circulation and connectivity in Sydney estuaries (from the NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2007: $26,500)

  • B.I. McNeil, Investigating the oceanic influence on atmospheric CO2 concentrations via empirical analysis of ocean carbon measurements (2007: $40,000)

    D.I. Warton, Advances in statistical methods for analysing community abundance data in the environmental sciences (2007: $40,000)

    J. Zaunders and J. Murray, Delineation of establishment and maintenance of the T cell reservoirs of HIV-1 infection (2007: $40,000)

Grants Commencing in 2006

  • M.H. England, Genesis of Australian climate extremes in the Southern Hemisphere extra-tropical ocean-atmosphere (2006-2010: $1,711,626)

  • M.G. Cowling and B.T. Warhurst (APD), Geometry on Nilpotent Groups (2006: $93,000; 2007: $81,000; 2008: $81,000)

    M.H. England and A. Muller, Abrupt Southern Hemisphere climate change: The role of the Southern Ocean thermohaline circulation (2006: $85,000; 2007: $90,000; 2008: $95,000)

    Y. Fan and S.A. Sisson, Trans-dimensional and approximate Bayesian computation (2006: $69,657; 2007: $25,000; 2008: $25,000)

    J. Franklin and C.W. Legg, Restraint: Recovering the virtue of self-control or temperence to strengthen the Australian social fabric (2006: $31,000; 2007: $55,000; 2008: $60,000)

    J. Du, Algebras with Frobenius morphisms and quantum groups (2006: $78,000; 2007: $65,000; 2008: $67,000)

    B. Goldys and M.G. Roeckner, Large time behavior of solutions to stochastic partial differential equations (2006: $93,000; 2007: $83,000; 2008: $85,000)

    B.I. Henry and S. Wearne (Mount Sinai), Mathematical measurement and modelling of neuronal degeneration (2006: $103,000; 2007: $93,000; 2007: $95,000)

    R. Kohn (FCE) and D.J. Nott, Efficient estimation of statistical models with many parameters (2006: $110,000; 2007: $100,000; 2007: $106,000)

    A. Pitman et al., Do terrestrial processes intensify Australian droughts? (2006: $90,000, 2007: $75,000, 2008: $75,000)

  • J. Westbrook, W. Runciman, R. Day, W.T.M. Dunsmuir, J. Braithwaite and M. Williamson, The safety and effectiveness of hospital systems: A controlled time series study (2006-2008: $583,000)

  • M.L. Banner, R.P. Morison, Columbia University, University of Massachusetts, University of Miami and University of Victoria, Ocean surface wave optical roughness - innovative measurement and modeling (2006-2010: USD$386,653)

    M.L. Banner and R.P. Morison Validation study of wave breaking influence in a coupled wind wave model for hurricane wind conditions (2006-2007: USD$96,500)

  • D.A. Cooper, J. Murray, Kinetic analysis of decay in HIV replication following initiation of an HIV-integrase inhibitor MK-0818 (2006: $60,000)

  • B.I. McNeil, The role of the Southern Hemisphere ocean in controlling atmospheric CO2

    W.P. Sijp, What controls the transition from a hot house climate to a cold house climate: The Eocene/Oligocene climate transition

Grants Commencing in 2005

  • A. an Huef, Extension of representations and homogeneous spaces (2005: $50,000; 2006: $50,000; 2007: $50,000)

    M.E. Baird (ARF), Development of a coupled physical-biological model of size-structured biota in marine waters (2005: $105,000; 2006: $90,000; 2007: $90,000; 2008: $90,000; 2009: $90,000)

    D.S. Chan, Noncommutative algebraic geometry (2005: $46,000; 2006: $46,000; 2007: $45,000)

    A.H. Dooley, Symmetries in analysis (2005: $101,000; 2006: $91,000; 2007: $91,000)

    M.H. England, L.M. Leslie, S.B. Power (BMRC), D.J. Karoly (Oklahoma), Australian climate extremes and predictability in a changing CO2 world: The unique role of the Southern Hemisphere extratropical ocean-atmosphere (2005: $75,000; 2006: $75,000; 2007: $75,000)

    B. Goldys and R.S. Womersley, Market model of implied volatility (2005: $86,000; 2006: $86,000; 2007: $81,000)

    T.D. Hoang (Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications), B. Vo (Melbourne) and V. Jeyakumar, Convex optimisation for control, signal processing and communication systems (2005: $146,000; 2006: $131,000; 2007: $126,000)

    J.H. Middleton, R.W. Griffiths (ANU) and A.M. Moore (Colorado), Wake flows with upstream turbulence in marine, atmospheric and built environments (2005: $260,000; 2006: $232,000; 2007: $240,000; 2008: $240,000; 2009: $220,000)

    W.K. Schief and C. Rogers, On the geometry of liquid crystals and biological membranes (2005: $121,000; 2006: $91,000; 2007: $91,000)

    Y. Shao, L.M. Leslie and J. Le Marshall, Predicting soil loss from wind erosion using an integrated, high resolution, land surface data assimilation-modelling system (2005: $85,000; 2006: $85,000; 2007: $85,000)

    M. Wand and I. Koch, Statistical methods for flow cytometric data (2005: $132,000; 2006: $84,000; 2007: $85,000)

  • G. Froyland, N. Boland (Melbourne), M. Menabde (BHP Billiton) and M. Zuckerberg (BHP Billiton), A mathematical approach to flexible management of open pit mines with uncertain geology and unpredictable demand (2005: $38,000; 2006: $74,000; 2007: $72,000; 2008: $36,000)

  • C.C. Tisdell, Boundary value problems for differential inclusions (2005-2006: $5,600)

  • D. James (Garvan Institute), A. Coster and V. Wasinger (Bioanalytical Mass Spectroscopy Facility), GLUT4 trafficking (2005-2007: $462,750)

  • M.L. Banner and W.L. Peirson (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Predicting wave breaking in directional wind seas

    A. Sharma (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

    D.J. Nott and L.A. Marshall, Modelling surface water flow in ungauged catchments using a Bayesian hierarchical approach

    J.A.G. Roberts and F. Vivaldi (Queen Mary College, University of London), Signatures of order, chaos and symmetry over finite fields

    S.S. Rahman (Petroleum Engineering) and T. Tran, Development of an innovative simulation technique to enhance productivity from low permeability naturally fractured reservoirs

    T. Tran and W. McLean, Local mesh refinement and preconditioning techniques in computational science

Grants Commencing in 2004

  • A. Coster, Nonlinear dynamics of pulse-coupled oscillators (2004: $68,000; 2005: $68,000; 2006: $68,000)

    V. Jeyakumar and A.M. Rubinov (University of Ballarat), Necessary and sufficient conditions for global minimum in multi-extremal global optimisation (2004: $94,158; 2005: $94,158; 2006: $94,158)

    H.D. Qi (QEII Fellowship), Nonsmooth optimization in constrained spline interpolation (2004: $102,646; 2005: $104,146; 2006: $105,146; 2007: $105,646; 2008: $102,646)

    C.C. Tisdell, Dynamic equations on measure chains (2004: $43,700; 2005: $43,700; 2006: $43,700)

    R.S. Womersley, Approximation, cubature and point designs on spheres (2004: $70,000; 2005: $70,000; 2006: $70,000)

  • L.M. Leslie, D.W. Buckley, J. Le Marshall, L. Qi (APDI), Western Australia severe weather prediction: Optimising forecasts using new data sources and improved high-resolution models, with the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology (2004: $39,580; 2005: $75,673; 2006: $75,673; 2007: $39,580)

    J.H. Middleton, Measuring boundary layer flows with airborne LIDAR, with Swan International Services Pty Ltd (2004: $30,000; 2005: $52,500; 2006: $42,500; 2007: $20,000)

  • C. Finch and W.T.M. Dunsmuir, Biostatistical approaches for injury data (2004-2007: $233,500)

  • A. an Huef, Imprimitivity theorems and extension of representations ($7,000)

    M.L. Banner, Refining new breaking wave parameterisation in storm seas ($12,000)

    T.G. Bates, The noncommutative geometry of graph C*-algebras ($6,000)

    D.S. Chan, Noncommutative algebraic geometry ($12,000)

    I.R. Doust, Operator theory and the structure of Banach spaces ($8,000)

    J. Du, Qunatum groups: Their structure, realization and representations ($14,000)

    M.H. England, Extratropical ocean variability and its role in extremes and predictability of Australian climate ($12,000)

    Y. Fan, Adaption, assessment and application of dimension varying Markov Chain Monte Carlo ($7,000)

    C.S. Greenhill, Contiguity for new models of random regular graphs ($9,000)

    B. Goldys, Parabolic Anderson Model and fluctuations of interfaces ($10,000)

    B. Jefferies, Applications of functional calculi for systems of operators ($9,000)

    I. Koch and M. Wand, Development of statistical learning methods for classifying antibodies from flow cytometry data ($8,000)

    J. Kress, Closure of symmetry algebras in superintegrable systems ($7,000)

    L. Leslie, Ensemble forecasting methods for tropical cyclone modelling and prediction ($12,000)

    J.F. Middleton, Upwelling within submarine canyons, the Flinders current and atmospheric forcing ($9,000)

    J.H. Middleton and M.E. Baird, East Australia current frontal processes at 30S ($10,000)

    J.M. Murray, Quantitative analysis of human immunodeficiency virus and the immune system ($7,000)

    E.S. Noussair, The existence and qualitative properties of standing wave solutions for nonlinear Schrodinger equations ($9,000)

    J.A.G. Roberts, Integrability and symmetry of rational maps over finite fields ($12,000)

    S.A. Sisson, Extremal dependence in financial series ($7,000)

    T. Tran and W. McLean, Efficient solvers for boundary integral equations ($14,000)

Grants Commencing in 2003

    • B. Goldys and F. Gozzi, Optimal control of stochastic partial differential equations (2003: $50,000)
    • B.I. Henry and S.L. Warne (Mount Sinai), Diffusion driven pattern formation and signal propagation in spatially complex excitable media (2003: $60,000; 2004: $65,000; 2005: $60,000)
    • R.J. Kohn (FCE), S.A. Wood (AGSM) and D.J. Nott, Bayesian inference for complex regression models using mixtures (2003: $65,000; 2004: $57,200; 2005: $50,336)
    • I.H. Sloan and M. Ganesh, Advanced computational algorithms for three-dimensional systems (2003: $100,000; 2004: $100,000; 2005: $90,000; 2006: $85,000; 2007: $80,000)

    A.H. Dooley, C. Rogers and I.H. Sloan are also chief investigators of the ARC Centre of Excellence Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems, which has a major node at Â鶹Éçmadou, with funding from the ARC and the Department of State and Regional Development (2003: $444,000; 2004:$445,000; 2005: $483,000; 2006: $486,000; $2007: $513,000).

  • N. Boland (Melbourne), P.G. Taylor (Melbourne), G. Froyland and M. Menabde (BHP Billiton), Using mathematics to maximize the value of open pit mines (2003: $30,549; 2004: $55,139; 2005: $24,590)

  • A. an Huef, Duality of induction and restriction of representation and amenability ($10,000)

    T. Bates, Shift spaces and C*-algebras ($11,155)

    P. Blennerhassett, Stability properties of oscillatory flow in pipes and channels ($5,000)

    D. Chan, Noncommutative algebraic geometry ($13,000)

    I.R. Doust, Functional calculus and Banach space decompositions ($15,000)

    J. Du, Quivers, Hall algebras, quantum groups and their representations ($19,000)

    M.H. England, Southern Ocean water masses: Stability, variability and long-term change ($15,000)

    J.W. Franklin, Australia's postwar immigration: The international dimension ($7,970)

    V. Jeyakumar, Nonsmooth variational conditions characterizing solution sets of cone-constrained convex optimization problems ($15,000)

    J.M. Kress, Quadratic algebras and superintegrable systems ($5,000)

    L. Leslie and L. Qi, Incorporating ensembe forecast techniques in a numerical model for tropical cyclone simulation and prediction ($12,000)

    J.M. Murray, Quantitative analysis of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus and the T cell response ($12,000)

    J.A.G. Roberts, Detection and creation of discrete integrable dynamical systems ($16,000)

    C.C. Tisdell, On the existence of multiple solutions to the nonlinear boundary value problem for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations ($10,000).

Grants Commencing in 2002

  • M. Cowling, Iwasawa N groups (2002: $78,792; 2003: $82,000; 2004: $86,500; 2005: $70,000; 2006: $70,000)Ìý
  • A.H. DooleyÌýand G. Mortiss, Group orbits in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory (2002: $95,000; 2003: $125,000; 2004: $125,000; 2005: $60,000; 2006: $60,000)
  • J.F. Middleton, Coastal processes driven by the East Australia current (2002: $63,000; 2003: $66,000; 2004: $87,000)
  • L. Qi, Robust reformulation methods (2002: $60,000; 2003: $75,000; 2004: $75,000)
  • N. Wildberger, Harmonic analysis on Lie groups via hypergroup convolution structures (2002: $30,000; 2003: $40,000; 2004: $40,000)

Grants Commencing in 2001

  • M. BannerÌýandÌýL. Leslie, Incorporation of wave breaking into coupled marine wind-ocean wave models for severe weather conditions (2001: $65,000; 2002: $64,700; 2003: $65,500)
  • ÌýM. EnglandÌýand C.J. Reason, J. Ribbe (Universidad de Concepcion), S.R. Rintoul (CSIRO), S. Rahmstorf (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), A.C. Hirst (CSIRO) and W. Cai (CSIRO), Midlatitude variability in the Southern Ocean and its role in Australian climate (2001: $50,000; 2002: $56,700; 2003: $57,500)
  • L. Qi,ÌýR.S. Womersley, Y. Ye (University of Iowa), A. Dontchev (American Mathematical Society) and D. Sun (National University of Singapore), Generalized Newton methods for constrained approximation problems and sum of norms problems (2001: $55,000; 2002: $55,000; 2003: $55,000)
  • C. RogersÌýandÌýW. Schief, Deformation of isothermic surfaces and K-nets in membrane theory and nonlinear elasticity: Application of solitonic methods (2001: $68,348; 2002: $64,657; 2003: $64,906)
  • A. Sharma (CSE),ÌýW.T. DunsmuirÌýand U. Lall (Utah State University) Seasonal to interannual ensemble forecasts of reservoir inflow volumes (2001: $39,000.00; 2002: $36,700.00; 2003: $37,500.00)
  • I.H. SloanÌý, H. Wozniakowski (Columbia University), S. Joe (University of Waikato),ÌýR.S. WomersleyÌýandÌýM. Ganesh, Multivariate integration and approximation (2001: $70,000; 2002: $70,000; 2003: $70,000)
  • I. Young (Adelaide) andÌýM. Banner, Modelling ocean waves in coastal waters:ÌýA new approach based on recent physical insight into wave breaking (2001: $65,949; 2002: $64,891; 2003: $58,416).