As the study of biological systems becomes more quantitative, the part that mathematical analysis plays increases.

Biomathematics extends from the macroscopic, such as modelling the spread of a disease through a community, to the microscopic, such as determining the three-dimensional structure of proteins from knowledge of their sequence of amino acids.
Research interests
- Nonlinear dynamics of communication between cardiac pacemaker cells, as well as their response to external stimulation.
- Unified mathematical model of the electrophysiology of charophytes (brackish water plants).
- Dynamics of the movement of glucose transporters in adipocyte (fat) cells and the role of insulin in their expression.
- Multifractal scaling of neuron morphologies to identify age-related characteristics.
- Fractional reaction-diffusion equations as models for pattern formation in systems in which the diffusion is anomalous.
- Modelling transport processes in inhomogeneous biological media ranging from molecular, cellular and network to whole organisms.
- Analysis of neuronal signaling dynamics in inhomogeneous neural cables.
- Methods of nonlinear dynamics to find evidence for low dimensional deterministic chaos in arterial blood pressure data, the first stage in attempting to identify a diagnostic for predisposition to chronic hypertension.
- Immune system dynamics.
- HIV, hepatitis B and C.
- Epidemiology.
- Cancer chemotherapy.
- Dynamics of drug resistance.