The following is a list of courses we offer Mathematics and Statistics majors at third year.
Not all Level III courses in Mathematics and Statistics are offered every year. If a course is not being offered in a particular year, the course entry below will indicate that.Â
Students proceeding to Year 4 (Honours) in some area of Mathematics or Statistics should consult with the relevant Honours Directors (see the information about Honours) before making a final choice of Level III courses.Â
- DATA3001 Data Science and Decisions
- MATH3041 Mathematical Modelling for Real World Systems
- MATH3051 Applied Real and Functional Analysis
- MATH3101 Computational Mathematics for Science and Engineering (even years)
- MATH3121 Mathematical Methods and Partial Differential Equations
- MATH3161 Optimization
- MATH3171 Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling (odd years)
- MATH3191 Mathematical Optimization for Data Science (even years)
- MATH3201 Dynamical Systems and Chaos
- MATH3261 Fluids, Oceans and Climate
- MATH3311 Mathematical Computing for Finance
- MATH3361Â Stochastic Differential Equations (odd years)
- MATH3371Â Numerical Linear Algebra
- MATH6781 Biomathematics
- MATH3801 Probabilty and Stochastic ProcessesÂ
- MATH3811 Statistical InferenceÂ
- MATH3821 Statistical Modelling and Computing
- MATH3831 Statistical Methods in Social and Market Research
- MATH3841 Statistical Analysis of Dependent Data
- MATH3851 Experimental Design and Categorical Data
- MATH3901 Higher Probability and Stochastic Processes
- MATH3911 Higher Statistical Inference
Note that Projects are resticted to the best students and need special permission. See Rules for mathematics thesis and project courses.
- Mathematics/Statistics Project
- Mathematics/Statistics Project
- Mathematics/Statistics Project